

Meth kills, God please let it do it's work quickly to sergio.

I'll take the insults from cyberspace. I've read you are a farmer (or something of the like) from old posts. Mad respect dude, seriously, you guys get fucked outta too much loot, and bitch ass city-boys like myself give you too much shit about all this. Take pride in your work, there's a Steinbeck quote missing at the moment...in a stange way you are what makes the world go round...and if this is so be it. Humanity people, humanity...look around you,bums in cali to hookers on Sunset. Feel free to ask that simp question "why God why."

Farmer? Then you didn't read very well. I'm an electrical engineer numb nuts.

What's your specific area of expertise?

Killing christians is so cool.