
Anyhow, back to the real life events.....YES, it can be told (and monkey can jerk off if he wants...its his cage) I Da Burglar am crippled (not "Handicapped" or "Handicapable", not physically-fucking-challenged, not Differently abled)....Crippled -- straight out of South Park "Timmmmmmayy" I use a wheelchair to get around.

What are your views on concentration camps for the differently abled? Ever since Jamesn posted this idea I have thought it more and more a viable solution to many of life's problems. "Care" of the disabled could be implemented faster and more efficiently having them all in a centralized area. Yes that's right, a mega internment facility for the disabled. Security could be quite minimal due to any resistance easily being quelled. Mind you the crippled could not do any hard labor work but instead would be organized into two central camps. One camp of academia for people like Da Burglar, they would process information, catalog it and would R&D new technologies under gunpoint. The second camp would be subjects of medical testing, “volunteers” you might call them.

Disabled people are a downer for anyone around to see, their chairs are difficult to accommodate and are annoying to navigate around. Removing them from society would eliminate the need for fat inducing elevators and the money wasted on wheelchair ramps could be diverted to funding the extermination of the homeless. Just a couple of thoughts, how about you?

Edited by ChickenMaster (05/23/05 11:23 PM)