
not women with Boston Accents

Well, there was the kelli richards in the 80's (I think) that always wanted to be fucked "haahhda". Then again she wasn't all that hot.

I wasted three hours of my life today on Southern women. One who will be a business woman (for however brief a period) who spent our preconstruction meeting period telling me who she was related or married to, and why that was going to make her business a success. Sorry but even down here at some point people expect you to deliver the goods.

The next two hours were wasted with a brilliant woman who allowed herself to be worked up by the maintenance man who works for her company. My company is doing some work for theirs. The maintenance guy overheard a discussion between a building inspector throwing her weight around with one of my employees and before I could perform an intervention the owner of the client company (who is also a friend of mine) is calling me from a continent away asking me if all his employees are going to be thrown out of their new building because when you test the fire alarm the monitoring company dispatches firetrucks to a nonexistent address 20 miles from the site. The brilliant woman was the company controller, not the building inspector.

That's all more boring than standing up a porn production crew, farting in a museum or being published willy-nilly by Luke Ford but hey, some men lead lives of quiet desperation.

This time next week I will be 60 miles offshore surrounded by the blue waters of the Gulfstream and the internet and museum farts just won't come into play.