Not related to Mark Wood's All About Ass series on Visual Images, it should’ve been called It’s All About Nautica’s Ass and hot on the heels of the recent Nautica AMA contract signing I decided to reopen the case on one of her greater earlier performances to warm up. Look at the boxcover right where the dvd gets to the thick of the matter, Nautica’s phat ass phlesh waves had me slutnotized by the way her butt rises to the occasion face down ass up with a back that arc(h)ed up towards her hair tossed over her shoulders silky sexy smooth ride me glares shot at the camera for the benefit of Mr. Hellkite flying high in my pants through a hog’s head of real fire look at that shaved pink cave-in when pounded by a some new fool I didn’t recognize. This guy doesn’t need to go to heaven when he dies, shithead did Nautica. An unbridled beauty who’s an aesthetic masturpiece of ass on display in a prominent place within Smut’s many-tired vaults of sin or in plain English; porno purification worth paying for. If they served porn like this all the time my blood pressure would prolly take a nosedive and that’s just the opening porkling of this teriffic flick look at who boinks next Lauren Phoenix circa ’03. Need I say more? She’s got ass that don’t quit herself and despite what you might think by the title it’s all about the ASS, not anal… ‘tis ok. Smut don’t sleep on Soma, and this performance awakened the winky like a nodoz of cooze. Thin, sultry brown skin w/ a distinct look that gives her a unique glare amid the grind. Trust Me. Smokes the gleek pipe fabuously doggy be glory like Rhiannon Bray missionary in equality to the deluscious bodies pounded piller to bedpost. Peep Lucy Lee and some cute ho’ named Alex. Quality flick by Rick Davis a "who dat?" director that I'll look for more from now on plus good editing by Cszaba the hun makes It’s All About Ass a keepsake. I promise. [Cherry Boxxx]
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