Part V
He Completes His Homework Assignment On Ligting In Porn. He Read All The Jibbersh From MLions and had this to say...............


Here is my thought in a nutshell.

Ok, I agree on some of the points made here, and others I lack the knowlage to differ.
I agree on that lighting is a very important part of any kind of fi;m/video making,
With todays Technology it makes both film and video a lot easyer than in the past. You also now have cgi witch greatly enhances the process.
Witch is incoperated in both film, and video processes, witch makes it easyer to go back and correct lighting, enhancing a scen with special effects. In film making today is going more and more to digatil media. So these days on the big screen they can acualy play back the seen as it would appear on the film. Now making film production more coast effective. With video these days it is possible to under light a scene, or over light a scene. Therefor the cam will not be able to keep up with motion in the scene, as of the translation for film vs video on witch truns out better quality though lighting, I believe it all comes down to the lighting tech. video give you insantan gratification, and a quick methode to get what you want out to others. With these other adjunts for making film, and video, Lighting will always be a big part in any kind of film/video making.