... at gunpoint and it's all caught on tape!

From Gene Ross at www.adultfyi.com

Here's the story that's not being told about the Joe "Girls Gone Wild" Francis burglary. Francis was allegedly sodomized by four black guys at gunpoint while a tape was being made of the action. The New York Post words it thusly: "Francis returned to his Bel Air home as it was being robbed. The intruder Francis recently identified as [Darnell] Riley held him at gunpoint and stole $300,000 in cash and valuables. Sources added that Francis was "being blackmailed." Francis would only say, "I can confirm I was robbed at gunpoint." Francis is being blackmailed and the FBI's involved.

I have absolutely nothing to add to this except to say "ouch". I just posted it here because I want as many people as possible to read this. The more people read it, the better the world will be. I don't know why I feel this way, but I do.
"Bornyo sleeps under a bearskin that he killed and skinned when he was 5. He just stared the thing dead with mind bullets." - Floofin