In general, with a few exceptions, Porn whores tend to be the most slothy of all forms of whores. This is not to say that many whores, particularly High class whores who earn a lot per hour, dont WORK hard perfecting their laziness and sloth ridden lifestyle, thus embodying a type of Irony, even an Oxy(coodone)Moron....

But Some porn chicks will do ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING to avoid working what most people would consider even minimally productive jobs (like Hot Dog-on-a-stick, or Cologne sprayers in Macy's)...they dont even want to do the work associated with being a private escort/whore, one who works without an agency or pimp and must do all her own booking, preparation, marketing and networking. Nope, a typical DUMB, Empty porn chick just relies on her agent, shows up and does what COMES NATURALLY, forks over the agent's fee (more "money for nuthin"), and then goes home to sleep/snort, or shop.

Here is what I mean by "Doing anything to avoid working hard" (could also be titled, if it were an exhibit on a wall in a Warhol-esque modern day Pop art museum..."Allergic to Gainful Employment")

Are you gonna eat that?