A sad day, the baddest motherfucker in hockey finally retires the axe.

Story from ESPN.

Domi was forever linked with Bob Probert in the "Ali/Frazier" of the NHL.
Ali: Bob Probert, Red Wings. Probert, a Canadian citizen, actually got himself banned from entering Canada for 2 years after being convicted of trafficing cocaine in the mid-1980s.
Frazier: Tie Domi, New York Rangers. From the same hometown as Probert, led the NHL in fighting majors 5 years. After knocking a guy out, once tried to break his shoulder by dropping his knee WWF-style.
When Probert returned to Detroit to play in 1990, he had 2 eipc fights with Domi, both ironically at Madison Square Garden. In the first fight, Domi put a gash over Probert's eye which rendered him useles for the rest of the game. Domi was seen to be skating to the Sin Bin pretending to hold up a fighter's title belt. In the next meeting of the teams, Probert challenged Domi in the first 2 minutes of the game, and landed a series of punches which knocked Domi out, he passed out for 2 minutes. This time, as Domi skated past the Detroit bench under a linesman's assistance, the Red Wing's normally-reserved captain Steve Yzerman taunted Domi by making the same fight belt gesture. It literally was the Ali-Frazier of hockey.

More great fights.
