I posted this as my latest blog on Myspace.com and to make it easier on me I decided to post it here as well to get the word across. LOL but anyways, see you guys next week....


I'm getting married!!!! Hahahahha you fuckin bastards I can't believe you fell for that!!! GOSH!!!

Being that I highly doubt I'll will or have time or better yet WANT TO... access internet while I'm gone. Consider yourself lucky or me just truly addicted to the internet if I do happen to log-in anytime between this evening and Monday night. LOL

I will be heading up north to Monterey for the long weekend. To witness a loverly couple being binded by marriage. Sounds scary but I don't doubt their happiness at all from what I have seen *wink*

This will be a bad ass ADVENTURE LOL to say the least. We all need a time to get away from home and now is the time. There's nothing better than the fresh air of Monterey. The beauty of the surrounding land and ocean. The drive up there... the amount of sex and alcohol, even music and being around a bunch of happy people. Nah, it don't get better than that.

Oh!!! And guess what? THe world is nearly coming to an end because on Sunday, Gen dorky Padova will be wearing a dress AND HEELS... yep, that's right. I'm gonna be a woman for a day. How sweet. LOL Look at me, I'm growing up. hahahhaha whateva!

Anyhow, I just didn't want you important weirdos to think I fell off the face of the earth. Surely I'll still be alive to haunt any of those who cross my path.

Have a great rest of the week and weekend. And bless me with a safe drive up there cuz sometimes people like to stick their hand in places that are very distracting when driving, damn it. LOL
