Scat. Definitions for this word found in Webster’s include “to move hastily”; “a form of jazz singing using improvised nonsense syllables in place of instruments”; and “slang for Heroin (or whiskey in the early 19th century.” The word Scat itself is seemingly innocuous, yet today for even infrequent, casual consumers of adult material the word carries quite a payload of explosive controversy (all puns fully intended)…It has come to be a recognized substitute for the intransitive verb form of the word “Shit” and thus, Scat, refers to movies depicting defecation. I recall my Grandmother saying to us when we were young, “Now you kids scat while I make dinner.” I wonder what Grandma Da Burglar’s reaction would have been if my brother, my sister and I had dropped our Dapper Dan coveralls and taken synchronized dumps right then and there on her kitchen floor?

What created the appetite in people to see and even participate in acts involving defecation on and around other human beings? More importantly how is this appetite tied to the sexual appetite? Sex is, after all about life, love and pleasure. Scat is about…poop…and pooping…and stench. Sex is fun…poop is not.

Some people say it is the ultimate in degradation, to have someone shit upon you, or to even EAT their shit. The title of this short essay is a play on the overblown clichéd insult “Eat Shit and Die!!” However, it is my considered opinion that the people who claim to receive sexual pleasure from degrading acts like scat, and people who get paid to perform these degrading acts for money, WOULD IN FACT find it more degrading to perform a honest semi-laborious task like mowing my lawn for 40 bucks. How ironic…

This morning, I woke up and promptly sat down to move my bowels…I had injured my ribs lifting weights several days ago and had taken Vicodin for 3 days so I was constipated…the STENCH from my private scat session with my porcelain scat partner was such that I had to open the window…it was 17 degrees outside where I live. In the darkest corners of my mind there is no way I can fathom that someone, somewhere would want what just emerged from my rectum on their chest….
Are you gonna eat that?