
Sir, don't take this the wrong way, but I'm tired of hearing the endless obituaries of your time with Keiko. We called her a whore back then, you call her a whore now. What the hell is different in the last four years?

Seriously, can you bring something more to the place than some post-emo whining? We all know you did porn, but let's face it, you did "Nerdz." That didnt't exactly put you on the Jules Jordan "first responders" list. You were AMA talent for shits' sake.

If you wanna post, I suppose you haven't done anything patently against the few rules here. But for God's sake, have a better take. Terrence in Sierra Madre thinks you're worn out. Didn't we ban you one for your own good, right after you moved to Florida but couldn't stop posting? Don't answer that, yeah, we did. I remember.

Buen Suerte, Roberto.