We just added a new batch of full-length, full screen DivX movies to Jerkoffzone.com! Here's our previous press release about the technology:

J.M. Productions Brings Digital Degradation to Your PC
March 12, 2003

Canoga Park - J.M. Productions is bringing degradation into the new millennium with the addition of high quality video-on-demand to their popular website, jerkoffzone.com.

The new service utilizes the DivX Open Video System, which allows PC users with a broadband Internet connection and the free DivX player, to download full-length, full-screen, DVD-quality J.M. videos for playback on their computer for a small rental fee.

Jerkoffzone.com webmaster Tony Malice points out that "since you download the entire movie directly to your computer, the smoothness of the video playback and the picture quality are no longer dependant upon your Internet connection speed. In addition, with this system our customers can watch the downloaded portion of a movie before the transfer completes, and easily resume the transfer at any time should it be interrupted."

"We have been waiting for the right technological solution to come along to bring video-on-demand to our fans. In the end, the stunning quality of the DivX format made it the obvious choice to deliver ball draining filth to discerning perverts everywhere," adds J.M. director of degradation, Jeff Steward.

The site has launched with 20 full-length J.M.movies available for your viewing pleasure, including such family classics as Gag Factor, American Bukkake and Girlvert, with more titles to be added every few weeks. Check it out today at http://www.jerkoffzone.com/divx/ - enjoy.

J.M. Productions
Now you can masturbate to Chatsworth Pictures on demand!