
I was approached by a well known agent in LA who promised me the world and I fell for it. So I fly out to LA and spend the next few weeks doing nothing but watching him lay around the house doing nothing. He made it very clear I had to audition for him so he could book me with confidence…

It was "his reputation on the line - not mine" after all… I went along with this the first time hoping that he would keep his end of the agreement. Flash forward a couple weeks. No work. No money. By this point I had had just about enough of this. I ask him if I am ever going to get any bookings. He got very angry. He started shouting.

I think his exact words were "If you don’t like the amount of bookings I’m getting for you, maybe if you stopped bitching and blew me from time to time I would be more motivated to get you more shoots" OK. I may not be the easiest girl to get along with. No way was I going to take that. I pick up the phone and called around. I got Brian on the phone at

I had spoken to him prior to going to LA but had decided to go with the LA guy. Everything this LA agent was telling me sounded so good. You would have done the same. I tell Brian what’s going on. Of course the agent’s listening outside my door. Now things gets NASTY. It turns into a real scene. I’m getting pushed around, verbally abused and then thrown out of the house.

I’m out in the middle of the street - bags in hand. ZERO money in my pocket. In the middle of LA.

I call Brian back. He calls someone who picked me up, took me to the Burbank Airport and put me on a flight to Fort Lauderdale that they paid for. Brian & Karen were waiting for me at the gate when I got off the plane in Fort Lauderdale.

When it came to booking me, they did an awesome job. They lined up enough shoots so that I wouldn’t have to worry about money for a while. They took me shopping, nails done, out to eat.

It was almost a vacation at times. They just took great care of me. Things were going good. That should have been the end of this story. It’s not.

If I had still been in that LA model house or any other house, I shudder to think how this would have turned out. See, I knew I was walking around with a potentially serious medical problem. I thought it was under control and had stopped progressing. I was trying to hold it together until I got home so I could have MY doctor handle it.

I almost made it.

I had a ectopic-tubal pregnancy. For those of you who know what this is, this is not something you fool with. If left untreated and the fertilized embryo continues to grow inside your fallopian tube, you can burst that tube and between bleeding and shock you can die in a matter of hours.

I was in and out of the hospital twice in the 5 days leading up to this disaster. Warning signs.

Shoots got cancelled, staff dropped everything to drive me to and from the hospital. One staffer stayed in the ER with me until 1am so I would not be alone. Two nights before I’m scheduled to fly home, the worst pain I have ever felt in my entire life kicks in about 3:00AM.

I called Karen, since I couldn’t get up, and she rushed me to the hospital for the 3rd time in 5 days. My fallopian tube had burst and blood was just pouring out into me internally.

The doctors said another hour or two and I would not have made it. I spent the next 3 days in the hospital on IV antibiotics and morphine drip.

The entire Giirlzinc staff came by every day. The girls staying at the house came. They had a friend who is a doctor at another hospital came by to check on me each day and make sure the staff at the hospital was taking the best care of me.

What I am saying is this: They treated me like family, not a disposable asset. After I was released from the hospital, they took me home and took care of me until I was strong enough to get on a plane and fly home. To say they went above and beyond the call of professional courtesy is the understatement of a lifetime.

They saved me from two crisis’s in a little under a 2 weeks.

I can not begin to thank you guys enough. There are just no words.

Love you guys tons!

Autumn Stone


Am I to understand the "read between the lines statement here is".......

I had spoken to him prior to going to LA but had decided to go with the LA guy. Everything this LA agent was telling me sounded so good. You would have done the same. I tell Brian what’s going on. Of course the agent’s listening outside my door. Now things gets NASTY . It turns into a real scene. I’m getting pushed around, verbally abused and then thrown out of the house.

Perhaps Dick NASTY??? hummmmmmmmmmm.......

Then again....I do love the little comments!!!