Apologies. I originally posted this in the "Pornarium" thread, but that is left to better devices...

IMO, porn writing/reporting was much better about eight years ago. Gene was still reliable with news (or his "Grand Vizier" source), you had Luke Ford and his Camera of Death and his blunt questions. You had retards like Scott Fayner who were cokeheads but were nonetheless willing to shoot straight. AVN actually wrote stories (slanted though they were), and the whores were doing what whores do...going wherever to get attention.

You also had people on this website actually looking at what these skanks were saying, and calling them on the carpet. Like when Fatja Kassin came in and decried whores who hook...except that she was doing the same thing. When Christian got outed for doing tranny films by ElG. Arab's analysis of JKP and Bob Friedlander that led to the company's demise.

Two things have ruined the way porn is described: (i) Twitter. A whore is not allowed to have any expansive impressions on like she/he would in a Luke Ford or Khan Tusion Meatholes interview. They just post random shit that falls out of their incompetent brains, which just so happen to not be able to keep a single thought for < 140 characters. (ii) webcasts. I have listened to a Rob Black show for about 5 minutes, and I just wanted to stick a sharp knife in my ears. He might be saying true things, but the convict is utterly abrasive, uneducated, and probably does not know how to accomplish this agenda he seems to have.

Porno used to be kept close to the vest by its producer and performers. When something happened...and it leaked out...it was a big deal. But porno idiots wanted to be "mainstream." They wanted to walk down the red carpet at Graumann's Chinese Theater, not the mauve carpet at the Sands Expo Center.

And they got their wish. Porno is everywhere. Sheen is knocking up whores, Sizemore molested Jersey Jaxin, fuckin' Keifer was plowing Flick Shagwell. And what they got is exactly what I assumed--all the toilets in porno are getting cleaned by people with better business sense than these dupes ever had. Or they have been so brazen that people who don't want them around and are trying to shut them down. Gone are the gentle days of Margold and Kat Sunlove and a few other whores hoofing around Sacramento to massage the egos of the state assembly. Gone are the "Cambria Rules."

It's all a big cluster fuck, and it's their own fault. Don't blame Rob Black, he just needs some cash to buy shampoo. Don't blame Gene for selling out, he got tired of the swindle. Blame it on an "industry" where douchebags like Reg Senter and Stoney Curtis can make money for decades, and then get tossed on their asses because someone came in with some business sense and kicked these shitbags out.

I know...too many words. Rant over.