Ron Jeremy is totally out of his mind or what?

Originally Posted By: Ron Jeremy
Violent video games have "a much bigger negative influence on kids" than pornography.parents should be more worried about the harmful effects of such games.
"Parents can block this stuff (video games) and need to stop blaming porn for a bad case of parenting.

Mr Jeremy's comments were made at a session called the Great Porn Debate during the Consumer Electronics Show, CES, in Las Vegas.
His comments angered gamers, who accused him of "ignorance".
Mr Jeremy's appearance at CES in Las Vegas caused some raised eyebrows.
He took time away from the Adult Entertainment Expo, which takes place in Las Vegas at the same time as the annual tech fest, to speak out on behalf of his profession and promote some practical tools.

Edited by Ekarth22 (09/29/11 04:49 AM)
Originally Posted By: Paperchase
Match point to his excellency Lord Ekarth, the true Patron of Pornography and a Connoisseur of Shemales