Seems like a lot of smutworkers and the like are in the pokey these the top of by head:

-- Lucy Lee in jail for a year near Bakersfield for violating her parole when she went postal in a liquor store, violating her probation for stealing a car.

-- Brian Not-Quite-As-Sure-Wood awaiting trial for second degree murder, unable to make bail.

-- Bianca Trump doing a year in Washington for assault.

-- Cytherea's ex-suitcase pimp Brian Plus One, at the LA County jail, awaiting trial on some unknown felony...unable to make bail.

-- Wes Pipes allegedly in jail for drug distribution, somewhere in Texas

-- Mickey G awaiting trial in LA for assaulting & blinding Roxettas ex-boyfriend.

-- Mickey Fine, Reuben Sturman's attorney, doing 40 years for murder after trying to firebomb a porn shop in Chicago in 1982.

-- Jack Venice in jail in Washington, tried to rape a college student.

-- Melissa Walker, English whore doing time for stabbing her boyfriend.

who else?