yeah, i fucked that whore, who i knew as 'rae rae'.

she's classically beautiful, but she turned out to be a total bitch. she has that obese pimp guy out in cali and he's the only dude she actually sticks with becauz he gots a buttload of cash, me, im just a blue collar guy trying to live my life as a painter, buck to buck, gettin what pussy i can get.

well long story short, i got tired of playing second baseman, so i dropped that trick. i mean, its like my pops used to tell me, 'all women are whores' but rae rae took the fukin cake dude, she'd fuck anything that moves (even pathetic 28 year old virgins. lol).

anyways here are some grievunses i had wit her:

she had this annoying habit of taking huge stinking dumps after i got thru fuckin her, and goddamn that usually spoiled the moment. and i wont even go through the time she didnt bother to be prepared for me fuckin her ass. my lil petey hates to get muddy while goin down the hershey hi-way (lil petey is 8 1/2 inches, btw, ladies. so "lil petey" is kinda a joke, like callin a big black dude "tiny").

and the new years eve we spent together was really special, til the bitch vomited on me. and i kno damn well she can usually hold her liquor, so im sure she did that shit on purpose, cuz she knew i was wearing one of my best Affliction t'shirts and she wanted to fuckin ruin it.. the fuckin whore!!!!!!!!!

Here we are from last xmas, in happyer times.

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