Her body is unreal, but her face looks like a horse head in my opinion. Obviously we have to see her when we go to AdultFYI. It is my belief that she is descendent from horses. I was thinking that she might be really attractive with about $50,000 of plastic surgery. It would be fun to cast her tied to a horse drawn carriage with blinders to hide a good portion of her face.

Another porn debutante whom I find particularly low on the evolutionary scale would be Tyler Faith. She has the nose of a long beaked eagle in flight. I can hear her cawing as crows do and eating raw nasty carrion and small bugs as she does. I think it would be fun to hire her and make her caw and flap her arms around in the scene. It may only take $10,000-$20,000 to make her attractive but she will never save up that much money now that she has split from Wankus the Rich.
I love cock and balls.