Especially the kind that makes the woman who perform in it cry, curl up in the fetal position, and wonder through a prism of tears where their lives went wrong. I love that this is legal. I love that I can watch Taylor Hill's scene in Throatgaggers 4 knowing full well that she cried for an hour afterward and subsequently left the business. That really turns me on. That's why I own the DVD. Basically, she was sexually assaulted and I'm jacking off to it with no fear of legal repercussions. This is why America is the greatest nation on the face of the Earth. I love pornography. I love the look of surprise and fear on new girls' faces as they are pushed farther and humiliated on camera far more than they expected. I love it when they cry. I love it when they turn their heads UPSIDEDOWN and allow their heads to be fucked. I love the fact that these sounds and images are preserved on high quality video FOREVER and will outlast the lives of these women. I love all this. I love how no lessons are learned- that an unending string of young women line up for this stuff, slamming shut innumerable doors of oppurtunity in their lives my doing so. God I love it. I'm getting hard just typing this. I'm a very sick and angry man. Clearly I'm not alone, because this stuff flies off the shelves faster than it can be made. Another aspect that intrigues me is that an entire generation of impressionable, adolescent males are growing up on this stuff due to multimedia proliferation. What kind of adult males will this produce? The mind boggles. I'm glad I don't have any daughters. Throatfucking is sure to be the expectation on all wedding nights from here on out. Eh, I'm rambling. Oh, I almost forgot. Another aspect that really turns me on is imagining the reaction of parents of girls in pornography. I would love to sit down and watch Aurora Snow's body of work with her mother and father. Or Ashley Blue. Or Cherry poppens. Or any of these girls. I would love to see parents cry with shame and grief, see them jump up and scream "OH GOD WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY?!!!!!!" I'd ask them, "What were your hopes for her future when she was young? Did she show talent in drawing? Did you think she would become a lawyer because she was so articulate? Were you hoping for a litter of grandkids?" etc. etc. I'd jack of to their tears and anger. God, this is a stupid, ugly, rambling post. Forgive me, but I had a few minutes and a few cups of coffee and had to get this off my chest. I feel like jacking off now.
