I used to have this reoccurring dream that i was at a small house party in chicago. When midway through the party the hosts says we have a suprise for you all, we are going to do a gang bang scene between two girls, pair off 8 per one. One is a drop dead gorgeous chasey lain/jenna jameson type porn star and the other is sammura. I get stuck in the 8 going for sammura. I then keep saying to myself i have to find away out of here, this is not something my penis should take part in, but before i can go i feel a tug at my pants , i look down and see a sammura buck naked with a guy taking her behind and her attempting to take off my pants. I usually wake up at this point, i haven't had them in a while but i did last night. What do you think i am trying to tell myself with this nightmare?. Anyone who has had similar dreams about this sort of stuff and have come through on the other side please share what you came to terms with to help me do the same.
“Jesus said, hey baby, its all good" Wayne Lewis