Okay fuck face. If you really want to get into this ugly kind of shit we can get into it. If any other person had killed themselves over TWITTER INSULTS you people would be voraciously merciless about it. As if you give two fucks about the extremely high suicide rates of gays and trans people. A board that routinely shits on female performers and laughs at their situations in life.

Let's look at your stupid fucking cartoon
"bake my fucking cake, bigot" yeah, because we should be defending the 'right' to a business open to the public to refuse services based on sexual orientation. How about if they said "we're not baking cakes for niggers" or "we're not baking cakes for porn watching perverts" it's that same kind of libertarian free market fucktard bullshit. You would support the right for a store to refuse to sell water to an african muslim starving of thirst because it 'violates the non aggression principle'

I can't believe I even have to address shit that is so fucking monumentally fucking stupid.

"people advocating homophobia should die" Seems, rather extreme. Yet I can't help but think how people that endless bitch and complain about 'SJW''s and 'PC culture' and 'special snow flakes' now pretend to give a flying shit about someone else's feelings being hurt. What if christian had said "I won't cry when neo nazi's die"

And none of this is even saying what she said was even homophobic. If she stated that she didn't want to have sex with men who have had sex with other men because she is a greater risk for HIV infection, it seems completely reasonable to me. (there's the argument to be made that any person allowing a penis to enter their anus is at greater risk, yet again, so many of you enjoy watching women doing incredibly nasty things so you can jerk off then love to watch 'the down fall') Not to mention the fact that you really need to question the already precarious mental state of someone who could be pushed over the edge by what she perceived to be online bullying. The poor woman obviously had EXTREME mental problems and when you conflate things that don't even really have anything to do with that to push some stupid fucking "anti SJW" bullshit it is REALLY FUCKING DISGUSTING. go make a completely different thread about it.

Don't try to sit there and pretend you actually care about this woman.
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.