Ah, Joan Jett. Went and watched her in St. Louis last Oct. with Throw Rag(which was the reason I went) and some band called "The Eagles of Metal" or something like that(didn't care much for them, but the crowd was loving them, so whatever).

Came this close to me and my buddy getting into a fight with some 6' 6'' asshole and some 400 lb. 40 yr. old annoying bitch because I was tired of the guy giving me and my buddies shit every time we went to see a show in St. Louis. Closest I've every been to a real fight in years. Believe it or not me and my buddies seen the dude(and his cronies) at a big Punk Rock fest in Chicago the very next weekend.

A couple of blocks away the Cards won the World Series that night. Somehow seeing everyone else in the streets happy and excited brought me out of the foul mood that I was in when I first got in the car to make the 2 hour drive home.

Also the same weekend XPT was shutdown for the weekend. I foolishly joined the myspace group discussion under my real name(well, first name actually) and face and proceeded to make an ass out of myself. The same weekend another friend of mine who I was in the middle of a prank war with set up his profile to look like mine with a photoshopped version of my display pic, but make me look like a complete and total fag(as "the 'Real' *myname*"). He said somebody asked him to join some porn group that had a weird display pic that weekend, but he declined the offer.
