1. Dark Bros. DEVIL IN MISS JONES part III,
with Lois Ayres, Amber Lynn, Vanessa Del Rio.
The title song when Lois Ayres is in a shower
at beginning of the film. I think it is sung
by Rinse Dreams.

"I am talking serious drugs,
I am talking mental health,
come to the rescue..
Pretty girls.." some lyrics like that. Please post the
lyrics if you remember them.

2. Dark Bros. NEW WAVE HOOKERS (Part 1) with
Ginger Lynn, Jamie Gillis, Kristara Barrington.

"New Wave Hookers
The One you will Never Have..."

I think that is the opening of the title song.

3. And my personal favorite, a really bland song
I really love:

"Amber Pays the Rennnntttt.."

from the film AMBER PAYS THE RENT, starring Amber Lynn.
Really funny song. And a very good video.