Levitra Porn

Posted by: Willie D

Levitra Porn - 10/30/07 11:39 PM

On drugs, Holly said this:


I don't allow most drugs on my sets-- there are a couple performers who "have" to smoke weed before a scene, and if it doesn't impair their performance, I don't mind. I don't allow it before photos though, since it looks obvious in pictures. But even this is truly rare and I can think of maybe one time this year that it happened. There is absolutely no coke or anything like that allowed-- but honestly nobody ever brings it, so it's an issue I've never had to address. As far as whether or not the guys want to take Levitra, Viagra, etc-- that's entirely up to them and I don't mess with that.

I know this isn't the Randall Family stock-in-trade, but I'd like to see the following BTS taped by Holly:

As the day kicks off, the BTS is rolling around the set, when a stuntdick is spotted hiding his Levitra stash. You do a few minutes of questions confirming that said Levitra is indeed necessary to maintain an erection (i.e., not optional). Then Holly takes it to another level. "Well, we have a no-drug policy on our set, and that's pretty clearly a drug...we're going to have to ask you to come outside for a minute."

Said stuntdick is led out back of the studio/warehouse/rental to find a tire suspended on a rope from a tree. He's given a NFL regulation football and the following instructions: stand 30 yards from the tire, stuntcock has to put one ball through that tire from 30 yards. If he makes it...he can Levitra away. Misses, and he's sent home with no kill fee.

I want to know who would pass and who would fail. You want to see people sweat, watch Jean Von Jeans stain his stinky French pits on his last throw while he protests, "But madame Holly, zee futbolls in Fraaahnce are rouwnd..."

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