Count "sweet cheeks" Grishank arrested ....

Posted by: CxGxPx

Count "sweet cheeks" Grishank arrested .... - 07/19/13 05:11 PM

....on conspiracy to commit a "Massacre" everyone's favorite church burning band member murdering, the black metal warrior Charles Manson. The man who took being a angsty mall goth to an ultimate level (although I'm sure many would give me that crown)

The one, the only Vark Vikerness.

Here's the little pile of french cunt lips cited in the article
Posted by: Barry the Pirate

Re: Count "sweet cheeks" Grishank arrested .... - 07/19/13 06:49 PM

I hate to say this, but I think Vaeg may be off his rocker.

That's his wife? Goodness. Quite the Aryan specimen.

You can just buy guns in France? Really?

Been following the Tim Lambesis hitman thing? I think it'll be the first Male Menopause defense.