A violation idea revisited

Posted by: redbeard

A violation idea revisited - 04/17/06 08:09 AM

A while back I posted a violation idea I had. I wanted to revisit it and see what all the fellow sickos who visit here think of it.

There is this 30ish bartender. Janine comes to mind since she back and not with Vivid and look rather trashy now. Anyways she a bartender and a bunch of girls who are over 21 but not by much come in for drinks. Bartender aaks for ID and they give it. The Bartender then rips up thier valid ID and says that she won't serve them cause they are illegal IDS and that she is going to report them to the local police. The girls leave and are all pissed off. The girls come back right after last call right after the place is closed down and the bartender is the only one there and she is cleaning up. The girls then enter the tavern and teach the bitch of a bartender a lesson. They throughly tear her apart including dumping draft beer and bar nuts all over her as well as penetrating her with lockneck bottles. At the end they take pictures of her with the bar poloraid camera that is used to photograph people for the barred list and add her picture the list.