Private USA says goodbye to VHS.

Posted by: zenman

Private USA says goodbye to VHS. - 08/22/04 05:31 AM

A sign of things to come?

SUN VALLEY, Calif - In a move certain to become more common in the porn game, Private U.S.A announced Friday it is discontinuing production of VHS copies of its videos, beginning in November.

According to the company, Private U.S.A. will be the first major adult producer to distribute their new releases exclusively on DVD. The company cites “lagging sales of VHS, the explosive growth and demand for the discs and the overall acceptance of DVD in the adult marketplace” as the main factors in its decision.

"[DVDs] also take up less space than VHS, which means the discs take up less space in our warehouse and we can ship more of them in smaller boxes," Lisa Radamaker, sales manager for Private U.S.A said in a statement. "Going with DVD-only releases isn't just good for the consumers, but it's good for us as well."

Posted by: Cleetus VanDamme

Re: Private USA says goodbye to VHS. - 08/22/04 08:30 AM

See this is what I was afraid of and Why I give Jeff credit for sticking with VHS- I think this will impact their sales to rental outlets because there are a lot of people who haven't made the jump to dvd yet and a lot of people like me who won't RENT dvds because the shitbirds that got the disc before you just don't know how to care for it. I didn't really rent Private too much anyway so it this particular move doesn't bother me but if many companies follow suit , it will be the pits for me.
Posted by: Smartt

Re: Private USA says goodbye to VHS. - 08/22/04 12:37 PM


DVD: Die, VHS, Die

By Rich Moraski
12 October, 2001

It’s no secret: VHS movies don’t look very good. The format turns 25 this year, coming from an era of console TVs. You remember those monstrous pieces of furniture with one little speaker in them. Though Betamax was a superior format, it didn’t catch on (in the consumer market, anyway), mostly because the tapes weren’t quite as long as VHS cassettes.

No no, we’re in the Digital Age now, God help us, and we need something better. DVDs to the rescue!

Digital Versatile Disc

Though it looks suspiciously like a CD, a DVD packs a lot more information. They can be two sided, and can have two layers on each side, for a possible grand total of 9.7 gigabytes of information (compared to 650 megabytes for a CD). That’s roughly 15 times as much storage, providing plenty of room for a movie with a killer soundtrack and several special features, such as The Making Of and biographies of the stars.

That’s all very nice, but the best part is you don’t have to rewind them.

Circuit City, in yet another plot to take over the world, tried to squash DVDs with DivX. In this scheme, you’d buy a disc that looked just like a DVD, but you only got to play it for three days, and only in one player. If you wanted to watch it again, or in another player, you had to pay again. To activate it you were required to make a phone call to Big Brother to get a key. This allowed you to watch the movie while registering your viewing habits with whomever looked at that information. The goal was a captive rental market: buy the movie for $5, watch it for three days, and keep (or throw away) the disc. Fortunately for us, this didn’t catch on, and the format is dead.

All DVD players can play CDs, some better than some high-dollar CD players. While the engineers haven’t completely settled on why this is, it’s very possibly because the motors in DVD players must move the laser in much finer increments, because all that extra information is packed in more tightly. As a result, tracking is better.
The current crop of DVD players are, for the most part, all pretty good. The worst still produces 100 times better video and audio than a VHS cassette. There are a couple buzzphrases to consider when picking out your new toy.

Dolby Digital/DTS decoder

When the final specifications for DVD movie audio formats were being hammered out, a standard needed to be adopted. Dolby Labs, a well known company (unless your name is Jeanine…), had little trouble edging out the up-and-coming DTS format. AC-3 – later Dolby Digital – became the de facto standard for movies. Both formats can produce multiple channels, including surround and dedicated bass channels. Both use some compression, though DTS uses less, thus providing richer sounding bass at the expense of taking up more room on the disc.

Players with built-in decoders will have multiple audio outputs, typically two for the front speakers, one for the center, two for the rear (though sides are preferred), and one bandwidth limited bass channel. If you have a Dolby Digital ready receiver, meaning it has at least one input with multiple input audio channels, then you’re all set. If your receiver has a digital input you can just connect the DVD player to the receiver with a single cable. If you have both, you might want to try out both hookups and see which sounds better (there will be a difference, though it might be very subtle).

Progressive scan

One of the latest big deals in DVD players is progressive output. To help explain what the hype is about, a quick overview of how TVs work is in order.

TV pictures are composed of numerous horizontally drawn lines. Normally these lines are drawn interlaced, meaning that half are drawn first – all the odd lines, for example – then the second half – all the even lines. Each set of lines, or field, is drawn in about 1/60 of a second. So a full screen, or frame, is drawn roughly 30 times per second (29.97 in the U.S., but who’s counting?).

Progressive scan DVD players have the ability to output 60 full frames per second. In order to do this, the TV receiving the signal must have progressive scan capable component inputs. These look like three RCA jacks, labeled either Y, Pb, Pr, or Y, Cb, Cr. The labels don’t really matter: the Powers That Be decided to call them different names for analog and digital input. In practice, they work the same, regardless of what’s going in to them.

There are a few different schemes for making this work. While most of the normal schemes will look just about the same, one important area has to do with reproducing film sources. Movies are filmed at 24 frames per second. DVD information is played back at 30 frames per second. The way normal DVD players handle this is by repeating one field in every five, thus generating 30 frames out of 24. Confused yet?

The details of the above process, called 3:2 pulldown, aren’t as important as the side effects. If some significant movement happens in that repeated frame, the image can get blurry for a moment, as half of the screen is showing the picture before the motion, and the other half is showing the picture after. Progressive scan DVD players recreate the entire frame before sending out the signal. This way one frame in five can be repeated, making everything flow much more smoothly.

The players

All the standard home audio/video names apply here: Sony, JVC, Panasonic, Toshiba (and Theta, Proceed, and Faroujda for those of you not suffering from the market downturn). In the $200 area, Toshiba has a couple models – namely the SD1700 for less than $200, and the SD2705 for slightly more. The latter is a carousel player, just like a 5-disc CD changer. You can put in the entire first season of The Sopranos, hit play, and watch until your eyes fall out. For a little more - $250 to $350 – Sony and Panasonic have a couple entry level progressive scan players. The $400-$600 range will get you into the higher end of mere mortal players, with better connectors, heavier cases, and better power supplies. Or you can go drop $6000 on the Proceed PMDT. It won’t play much better, but it will look pretty damn cool.

Posted by: jamesn

Re: Private USA says goodbye to VHS. - 08/22/04 01:06 PM

I wonder how much it has to do with the ability to slap copy-protections on dvds, however weak they are. It has to be a factor to stick a dick in the ass of their cadre of vhs-owners and inevitably lose access to that segment of potential-buyers. Companies don't like to give up business, even if it's a diminishing customer-base.
Posted by: AMA

Re: Private USA says goodbye to VHS. - 08/22/04 02:26 PM

VHS sucks ass.
Posted by: zenman

Re: Private USA says goodbye to VHS. - 08/22/04 10:13 PM

The only'VHS shit I buy these days is from certain JAV compaines whose DVDs only come in PAL, forcing me to buy their tapes. It won't be for long though. A lot of companies in Japan have already dropped their VHS production.
Posted by: Toelicker

Re: Private USA says goodbye to VHS. - 08/23/04 03:24 AM

I just don't buy VHS porn. I do still buy some mainstream B movies if the price is very cheap. Like used ones from Half priced books.
Posted by: Jeff Steward

Re: Private USA says goodbye to VHS. - 08/23/04 07:12 AM

I think Private jumped the gun on this move.VHS sales are way down from last year,however DVD sales are not making up the deference.Lets say a video store buys 1 DVD and 1 VHS.By not offering VHS they will just buy the one DVD thus cutting your draw in half.Sure a lot of stores have stopped carrying VHS but I still move more then enough to make it worth while.The death of the VCR is coming,but its still aways off.
Posted by: Cleetus VanDamme

Re: Private USA says goodbye to VHS. - 08/23/04 08:20 AM

Exactly my point Jeff, this move is coming but it isn't here yet. The rental business is still VHS tolerable, it is slowly turning towars dvd but not yet ( and I hope it takes it's time ). I am only talking about renting VHS, I would never buy a VHS movie- I rent VHS and if I like the movie I will BUY it on DVD. Obviously the personal user like most of us here prefers DVD to VHS but my friend owns a mom and pop video store in the area and I work there often to help him out- I see what kind of business he does and it is still favoring VHS in the rental sector. So the producers of porn need to keep this in mind when making up their business plans for the near future. Personally I think Jeff and others like him have the right idea not abandoning VHS just yet. ( of course I prefered Betamax, in the old days, so I might be totally out there)
Posted by: BigPornFan

Re: Private USA says goodbye to VHS. - 08/24/04 08:30 AM

Vhs Dvd whatever , just give me good porn .