God proves me right, again.

Posted by: Pastor TonyAlamo

God proves me right, again. - 02/23/05 01:42 PM


Luke: "Did you file suit against T.T. Boy yet?"

Lara: "Not yet."

Luke: "Have you filed any lawsuit as yet?"

Lara: "Not yet."

Luke: "But you have a lawyer?"

Lara: "Right. Right now I'm concentrating on finding out what I can do about cybersquatting."

Luke: "People taking your name?"

Lara: "And image on the internet to make money. My lawyer is going to call me when she feels that she has enough information to do something."

Stupid Lara Roxxx, she has a potential lawsuit of real value against TT BOY (potential, I'm sure in the end she'd get nothing) - and instead, she wants her lawyer to focus on cybersquatters. God, you must love how stupid these people are. Maybe her lawyer should work on getting her record deal with Dr. Dre pushed through.

The Pastor
Posted by: helpme

Re: God proves me right, again. - 02/23/05 03:29 PM

Lara Roxx and her lawyers are not as dumb as you think. The outcome of the OSHA appeal is going to shape the lawsuit that will be filed. They have plenty of time to wait before filing the suit. And seeing how the industry and TT Boy inparticular have not changed the standard operating procedures, this lawsuit will be a slam dunk when it is filed.

Correct me if I"m wrong but didn't a bunch of the industry 'gossip' sites like mike south and adultfyi all post articles last year that said Lara Roxx had already filed lawsuits? Oh, imagine that, Mike South and Gene Ross not getting the facts straight(insert sarcasm here)
Posted by: JRV

Re: God proves me right, again. - 02/23/05 03:36 PM


this lawsuit will be a slam dunk when it is filed.

Assuming, of course, she can show she wasn't the source of the outbreak. It may not be so easy to get the evidence she needs.
Posted by: helpme

Re: God proves me right, again. - 02/23/05 04:39 PM

reading some other sites I've put together a little timeline

darren james: neg hiv tests on 1/15-2/12-3/17-positive4/9(these are the dates the blood samples were collected)
Lara roxx: neg hiv tests 3/20 positive 4/13
jessica dee: neg hiv tests 2/17-3/9 positive 4/27
missy arroyo: ne hiv tests 2/9-3/8 positive 4/30

Jessica worked with darren according to the now infamous q-list on 3/23. Lara worked with darren on 3/24. Miss arroyo worked with darren on 3/30. There has been the speculation that when Darren worked with Lara in canada some months prior to this that that is when Lara infected darren, but with darrens and laras negative tests between that time and the timeline in question here makes that possibility virually non existant.

So if jessica worked with darren on the 23rd and darren worked with lara on the 24th how did jessica get infected if it was indeed lara who infected darren. Jesica and lara never had any contact with eachother. Everyone in the industry has been aware of this timeline but for some reason there are still those who speculate that lara infected darren.

Throw in the genetic subtyping of the test and you can see that this is a slam dunk case.

And dont think for one minute that the others involved here are not working an their own lawsuits. They are all waiting for the OSHA appeal before filing. If TT had any sense he'd be working out deals right now. Maybe he already has, but the settlements contain gag orders which dont allow him to publicly comment about them.

And the beautiful thing is the evidence is on video tape, along with the 2257 paperwork which shows the dates of production, and names of those involved. TT could have simply shelved, or destroyed the tapes, but instead he released them. What a dipshit!!!!!
Posted by: JRV

Re: God proves me right, again. - 02/23/05 06:31 PM


Throw in the genetic subtyping of the test and you can see that this is a slam dunk case.

Typing isn't really going to tell you much unless it's an unusual "strain" of the virus. If it's a type common in LA then why would it be surprising if they both have the same HIV variant?

A DNA fingerprint might be better. But the corner medlab can't do this, and probably few can give testimony on it. Worse - it's expensive. Who pays for the test? Lara can't afford it and lawyers generally don't like to invest anything but their time.

Similarly getting admissible evidence isn't a sure thing. Who can (and will) testify on dates? That there wasn't other contact between individuals?


If TT had any sense he'd be working out deals right now.

And, scouting out places to live in Eastern Europe or South America if he decides to leave town...

Don't get me wrong - I'd much rather have Lara's side than T.T.'s. But hers isn't automatic - she's about as bad a witness as there can be and there are many things that can go wrong with the case. T.T. should negotiate a settlement with her lawyer ASAP, before the lawyer has invested much in the case, making strong hints T.T. is gathering evidence about Lara's prostitution and past, etc - make her lawyer feel that the money on the table is better than the risk in a trial. Give her lawyer a reason to make a quick buck rather than risk an expensive case (with T.T. maybe out of the country & not paying at the end).
Posted by: Mandy Taylor

Re: God proves me right, again. - 02/23/05 07:33 PM

I dont have a smart educated response to this matter. However I dislike TT Boy... dude cant even test him self at AIM like everyone else. Thinks he is special and goes some where prv **YAWN**
Posted by: helpme

Re: God proves me right, again. - 02/23/05 07:43 PM

Was Lara Rox working legally in the U.S.? Aren't there laws about transporting people across borders for the purpose of prostitution. We've all seen Lara's story about having to make money to pay back the people who p[aid for her transportation to L,A. I doubt TT will provide evidence of this underlying felony in this case, especially since it was a person he contracted with who paid for her plane ticket. There are ALOT of legal issues here for which the statute of limitations is seven years.

I do agree with you jrv that i'd rather take laras side in this..But I disagree with lara making a bad witness. I think she will be a very sympathetic witness, who was coereced and corrupted by these evil pornographers(insert sarcasm here)

As far as the genetic tests to identify the particular strains, this is routinely done these days and is not that expensive.(600 to 800 dollars). These tests are done routinely when known hiv positive prostitutes are accused of infecting their 'johns" The tests are very accurate and have already withstood court tests in all 9 u.s. ditrict courts.

As for TT fleeing the country, and I doubt he will, there are plenty of assets to be siezed to pay any monetary damages.

TT has always been on the cutting edge, pushing the envelope. Everyone in the industry has known what he's been doing and nobody ever tried to stop him. Hell, there are alot of other companies out there who are pushing it alot farther that TT ever has. But that doesnt make it right. Everyone is responsible for their own actions. TT is resoponsibe for putting in motion(by contracting and paying employees) the circumstances that led to 4 people being infected with HIV. There has to be some price paid for this either criminaly or civilly. TIME FOR TT TO STAND UP AND BE A MAN AND TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR HIS ACTIONS. HE HAS DONE NOTHING, I REPEAT NOTHING, FOR THE INDIVIDUALS UNFORTUNATE ENOUGH TO HAVE BEEN CAUGHT IN THIS SITUATION. tIME TO SEE IF HE HAS THE BALLS TO STAND UP AND BE A MAN!!!

Mandy, I believe TT regularly tests at AIM. There may have been individual times when he was out of town that he tested elsewhere but he does routinely test at AIM.(I'll give him that much.)

JRV, does the timeline i put up there help at all? I'm not trying to pick a fight here, but do you see how it appears most unlikely thata nyone but darren was patient zero. If you see any flaw in my timeline please point it out. Thanks for the exchange of thoughts. ADT sucks.

In the first line of lukes interview with lara she asks him if he is a Journalist who covers scandal in the adult buissness. Luke answers YES. Luke, for your information, you write a web blog, cut and paste stories, and often times just make shit up. You're facts are rarely accurate, and your writing skills would make a fourth grade teacher quit her job. Just exactly what tye of journalism school did you go to Luke. Anyone can write a web blog. That doesn'
t make you a JOURNALIST> a journalist has integrity,and ALWAYS checks theri facts before publishing. That is why newpapers and magazines have entire departments dedicated to 'fact checking" You are as much of a real journalist as sharon mitchell is an md. But sharon has never told anyone she's an md. You did tell lara you were a journalist. That was an outright lie. Perhaps you will correct that, but I doubt it.
Posted by: Mandy Taylor

Re: God proves me right, again. - 02/23/05 08:19 PM

The test I saw when i worked with him was NOT from AIM. And when I asked AIM about it they said he gets his test privately elsewhere.
Posted by: JRV

Re: God proves me right, again. - 02/23/05 08:28 PM


The test I saw when i worked with him was NOT from AIM. And when I asked AIM about it they said he gets his test privately elsewhere.

In other words, he may be getting a Marc Wallice test. Loser.
Posted by: helpme

Re: God proves me right, again. - 02/23/05 08:34 PM

May I ask, how did you verify the validity of that test. Or did you just take his word for it that it was a good test. I assume you're reletively new in the buissness but I dont think its wise to post on a public board that you worked with someone without an AIM hiv test. There will be performers who will refuse to work with you if they know you;'re working with people who dont have verifiable AIM tests.

For your own safety i suggest you read some of the archives of these industry gossip sites about the hiv outbreak of 1998&99. There were performers with tests from other clinics that, if you believe what you read, were forged. But I do know that TT has tested at AIM every month for at least the last five months, and many times before that. Like I said, I will at least give him credit for that.

Mandy, I would strongly encourage you to always check with AIM about any other tests you see out there. At AIM you sign a release form so they can verify your tests for someone else that you're working with. There's alot of stuff that goes around out there...Be careful, be safe, and be the best performer you can be. But nothing is more important thannot catching HIV. You know TT's track record of negligence. And don't let anyone fool you that "you'll never work in this town again" if you say NO to somebody, even tt boy. No matter how much many of us on these boards disagree on things, we all agree that not getting hiv is the most important thing. I would venture to guess that even JRV would agree with me about this. Not having an AIM test just shows how little respect of any kind that tt has for his fellow performers. The AIM program is completely voluntary, and tha vast,vast majority of performers play by the rules.But look what happened when they didn't. TT and crew go to brazil, work without tests, and then come back and infect others with HIV. PLEASE MANDY, DON'T BE THE NEXT ONE IT HAPPENS TO. THERE'S PLENTY OF WORK OUT THERE FOR GOOD PERFORMERS. DON'T LOWER YOURSELF TO THE TT BOY LEVEL AND PUT OTHERS AT RISK. THAT IS WHY SO MANY IN THE INDUSTRY DESPISE HIM. DON'T GIVE THEM ANY REASON TO LUMP YOU IN WITH THAT SEGMENT OF THE INDUSTRY.

P.S> If you can get a copy of that test and take it to AIM they have ways of finding out if it is valid, no matter where it was done. But I doubt that he would give you a copy, and you can probalby figure out why.
Posted by: Mandy Taylor

Re: God proves me right, again. - 02/23/05 08:54 PM

I am not new in the industry. But I will tell you.... When i first came to CA 2-3years ago it was thru an asshole nobody agent named dominick. I was thrown out into the waters and wasnt told a damned thing. He flew me out there and dropped me off at plces and did not tell me what I would be doing. I was however smart enough to call aim to ask about the test. I was also smart enough to hide in some damned bushes after pretending to be sick to stay back at his place and not go out to eat. And had someone else come rescue my ass. The agent was insane and was on the phone threatening to break some girls legs and telling her he was going to call her parents and mail them what she had been doing and such. 2-3yrs down the line I am much smarter. I wont take anything but an AIM test and proud to say Im 100% clean. And only going thru reputable agents.

As for posting on the boards about it, I really dont care. I made a mistake but the test was real. And I am not afraid to admit my mistakes. There are people who wont work with me because I have done a american bukkake scene (which i dont regret )I do take HIV very seriously, when i work in the midwest I test thru the mail thru AIM and no one else.

Certainly wish I wasnt a complete moron years ago, but thankfully I lived to learn. And its a mistake that will never be repeated and I spend alot of time educating the girls in the midwest here who are new in the business and do my best to keep others from making them as well.
Posted by: helpme

Re: God proves me right, again. - 02/23/05 09:02 PM

For some reason i assumed you were new to the buissness. my bad. Your lessons learned were probably very difficult and its nice to see that you're trying to educate other newcommers to the industry.It sound like you had some pretty bad experiences, but you must be one tough girl to have stuck it out and lasted this long. I applaud you. I will rest easier tonight having read your replyhere. Stay safe..And like the song says, "Just remember there's alot of bad and beware, oh baby its a wild world."
good night mandy, time to go wathc law and order.
Posted by: Mandy Taylor

Re: God proves me right, again. - 02/23/05 09:04 PM

hehe Definately some hard lessons... Some reason I like the hard way. Time for bed for me too. My trip to CA coming very quick and I hop on the plane on Sunday. Excited my last couple of trips went well with good agents who werent perverts or creepy weirdos. Sweet Dreams

Posted by: smutspov

Re: God proves me right, again. - 02/23/05 09:13 PM

Mandy, Did you tell TT to go fuck himself or did he fuck you...? what happened?
Posted by: Mandy Taylor

Re: God proves me right, again. - 02/23/05 09:16 PM

Nope test was real and I didnt know of his rep and was told it was a simple bgg shoot, lil did i know he was an ass and super rough and did the choking shit. I know how to stand up for my self now and will never work with his kind again
Posted by: smutspov

Re: God proves me right, again. - 02/23/05 09:44 PM

smart move, I honestly wish somebody would choke TT w/ a bear trap
Posted by: Love 80's Porn

Re: God proves me right, again. - 02/24/05 02:39 PM

The very first question that any judge will ask is how can Lara prove that she was infected by James. Look, the fact of the matter is that there is no way they(all the involved) can prove that one or the other infected them..what's the proof Lara didn't whore herself out for $1000 for bareback sex with someone? What's the proof that James didn't fuck someone in a party bareback?

Besides, just because she tested positive on the 3rd or whatever after having worked with james 2 days ago doesn't prove that James infected her...in fact, the HIV virus takes anything between a month to 6 months to show up in which time she/he could have had sex with anyone and gotten infected then or infected others. There is also the little matter of laws. I don't know too much about it, but if there is no law which states that stars must produce test certificates(kinda like if they do it out of mutual respect for each other and fear of HIV rather than because they are bound by a law), then the lawsuit vanishes right there.

All I can say is that I feel sorry for the entire lot of them..it must be horrible to live with HIV.
Posted by: helpme

Re: God proves me right, again. - 02/24/05 03:08 PM

With all due respect LOVE 80"s it will be very easy to prove who infected whom.The genetic testing,"fingerprinting if you will" of strains of the hiv virus are very accurate and as stated abouve have passed passed muster in all 9 appellate district courts in the U.S. The great thing about the AIM system is that it is a 'monitoring' system where the same individuals test on a regular basis. Taken as a whole, not broken down to individual test dates, the picture becomes crystal clear as to who parient zero is.And in civil court all you need is a perponderance of the evidence, not 'beyond a reasonalbe doubt.' The evidence here, taken as a whole, with all of the people involved is quite clear. And yes, all of these people had unprotected sex with other people, but none of them were hiv positive. The three infected girls only had one partner in common who was hiv positive and that was darren. None of the girls had contact with eachother.
Darren is not an evil guy. He was just the unlucky one this happened to. It could have been anyone in the buissness. But please, trying to ignore the overwhelming evidence and place blame elswhere does no good for anybody.

Again, you have to look at all the evidence as a whole: all the people involved, all of their past tests, and all of there timelines of who worked with who. The genetic fingerfrinting of the virus is just icing on the cake.

We do these types of investingation an a regular basis for the San Diego county department of health services. This is by far the simplest case of tracking patient zero that i have seen in over 17 years with the health department. There is no doubt in my mind how simple of a court case this is, and no doubt in any of my collegues minds as well. We've wathced this case from day one here simply out of curiosity. It is amazing to us how much speculation with no evidence whatsoever has been written on these adult industry 'chatboards' The level of misrepresentation of the facts by some people who claim to have some type of superior knowledge of the subject is mindblowing. I know for a fact(I have namy friends who work there) that the los angeles department of health services sexually transmitted disease unit wathces the Aim healthcare foundation like a hawk and to this day has NEVER issued any type of citation aor saction against them. When l.a. county siezed the records of their patients last year there was not one single case when the county notified these people that had not already been notified by AIM. It took l.a. county almost a full month to contact all of those people (54 i belive it was) AIM had contacted all of them, if i recall correctly) within 72 hours.

And regarding the law, the fact that the voluntary sysem is in place and that producers and talent alike routinely ask for test demonstrates that they have "superior knowledge" about the risks involved and therefore accept the risks involved.

Here's an analogy for you: At every golf course you see signs that say "GOLF AT YOUR OWN RISK" This does not mean that if you get hit by a ball on the course and injured that you accepted the risk. It means that you as the person who hit the ball accpet the risk of the damage it may do. Much liike if you hire someone to do sex scenes you accept the risk of injuries occuring in your workplace. The fact that you know people are testing, and you as the producer are requiring those tests, you have accepted that risk. When you demonstrate that you know there is risk involved in a job(workplace) you accept those risks and are responsible for anyinjury that occurs as a resutl of taking those risks. The producer, or person paying the bills, is responsible for the risk , not the person being paid.And of course i recognize that these individuals all knew the risk and did it anyway. But the LAW holds the payer, not the payee responsible. ITS a slam dunk case. This is not a perfect analogy but it is very close.
Posted by: JRV

Re: God proves me right, again. - 02/24/05 04:44 PM


Was Lara Rox working legally in the U.S.? Aren't there laws about transporting people across borders for the purpose of prostitution.

The "Mann Act" of 1910. White Slavery!


We've all seen Lara's story about having to make money to pay back the people who paid for her transportation to L,A. I doubt TT will provide evidence of this underlying felony in this case, especially since it was a person he contracted with who paid for her plane ticket.

I don't believe T.T. had anything to do with bringing her to the US. I've never heard that said and I thought there was a post on ADT, before the outbreak, from the Canadian guy who came down with her. T.T. seems not at risk here.


But I disagree with lara making a bad witness. I think she will be a very sympathetic witness, who was coereced and corrupted by these evil pornographers(insert sarcasm here)

Her lawyer will no doubt do that. But his lawyer will paint her as an illegal foreign 'ho with a penchant for bareback sex with the John's for a little extra tax-free cash, who shot a couple of porn scenes for extra cash, without warning the producer or talent about her high-risk background.

My father was a lawyer and once said "There are at least three sides to every story, and the only one that doesn't matter to a lawyer is the Truth."

A lawyer doesn't start with the facts and try to find what they point to. The approach is to find a theory that supports the client's needs and then find facts that support or deny it. This is a very different thing than trying to find "The Truth". Her & T.T.'s lawyers will portray her so differently that it might as well be two different people.


As far as the genetic tests to identify the particular strains, this is routinely done these days and is not that expensive.(600 to 800 dollars). These tests are done routinely when known hiv positive prostitutes are accused of infecting their 'johns" The tests are very accurate and have already withstood court tests in all 9 u.s. ditrict courts.

There are two different issues here.

Typing the virus to find out the "strain" is, as you say, neither expensive nor difficult to have done. Unfortunately there are only 50-70 - maybe a few more - identifiable this way, and they are geographically distributed. By this I mean that, say, 90% of HIV cases in LA might be only 10 different subtypes (totally made up numbers, but you get the point). Lara and Darren might share the same subtype, but hundreds of other people in LA probably do too.

(a break for her side might be if the subtype is shared between Lara and Darren but rare in the US)

Genetic fingerprinting is different. You can indeed say "one probably infected the other" and not some other circuitous path. But this is a very different thing requiring "expert analysis" and judgment & interpretation. Her lawyers will pay an expert to say "Yes" and his lawyers will pay a different expert to say "No". This is much more expensive, and vastly more expensive in trial if dueling expert witnesses are involved.

And this shows another risk: what if testing for a trial reveals she's carrying more than one strain, including some Darren doesn't have? If she needs cash she knows one way to get it, and many HIV+ patients don't seem to appreciate the need to avoid re-infection.


As for TT fleeing the country, and I doubt he will, there are plenty of assets to be siezed to pay any monetary damages.

Like what?

If he treats Evasive as a piggy bank he may not have a lot of hard assets outside of his car and maybe a house, both perhaps complicated by loans and mortgages. Even Evasive's assets in equipment can be converted into leases and cash. Evasive's library of masters and titles in production may be the biggest asset, and that's pretty worthless to Lara's lawyer.

I have no clue about T.T.'s finances or whether Evasive is profitable (or if he even owns Evasive like everyone assumes). But as plaintiff's lawyer I'd certainly worry about it.

And there are risks. What if T.T. goes out of business for some other reason before trial? What if some state action eats up the cash he might have had to pay out a settlement or judgment? What if there are other civil suits that mean divvying up the cash with other lawyers, cutting your take? "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" and there reasons beyond T.T. heading to Brazil for her lawyer to take a "small" settlement now.


JRV, does the timeline i put up there help at all? I'm not trying to pick a fight here, but do you see how it appears most unlikely thata nyone but darren was patient zero. If you see any flaw in my timeline please point it out.

"Patient Zero" was probably the tranny Bianca in Brazil. Lots of history posted earlier. A plausible progression in Bianca-tranny -> Biance Biaggi -> Darren James -> Lara

But, since that's not a favorable theory to T.T.'s lawyer, he'll pursue something different. His best shot might be to try to muddy the waters and claim that Lara might have started it all. That's an uphill battle since there are timeline issues he has to explain away or muddy up, but it's what he has to work with. Of course, getting Bianca deported might help. Maybe hire a P.I. to see if he can trap Lara into hooking (while HIV+).

You need to shed the idea that a lawsuit like this is about some idealized "Truth". Not by any means. Her lawyer will be willing to get closer to the "Truth" in this instance because it seems to support her better, not because it's "the right thing to do", and her lawyer will move away from the "Truth" wherever the "Truth" is inconvenient (such as prostitution, especially bareback). T.T.'s lawyer will do the same.

If Lara's lawyer has to go to trial she can probably win, but no way should she let it get that far.
Posted by: helpme

Re: God proves me right, again. - 02/24/05 05:06 PM

JRV, I will agree with you on several points, the biggest one being that lwasuits are rarely ever about the 'truth" But if it does turn out to be a strain of the virus most commoly found in Brazil, then that may make matters a little easier. There's lots of legal issues here, probably alot more than we're discussing. But time will tell.

Another thing I think we agree on is that this whole sutuation is a nightmare and I think we would both agreee that we wit=sh the best ot all those involved. Nobody deserved this and we wish them well.

Thanks for the exchange JRV. You bring up many good points.
Posted by: Too Damned Ugly

Re: God proves me right, again. - 02/24/05 05:50 PM

The way I see this from your posts is that it breaks down into these issues:

a. Did she get AIDS on the shoot or elsewhere?
Let's keep in mind that in civil cases you don't need absolute proof. Just proving that she probably caught it on the shoot is enough to meet this hurdle.

b. Is the Threat of AIDS something she accepts for being a pornstar?

c. Is a Pornstar a temp or a contractor?
Temps have more rights than contractors. This is why a lot of companies are outsourcing.

d. The composition of the jury. She is going to look pitiful and defenseless for the trial. How is TTboy going to look?

Posted by: helpme

Re: God proves me right, again. - 02/24/05 06:00 PM

To dam ugly,
you ask some good questions but I think you have one wrong.
Your question b. should be: did the producer who paid the bills accept the risk of hiv being transmitted on his set and what did he do to prevent it? The simple answer is yes he knew the rilk, and did nothing to prevent it.He provided no type of protection on his set.

Your questions about temps versus contractor versus emplyee are very legit also. Thats what courts are for i guess.

What I think the outcomje will be, and this is only my opinion, is the producer will be liable for what happened on HIS set.He was paying the bills. He was the one who set all of these things in motion. If you throw a rock into the air that is not a crime. But if that rock hits something and breaks it you are responsibel because you started the chain of events that lead to the damage.Just my opinion.
Posted by: jamesn

Re: God proves me right, again. - 02/24/05 07:10 PM

luke's interview probably destroyed any chance of lara rox winning if any of it gets admitted. her character is done, she just admitted to what's essentially attempted murder and maybe worse if the percentages weren't with her on condom-effectiveness. nobody's giving a foreign prostitute who knowingly had casual sex with hiv anything.
Posted by: JRV

Re: God proves me right, again. - 02/24/05 08:54 PM


a. Did she get AIDS on the shoot or elsewhere?
Let's keep in mind that in civil cases you don't need absolute proof. Just proving that she probably caught it on the shoot is enough to meet this hurdle.

In a criminal case the standard is "beyond a reasonable doubt". You never need absolute proof.

In a civil case like this it's "preponderance of the evidence", which I simplify as "more likely than not" (though lawyer friends dislike that).


b. Is the Threat of AIDS something she accepts for being a pornstar?

There is bound to be a lot of case law on this from blue collar workers to professional athletes. I'd be surprised if this flew, especially without mitigation efforts by the producer and insurance/support plans to cover the consequences (i.e., if it really is an unavoidable risk shouldn't producer plan for that eventually?).


c. Is a Pornstar a temp or a contractor?
Temps have more rights than contractors. This is why a lot of companies are outsourcing.

How is day labor treated? Hollywood extras? Case law ought to be well formed here.


d. The composition of the jury. She is going to look pitiful and defenseless for the trial. How is TTboy going to look?

T.T. looks bad. Even if he can muddy the waters on who infected who, he's not going to be able to escape his past treatment others. And, he will be easy to rip apart on the stand. The only way to make her seem even worse is to show she was (or is!) a prostitute, maybe going bareback for more money.
Posted by: jamesn

Re: God proves me right, again. - 02/24/05 10:08 PM

jrv-she's already confessed she's had multiple casual sex partners she didn't inform while she knew of her status. that's about as vile as a human being can get, i doubt any of those guys would knowingly fuck someone with hiv with a condom.
Posted by: Love 80's Porn

Re: God proves me right, again. - 02/24/05 11:01 PM

Ugly and helpme,

Some very, very good points there, mates. Being a consumer of porn, I don't know much about the paperwork that talents sign and what kind of lawyers draw up these contracts on behalf of company owners, but I'm willing to bet that somewhere in the fine print, the contract probably mentions that the producer cannot be held responsible for injuries occuring.
The sad part about that, if true, is that many girls will still sign simply because doing so will provide the bread and butter. There are just too many girls looking for work and if one won't do it, there are plenty of others that will.In any case, I doubt judges will have a lot of sympathy for pornstars, especially Supreme Court judges, considering that most have been posted there by Jesus Bush.

In any case, it is pointless to fight a lawsuit..i mean shit, even if Roxxx ends up winning a $100,000 claim, at the end of the day she is still HIV infected as are Darren and the other infected stars.

However, all is not lost. There is tremendous work going on in the field of HIV cure and I read the other day that India is testing a reported inhibitor of HIV on animals right now. Whether the strain is the same or no, I have no clue.
During the same tests, they also found that by removing certain DNA from the HIV virus, thereby eliminating the risk of HIV from it, and leaving some of it, the modified virus has proved to be a great inhibitor for cancerous T-cells...far more effective and less side effects than chemotherapy
Posted by: mandy and mark

Re: God proves me right, again. - 02/24/05 11:35 PM

hi. forgive me for being out of the loop a bit, but what exactly is this lawsuit supposed to be about? i remember the HIV outbreak a while back and i remember the three or so names of people who were infected, but tt boy wasn't infected was he? what does he have to do with it all? someone please be kind and explain. thanks.
Posted by: JRV

Re: God proves me right, again. - 02/25/05 01:51 AM


jrv-she's already confessed she's had multiple casual sex partners she didn't inform while she knew of her status.

I hadn't realized this - I hadn't read the interview. T.T.'s attorney can certainly subpoena Luke to testify what she told Luke. Making it relevant enough probably won't be too hard - pursue proving she might have gotten it elsewhere, and you need to show it's plausible since she's not too careful...

If I were T.T.s attorney I'd hire a P.I. and try to sting her into offering sex for cash (HIV+). Maybe there's no way the judge would allow it in court, but maybe the INS would be interested.

I still think her position is stronger than his, but the settlement cost just keeps getting cheaper... I wonder why her attorney doesn't dump her and take one of the other girls? Jessica Dee isn't in the US but isn't the third around? The name escape me right now.
Posted by: Mandy Taylor

Re: God proves me right, again. - 02/25/05 05:38 AM

Alot of things can be done to keep this shit from happening again. But you know at the end of the day NO ON GIVES A SHIT. If anyone actually cared the preformers would be wearing condems or we would be considered employees not pos independant contractors. If anyone cared we wouldnt have nasaty preformers showing up tryin to work with that weird rash or ugly ass bump on their dick. The industry could take better care of their preformers, do they? No. So the problem continues. This topic is just driving me insane. Towards the end all i hear is blah blah blah. Insensitive? Right about now ya.