Odd Interview

Posted by: Owen S Mouth

Odd Interview - 07/17/03 06:35 PM

Odd Ass Interview From Setgo.com

I interviewed porn couple Hamilton and Kelly Steele today. Hamilton's son, created when Ham was 12 years old, recently died of leukemia.

Hamilton: "The major reason that I am acknowledging him is that he was the final decision to stay [in porn]."

DUC pictures the young man on his death bed looking up at Hamilton and pleading, 'Dad, it is my final wish that you stay in porn. It makes me so proud. And if you're ever out there doing a scene, and you're flagging, remember - just do it for me.'"

Hamilton: "This industry hates children."

DUC, incredulous: "He was your final decision to stay in the porn industry?"

Hamilton: "That's right."

DUC: "He asked you, 'Dad, please stay in the industry for me.'"

Hamilton: "No, I didn't get to speak to my son. I will tell you why he was the final decision. It was something that my wife pointed out to me - this industry is not friendly towards children. It's amazing because there are so many performers in this industry who have children. It's walking a fine line for them between being a performer and being an adult.

"The reason that this industry doesn't like kids is that there are so many kids in this industry."

What can each of us do to make this industry friendlier, happier and healthier for children?
