Randy West not performing? yay!

Posted by: jizzard

Randy West not performing? yay! - 07/27/04 05:39 AM

His biggest adjustment, he says, has been to not performing any more. “I was gradually going to slow down and phase out, but this all happened kind of sudden. I’m probably a couple of years away from being retired anyway. I’m closer to 60 than I am to 50 now.

clue me in, just why isn't he performing & what does he mean by "this happened all of a suddan" ?

Posted by: JRV

Re: Randy West not performing? yay! - 07/27/04 07:46 AM


clue me in, just why isn't he performing & what does he mean by "this happened all of a suddan" ?

He's in his late 50's. He might not be able to use Viagra to get wood any more.

"sudden" probably refers to EA telling him to clear out his office.