I gave my social security number to a girl.

Posted by: windsock

I gave my social security number to a girl. - 08/15/16 07:08 AM

She looked just like a slightly overweight version of Fairuza Balk with bangs. ::
Posted by: faceblaster

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 09/26/16 11:57 PM

Was this her:

Posted by: windsock

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 09/27/16 06:57 PM

Originally Posted By: faceblaster

Someone please debunk this. I first saw her in 'Valmont' or 'Return to Oz'. I jacked off to her in 'The Island of Dr. Moreau' and 'The Craft'. She was really a different species. drunky
Posted by: faceblaster

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 09/27/16 11:07 PM

It's just an effect applied to a regular pic of her. Fun house fat mirror thingy
Posted by: windsock

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 09/27/16 11:33 PM

Jesus Christ thank the fucking Lord. I'm out of the image manipulation loop and was prepared to accept that. drunky
Posted by: windsock

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 09/28/16 07:47 PM

There was a girl pop rock duo in the 90s named Veruca Salt and one of those girls was named Louise Post and she was super hot. Dave Grohl jizzed in her. drunky
Posted by: faceblaster

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 09/28/16 11:55 PM

yup. and that liz phair was another sex kitten rocker from those fake ass alt bands of the post nirvana years.
Posted by: backdoorman

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 09/29/16 06:04 AM

I liked Veruca Salt. Phair, not so much.
The pic above looks like Jabba the Huts daughter if he had one.
Posted by: windsock

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 09/29/16 12:20 PM

Liz Phair was cool and she bragged about loving to suck on cock. That's all I really know about that subject. drunky
Posted by: gia jordan

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 09/29/16 01:37 PM

You know who was even cooler?

Posted by: Claude Goddard

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 09/29/16 01:59 PM

The Breeders were my favourite. The lead singer was the best part of the Pixies imo. Frank Black is an overrated asshole. She was (is) a junky though.

Balk is in the recent doc on the making of Island of Doctor Moreau, believe it was called Island of Lost Souls and it was on Netflix. Pretty entertaining. She looked fine.
Posted by: windsock

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 09/29/16 02:09 PM

Originally Posted By: Claude Goddard
The Breeders...

Those girls were so cute. Especially the one who parted her hair on the side. I believe she was the junkie. masturbanana
Posted by: windsock

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 09/29/16 02:11 PM

"In the shade, in the sha-ade!" ::
Posted by: windsock

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 09/29/16 02:12 PM

"I'm the laaaast splaaaash!" ::
Posted by: windsock

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 09/29/16 02:25 PM

And one of those girls does that bit on the 'Fight Club' song that came out when I was in High School: "OOOOOHHH-ooooh!" ::
Posted by: windsock

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 09/29/16 02:29 PM

David Fincher is another handsome movie maker. Not great but 'Zodiac' was cool. "I'm almost certain that is the man who shot me..." I'm almost positive Fincher is a queer but am also almost positive he screwed Rooney Mara but who can blame him? ::
Posted by: windsock

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 09/29/16 02:32 PM

"I was swimmin in the Caribbean! Fish were hidin behind the rocks!" ::
Posted by: windsock

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 09/29/16 02:41 PM

"No other looooove... Can warm my heaaaart... Now that I've knoooown... The comfort of your arrrrrrrms..." ::
Posted by: windsock

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 09/29/16 02:45 PM

I'm intending all these pointless replies to be annoying to whomever reads them. ::
Posted by: faceblaster

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 09/29/16 05:12 PM

There is a big difference between Pixies/Lush/Garbage/Nirvana and the fake alt bands like veruca salt/liz phair/bush/everclear and so many others. The first group comprises outsider kids and alt rock culture. The second group is made up of good looking kids who were jocks and cheerleaders and popular kids who jumped on the alt rock bandwagon after Nirvana turned the music business upside down.
That and the obvious difference in the quality and quantity of the music. The bandwagon jumping bands were seldom good for more than one or two good songs at best.

BTW: what's the deal with Frank Black? Asshole? I hope it's not only based on him breaking up Pixies.
Posted by: Claude Goddard

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 09/30/16 12:02 AM

Albini talks about him and it's not good. And when I saw them on a reunion tour the only person showing any enthusiasm was Kim. When the crowd asked for an encore they dimmed the lights but I was close enough to see Frank gesture to the roadies that they weren't going to do it. The whole tour was a lethargic cash in.
Posted by: backdoorman

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 09/30/16 08:57 AM

Not doing even a brief encore is inexcusable and arrogant as fuck. Loses me as a fan immediately if I'm at a show and a band/performer does this.
Posted by: Steezo

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 09/30/16 10:49 AM

Bruce Springsteen does it best. Dims the lights for maybe 30 seconds and then comes back and plays for another hour. Not even sure if they bothered to dim the lights on this last tour.
Posted by: Claude Goddard

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 10/01/16 02:03 AM

If you've ended the set with a complete mindblowing epic okay no encore but otherwise if you don't like the pro forma of it all as Steezo says just come back right away.
Posted by: windsock

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 10/03/16 07:27 AM

I say denying encores is cool. Audiences are shit. ::
Posted by: windsock

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 10/03/16 07:30 AM

And it has been reported that Steve Albini and Noveselic and Grohl and Billy Corgan all gangbanged Courtney during the recording of 'In Utero' in Wisconsin while Kurt looked on and weeped. Afterwards he immediately recorded the vocals for 'Pennyroyal Tea'. ::
Posted by: windsock

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 10/03/16 08:08 PM

My favorite band of the 90s is Toad the Wet Sprocket with Ned's Atomic Dustbin a close 2nd. ::
Posted by: windsock

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 10/03/16 08:12 PM

You motherfuckers talking about Gimp Boxing me and shit when I'm all the time dropping comedy gold on your ass. Ordinarily to obtain this kind of frequent and consistent high quality funny you'd be paying premium cable prices but here I am supplying it ro you for free and handing it over to jm productions at no cost to them either. Ingrates and degenerates, the lot of you. :: drunky
Posted by: windsock

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 10/03/16 08:41 PM

Originally Posted By: faceblaster
There is a big difference between Pixies/Lush/Garbage/Nirvana and the fake alt bands like veruca salt/liz phair/bush/everclear and so many others. The first group comprises outsider kids and alt rock culture. The second group is made up of good looking kids who were jocks and cheerleaders and popular kids who jumped on the alt rock bandwagon after Nirvana turned the music business upside down.
That and the obvious difference in the quality and quantity of the music. The bandwagon jumping bands were seldom good for more than one or two good songs at best.

BTW: what's the deal with Frank Black? Asshole? I hope it's not only based on him breaking up Pixies.

That is an astute analysis of the era, but that you include Garbage in the first group nearly invalidates your theory. Also the most glaring omission in your second group is Pearl Jam, clearly a cock rock band from the get go, though admittedly they've found an admirable second act as a Phish like road group.
Also, the only reason Cobain was an outsider was a smidgen of social anxiety disorder and the fact he was a couple inches too short. I used to read everything about that band and always got the impression he was a latent alpha male. Sensitive to be sure but so was/is Richard Linklater who is an alpha jock through and through. And Cobain was a very very good looking kid. Which is why Nirvana gets mostly backhanded love from the other alt scene NW bands, who were all ugly as fuck degenerates like Tad and Mudhoney. drunky
Posted by: faceblaster

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 10/04/16 12:52 AM

Why not Garbage? Besides Shirley's possibly having been a cool kid due to her beauty, the rest were certainly outsider kids.
As for exempting Pearl Jam from the bandwagon jumping one hit wonders; I think it's due to their second act longevity you mention. I never saw them as an alt band in the first place. They were a modern rock radio act like Soundgarden and STP. Vedder sounds just like the guy from Blood Sweat and Tears to me.
Agree about Kurt being a power bottom, calling the shots from a passive-aggressive posture. "Oh, my stomach hurts, we have to do this right now" Oh, and his outsider cred is the whole "I fucked a retard and got bullied for it" story.
Mark Arm is good looking in an Iggy Pop way. He had a good rock look. They were just too drunk to fuck and lacked songwriting.
Posted by: windsock

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 10/04/16 04:14 AM

I'm a The Smashing Pumpkins guy though so I sidestepped this whole thing as far as rock and roll was concerned. drunky<--7:14 EST
Posted by: windsock

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 10/04/16 05:15 AM

Also I remember reading at the time that Cobain offed himself that Love had got in touch with Perry Farrel to try to get Farrell to talk some sense into Cobain and that the wires got crossed and Perry rightly mistrusted Love's motives without the luxury of hindsight. Cobain was a fan by all accounts, which is no surprise if true. And Jane's Addiction is the 800 pound gorilla in the room in all this. drunky <---8:15 am EST, a new bottle started.
Posted by: windsock

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 10/04/16 05:29 AM

One of those albums had the first amendment on the cover. It was brilliant. This was way before the media outlets put pressure to have Stanley Kubrick's last movie eviscerated with computer graphics in front of the sex acts staged.
Posted by: windsock

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 10/04/16 05:51 AM

Farrell and Kubrick were both Jews.
Posted by: windsock

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 10/04/16 05:52 AM

That was worded wrong. Both of them are Jews. Kubrick is dead is all.
Posted by: Claude Goddard

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 10/05/16 10:59 PM

Mudhoney's 'Touch Me I'm Sick' should have been bigger than Jesus. Rock n' Roll perfection.

Smashing Pumpkins were a very good band with an unbearably bad lead singer/songwriter. 'God is dead/and so am I' are the worst lines in rock n'roll history.
Posted by: Claude Goddard

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 10/05/16 11:02 PM

PS. Love Lorna Maitland from Mudhoney.

Posted by: Willie D

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 10/06/16 05:08 PM

I would say most of the Seattle/grunge bands got their inspiration from the punk/hardcore movement of the early 80s. The only difference is that they wanted to make cash off their records. For every Nirvana or Pearl Jam, there was a Channel 3, Minor Threat, Bad Brains, JFA, or Black Flag (pre-Rollins) making the same counter-cultural statement, only better and more raw.

Since then, there have been a few outliers like TSOL or Misfits who were doing original things, but they are few and far between.

Posted by: faceblaster

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 10/07/16 03:29 AM

See, I have this running argument with a buddy over this subject. I think those Seattle grunge major label bands like to pretend they were into the punks, but their songs tell another story.
It's fucking Strangehold by Ted Nugent. Think about it, there are like ten big hits from those bands that are just permutations of Stranglehold. Kill the Rooster and Bullet the Blue Sky come to immediate mind, but if you try you can list a bunch more.
It's much more radio friendly calculated standard rock songwriting than the punks were. Like you say, they wanted to make cash off their records, but I think it reflects who they were and wanted to be. Can you imagine H.R., or Ian MacKay, or Tad doing benefits and shit with Bruce Springsteen and Neil Young? As Johnny Slash would say: Totally different head, man. Totally.

Posted by: backdoorman

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 10/07/16 05:44 AM

Stranglehold if they were strangling themselves. Dark and suicidal music for the most part. Poor poor pitiful me.
Posted by: Willie D

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 10/07/16 04:04 PM

It didn't help their "artistic" cause when they started showing up in cameo roles in some of those early 90s films like Singles.

The radio-friendly comment pretty much sums up what I meant. In Phoenix, KUPD used to do a "Surf & Thrash Special" with Jonathan L once every summer. But then it was back to Motley Crew, Nelson and Heart. It was nice that Nirvana kinda killed hair metal--that shit was getting really stale. But the Seattle movement died a quick death, too.

BTW, this is the kid from the cover of Nevermind:

Posted by: Claude Goddard

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 10/09/16 02:29 AM

Come on TSOL were goth shit and not even worthy of being mentioned in the same company of BF and Bad Brains. Except for the 'lefty' rich kid like Mackay most of those in the American punk scene were open about their love of 70s hard rock. Darby and Pat Smear met trying to meet Queen. It was the anglophile poseurs who shit talked rock n' roll and pretended they were above it. Neil Young was a big influence on loads of bands from that era too, just check Meat Puppets cover of I'm a Child on their EP.
Posted by: backdoorman

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 10/09/16 08:24 AM

There were a few grunge gems to be had but I just never latched on to it much. I've got a very wide taste in music but if I want rebellion and punk attitude it's the Dead Kennedys, Iggy Pop, Sex Pistols, Ramones!!!!, Dictators and New York Dolls etc.....
Posted by: windsock

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 10/09/16 07:17 PM

I need a catchy tune. It's all I've ever needed. If I can dance to it, it's love. All this talk of counterculture this, commercial that is wholly unimportant. ::
Posted by: faceblaster

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 10/09/16 09:29 PM

Discover Big Star.
Posted by: Willie D

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 10/10/16 12:32 AM

Originally Posted By: Claude Goddard
Come on TSOL were goth shit and not even worthy of being mentioned in the same company of BF and Bad Brains. Except for the 'lefty' rich kid like Mackay most of those in the American punk scene were open about their love of 70s hard rock. Darby and Pat Smear met trying to meet Queen. It was the anglophile poseurs who shit talked rock n' roll and pretended they were above it. Neil Young was a big influence on loads of bands from that era too, just check Meat Puppets cover of I'm a Child on their EP.
I didn't say they were good. I just said they were outliers. "Code Blue" is a rather repulsive song to me, but somewhat funny.
Posted by: backdoorman

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 10/10/16 06:52 AM

Windsocks theme song?
Posted by: windsock

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 10/10/16 07:40 AM

'Little Earthquakes'::
Posted by: windsock

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 10/10/16 07:41 AM

Take much,
To rip us,

Posted by: windsock

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 10/10/16 10:22 PM

Kik Tracee was a notable rock & roll band from the early 90s. drunky
Posted by: windsock

Re: I gave my social security number to a girl. - 10/10/16 11:00 PM

Life's a bummer,
When you're a hummer!
Life's a draaaaaaaaag!

:: drunky