Brazilian quits and cries for mercy

Posted by: smiling arab

Brazilian quits and cries for mercy - 08/07/04 10:56 PM

What a shame for a nation famous for trannies and synthesized elevator music.

Actually, this article doesn't even go into the most disreputable thing this Brazilian national hero did. When he was knocked down in the 8th, Freitas spit out his mouthpiece to gain extra time to get his head screwed back on (per the rules, a mouthpiece that gets spit out must be cleaned, so a fighter on his knees gets about 20 seconds). A round later, he did the same thing. The ref caught on and deducted him a point, but he quit, so it didn't matter.
Posted by: sportswami

Re: Brazilian quits and cries for mercy - 08/08/04 04:34 AM

I hate to rain on Smiling Garb's parade but I saw the fight (3rd row in the press area) and Freitas took a beating. Yeah he quit (and I will rip on him for that on my show) but you would too if your gave up nearly 10 pound weight advantage, 5 inch reach advantage and were getting pasted with some hard right hands to the chops.
It was a mixed emotion for me. On one hand I was happy that all those damn Brazilians finally stopped pounding their stinkin drums, their bloody high piercing whistles and their cowbells (anybody who sits next to them... I would pardon then immediately for breaking those stupid drums over their head).
On the other hand my beautiful muse Rio Mariah (a sexy and gorgeous woman on i bet will be heartbroken that her contryman lost.
And oh yeah Corrales is a fucking convicted wife beater. So either way I had no rooting interest in this fight.
Posted by: Cleetus VanDamme

Re: Brazilian quits and cries for mercy - 08/08/04 09:10 AM

If he quit he quit, and it seems like he would have gotten pasted if he didn't quit. What's the difference if he had disadvantages in reach and weight? A lot of fighters rise above these disadvantages to overcome- this one did not.
Posted by: smiling arab

Re: Brazilian quits and cries for mercy - 08/08/04 11:00 AM

Have you followed Freitas' last few fights? This is exactly what he does. He comes out like a bat out of hell but gets punched out by the seventh round. He used to be a better fighter. Hell, in the first part of the fight his opponents can't keep up with him. He deserves a medal as The Second Stupidest Boxer After Mike Tyson, and the Heart of El Duran Award to boot.
Posted by: Sergio T.

Re: Brazilian quits and cries for mercy - 08/08/04 11:19 AM

As someone who has been in the ring, a 10 lb. weight advantage doesnt mean jack shit. Depending on the distance of the reach(Lewis/Tyson fight),that may or may not make a difference in a fight.

What I dont get is why does a boxer get flack for quitting?
If your losing and you know it or are in serious danger,why cant you quit gracefully. In MMA,we can tapout without being labled a quitter.The safety of the fighters is important. We risk broken limbs and permanent injury,every single time we fight. Brazillian jujitsu legend,Mario Sperry once said "Its better to be a dog and live to fight another day,than to be a lion and fight no more."
Posted by: Smartt

Re: Brazilian quits and cries for mercy - 08/08/04 12:25 PM

ThereĀ“s only one brazilian thing I like to fight with:

Posted by: sportswami

Re: Brazilian quits and cries for mercy - 08/08/04 01:45 PM

I have seen Freitas last two fights (was at the Grigorian fight) and in all due respect... Corrales is a whole new level than Freitas ever took on. His only two losses... one was to the best pound for pound fighter perhaps in the world (Floyd Mayweather... and I HATE his cocky and arrogant ass) and a TKO loss to Joel Cassamayor that was due to a cut. And he ended up beating Cassamayor the second time.
And as far as Chico goes... that ten pounds means a lot when your leaning on your opponent and putting your weight on him. Plus its ten pounds of muscle... not just water weight. And the height advantage... trust me... when most of your opponents are 5'7-5'4... then you take on a 6'1 guy... its like playing basketball when your 6'1 and your opponent is 6'8 with a wingspan of a 7 footer... I will question Freitas heart in a sense (with literally two rounds to go and basically the fight tied up in a sense... anybody with heart goes all out) but in some ways I don't blame him because Corrales finally slowed him down and was hammering him (watch Showtime this week... Corrales was just fucking hammering him!)
Posted by: Sergio T.

Re: Brazilian quits and cries for mercy - 08/08/04 06:32 PM

As I mentioned earlier,depending on the differance in height,reach may play a big factor.Weight has nothing to do with it.If there is a big gap in weight,then they will be in a different weight class. I fight at 190-195 for MMA,where most of my opponents have been at the limit of 205 lbs(lightheavyweight division). I have spared with heavyweights.Those at 240lbs gave me problems.They are just too big. Those under that were a bit easier to spar with.
BTW,just for info,I have boxed before,so I know what I'm talking about.
Posted by: sportswami

Re: Brazilian quits and cries for mercy - 08/08/04 08:29 PM

I know Chico... Joey has told me... but there is also a difference when the fighter in question is a buff 145 usually and then looses ten pounds and the other fighter is normally at 131 and then gains and extra 4... trust me Deigo is a big bastard who has a huge height advantage... and after leaning on Freitas... Freitas couldn't move around after seven rounds and that is when Corrales used his heavy hands and 8 inch reach advantage to hammer Freitas... watch the replay on Showtime... is was a great fight!!!
Posted by: Sergio T.

Re: Brazilian quits and cries for mercy - 08/08/04 08:49 PM

What was the undercard like? Any chance those will be seen on the replay?
Posted by: sportswami

Re: Brazilian quits and cries for mercy - 08/08/04 08:52 PM

I only saw two and a half of the undercard fights (Sharmba Mitchell was the half as he took 2 rounds to KO his opponent... it was a tune up)... they will show clips... this Thailand fighter Nandsan 3K Battery beat Steve Forbers (3K was nasty... throwiiung hard shots and hurting Forbes... he is a guy to watch).. the other was Felix Cora vs. Julius Barnes... boring fight... but you will see the Danny Williams vs. Tyson fight (btw fight fans... Danny is scheduled to be on the show later this month)
Posted by: Sergio T.

Re: Brazilian quits and cries for mercy - 08/08/04 09:02 PM

Those Thai fighters are brtual.Ever see a Muay Thai fight under real Thai rules.Just brutal shit.
Posted by: jamesn

Re: Brazilian quits and cries for mercy - 08/08/04 10:29 PM

Agree with chico totally, fighting isn't marathon-running and there's no shame in quitting. There's a moment when you realize you've got nothing left or you threw everything you could and more at your opponent and it didn't work---after that, it's not a challenge anymore, just dangerous. i fuck around with gracie j-j in the winters a few times a week and since it's more or less drop-in, the skill levels vary,. you're not considered less of a man if you give up when someone has your arm in a position to break it at will-you're stupid if you don't. respecting when someone taps out/etc. is something i've never seen violated, anyone who does better be so good they never have to train, because people won't get near them.
Posted by: JRV

Re: Brazilian quits and cries for mercy - 08/08/04 11:35 PM


What I dont get is why does a boxer get flack for quitting?
If your losing and you know it or are in serious danger,why cant you quit gracefully. In MMA,we can tapout without being labled a quitter.The safety of the fighters is important. We risk broken limbs and permanent injury,every single time we fight. Brazillian jujitsu legend,Mario Sperry once said "Its better to be a dog and live to fight another day,than to be a lion and fight no more."

A similar quote comes from Ernest Shackleton during his 1907 Antarctic expedition. He turned back 97 miles from the pole for the sole reason that going further would have killed them all.

Writing to his wife: "I thought you'd rather have a live donkey than a dead lion."

In the context of the time & place it took much more courage to turn back than to have undertaken the attempt in the first place.
Posted by: Sergio T.

Re: Brazilian quits and cries for mercy - 08/09/04 06:04 AM


Agree with chico totally, fighting isn't marathon-running and there's no shame in quitting. There's a moment when you realize you've got nothing left or you threw everything you could and more at your opponent and it didn't work---after that, it's not a challenge anymore, just dangerous. i fuck around with gracie j-j in the winters a few times a week and since it's more or less drop-in, the skill levels vary,. you're not considered less of a man if you give up when someone has your arm in a position to break it at will-you're stupid if you don't. respecting when someone taps out/etc. is something i've never seen violated, anyone who does better be so good they never have to train, because people won't get near them.

jamesn-where do you train at? I trained with Royce Gracie at first,then moved on to Beverly Hills Jujitsu Club,before settling at RAW Training Center with Rico Chipperelli and Frank Trigg. I'm going to start training with the Machados soon,so that should be a blast.
Posted by: jamesn

Re: Brazilian quits and cries for mercy - 08/09/04 02:15 PM

hey, i'm on the east coast and go to a place called boston brazillian jiu-jitsu, run by this dude roberto maia(maya?). He's 1st degree and trained under robson and carlos, so for something a few miles away I'm lucky. It's got open mats and usually there's a dozen or so guys all over the place skills-wise, which is fine, if people are nasty they still get to work on experimenting with new ways to start and the other person gets better through osmosis and learning by doing.
i do it mainly to have something competitive in my life and i don't have the attention span for golf anyhow--i'm at the point where the next step would be to go to some competitions, which i don't have any real interest in, I'm happy to have somewhere i can show up any given afternoon and get some exercise and forget about stress and other bs for 2 hours.
Posted by: Kami Andrews

Re: Brazilian quits and cries for mercy - 08/09/04 02:36 PM

hay it's cheaper than Hookers
Posted by: smiling arab

Re: Brazilian quits and cries for mercy - 08/09/04 02:41 PM

Got to disagree with Chico and James. When your own recklessness gets you fucked, all a fighter can do is try to tough it out. He had to say "no mas" because he was out of gas. Had he been smart, he would still have his legs left by the eighth round.

Freitas was repeatedly trying to take advantage of a technicality in the rules to pull himself together. It's one thing to headbutt, shoulderbutt or even rabbit punch, but to do what he did really screws other boxers. After his pretty transparent abuse of the rule that requires a mouthpiece to be cleaned after being spit out, it might get to the point where simply losing your mouthpiece loses a boxer a point. That's something that's supposed to be in there to protect boxers, and it would suck if Freitas' jerk-off behavior started a trend.

He didn't just lose or quit, he did it in a totally low-class way.
Posted by: jamesn

Re: Brazilian quits and cries for mercy - 08/09/04 03:16 PM

Whatever he did to lose himself the fight speaks for his ability as a fighter, but I can't fault someone for stopping if he knew he was in for a beating the rest of the fight or had nothing left to throw at the guy. Just by stepping in the ring every day, he's not a pussy, there's nothing noble about watching a guy who can't defend himself anymore take a beating-that's the kind of stuff that ends up in brain damage or death and fuels the people who want to ban the sport altogether. A guy can fight stupid or suck, but I don't want to see them stick out something where they can't hold up their guard, that's just waiting for their cns to get blacked out.
Posted by: sportswami

Re: Brazilian quits and cries for mercy - 08/09/04 05:26 PM

The problem is Jamesn... is that Freitas had two rounds left and was either tied or down by one with two rounds left. For a guy who comes in undefeaeted, the champion, and has down this twice before... it makes him look awful! I am a huge fight fan (hell my show says it all) and what he did was basically quit when he felt that he couldn't reach deep down... and yet other guys like Arturo Gati, Mickey Ward, and Evander Holyfield for examples would rather quit breathing than quit in the ring. (if you would like a better example... watch Williams-Tyson. Danny Williams could have quit after round one... he was nearly knocked out.. and yet he strapped it on and then knocked out Tyson
Posted by: c62

Re: Brazilian quits and cries for mercy - 08/09/04 06:13 PM


Those Thai fighters are brtual.Ever see a Muay Thai fight under real Thai rules.Just brutal shit.

When I was in the Navy, we occasionally pulled into Phattaya Beach, Thailand. It never failed, some drunkassed jarhead (Marine) or squid(sailor) would start to think he was bad enough to get into the ring with these guys.... Fortunately they always stopped the fight before anything TOO BAD happened. And in PB the Thais are what you would call Junior Varsity. The Varsity guys were up in Bangkok.
Posted by: Sergio T.

Re: Brazilian quits and cries for mercy - 08/09/04 09:51 PM

After reading the last few posts,I'm going to voice my opinion on this. Sportmanship and integrity are lacking today in most sports. Boxing is no different. If you are losing and cant win,you should quit. No point in risking serious injury, However,if you are deliberately stalling to buy time (I also see this in jujitsu when guys pull guard to stall)then some action needs to happen. I havent seen the fight yet.I'll make my own conclusion after I see it.

I've tapped out when caught in leglocks.I am not getting my ligaments and tedons ripped off the bone for trying to "dig deep inside." It usless to try. I've seen people permanently crippled for not taping out. Safety should come first,period.
Posted by: smiling arab

Re: Brazilian quits and cries for mercy - 08/10/04 06:33 PM

Exactly, Chico. Taking advantage of the rules designed to keep people safe to get a bit of an advantage is fucked. It's low-class, and I hope no younger fighters out there will take advantage of it the next time they're in trouble.