KSEX profiting from stars' likenesses?

Posted by: Conky

KSEX profiting from stars' likenesses? - 05/26/07 10:50 AM

According to AdultFYI.com:

"> Jimmy TwoTimes writes: Further searches of ksex find a site that KSEX is affiliated with that sells wallpapers, ring tones and more featuring KSEX current and former stars. The address is: http://ksex.digiboobs.com/

From what I'm told, none of the stars are aware that KSEX NEW MANAGEMENT is profiting off of their likeness and image without offering them any $ in return. This must be part of that top shelf marketing Joe Brandi promised us."


Given their huge membership base, I expect this marketing push will have earned massive amounts of money for the new KSEX regime. If that car park isn't full of Veyrons by the end of the month, then I'm a Smelly Monkey's uncle.
Posted by: DHMN69

Re: KSEX profiting from stars' likenesses? - 05/26/07 10:54 PM

Digiboobs isn't RUN by ksex.. it's owned by Movaya Wireless out of Seattle, Washington.

Ksex is only a re-seller OF the products Movaya offered through cell phones and pda's.

If Gene Ross (or whoever at AdultFyi reposted articles) wanted to make a real story he would contact Movaya on behalf of the stars and ask about it. KSEX actually had a company's representatives ON their 'air' talking about the 'porn to your PDA' products a while back when it was first being talked about, though that was a long while back now.

If the people who's likeness is being used ARE unaware then they need to go after Movaya, not KSEX.
Posted by: The Ghost Is Toast

Re: KSEX profiting from stars' likenesses? - 05/27/07 04:00 AM

How can 'KSEX' and 'profiting' appear in the same sentence? I don't understand?