Opinions on possible sammura unbanning thread

Posted by: Smelly Monkey

Opinions on possible sammura unbanning thread - 01/18/06 10:10 AM

Figured it deserved its own thread. I for one am for it, Tony phrases it like once you unban her the option to reban her if she gets major crazy again isn't open, to which i say you ain't a real xpter if you haven't been banned and unbanned at least 4 times. Shes at 3, make her whole.

Speaking of which how about bornyo playing both sides??

Its time to let the rabid dog out of the ban cage and into the monkey cage to attack the innocent, monkey will be handing out shots a day before shes off the chain.

LOL is that picture from bgol the one that pointed out all her flaws on this board or saved by someone who still posts here? The bulldog nose, messed up grill one?
Posted by: Bornyo

Re: Opinions on possible sammura unbanning thread - 01/18/06 11:43 AM

Hell yeah, let her back in. If she'll sign up. She doesn't think the forum is run fairly, because Smartt's still here and she got banned for defending herself.

I think some of ya'll haters are just intimidated by a strong black woman.

Posted by: jamesn

Re: Opinions on possible sammura unbanning thread - 01/18/06 12:15 PM

most cultures have some kind of coming-of-age ritual, indians sent each other into the woods even though they lived in the woods, jews make boys read stuff while their voices crack in funny hats then their parents hire wankus to play the "macerena".

if xpt is to have any kind of culture, the ever-growing number of people who contribute and read who have yet to see her in action are missing out on so much lore, legend and hijinx.

she may go nuts, but if she does-nobody's ever turned the place into more of a gong-show until she gets banned.

we'll get some new folklore, some stuff to laugh about that's a little fresher than her last visit, and let's face it---ryan knox is too fucking stupid and limited to really be fun anymore. sammura's much smarter and angrier than him.

we'll laugh, we'll cry, smartt will revert to racial slurs when she makes fun of his small penis, it'll be the kind of larger-than-life episode that this place hasn't had in a while.

i'm not sure why you'd ever ban someone that boosted this place like jumper cables, definetly unban her.
Posted by: Swami Satchimila

Re: Opinions on possible sammura unbanning thread - 01/18/06 12:20 PM


Tony phrases it like once you unban her the option to reban her if she gets major crazy again isn't open


She doesn't think the forum is run fairly, because Smartt's still here and she got banned for defending herself.

Is anyone else sick of people complaining about the official rules on XPT like they make any fucking sense whatsoever?
Posted by: jamesn

Re: Opinions on possible sammura unbanning thread - 01/18/06 12:32 PM

i had no clue she was banned--if you're going to let the moblem-necrophelia winter tour '06 and smartt back for all of the trannies and shane deisel having aids stuff, sammura definetly should be. she's a hell of a lot more entertaining than either of them, television, and everything short of actual bear-baiting and it's prohibitive expense and hassle.

dr. king died for it, let's free the sister.
Posted by: Cleetus VanDamme

Re: Opinions on possible sammura unbanning thread - 01/18/06 12:41 PM

Unban her and tell her she can ONLY post in the cage, like a reverse Smartt policy. Even if she blows up it will only be in the cage and monkey is the master of his domain. This of course only applies if Monkey agrees to it. Personally i would just let her back as a regular poster, no strings attached but if you are looking for a possible way to minimize the damage the cage way makes sense.
Posted by: Da Burglar

Re: Opinions on possible sammura unbanning thread - 01/18/06 12:47 PM

I've never been with, been abused by or even known any bonafide crack whores....the place where james and I come from likes to tout its alumni as being well rounded societal contributors so this could be another feather in my cap/chapter in my biography, perhaps even my black Eliza Doolittle....I guess I will nervously say "yay"....
Posted by: TonyMalice

Re: Opinions on possible sammura unbanning thread - 01/18/06 12:51 PM

Well, my close group of advisers, who i like to call the "Bathroom Cabinet" as an homage to Teddy Roosevelt's Kitchen Cabinet, seem to be of the consensus that we should have her back, at least until she totally goes apeshit again.

For those of you who don't know, and I'm not sure anyone knows because we never really made it public, but last time we put Sammura in the penalty box (which ended with her just being permanently banned) she freaked out over our use of her picture and called our office 1000 times and sent me over 2000 e-mails.

I will set the wheels in motion to unban her, so Bornyo can you communicate to her that she can come back, and I ask everyone to keep things a little civil, and let her make the first crazy move..

Posted by: gia jordan

Re: Opinions on possible sammura unbanning thread - 01/18/06 01:00 PM

So in other words, wait 5 minutes after her un ban.
Posted by: TonyMalice

Re: Opinions on possible sammura unbanning thread - 01/18/06 01:05 PM


So in other words, wait 5 minutes after her un ban.

Lol, yes, I left complete instructions for rebanning her and her IP address in the admin forum, just in case I am gunned down by David69 and am unable to do it myself.

Posted by: John Floofin

Re: Opinions on possible sammura unbanning thread - 01/18/06 01:48 PM

Tony, I think it will be fun for everyone if she storms back into here, but I must admit I can empathize with your position, and the loss of time and productivity incurred by 1000 calls and 2000 e-mails. I wouldn't be surprised if those are true numbers. I think Cleetus' Cage-only scenario is ideal, but that is certainly just my opinion.
These are interesting times for XPT, and I'm glad to be here for it.
Posted by: 2cums

Re: Opinions on possible sammura unbanning thread - 01/18/06 05:22 PM

It would have been more symbolic to unban sammura during Martin Luther King day.

My cracka ass is ready.