"God is dead"

Posted by: IVAN_MAYERS

"God is dead" - 07/21/05 05:39 AM

When Neitzche wrote these words, there were many things he could not have known.

For example, that Jessica Darlin could fuck all the she-males in existence and not get HIV.

Surely that is as much proof as anyone would ever been, both that there is no God, and that there is no justice in this damn world.


Posted by: cumalloverher

Re: "God is dead" - 07/21/05 07:07 AM

Why would you wish HIV on someone? I know it's exciting to view these woman as sex objects and pieces of sexmeat to be degraded and humiliated ( ), but you are going too far in my opinion.
Posted by: pornodux

Re: "God is dead" - 07/21/05 05:06 PM


When Neitzche wrote these words, there were many things he could not have known.

It's Nietzsche, dumbass
Posted by: cobalt60

Re: "God is dead" - 07/22/05 10:50 AM

The only god I know is still very much alive. And I feel fine.

Although, managing to get a "dude, you've gone too far" at xxxpt is definitely worth a round on me.

But no godhood for you. Not yet.