JoePa and the Penn State Pedo

Posted by: Jerkules

JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/08/11 03:03 PM

Originally Posted By: LouCypher

Penn State Said to Be Planning Paterno’s Exit Amid Scandal

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. — Joe Paterno’s tenure as coach of the Penn State football team will soon be over, perhaps within days or weeks, in the wake of a sex-abuse scandal that has implicated university officials, according to two people briefed on conversations among the university’s top officials.

The board of trustees has yet to determine the precise timing of Paterno’s exit, but it is clear that the man who has more victories than any other coach at college football’s top level and who made Penn State a prestigious brand will not survive to coach another season. Discussions about how to manage his departure have begun, according to the two people.

Paterno was to have held a news conference Tuesday but the university canceled it less than an hour before it was scheduled to start.

At age 84 and with 46 seasons as the Penn State head coach behind him, Paterno’s extraordinary run of success — one that produced tens of millions of dollars for the school and two national championships, and that established him as one of the nation’s most revered leaders, will end with a stunning and humiliating final chapter.

Jerry Sandusky, a former defensive coordinator under Paterno, has been charged with sexually abusing eight boys across a 15-year period, and Paterno has been widely criticized for failing to involve the police when he learned of an allegation of one assault of a young boy in 2002.

Additionally, two top university officials — Gary Schultz, the senior vice president for finance and business, and Tim Curley, the athletic director — were charged with perjury and failure to report to authorities what they knew of the allegations, as required by state law.

Since Sandusky’s arrest Saturday, Penn State — notably its president, Graham Spanier, and Paterno — have come under withering criticism for a failure to act adequately after learning, at different points over the years, that Sandusky might have been abusing children. Newspapers have called for their resignations; prosecutors have suggested their inaction led to more children being harmed by Sandusky; and students and faculty at the university have expressed a mix of disgust and confusion, and a hope that much of what prosecutors have charged is not true.

On Monday law enforcement officials said that Paterno had met his legal obligation in alerting his superiors at the university when he learned of the 2002 allegation against Sandusky. But they suggested he might well have failed a moral test for what to do when confronted with such a disturbing allegation involving a child not even in his teens.

Paterno has not been charged in the matter, but his failure to report to authorities what he knew about the 2002 incident, in which Sandusky allegedly sexually assaulted a young boy at Penn State’s football complex, has become a flashpoint, stirring anger among the board members and an outpouring of public criticism about his handling of the matter.

In recent days Paterno has lost the support of many board members, and their conversations illustrate a decisive shift in the power structure at the university. In 2004, for instance, Paterno brushed off a request by the university president that he step down.

Paterno came to Penn State in 1950 as a 23-year-old assistant coach making $3,600 a year. He planned to stay for two seasons, to pay off his student loans from Brown University, where he earned a degree in English literature.

He became the head coach in 1966, and he has been widely credited with helping spearhead the Penn State football program and the rest of the university from a local enterprise into a national brand. Along the way, Beaver Stadium grew to 108,000 seats from 29,000 and Penn State’s endowment grew from virtually nothing to more than $1 billion.

What separated Paterno from many of his coaching peers until this week was that he did this with few questions about how he grew the program. Penn State’s lofty graduation rates and education-first ideals, known as Paterno’s Grand Experiment, became as synonymous with the program as its plain uniforms and dominating defenses.

Paterno led Penn State to national titles in the 1982 and 1986 seasons, and he complemented the on-field success with the reputation of a throwback sideline professor, whose tie, thick glasses and black Nike coaching shoes became as predictable in Northeast autumns as the changing foliage.

Paterno’s reach on campus extended well beyond the football program. He and his wife, Sue, have donated more than $4 million to the university. On campus, everything from an ice cream flavor at the Creamery to a library now bears his name.

“There’s no individual in the entire 120- or 130-year history of the university that has had a greater impact on the institution than Joe Paterno,” Larry Foster, a former trustee and a president of the alumni association, told The New York Times in 2004. “He’s just reached into so many areas.”

that's a shitty way to go out and the whole situation seems a function of him being too old to properly manage anymore.

Originally Posted By: Jerkules
"that's a shitty way to go out and the whole situation seems a function of him being too old to properly manage anymore."

Nah, Paterno don't get that excuse. After someone saw they guy blowing a little kid on campus, and the guy was "retired", he would bring little kids to watch the team practice, and he had open access to the campus until last week. If I saw that old guinea walking the street tomorrow, I'd spit in his fucking face.

Whole thing gets even shadier that the arrests are made the week after JoPa breaks the record for career wins. And the current PA gov was the attorney general that lead the investigation. Also, a caller on the show I was listening to said the prosecutor heading up one of the prior investigations has been missing for 7 years.

The night he got caught by a janitor, blowing a kid, the Sandusky guy kept driving past the building, trying to intimidate the guy. Sandusky isn't just a kid toucher, he as a high level sociopath. He didn't just get off fuckin kids, he got off FLAUNTING the fact that he was fucking kids and could get away with it. Scumbag even wrote a book called "Touched."

Oh, and the citizens of Pennsylvania are going to be footing the bill when Penn State gets sued for turning a blind eye.

Just to catch everyone up.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/08/11 03:14 PM

I have been listening to sports radio all day. Shit just keeps pouring in.

Evidently there were 2x that the guy was caught on campus. Once by the janitor and once by an unpaid intern. The intern witnesses Sandusky pinning a 10 year old boy up against the wall in the shower and raping him. Coincidentally, the intern quickly received a paid position, then was given the position of National Recruiting Director for Penn State football, eventually becoming Assistant offensive coordinator/WR coach. After news broke last week, and they had their positional meetings, he broke down crying in a room with the players, telling them he wouldn't be coaching them much longer.

I'm no Billy Fucking Bad Ass, but if I see a guy raping a little kid in a locker room, one of us is leaving in a fucking body bag. I'm sure as hell not leveraging it for a fucking job. That piece of shit should do the honorable thing and cut his fucking wrists.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/08/11 03:16 PM

Good quote, while the talk show host was explaining the power some of these football coaches. "They are kings. And Paterno had as much power as Bear Bryant used to. Difference is if Bryant heard about this going on under his watch, he'd have gone and broken the guy's neck himself."
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/08/11 03:27 PM

Francessa read from an article a couple minutes ago that Sandusky and his wife were trying to contact one of the victims before the guy was scheduled to testify. It was also mentioned that they have foster kids and adopted kids.

I don't have the time right now to read it, but here is the Grand Jury Transcript, courtesy of ESPN.

Entire article from ESPN. The last 2 paragraphs though really show how JoePa going bye bye is going to be a small part in this.

"In a related development, a Philadelphia-area congressman called on U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan to investigate whether Penn State violated a federal law requiring colleges and universities to report campus crime in its handling of the Sandusky allegations.

"The failure to report the 2002 allegations would appear to break Penn State's own reporting methods for sexual abuse on campus," wrote Rep. Patrick Meehan, R-Pa., in a letter to Duncan. "Had the 2002 allegations been properly reported, investigated and disclosed, the later instances of abuse could have been prevented and future victims protected.""

The settlement with the victims will be on par with the Catholic Church settlements.
Posted by: E.Y.Davis

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/08/11 05:04 PM

I don't get the motivation for Paterno keeping Sandusky when he first heard that he may be raping children in the team locker room.

I don't know much about this guy. Was he really so irreplaceable that they were afraid to lose him or was it just a matter of arrogance and that he was considered above the law?
Posted by: Bornyo

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/08/11 05:36 PM

Sandusky was already gone...the first police investigation was in '98 and nothing came of it and JoePa wasn't involved. He was forced out in '99 when informed he wouldn't be handed the program.

They just let the piece of shit hang around because he had Emeritus status.
Posted by: Barry the Pirate

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/08/11 07:45 PM

How do you see this shit and not tell someone? I know that school employees, doctors, whatever, are bound by law to report abuse if they expect it. Is it the same at a college level?

Either way, what a fuckstain.
Posted by: E.Y.Davis

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/08/11 10:32 PM

For what its worth:

When I was an undergrad I was walking from the psych building to the bookstore behind a pack of girls talking about how some professor or grad student/assistant was always flirting with them (I don't know which it was). They weren't exactly being secretive with the conversation and I wasn't trying to listen in on a private conversation since anybody within about a 30 yard radius who didn't have earplugs in heard the same thing as they laughed and joked about it all the way there. I ran into a grad student who was helping in one of my psych classes while eating lunch and very casually mentioned the conversation I had just heard on the walk over.

A couple of days later one of my professors asked to talk to me and told me that he heard about what I had mentioned and asked me to tell him exactly what I had overheard. I told him I didn't think it was a big deal, that they were mostly making jokes about it, didn't seem upset at all, and I wasn't sure who they were referring to. He was concerned when he heard that they were coming out of the psych building at lunch time because it was the summer session and they had several group therapy sessions with local teens and there was a good chance these weren't just students. I told him it seemed like a pretty tame conversation, repeated what I could remember and left it at that.

A few days later I was stopped leaving a class by my professor and told that the dean wanted to see me immediately. I was completely freaked out (having forgotten all about the earlier conversation) and then found out that it was about this same conversation I had overheard. By this time I had forgotten much of the dialogue, but tried to repeat what I could remember as best I could.

A couple of weeks later I got a message on my phone from the campus police telling me that they needed to set up a time to talk to me, but the woman calling didn't say what it was about. Assuming it had to do with one the hundreds of parking tickets I had accumulated, I went to the nearby satellite office with my checkbook and after a blank stare and a few phone calls by the receptionist I was told that I was in the wrong place and I needed to report to their main building. On the way there I was shitting myself wondering what this was all about and, after arriving, was taken to a private office with a couple of campus police and sat around for about an hour until a guy in a suit busted in flashing a badge and handing me his card saying he was city police detective. When I found out it was about some conversation I overheard that I had forgotten all about I was obviously relieved at first, but started to get a bit freaked out again by how overly serious everybody was acting. All I remember is that the detective was sort of a dick and didn't like that I had forgotten just about everything that was said.

I don't know if this all came about because I made a comment about overhearing a conversation or if something inappropriate had coincidentally actually occurred, but after about an hour of questions and promising to make a written statement I finally left. I never wrote the statement and I never heard anything else about it, so I guess I'll never know.

Anyway, I would hate to imagine what would have happened if I had told somebody I had seen a 10 year old kid getting buttfucked in the team locker room instead of just overhearing a couple of loudmouth chicks talking about somebody flirting with them.
Posted by: Fiend

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/08/11 10:41 PM

Originally Posted By: E.Y.Davis
For what its worth:

When I was an undergrad I was walking from the psych building to the bookstore behind a pack of girls talking about how some professor or grad student/assistant was always flirting with them (I don't know which it was). They weren't exactly being secretive with the conversation and I wasn't trying to listen in on a private conversation since anybody within about a 30 yard radius who didn't have earplugs in heard the same thing as they laughed and joked about it all the way there. I ran into a grad student who was helping in one of my psych classes while eating lunch and very casually mentioned the conversation I had just heard on the walk over.

A couple of days later one of my professors asked to talk to me and told me that he heard about what I had mentioned and asked me to tell him exactly what I had overheard. I told him I didn't think it was a big deal, that they were mostly making jokes about it, didn't seem upset at all, and I wasn't sure who they were referring to. He was concerned when he heard that they were coming out of the psych building at lunch time because it was the summer session and they had several group therapy sessions with local teens and there was a good chance these weren't just students. I told him it seemed like a pretty tame conversation, repeated what I could remember and left it at that.

A few days later I was stopped leaving a class by my professor and told that the dean wanted to see me immediately. I was completely freaked out (having forgotten all about the earlier conversation) and then found out that it was about this same conversation I had overheard. By this time I had forgotten much of the dialogue, but tried to repeat what I could remember as best I could.

A couple of weeks later I got a message on my phone from the campus police telling me that they needed to set up a time to talk to me, but the woman calling didn't say what it was about. Assuming it had to do with one the hundreds of parking tickets I had accumulated, I went to the nearby satellite office with my checkbook and after a blank stare and a few phone calls by the receptionist I was told that I was in the wrong place and I needed to report to their main building. On the way there I was shitting myself wondering what this was all about and, after arriving, was taken to a private office with a couple of campus police and sat around for about an hour until a guy in a suit busted in flashing a badge and handing me his card saying he was city police detective. When I found out it was about some conversation I overheard that I had forgotten all about I was obviously relieved at first, but started to get a bit freaked out again by how overly serious everybody was acting. All I remember is that the detective was sort of a dick and didn't like that I had forgotten just about everything that was said.

I don't know if this all came about because I made a comment about overhearing a conversation or if something inappropriate had coincidentally actually occurred, but after about an hour of questions and promising to make a written statement I finally left. I never wrote the statement and I never heard anything else about it, so I guess I'll never know.

Anyway, I would hate to imagine what would have happened if I had told somebody I had seen a 10 year old kid getting buttfucked in the team locker room instead of just overhearing a couple of loudmouth chicks talking about somebody flirting with them.

So are you saying that if you saw a little kid getting raped you'd look the other way becasue you wouldn't want to be questioned by the police or someone in authority.
Posted by: E.Y.Davis

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/08/11 10:59 PM

No, are you saying you have the reading comprehension of a 10 year old kid getting ass raped?
Posted by: LouCypher

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/08/11 11:18 PM

deadspin is all over this

apparently the football cult swarmed joes place to show allegiance to whatever it is that they think they stand for(false pride...right chuck?)and shit britches took the time to put his teeth in and say a few words to soothe the masses. good stuff and if you're a fan of human behavior it's a gold mine.
Posted by: LouCypher

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/08/11 11:43 PM

quick question.....or two.

will joe survive this controversy?.(i'm thinking 18 or minus 90 days til he's in the ground) and why do people care about college football?. i don't mean care enough to fuck kids..i mean care enough to attend a certain school and chant outside a geriatrics apartment.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/09/11 03:15 AM

Many think he won't coach Saturday. Thought being, if they didn't put him in front of the press yesterday, then they aren't going to do it Saturday. PA's governor will be at the trustees meeting Friday that will probably determine Paterno's fate, and he will be speaking to the press afterwards. That doesn't bode well.

There is the possibility that after 50 years, they give him a good bye game, but if that happens they can't expect warm and fuzzy. Students have already stated that is Paterno and the school president don't step down, there will be a protest inside the stadium during the game.

That would be a classic. The protesters v. cultists, students and alumni mixed on both sides. Could very well devolve into a riot going out live over the airwaves. JoePa hobbling around, trying to yell in that squeaky voice, "Hey, we gotta game to play."

I'll go even less time before he's planted. Without his work, and with the shame of this, 6 months tops. He's not going to be doing corporate speaking engagements. He's going to be holed up somewhere wishing he could coach, wondering what the big deal was.

Only 2 reasons I can think of for people caring about college sports are gambling and no pro teams close by to attend games.
Posted by: cqd

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/09/11 04:18 AM

The people that Support Joe Paterno would support anything that gave them a sense of pride. These are people that have to belong to something and be apart of a team. These are sheeple.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/09/11 05:25 AM

I just heard on the radio that over a thousand students marched last night in support of Paterno.

I don't think they accomplished anything, because the Trustees meeting to determine his fate has been moved up from Friday to today. Pedo stank don't wash off. JoePa and his 2 sons will be looking for work by nightfall.

The fact that the Pedo was given an office on campus, after he was retired, continues to disturb me. What leverage did he have when cutting a deal? What did they need him to keep quiet about?
Posted by: have2cit

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/09/11 05:31 AM

^^^Bornyo is right he had Emeritus status. The Teachers Unions are very powerful and union rules are union rules.
Posted by: cqd

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/09/11 05:40 AM

Only 2 reasons I can think of for people caring about college sports are gambling and no pro teams close by to attend games.

Alumni. They are the fucktards who buy the season tickets and donate the most money to the sports programs.

Sandusky likely doesn't even compare to systematic date rape in the PSU football camp.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/09/11 05:58 AM

There is a big moral difference. A 10 year old isn't "aware".

When you are 18, you are supposed to be an adult and "aware" of situations and the potential outcomes. Granted, some people are 50 and completely unaware, but we can only dumb down society so much. And this isn't to say they were asking for it or they weren't raped, it is just to say they allowed themselves to be in the situation that lead to it. If I don't want to get shot in a drive by, I don't hang out in the ghetto. If you don't want to be date raped, don't go into a guy's dorm room at 3am, drunk and coked up.
Posted by: backdoorman

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/09/11 07:25 AM

He's gone at the end of the season.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/09/11 07:52 AM

That is a shocker. I can't imagine them insulating him from the media, with 3 more games plus Big 10 Championship game and a bowl game. That's about 2 months of ugliness, and will be used against the school in eventual civil suits.

If the media doesn't kill him, his head will explode with the shit opposing fans are going to chant. "Pe-Doh State! Pe-Doh State!"
Posted by: LouCypher

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/09/11 08:12 AM

and that's how it works..RATINGS!!!!! penn state will turn a buck off of pedo antics.

and if you guys aren't reading deadspin on this one you're missing out.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/09/11 08:46 AM

I just finally read the grand jury transcript. If I ever get something inoperable, I may spend my last days shooting morphine and slaughtering pedos.

I'm going to start on deadspin now.
Posted by: Tyler Durden

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/09/11 10:43 AM

Listen, maybe I've missed something, but isn't there a little thing called "innocent until proven guilty"?

Don't get me wrong, I'd kill any pedo that came within a mile of me, but JoePa has been an absolute honorable man his whole life. Look at his record, and I don't mean the football record.

If JoePa did something wrong, let that be determined in a court of law, not in the court of whiney Liberals.
Posted by: cqd

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/09/11 10:48 AM

Originally Posted By: "Joe said"
"This is a tragedy," Paterno said in the statement. "It is one of the great sorrows of my life. With the benefit of hindsight, I wish I had done more."

The whole hindsight and wishing he had done something is straight from him. No liberal spin.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/09/11 11:04 AM

It is a moral issue. There is no innocent until proven guilty in the court of public opinion. And the majority of the public, that I've heard on the radio and read in articles, thinks he should be out, because he looked the other way while a pedophile was on the loose. Fucking little kids on his campus, bringing little kids with him on trips to Bowl Games, gave the unpaid intern that was a good soldier and didn't go to the police, a cush job.

His off field record is that he protected his and Pedo State's images at the cost young boy's assholes and minds. 50 years worth of legacy goes down the shitter because he didn't go to the police, or have someone else do it.

P.S. Reports are now saying that the school President is out by the end of the day.

Posted by: cqd

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/09/11 01:03 PM

HAHAHAHA Look where Westboro is going to be hanging out this weekend.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/09/11 03:12 PM

Well, according to MSNBC, the Secretary of Education is launching a federal investigation to see if Pedo State violated federal law not reporting the crimes. Seems obvious they did.
Posted by: Fiend

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/09/11 03:27 PM

I'd like to know how it all affects enrollment. How much it drops and how many people transfer to another school.
Posted by: LouCypher

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/09/11 03:31 PM

Originally Posted By: Tyler Durden
Listen, maybe I've missed something, but isn't there a little thing called "innocent until proven guilty"?

Don't get me wrong, I'd kill any pedo that came within a mile of me, but JoePa has been an absolute honorable man his whole life. Look at his record, and I don't mean the football record.

If JoePa did something wrong, let that be determined in a court of law, not in the court of whiney Liberals.

normally this^ poster is a bigoted hate-bot(love the hate btw..the racist stuff is weak) but he does have a point. i'm no penn state fan but my first instinct was to question the geriatrics management skills and then the organization as a whole.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/09/11 03:42 PM

He's also a guinea from Brooklyn, maybe Catholic school. So, he mighta been thinking "At least he cleaned the kids up. The priests left me with tears running down my face and cum and blood running down my leg."

Paterno is the last guy standing for one reason, the trustees can't figure out if they'll lose more donations by firing him or letting him finish out the year.
Posted by: cqd

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/09/11 06:33 PM


Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa Fired - 11/09/11 07:49 PM

Paterno Fired;sct=hp_t11_a1

Since he's fired, ya figure he loses his pension?

WFAN's reporter, Kim Jones- a Penn State alum, sounds like she's about to break down while she is giving commentary live from the campus.

She looks good.

Posted by: Punch-Us-Pilot

Re: JoePa Fired - 11/09/11 08:34 PM

Too bad. Penn State has always sucked and they want him out to fit the bracelets on him in private.
Good bye Joe-Pa!
Posted by: Bornyo

Re: JoePa Fired - 11/09/11 08:36 PM

Is our former poster "NitneLion" now EY Davis? I wonder what he thinks.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa Fired - 11/09/11 08:40 PM

Originally Posted By: Punch-Us-Pilot
Too bad. Penn State has always sucked and they want him out to fit the bracelets on him in private.
Good bye Joe-Pa!

Once the Feds are involved, it wouldn't surprise me.

Bye Joe.

Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa Fired - 11/09/11 10:29 PM

When stuff like this happens, the local craigslist rant and raves is usually a good read and a good troll.
Posted by: fartz

Re: JoePa Fired - 11/10/11 06:32 AM

Fucking NotLuke is releasing a "Press Release" style version of this promoting Jacky Joy, because, she totally went to Penn. State and can somehow make money off of this?
Posted by: Tyler Durden

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/10/11 07:00 AM

Originally Posted By: LouCypher
normally this^ poster is a bigoted hate-bot(love the hate btw..the racist stuff is weak) but he does have a point. i'm no penn state fan but my first instinct was to question the geriatrics management skills and then the organization as a whole.

I take this thing quite seriously, as there was a high profile case of two NHL hockey players who were molested as kids by their hockey coach. If it was my kid / brother / friend that was the victim, I would have killed the sick fuck who did it.

Maybe JoePa should have done more. Maybe he knew being such a close friend of the perv, he wanted to distance himself from it, because he didn't want his friendship to influence the investigation. There have been plenty of people who knew the perv, and none seemed to have any idea that he was as fucked as he is. JoePa, IMO, didn't try and sweep this under the rug. He told the people above him, and let them handle it. Maybe it was the easy way out. And maybe he should have done more. But there are few coaches out there, in the history of sports, who have done more positive things for young athletes, than JoePa has. And while this incident, if proven true, shouldn't be swept under the rug, JoePa's legacy should not be tarnished by what might have been one little error in judgement.

The other thing I'd like to add is, can we not wait until the sick fuck has his day in court? By no means am I defending him, or attacking his accusers, and maybe I've watched too many Law & Order episodes, but I can't help if some of the "victims" that have come out recently, are looking to win the nigger lottery. With such a high profile case, with an institution as large, and wealthy as Penn State, I can't help but think there could be a person or two who is lying about what happened to him, in order to get a piece of the financial payout that's on it's way.
Posted by: LouCypher

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/10/11 07:04 AM

sheldon kennedy?.
Posted by: Tyler Durden

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/10/11 07:08 AM

Originally Posted By: cqd


Fuck Stephen A Smith. Fuck that little nigger race baiting fucktard. I could give a rat's ass what this monkey fuck has to say. Start looking at all the harm you have done you fucking spook.
Posted by: Richard Hungwell

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/10/11 07:14 AM

Originally Posted By: cqd

The whole hindsight and wishing he had done something is straight from him.

How many old men have Corn-Holed you..???
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/10/11 07:47 AM

Tyler: "but I can't help if some of the "victims" that have come out recently, are looking to win the nigger lottery."

Yes, some of the 12 that have called a hotline in the past couple days may have jumped the band wagon, but at the least, there are 2 cases where people witnessed the abuse. One is enough.

Bob Knight's legacy is the angry guy that threw chairs and choked a kid. Sweeping pedophilia under the rug is a little worse than that. JoePa is tainted, now and for ever. Him and the other ousted Pedo State higher up had the chance to help put his guy away years ago, and they didn't. Now they pay the price.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/10/11 07:55 AM

Taken from Penn State Craigslist.

Posted by: Tyler Durden

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/10/11 08:01 AM

Originally Posted By: Jerkules
Tyler: "but I can't help if some of the "victims" that have come out recently, are looking to win the nigger lottery."

Yes, some of the 12 that have called a hotline in the past couple days may have jumped the band wagon, but at the least, there are 2 cases where people witnessed the abuse. One is enough.

Bob Knight's legacy is the angry guy that threw chairs and choked a kid. Sweeping pedophilia under the rug is a little worse than that. JoePa is tainted, now and for ever. Him and the other ousted Pedo State higher up had the chance to help put his guy away years ago, and they didn't. Now they pay the price.

I don't disagree with a word you have said, but I also believe in due process. JoePa should be tried in a court of law, not the court of opinion.

I want to know all the details about what happened before I label JoePa guilty, or before I down grade his reputation.
Posted by: have2cit

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/10/11 08:05 AM

Originally Posted By: Jerkules

Bob Knight's legacy is the angry guy that threw chairs and choked a kid. Sweeping pedophilia under the rug is a little worse than that. JoePa is tainted, now and for ever. Him and the other ousted Pedo State higher up had the chance to help put his guy away years ago, and they didn't. Now they pay the price.

I could watch Bobby Knights teams play ball anytime. Always fun basketball to watch, even after he took the Texas Tech job.

It makes me sad to see JoePa go out like this, but he failed to do what was right. It might have been a real scandal for the program back in the day, but it would not have been nearly as damaging as it is currently. The karmic interest to be paid for his silence has increased many fold over the years.
Posted by: LouCypher

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/10/11 08:06 AM

Originally Posted By: Tyler Durden

I don't disagree with a word you have said, but I also believe in due process. JoePa should be tried in a court of law, not the court of opinion.

I want to know all the details about what happened before I label JoePa guilty, or before I down grade his reputation.

getting fired doesn't entitle you to a court trial. not in the States anyways.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/10/11 08:17 AM

Only thing JoePa could wind up in court for, is if the Feds find out he gave that McQueary guy a paid job to keep quiet.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/10/11 09:18 AM

Hey, now we know why everything was kept Hush Hush.

""I can give you a rumor and I can give you something I think might happen," Madden told John Dennis and Gerry Callahan. "I hear there's a rumor that there will be a more shocking development from the Second Mile Foundation -- and hold on to your stomachs, boys, this is gross, I will use the only language I can -- that Jerry Sandusky and Second Mile were pimping out young boys to rich donors. That was being investigated by two prominent columnists even as I speak.""

Conjures up memories of this story.
Posted by: Tyler Durden

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/10/11 10:55 AM

Originally Posted By: LouCypher
getting fired doesn't entitle you to a court trial. not in the States anyways.

Poor choice of wording on my part. What I meant to say is, let's wait for all the facts to come out, and for JoePa to be allowed to have his say, before we condemn him.

How many times has someone been accused, had the public declare him guilty, only to find out later on that the accuser was lying? I'm not saying this is the case, but as far as I'm concerned, I want to know everything before I make my decision.
Posted by: cqd

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/10/11 11:10 AM

Originally Posted By: Tyler Durden
Originally Posted By: cqd


Fuck Stephen A Smith. Fuck that little nigger race baiting fucktard. I could give a rat's ass what this monkey fuck has to say. Start looking at all the harm you have done you fucking spook.

Looks like you got race baited to trigger your little fit. Can you explain what "harm" this guy has actually done without the racist shtick? I know absolutely nothing about the guy and your little rant had many words but didn't actually express any clear ideas. Care to try again?

I could give a rat's ass what this monkey fuck has to say.

You bothered to comment which would make your above statement false. You in fact do "give a rat's ass".

Hint: if you don't actually care about something ignore it, don't comment. Otherwise you look like a buffoon.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/10/11 11:32 AM

Tyler, Paterno has hired lawyers and a PR firm. You won't be hearing anything from him until after he testifies in civil suits. Dude gonna turtle up.

Maybe we never hear from him, because, as I said before, he's the type of old guinea that planned on working until he dropped dead. With nothing to do except sit around the house and hide, the will to live may pass. He went from the King of Happy Valley, to peeking out the window looking at the reporters.

Women fight for life much harder than men. I'd pick him to go before Zsa Zsa. Once the depression sets in, it will be down hill quick.
Posted by: cqd

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/10/11 11:34 AM

Ironically him sitting at home is kind of good for the local kids. He always gave out full sized candy bars when you trick-or-treated there.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/10/11 11:36 AM

Posted by: NitneLiun

Re: JoePa Fired - 11/10/11 12:29 PM

Originally Posted By: Bornyo
Is our former poster "NitneLion" now EY Davis? I wonder what he thinks.

I'm not EY Davis. You should know better.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa Fired - 11/10/11 12:34 PM

Really, that is your only comment?


Woman on the radio just said that she was on a tour of Beaver stadium Saturday, before everything became public. She said the tour guides all seemed deflated, and wouldn't say why. She said when they went into the locker room, she braced herself for "locker room smell". There was none. It had brand new rugs in it. Sanitizing the crime scene? Not that the other carpet was 15 years old, but the guy has had access to the campus until last week.
Posted by: NitneLiun

Re: JoePa Fired - 11/10/11 12:43 PM

What would you like me to say?
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa Fired - 11/10/11 12:51 PM

I don't know, opinion/feelings? We are just random assholes. You are a fan that I assume followed for years.


Paterno's name withdrawn from consideration for this years Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Posted by: cqd

Re: JoePa Fired - 11/10/11 12:52 PM

I have actually toured Beaver Stadium several times, earliest was as a Cub Scout.

I think everyone kind of braced themselves for some awful locker room sweat smell but it wasn't there.

Beaver stadium is pretty high tech, you might forget PSU is an agriculture school. The maintenance of the place is paramount. You you can probably look up how amazingly complex the irrigation and turf systems are.

Just saying that I do not think a lack of stench means a crime scene clean up.

EDIT: Jerk I lived in State College and both parents worked there and I had my first job at age 14 in a pharmacology lab there. Lived there from 1989 till 2004. Went to college there and even took classes there in high school.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa Fired - 11/10/11 12:59 PM

I was going to say, a cub scout touring the stadium......
Posted by: cqd

Re: JoePa Fired - 11/10/11 01:03 PM

Hey, football was a big deal in State College, PA. And while cub scout/boy scout troops have had sexual scandals of their own troop 31 was a fine place.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa Fired - 11/10/11 01:12 PM

I guess you were safe as long as you didn't tour the showers after dark.
Posted by: cqd

Re: JoePa Fired - 11/10/11 01:19 PM

The details I know thus far are very sketchy whit obvious attention paid to not revealing the victim's identities. I have just been wondering which ones I knew or who was in My high school when I was a senior and they were in 8th grade (my HS was a bit odd but I'll save that for another time).

I keep hearing the age 10 thrown around which would place the kids in about 3rd/4th grade.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/10/11 01:31 PM

Think of under privileged kids with single moms. Those were the targets.

This guy has to re write his book.

Douchey SI writer Joe Posnanski has been like in State College for months, writing a bio of Paterno, to come out Father's Day 2012. After he re writes the thing, he gonna sell a shit load of copies.
Posted by: the unknown pervert

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/10/11 03:41 PM

A week ago who would have thought that by Thanksgiving Indiana's football program would be in better shape than Penn State's?

I can't believe anyone can actually stick up for Paterno on this. The guy has more connections in State College than the mayor. It wouldn't have taken him two minutes to get a hold of the police chief on this matter.

I'm willing to bet that had this happened with one of Bobby Knight's assistants the cops would have needed a squeegee to apprehend the suspect if Knight had found out about the incident before the police did.

The atmosphere for the Nebraska game should be pretty entertaining Saturday. I'm sure it will offer all the serenity and tranquility of an Israel/Palestine border crossing checkpoint.
Posted by: LouCypher

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/10/11 04:17 PM

i've been looking forward to hearing from you on this matter. tup never disapoints.
Posted by: LouCypher

Re: JoePa Fired - 11/10/11 04:21 PM

Originally Posted By: NitneLiun
Originally Posted By: Bornyo
Is our former poster "NitneLion" now EY Davis? I wonder what he thinks.

I'm not EY Davis. You should know better.

he's not ey..

and i wondered what he thought too. to the point i sent him a pm asking his honest opinion which he's usually pretty good at giving. to be fair to him what can you say in a situation like this?.
Posted by: cqd

Re: JoePa Fired - 11/10/11 05:18 PM

Wait a sec we haven't heard from
(incredibly stupid name) Tyler Durden enough.

Tyler can you please say spook and nigger several times, as that is all your posts are you fucking retard.
Posted by: cqd

Re: JoePa Fired - 11/10/11 05:20 PM

C'mon Tyler Durden (retarded name).

Lets hear you say something intelligent.
Posted by: cqd

Re: JoePa Fired - 11/10/11 05:36 PM

Tyler Durden is a retarded poster. Prove me wrong.

Also, he was super smart with picking his user name, fucking retard.
Posted by: cqd

Re: JoePa Fired - 11/10/11 05:37 PM

I said spook and nigger I am Tyler Durden and am just as stupid as I sound.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa Fired - 11/10/11 05:41 PM

OK, the guy assistant that witnessed the shower rape was a ginger. That helps explains running scared to daddy. The lack of a soul, must lead to a lack of compassion.

Posted by: Bornyo

Re: JoePa Fired - 11/10/11 07:18 PM

NitneLiun if you aren't EY Davis I apologize.

But regardless of that I was wondering what you thought as a PSU fan to the extent of registering on a pornboard as such. I mean, you are obviously invested. I remember having to show you the youtube clip of JoePa's last run-in with Clemson.

Anyway...the entire thing is sad.
Posted by: the unknown pervert

Re: JoePa Fired - 11/11/11 06:45 AM

The entertainment tomorrow has cosmic potential if the Westboro Baptist Church aren't just being cockteases. They are supposedly going to picket the football game.
Posted by: backdoorman

Re: JoePa Fired - 11/11/11 08:12 AM

That's a perfect opportunity for them to get their brains [what little they have] bashed out !
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa Fired - 11/11/11 08:44 AM

The state of Texas is launching an investigation, since an alleged incident happened when Pedo State was down there for the Alamo Bowl. Between all the criminal stuff and the civil stuff, it is going to be 5+ years before this is over.
Posted by: Tyler Durden

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/11/11 08:44 AM

Originally Posted By: Jerkules
Tyler, Paterno has hired lawyers and a PR firm. You won't be hearing anything from him until after he testifies in civil suits. Dude gonna turtle up.

I've kinda thought JoePa wasn't playing with a full deck for a number of years now, and see this hiring as more of a move from the family to protect his name. Like I've said, he has been a stand up guy, who never did anything wrong (beyond possibly this). I think the lawyers and PR people will be there to try a protect that.

I'll say this again, I am in no way fully defending this guy. What he may have done was dead wrong. But I find it odd that he has been at the centre of this controversy, and not the person who allegedly committed these crimes, or those above JoePa who apparently did nothing to stop it.

I for one don't know all the details yet, but can we honestly say what exactly was told to JoePa about this incident? Remember, this did not happen yesterday. As much as we don't like thinking about it, times have changed. We now are more aware of the dangers of pedos. I'm not saying we didn't before, but there was a time when people didn't know how to handle it, or who to go to. Like has been said, people who were trained to see this type of behavior, didn't pick up on it. We have all seen or heard about the straight laced Harvard Grad, with a white picket fence, 2.5 kids and a dog. Who then snuck out on weekends to become a whore banging, coke snorting, gambling maniac.

And let's be honest, the perv was a close friend of JoePa's. Can you honestly say that if one of your closest friends was accused of something, you would automatically believe those claims? Especailly when he it seemed like such a departure from what you thought you knew

In hindsight, maybe JoePa should have done more. But can you honestly say you've never looked back on something and realized you didn't do enough? Have you ever tried removing yourself from a situation because of your relationship with the accused? From what I can tell, JoePa passed on the information to those above him. He didn't try hiding it.

This story should be about the perv, and helping the victims. Not Joe Paterno.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/11/11 09:05 AM

The cover up is always worse than the crime.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/11/11 10:18 AM

More indictments rumored to be coming down today.

P.S. Incase anyone wonders why I am so interested in this story, it combines 2 types of people that I truly hate. Like a pit of the stomach, arms start getting twitchy from adrenaline hate. Pedophiles and people who think their shit don't stink. Eagles fans and woman beaters would be on the next level down, and are kind of a crossover.
Posted by: Barry the Pirate

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/11/11 10:32 AM

At the end of the day we're talking about spoiled, self entitled, Type A jocks who are worshiped as gods and get pretty much anything they want with few consequences.

As for courts of public opinion, we're Americans (except BI). It's what we do.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/11/11 11:11 AM

FBI now involved because of the Texas trip, the rumors of the child prostie ring, and the missing DA. Wow. This could jump from a Sunday night movie to a mini series.
Posted by: Fiend

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/11/11 12:35 PM

I'm not a sports fan but I still love seeing important people's lives get destroyed, even sweeter is that they were protecting a pedo so they actually deserve it.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/11/11 12:43 PM

Lawyer's guestimate on a potential civil suit settlement for Pedo State, Joe Pa and the others: A billion dollars.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/12/11 12:26 AM

Rumor has it the ginger witness is in protective custody. He told his players that he is not in State College. My guess is the FBI has him.
Posted by: Claude Goddard

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/12/11 06:52 AM

Funny to hear those who bitch about Paterno being at the centre of this, he wouldn't have been if they didn't raise a fucking stink about his ass getting fired for covering up for this pedo fucker. At this point the story has become that anyone would defend any of these scum just because they win football games.

Posted by: charin

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/12/11 09:40 AM

is the game on tv?
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/12/11 09:44 AM

I think on ESPN.
Posted by: charin

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/12/11 09:48 AM

Posted by: Uncle Joe

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/12/11 01:09 PM

So how did this all happen? And how come there are 15-year old in the university?
Posted by: tattypatty

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/12/11 10:56 PM
Posted by: Uncle Joe

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/12/11 11:11 PM

I see now. More informing that the paper news, because from the papers I got the idea that he pirated underage male cornholes while being in Penn State facilities.
Posted by: the unknown pervert

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/13/11 07:42 AM

Originally Posted By: Dirty Al
So how did this all happen? And how come there are 15-year old in the university?

Because they know you will never pass a college admissions test.
Posted by: cqd

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/13/11 02:17 PM

Alex, PSU is a public school, Also a land grant school. In the unlikely event you got your GED at State College Area High School at age 15 PSU would HAVE to accept you as a student (they could kick you out the next day).

Also, PSU welcomes High School students to take classes. They are great because they count for High School and University credits.

The youngest kid I knew taking a PSU class was in 8th grade making her about 14.

But the campus is huge and not exactly closed. Any PA resident who likes can get a card for their libraries or memberships at their gyms or natatorium.

Teenagers and younger were not uncommon on the PSU campus.
Posted by: cqd

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/13/11 02:43 PM

Originally Posted By: the unknown pervert
Originally Posted By: Dirty Al
So how did this all happen? And how come there are 15-year old in the university?

Because they know you will never pass a college admissions test.

Actually, if you apply to most schools in Toronto as well as Penn State as a "mature student" there is no admission testing. They just want your money.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/15/11 08:56 AM

Maybe everyone in Happy Valley was fucking kids, Sandusky's lawyer knocked up 16 year old.

Paterno's name off the Big 10 Championship trophy.

The judge that gave Sandusky 100k, no cash bail was a donor and volunteer for that Charity.

People are saying it was common knowledge in college football that something was up with Sandusky. They didn't know the full extent, but there were enough rumblings that he was never offered another job, after he turned down some opportunities in the past.

McQueary is saying that he didn't run after witnessing the rape. He says he stopped it. The rumored reason he went to his dad is that his dad and Sandusky were close friends. McQueary grew up as a friend of Sandusky's son and often played at Sandusky's house.

People are starting to get behind letting the Penn State players transfer w/o having to sit out a year. I don't think that will happen.

Everyone in that area is so brainwashed by the Cult of Penn State, that a couple of the victims are regretting coming forward and bringing down the program.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/15/11 01:22 PM

I/R loving Tri should be happy to know current rumor is that Sandusky had a taste for dark meat. Victims were SUPPOSEDLY all black.
Posted by: Barry the Pirate

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/15/11 01:50 PM

"At risk" means from the hood. Goddamn slavery.
Posted by: faceblaster

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/15/11 07:47 PM

Originally Posted By: Jerkules
I/R loving Tri should be happy to know current rumor is that Sandusky had a taste for dark meat. Victims were SUPPOSEDLY all black.

They're all pink on the inside. ( too soon?)
Posted by: Jigaloo

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/15/11 09:41 PM

Originally Posted By: Jerkules
I/R loving Tri should be happy to know current rumor is that Sandusky had a taste for dark meat. Victims were SUPPOSEDLY all black.

In that case I don't consider them victims. He was probably the closest thing those little niglets had to a dad. He just showed them some fatherly love. They'll grow up with advanced sexuality.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/16/11 09:19 PM

I have a new understanding of the entire situation, and its scope is truly astounding.

Here is some background information on the missing DA that failed to prosecute Sandusky back in 1998. Cliff notes: He disappeared and his car was found locked with his cell phone inside. Two months later, his laptop was found at the bottom of the Susquehanna River, with the hard drive missing. Couple months after that the HD was found along the its banks, but was too damaged to get any info from.

Gricar vanished April 15, 2005, two weeks after a press conference announcing a huge drug bust. The March 31, 2005 press release from the office of State Attorney General Tom Corbett relates, "'This is the largest heroin operation that we have ever seen in Centre County,'

Some people suspect CIA involvement. But for the wrong reasons. You may scoff at the thought of the CIA doing much of anything in Bumfuck, PA, but thanks to Scooter Libby and the Bush II administration, we know they have a presence there.

So what we have here is a pedophile, whose charity is rumored to be a whore house for little boys, missing DA, Drugs, and the CIA. So obviously, the CIA was taking Afghan smack to Center County, using the proceeds to fund a sham charity to get underage boys to use as bait in DC politician Pedo/Sex Parties.

A quick search of the PA Missing Persons list doesn't display a concentration of missing boys from the PSU area, so they must be heavily drugged during the trip to DC and the parties. Or they could be returned home and meet accidental deaths shortly after. Unless the Men In Black "mind eraser" device is real and Will Smith is involved!!??!! He is from PA....

In any event all you need to take from this is Pedos, Drugs, CIA, and missing DA. You can come to your own conclusions. In addition, if Sandusky is found hanging in his shed or garage, you'll know the government was involved.

Well, that is my attempt to start a conspiracy theory. It might not be a NY Times quality piece, but I might be able to get some work at the Weekly World News.

P.S. PA seems to be a dumping ground for government attorneys. I'll have to read more of this.

P.P.S JoePa is an old dago from Brooklyn, so lets throw the mob in there to. Yeah, the guy selling smack and coke was black, but we all know that the drugs don't get to the ghetto by themselves. The black gangs are just a tool of the mob. Like in the Sopranos, when they had the blacks do their hits, unless it was a made guy. And so I don't have to hear Tritone say "that's an Asian name," there he is, over the guys shoulder, he's black. And he was running a crew of white junkies, dude was a throw away for sure. He's doing 30-60years now for his efforts.

Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/19/11 09:56 AM

JoePa, treatable form of lung cancer. nothing is easily treatable at 85. Chemo? He decrepit already, that aint gonna be a walk in the park. Take out a half a lung? That some major cutting for a guy his age. I vote PR sympathy ploy.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/22/11 10:00 AM

When the NCAA gets around to talking with this woman, then PSU is going to get hosed. Especially if she talks to them about the "systemic date rape" Conq alluded to? Not that these things and this type of special treatment doesn't happen on every campus, but the microscope is on Penn State.
Posted by: cqd

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/22/11 10:18 AM

The date rape stuff was a frat thing (it outraged many as the police/university didn't seem very interested, I believe 1 or 2 frats lost their houses for a year or two) but it ought to be noted that psu has more frats than any other school. And they don't exactly check ID...

I brought it up mostly to say psu is a cesspool.

They are very good at coverups. How many of you heard about the school shooting there in the late 90's? (My friend shot some people).

Locals fucking hate that university.

Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/22/11 10:44 AM

You don't usually see a chick go on a rampage. You mention she was a friend, any clue what her motivation was?
Posted by: cqd

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/22/11 11:25 AM

She hated PSU. I used to talk to her a lot on a dial in BBS and she would rant a bit about it. We weren't super close. I was 14 when she did her shooting. We were online friends.

You would hate the place too. Every saturday it brings 100000 rampaging douchebags into your town for foorball.

Kids of the the people who moved there for jobs at the school resent the school like nothing else.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/22/11 12:44 PM

Huh. Chicks that go on sniping sprees are like as rare as a male bulimic.
Posted by: cqd

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/22/11 10:56 PM

As I mentioned earlier about how PSU likes to cover things up...
Posted by: Claude Goddard

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/23/11 11:35 PM

Originally Posted By: cqd

They are very good at coverups. How many of you heard about the school shooting there in the late 90's? (My friend shot some people).

Insane. Who on XPT will go on a shooting spree eventually?
Posted by: cqd

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/23/11 11:54 PM

About the psu shooter's motives...

this one is a lot more interesting.

Posted by: Claude Goddard

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/24/11 04:23 PM

Two details I love: she had her hair cut in a mohawk like Travis Bickle and that when she tried to stab the dude who stopped her from continuing the shooting she stabbed herself in her leg and then he ended up staying with her and tending her wound until the cops and ambulance arrived.
Posted by: cqd

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/24/11 04:51 PM

Did you notice she was married at the time?
Posted by: Claude Goddard

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 11/26/11 03:55 AM

No, sounds like they really messed up releasing her though. Good job shrinks.
Posted by: cqd

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 12/12/11 02:21 PM

Latest McQueary Info has Massive Ramifications for all Involved
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 12/12/11 02:39 PM

With the others that have come out, and new charges added, they don't need McQueary's testimony for a conviction. All involved at Penn State that have been fired or put on leave, still deserve it, because they knew what was going on with Sandusky, and didn't care, as long as it wasn't on their watch. No one gets absolution, no matter how many times they claim the ginger changed his story.
Posted by: Bornyo

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 12/12/11 06:15 PM

I didn't read the article but I heard the leads all day. I'm betting he lied to this new witness so he wouldn't appear such a pussy for not stopping the butt-rape, then told the whole truth before the Grand Jury. Ginger was a kid himself then and probably knew he should have done more.
Posted by: Barry the Pirate

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 12/12/11 06:57 PM

I'm the last one to go to violence, but I still can't wrap my head around how you don't stop a fucking adult from raping a little kid. What kind of pussy wimp are we talking about?
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 12/12/11 07:09 PM

They say fight or flight is 50/50 among the population.
Posted by: Barry the Pirate

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 12/12/11 08:03 PM

I guess so. Maybe I'd just like to believe I'd do...something...ya know? Or at the very least run to tattle stat.
Posted by: Bornyo

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 12/12/11 08:07 PM

Plus he's a Ginger, plus a 22ish Grad Assistant and he walks in on the mastermind of "Linebacker U" butt-raping a child in the locker room he was banished to, to do grunt work. A lot of conflicting emotions there.

I'd like to think I'd be in the 50% fight crowd but then again I'm not a Ginger. I'd bet money whatever he told the new witness was said to make himself look better in his own eyes because he is kicking himself for not stopping it posthaste. McCreary has probably been kicking himself over this for years.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 12/12/11 08:14 PM

Beyond fight or flight, some people can handle pressure situations and some can't. I think the guy is a puss and should have to turn in his balls.

Only other explanation for the changing stories and telling others before he reported it, is if he was plotting to use it as leverage for a paid job. He was put in charge of recruiting, which is said to be a big time position at major football schools. You probably talking expense accounts, setting up payoffs through boosters, and testing out the whores they get for the players on recruiting visits. Getting the leavins at least.
Posted by: Bornyo

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 12/12/11 08:25 PM

Nah, he is still a Ginger...

Yes he pussed out. Yes the next day he told JoePa who did exactly one step above nothing.

After that, nothing happened. He just lied to his friend so he wouldn't appear to be the spineless prick Ginger he is. I mean really- a Quarterback for JoePa when it mattered with freckles? Give me a break.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 12/12/11 08:36 PM

Eh, he followed a drunken Kerry Collins, with douche bag side burns, at QB. JoePa wasn't too picky.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 01/14/12 10:51 AM

Found this while looking for Krauthammer column: Interview with JoePa 4:00 PM Eastern
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 01/14/12 11:07 AM

Yeah, I think they are going to put out some video clips and then on Monday the writer is going to do a live chat to answer any questions.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 01/14/12 11:20 AM

Didn't read that closely. But, yeah, why waste Grade A material on a Saturday afternoon?
Posted by: cqd

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 01/14/12 01:32 PM

As a State College local this scandal is the best thing ever to happen to the school.

It's amazing when something that you already hated pretty much starts walking around with swastika arm bands.

I am not into kiddie touching but the whole fallout in this is so incredibly cool to me.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 03/22/12 01:59 PM

Feds being involved got the apple cart upset. I heard on the radio that the local police are being investigated as part of the cover up, but couldn't find anything on Google about it. This article, from earlier in the month, lists what the latest subpoenas are looking for, most notably payments by university board members to third parties.

If the cover up goes deep enough, it could involve the Governor of PA, who ran of one of the previous investigations.
Posted by: cqd

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 03/22/12 02:08 PM

I hope it does.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/18/12 09:59 AM

Well, in an update:

- Sandusky is convicted and will die in prison

- Penn State's Board commissioned an investigation that showed JoePa had full knowledge of the events and engaged in a cover up w/ the Athletic Director, School President, and Head of Security.

- People are now coming forward claiming Sandusky was molesting them as far back as the 70's. One guy claims that he was introduced to Sandusky by Ed Savitz, Philadelphia's soiled underwear buying, HIV spreading pedo piece of shit. Story goes that Savitz "groomed" the kid, then introduced him to Sandusky and was going to deliver him to the Second Mile Foundation. The kid got in an argument w/ Savitz, resulting in Savitz refusing to bring him. Who knows if it is true. A lot of resources will be spent trying to vet everyone that tried to hop on the gravy train. (note for Stern fans: When the Savitz story broke in the 90's a cabbie called in to the show claiming he was paid a couple times to shit on Ed. The cabbie said the dude had an old person's potty seat in his living room, w/o a bucket in it, and would lay w/ his face under it while the deuce was dropped.)

- Legal "experts" are saying that Penn State would be lucky if all they wind up paying out is $300mill.

- Many are calling for/expecting that the NCAA will give Penn State the "death penalty", killing their athletic programs for a number of years, due to a "lack of institutional control." 5 is the number of years I have heard the most. The talk is to make the penalty so severe that no one attempts this type of cover up again.

- The night when Paterno went out on his lawn, violating a Board induced gag order, to proclaim his innocence, it was completely disingenuous. He had already cut an exit deal w/ the board.

- They have already painted over the Halo above Joe Pa's head in a mural, and are debating removing his statue from the campus.

- Speculation is going on that Second Mile may have been trafficking children, basically being a Pedo Whorehouse. I wonder how many of their donors, and Penn State's, were plied with young boys to elicit fat checks?
Posted by: Uncle Joe

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/18/12 06:21 PM

Originally Posted By: Jerkules
Well, in an update:

- Sandusky is convicted and will die in prison

- Penn State's Board commissioned an investigation that showed JoePa had full knowledge of the events and engaged in a cover up w/ the Athletic Director, School President, and Head of Security.

- People are now coming forward claiming Sandusky was molesting them as far back as the 70's. One guy claims that he was introduced to Sandusky by Ed Savitz, Philadelphia's soiled underwear buying, HIV spreading pedo piece of shit. Story goes that Savitz "groomed" the kid, then introduced him to Sandusky and was going to deliver him to the Second Mile Foundation. The kid got in an argument w/ Savitz, resulting in Savitz refusing to bring him. Who knows if it is true. A lot of resources will be spent trying to vet everyone that tried to hop on the gravy train. (note for Stern fans: When the Savitz story broke in the 90's a cabbie called in to the show claiming he was paid a couple times to shit on Ed. The cabbie said the dude had an old person's potty seat in his living room, w/o a bucket in it, and would lay w/ his face under it while the deuce was dropped.)

- Legal "experts" are saying that Penn State would be lucky if all they wind up paying out is $300mill.

- Many are calling for/expecting that the NCAA will give Penn State the "death penalty", killing their athletic programs for a number of years, due to a "lack of institutional control." 5 is the number of years I have heard the most. The talk is to make the penalty so severe that no one attempts this type of cover up again.

- The night when Paterno went out on his lawn, violating a Board induced gag order, to proclaim his innocence, it was completely disingenuous. He had already cut an exit deal w/ the board.

- They have already painted over the Halo above Joe Pa's head in a mural, and are debating removing his statue from the campus.

- Speculation is going on that Second Mile may have been trafficking children, basically being a Pedo Whorehouse. I wonder how many of their donors, and Penn State's, were plied with young boys to elicit fat checks?

Posted by: the unknown pervert

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/19/12 07:10 AM

There are also a bunch of delusional Penn St. fans who are calling for a no flight zone over their football stadium because a plane flew over it yesterday with a banner saying "if you don't take the statue down we will." These fans are actually calling this a terroristic threat.

Airplane flying over Beaver Stadium
Posted by: Jim Rockford

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/19/12 06:49 PM

That's a terroristic threat? Flying a banner about removing the JoePa statue? Ha ha ha!

There is an old joke about Pennsylvania: You have Pittsburgh in the west, Philadelphia in the east, and Alabama in the middle (not a compliment to the middle part of the state...cough cough!). Little surprise that State College is in the "Alabama" part of the state. Ha ha ha!

I don't think I buy the Ed Savitz allegation, or the idea that Sandusky was basically pimping kids out through his Second Mile charity though. The Ed Savitz thing seems to be a HUGE stretch with nothing to support it, AND State College is literally in the middle of a cow's the kind of place where people know you farted 3 minutes before you did. I can't imagine that plenty of people didn't suspect "something" about Sandusky...but there is literally no way he could have been pimping young boys out up there without literally EVERYONE knowing about's the law of hick towns.
Posted by: LouCypher

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/19/12 06:53 PM

did I read some nonsense about a halo being removed from a joe pa painting?.

I guess that question is aimed at nitne and there's a follow up.

why was there a halo in the first place?.
Posted by: cqd

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/19/12 07:06 PM

Growing up around the cult of psu football. I have no doubt people would still be worshiping him even and making blind apologies for him even if they found out he held down boys for Sandusky.

Rename his branch of the library, discontinue his ice cream flavor, remove all paterno related plaques from campus, tear down that statue. With explosives.
Posted by: cqd

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/19/12 07:09 PM

This is brilliant. I stole it from a buddy who would probably prefer not to have his name here.

Ok, so I waited until all the evidence came out to make an informed and educated opinion about the whole Penn State (not Jerry Sandusky) scandal. I absolutely have no affiliation to Penn State, nor does Joe Paterno mean anything more to me than a football coach, mean anything more to me than Dan Balysma or Greg Popovich.

When football becomes more important than innocent rape victims, people need to step back and check their priorities. After reading the report, it is clear that there was a systematic failure, created not least of all by the cult of personality that surrounds Joe Paterno and gives some sort of fundamental existential value to the education received at the university , to overlook the atrocities that occurred since the 90s.

We are talking about an administration, and sports program, who in 2007, when football players beat the shit out of kids in an off campus apartment, sought to punish the players involved just enough so that they could still play football. The lady who tried to properly punish the players got death threats from administrators, students, and alumni.

How dare she!!! It's like she didn't want the team to win a championship or something! We can't have that!

We are talking about a football coach who was approached by a grad student who witnessed a "life changing" experience in a locker room involving rape and told his boss...who did their best to cover it up. GAHHH this baffles me.

I read this comment on ESPN, though while perverse,raises a thought provoking question:

"If Joe Pa held down the kids while Sandusky did his thing, people would still make excuses for him."

At what point, at how many mistakes, does one tend to lose respect for Joe Paterno. Because even despite the evidence in the Freeh report, what are the things we do not know about the proceedings behind the scenes surrounding the Penn State scandal. Why did Tom Corbett receive over 200,000 dollars from the Second Mile foundation after 2001 and did nothing to pursue the charges (that were eventually dropped)? Why did the original investigator "disappear" during the investigation? Why, if Joe Paterno didn't "know how to" use email, did he Skype with recruits during the off season. Why, as evidence suggests, if Joe Paterno routinely went around the chain of command to affect change in campus incidents, nothing was done in this instance? Why did EVERYONE change their stories between the initial emails, later emails, the original subpoena'd testimony, the reports to the paper, and the Sandusky trial? I could be here for days, if anyone wants me to continue...

Speaking of the trial late last year, Paterno, when asked about why he didn't immediately report the abuse, said "I didn't want to interfere with anyone's weekend."

Yep, someone's weekend. You know what I'm doing this weekend? Sleeping in late, going golfing, hanging out with my girlfriend....AND NOT GETTING RAPED.

The only way I can ever...I mean ever...look back and not throw up on myself when thinking about what happened is if the damn statue comes down, Curley/Spanier/Schultz are sent to prison, the college's colors change, and the motto goes away. The accepted/encouraged/widespread/delusional culture forced and allowed people to put the ideology above of rational thought and the well being of our nation's children. Everything that happened to Joe Paterno since the first known abuse to victim 6, from the "good things" he did, the money he made, to the football games he won, came to him on the backs of raped children. He doesn't deserve my respect.

This is the first and last thing I'm going to publicly say about this or anything related to Penn State. This has weighed on my chest since last year. I'm sorry if this offended anyone, but that was not the intention. My feelings do not spill over to the education, service work, or students who have done nothing wrong; what I"m trying to say is that a sadness is deserved for Joe Paterno's fall in front of everyone's eyes. But for me, making apologies is downright reprehensible.
Posted by: Jim Rockford

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/19/12 07:14 PM

Originally Posted By: LouCypher
did I read some nonsense about a halo being removed from a joe pa painting?.

I guess that question is aimed at nitne and there's a follow up.

why was there a halo in the first place?.
Yeah, they removed a halo over JoePa's head on a mural that once also included a now removed Jerry Sandusky.

Evidently the guy who painted the mural always paints a halo over one of subjects when they die....and that is when/why the halo was painted over him to begin with. But in light of the results of the Freeh report, he decided (and wisely so) to remove the halo on his own. He actually replaced the halo with a large blue ribbon on JoePa's lapel symbolizing support for child abuse victims.

Former University President Grahm Spanier is also included on the mural...and the guy who painted it is debating what to do about him. He said he doesn't think he will remove him...but he is considering painting a blindfold over his eyes.

As I was writing this, Steve Garban, the man who was the Chairman of the Board of Trustees at the time the shit really hit the fan (the Sandusky investigation really exploded...Paterno was fired, etc.) has resigned from the board. He had decided not to run for the Chairmanship back in January...but he was still a regular trustee until resigning tonight.
Posted by: frankie fatale

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/19/12 07:17 PM

i dont think any sadness should be felt because that pedo fell down in least sandusky will get to be a pretty prag in prison if he goes.which he should.
Posted by: Jim Rockford

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/19/12 07:44 PM

Originally Posted By: cqd
Growing up around the cult of psu football. I have no doubt people would still be worshiping him even and making blind apologies for him even if they found out he held down boys for Sandusky.

Rename his branch of the library, discontinue his ice cream flavor, remove all paterno related plaques from campus, tear down that statue. With explosives.
The manager of the Penn State Ice Cream Store had this to say about Peachy Paterno (which I love by the ice cream they produce):

“Peachy Paterno ice cream is still being manufactured and sold in the Creamery salesroom,” Berkey Creamery Manager Thomas Palchak said. “We reiterate this ice cream was named in honor of Joe Paterno’s academic contributions to Penn State University and does not have any connection to the football program in particular or athletics in general.

“The flavor was developed in 1989 and awarded to Mr. Paterno in 1990. Revenue generated from the sale of Creamery ice cream is allocated toward graduate assistantships and undergraduate internships in the Food Science Department.”

As far as the library goes....that's a tricky issue in that Joe and his wife led a fundraising campaign that raised nearly 14 million dollars toward the construction costs...and he actually donated several million dollars of his own money as well. So, it's more a case where the naming rights were essentially fueled by money contributed, if not actually bought out right.

But yeah, I agree that there will be lots of people who will defend JoePa to the end...and I don't believe a video of Sandusky and Paterno gang raping a bunch of boys would change that....Hell there are people who defend O.J. Simpson and Michael Jackson to this day...and they actually did something directly.

I'm a Penn State alum...but a life long Pitt fan, so I hate to admit it, but I take a degree of perverse pleasure in seeing the PSU football program take it on the chin...and JoePa being knocked down off his pedestal....but then I regain sight of the real story...that of a serial predator who victimized countless children...and I come back to the reality of the whole horrific affair and the fact that no pleasure can be garnered from this.

I held it against JoePa for killing the Pitt-PSU rivalry because he could be a little man (he was pissed that Pitt refused to go along with his idea of an all east coast conference back in the early 80's & he never got over it)...but I always actually respected the guy & the fact that at least he got it when it came to why the kids were there in the 1st place...and education...and his kids by and large actually graduated. Boy, was the respect that I gave the "enemy" misplaced or what?

I know much of the cover-up was over image and all...and that royally backfired. But I believe it is often ignored that Sandusky had been at PSU for nearly 30 years himself AND he and Joe were actually friends (as well as some of the other players in the whole mess). I would hope people wouldn't let friendship get in the way in a case like this...but let's be real....the whole friendship angle had to have come into play as well.

The sad thing is that I don't believe anyone (besides Sandusky anyway) will ever know the truth. You will have some victims that will never come forward because of the stigma associated with being a victim of this type crime, or for some other you will have some who simply had contact with Sandusky as a kid who now want to cash in by saying something more happened. What we do know is bad enough...but I don't believe it to be a stretch to say that the REAL picture would be 1000x worse.
Posted by: Jim Rockford

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/19/12 07:47 PM

Originally Posted By: frankie figgs
i dont think any sadness should be felt because that pedo fell down in least sandusky will get to be a pretty prag in prison if he goes.which he should.
That's just it...they'll keep him in a special protective unit in prison...where he will essentially be kept with like individuals.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/20/12 08:28 AM

Kim Jones is a Penn State alum that has worked as a reporter for the YES Network and covered the story for WFAN. She did well as a fill in host on WFAN, too. She now works for the NFL Network, and has been a reputable source through out the scandal.

Seems Penn State is going to give Joe Pa the Benoit treatment. After it was found out that Chris Benoit murdered his family, the WWE started cleansing their history of him. DVDs of events he wrestled during have his matches edited out, as well as mentions of him during other matches.
Posted by: Barry the Pirate

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/20/12 11:26 AM

I think what gets lost here is that child molesting is still a very much in the shadows crime, wherever it's committed. I often think I'm the only person I know that didn't have a gropey relative. My best friend did, my ex did, my sister's husband. People not only don't call them on their acts, but they make sure the assholes are invited to every family function. What the fuck?

My ex's Uncle Hank is the one I actually knew. Fucker groped every every girl in the family when they'd get to be around 8ish. It was no secret, it was discussed openly. It cost one of the cousins his marriage because his wife wanted to press charges against UH for groping their daughter and the cousin wouldn't go along with it. Hank was a super judgemental Christer POS, who didn't approve of me. He once got in my face about some unimportant shit and I told him he should be careful because I'm not a little girl and I'd have no problems ending his shit once and for all. I'm no tough guy by any means, but I figured his nose crushing under my hand would be pretty sweet. Of course, when it got around to her family that I'd backtalked him, I was the bad guy.

When the POS died, the church was full, everyone was weeping, not a word about the girls he'd touched. He was a fucking saint. When his will came out, the list of debts to family members that he loaned money to was staggering.

I really liked the cousin who lost his wife. He seemed to be a real no nonsense guy. But to know that he did nothing...fucking nothing...when this fuck molested his daughter, how do you respect someone after that?

I honestly can't see a scenario of my kid being molested that didn't end with me on the fucker's porch with a ball bat in my hand and pistol tucked in my waistband with an ultimatum to get the fuck out of town within 48 hours.

I know that we can't say what we would do in a certain situation, but the ginger coach walking in on a 60 year old man raping a kid did the wrong fucking thing by staying silent. Silence is the most effective accomplice to these asshole.
Posted by: frankie fatale

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/20/12 11:53 AM

Originally Posted By: Jim Rockford
Originally Posted By: frankie figgs
i dont think any sadness should be felt because that pedo fell down in least sandusky will get to be a pretty prag in prison if he goes.which he should.
That's just it...they'll keep him in a special protective unit in prison...where he will essentially be kept with like individuals.
hell get his in hell.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/20/12 11:56 AM

Only thing I kinda disagree with is I don't know if I could let the molester leave town. Maybe if he had a wife and kids. If he was single, he'd more than likely be tortured for days before dying slow.

It is amazing the amount of people that couldn't give a shit about anyone but themselves, and people that the can use for gain. The ginger traded silence for a well paid position on staff. When he dies there will be plenty of shower rape for him in hell.
Posted by: Barry the Pirate

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/20/12 12:09 PM

Some strange kid you don't know is admittedly one thing, but these people who let it happen to their own kid, or even a niece or nephew, that do absolutely nothing to protect their own. I honestly can't wrap my head around it.
Posted by: Uncle Joe

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/20/12 12:36 PM

Originally Posted By: Barry the Pirate
I think what gets lost here is that child molesting is still a very much in the shadows crime, wherever it's committed. I often think I'm the only person I know that didn't have a gropey relative. My best friend did, my ex did, my sister's husband. People not only don't call them on their acts, but they make sure the assholes are invited to every family function. What the fuck?

My ex's Uncle Hank is the one I actually knew. Fucker groped every every girl in the family when they'd get to be around 8ish. It was no secret, it was discussed openly. It cost one of the cousins his marriage because his wife wanted to press charges against UH for groping their daughter and the cousin wouldn't go along with it. Hank was a super judgemental Christer POS, who didn't approve of me. He once got in my face about some unimportant shit and I told him he should be careful because I'm not a little girl and I'd have no problems ending his shit once and for all. I'm no tough guy by any means, but I figured his nose crushing under my hand would be pretty sweet. Of course, when it got around to her family that I'd backtalked him, I was the bad guy.

When the POS died, the church was full, everyone was weeping, not a word about the girls he'd touched. He was a fucking saint. When his will came out, the list of debts to family members that he loaned money to was staggering.

I really liked the cousin who lost his wife. He seemed to be a real no nonsense guy. But to know that he did nothing...fucking nothing...when this fuck molested his daughter, how do you respect someone after that?

I honestly can't see a scenario of my kid being molested that didn't end with me on the fucker's porch with a ball bat in my hand and pistol tucked in my waistband with an ultimatum to get the fuck out of town within 48 hours.

I know that we can't say what we would do in a certain situation, but the ginger coach walking in on a 60 year old man raping a kid did the wrong fucking thing by staying silent. Silence is the most effective accomplice to these asshole.

What about the kids who make stuff up and innocent people get hurt because of oversensitive parents? This stuff does happens and parents just jump the trigger and then the kid goes "sowwy...I made that up".
Posted by: Barry the Pirate

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/20/12 12:41 PM

It happens. No doubt there. But what we're talking about here is a pattern of behaviour lasting years.
Posted by: fartz

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/21/12 07:15 AM

I just wish "old west" rules applied when it came to this kind of thing. I'd love to think, "if my kid was molested, I would beat that guy within inches of his life", and while this isn't a "two wrongs don't make a right" thing, attempted murder would do nothing but hurt my family further.
Posted by: Jim Rockford

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/21/12 10:10 AM

Originally Posted By: fartz
I just wish "old west" rules applied when it came to this kind of thing. I'd love to think, "if my kid was molested, I would beat that guy within inches of his life", and while this isn't a "two wrongs don't make a right" thing, attempted murder would do nothing but hurt my family further.
That's exactly it...a lot of times, doing what might feel right and/or what you'd like to do at the time only brings you fleeting satisfaction, & it only tends to make matters worse for you and/or your family in the long run. In this case, it seems like many of the people coming forward as having been victimized my Sandusky are adults & the abuse happened some time ago. That fact would have only made matters worse should one of his victims and/or victim's families actually beat the Hell out of him and/or killed him.

The irony is that, under Pennsylvania law, had someone killed him in retaliation for what he did, they would likely have been punished more severely than Sandusky was, as so much time had passed & it would have clearly been premeditated.

There was a case in Texas recently where a guy found another (47 year old) guy molesting his 4 year old daughter in a barn, & after pulling him off his daughter, the man repeatedly beat the man about the head...ultimately beating him to death. Due to the immediate threat posed, & the fact that IT WAS TEXAS in that case, no charges were filed against the father. The fact that the abuse was actually occurring at the time (recency) DOES make a difference everywhere though. The more time that passes (and it doesn't actually have to be a long time either), they less likely it will be viewed as justified. Of course Texas is a whole other animal...who knows what you can get away with there. Ha ha ha!

Anyway, and pardon the cliche, like you eluded to, two wrongs rarely, if ever, make a right...they really do only tend to make matters worse actually.
Posted by: Uncle Joe

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/21/12 12:23 PM

Originally Posted By: fartz
I just wish "old west" rules applied when it came to this kind of thing. I'd love to think, "if my kid was molested, I would beat that guy within inches of his life", and while this isn't a "two wrongs don't make a right" thing, attempted murder would do nothing but hurt my family further.

I would stand up for the molester and beat you up and then your kid.
Posted by: Bornyo

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/21/12 12:54 PM

Originally Posted By: Doctor Boris

I would stand up for the molester and beat you up and then your kid.

You can't even beat your meat through a wet kleenex without an enema nozzle up your ass. What makes you think you'd administer any kind of fist-discipline?
Posted by: fartz

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/21/12 12:55 PM

Geez. What did I do to you?

***Not you Bornyo. It seems our posts came through at the exact same time***
Posted by: Uncle Joe

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/21/12 12:58 PM

Originally Posted By: fartz
Geez. What did I do to you?

***Not you Bornyo. It seems our posts came through at the exact same time***

You did nothing to me, but I am just sick of hearing about your kind of judgement. I am all for innocent until proven guilty, so the court has to decided on the matter. As far as all the allegations go, I say that 90% or the kid makes up the allegations.
Posted by: Bornyo

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/21/12 01:02 PM

You ignorant fuck...the court has decided.
Posted by: LouCypher

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/21/12 07:36 PM

@fartz..... this probably wasn't your fault. Alex battles the gay tooth and nail with every fiber of his being on a daily basis. He probably slipped up and read this thread on the three day break between his counseling sessions and lashed out. It happens.
Posted by: frankie fatale

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/21/12 09:53 PM

panzer grabbed his bf and left the forum for the day.

theyre snuggling right now:

Posted by: Jigaloo

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/21/12 10:00 PM

Alex is just angry that Sandusky's victims got fucked in the ass and didn't have to haggle over the price with a tranny.
Posted by: fartz

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/22/12 07:13 AM

Originally Posted By: Doctor Boris
Originally Posted By: fartz
Geez. What did I do to you?

***Not you Bornyo. It seems our posts came through at the exact same time***

You did nothing to me, but I am just sick of hearing about your kind of judgement. I am all for innocent until proven guilty, so the court has to decided on the matter. As far as all the allegations go, I say that 90% or the kid makes up the allegations.

Bullshit. You don't know me, or my family, so my "judgement" is irrelevent. You're just stirring the pot, which is understandable, this being XPT. You do it all the time, and not in a funny way. You're just a sad,sad shell of a human being whose dying words will be "but...but...ADT still loves me!!" Choke on a can of Chef Boyardee and die you fucking lifelong footnote.
Posted by: Jim Rockford

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/22/12 10:08 AM

Though not even remotely shocking, it's now official...The JoePa statue has been removed:

No word yet on it's ultimate fate...but it's headed for storage for now anyway.

Also not too surprisingly, Paterno's family is all upset by yet the latest development. If only Joe had made even half the effort to defend/protect Sandusky's suspected/known victim(s) when he had the opportunity, none of this would be happening to him and his legacy right now...AND more importantly Sandusky would not have been provided the opportunity to victimize who knows how many other young boys.

Next up: Tomorrow the NCAA is expected to announce corrective/punitive sanctions against Penn State.

Personally I don't expect the "death penalty"...But they smell blood, so nothing would surprise me at this point.
Posted by: Bornyo

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/22/12 10:16 AM

The NCAA should at most, issue a statement. They have no right to penalize the school or program for this shit. It's WAY outside their jurisdiction.

I doubt any will, but if they tried to punish penn state all the other member institutions should bitchslap them and threaten to form a new league. Long time coming anyway.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/22/12 11:16 AM

"Loss of Institutional Control" That gives the NCAA the right to do whatever they deem fit.

As I have heard stated on sports talk radio, they need to come down hard enough to scare other schools into never attempting this type of cover up again. That is what makes it such a heinous violation, THE COVER UP. Add to that the fact that Sandusky was allowed to continue bringing children to the campus and on trips to away games/bowl games, it makes everyone complicit in the crimes.

I'd love to know what Sandusky threatened Joe Pa and the school with to get such a sweet deal. Disclosing past violations? Past cover ups? I guess it will come up when the surviving conspirators go on trial or cut deals. I'm sure that since Joe Pa is dead, they are going to rush to throw him under the bus.

Joe Pa's family is butt hurt? Fuck them. His sons were on the staff, don't tell me they didn't know what was going on.
Posted by: Barry the Pirate

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/22/12 01:50 PM

Is there a big colonial style building the NCAA operates out of like in "We Are Marshall"?
Posted by: Jigaloo

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/22/12 01:54 PM

That sounds awesome. I suddenly have a desire to watch all of We Are Marshall. I've seen the first third or so before up to the point where the new coach starts recruiting unlikely players.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/22/12 03:38 PM

[derail]Jig, I think the latest Dirty Harry is your best av yet. Forget the last one. Forget the dude from the wire. The look on Dirty Harry's face is fucken Gold.

We now return you to your argument about dead men and the recently incarcerated pedos who'll soon be wishing they were dead.[/derail]
Posted by: NitneLiun

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/22/12 05:37 PM

Originally Posted By: Jerkules
"Loss of Institutional Control" That gives the NCAA the right to do whatever they deem fit.

As I have heard stated on sports talk radio, they need to come down hard enough to scare other schools into never attempting this type of cover up again. That is what makes it such a heinous violation, THE COVER UP. Add to that the fact that Sandusky was allowed to continue bringing children to the campus and on trips to away games/bowl games, it makes everyone complicit in the crimes.

I'd love to know what Sandusky threatened Joe Pa and the school with to get such a sweet deal. Disclosing past violations? Past cover ups? I guess it will come up when the surviving conspirators go on trial or cut deals. I'm sure that since Joe Pa is dead, they are going to rush to throw him under the bus.

Joe Pa's family is butt hurt? Fuck them. His sons were on the staff, don't tell me they didn't know what was going on.

Fuck this shit. I've tried to stay out of this, but most of you fuckers have no idea what you are talking about. You can't even get the basic facts right.

Sandusky was investigated by state and local law enforcement in 1998. The evidence they gathered should have been enough for an indictment, but the local prosecutor and PA AG (who is now the PA governor and member of the Penn State Board of Trustees) declined to prosecute. There is absolutely no evidence that Paterno knew about the 1998 investigation. In 1999, Paterno got rid of Sandusky for reasons that had nothing to do with Sandusky's pedophilia. They hated each other and hardly spoke to each other during the last ten years of Sandusky's coaching tenure. Even if Paterno had known about the 1998 investigation, he would have believed that Sandusky had been cleared, as there was no prosecution.

Only one of Paterno's sons was on the coaching staff and he got there as Sandusky was leaving. There is no reason to believe he would have known about 1998 either.

Sandusky maintained access to Penn State facilities because he negotiated emeritus status with Penn State upon his retirement in 1999. That sort of arrangement isn't unusual at any school were a coach has spent more than 30 years as a player and senior coach. It was rumored back then that Paterno didn't want Sandusky to receive emeritus status, but that he was ignored.

In 2001, Paterno did what he should have. He reported what McQueary told him to his superiors, including the administrator who had direct oversight of the Penn State Police Dept. It has also become pretty clear since November that McQueary did not tell Paterno everything that he saw in the showers. Because of the incomplete account, it is possible that Paterno didn't fully understand that anything of a sexual nature happened. He seems to have believed that nothing more than possibly inappropriate horseplay happened. Curley and Schultz also claim that McQueary did not tell them that anything of a sexual nature happened in the showers. McQuear's testimony and public statements have been inconsistent.

The Freeh Report was commissioned by the PSU Board of Trustees (remember that the current PA governor and former AG who declined to indict Sandusky) to deflect attention to their inaction. It was meant from Day One to hang all of this on a dead man. The Freeh Report was completed with baseless accusations and unsupported opinion without Curley, Schultz, Paterno, Sandusky or McQueary being interviewed. Both McQueary and Paterno asked to be interviewed by Freeh's team, but Freeh declined. I'm not sure how Freeh produced such an extensive report without interviewing any of the key players, but he did. The report served its purpose as it hung everything on Paterno in the court of media and public opinion.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/22/12 05:41 PM

***Your argument might be more credible if you weren't making it behind an avatar of Al Jolson in blackface.

Just sayin'
Posted by: Barry the Pirate

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/22/12 06:38 PM

I thought Jolson wrapped it up nicely.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/22/12 06:43 PM

No, that's the Trite One thread you're thinking of.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/22/12 08:58 PM

@ Nitneliun: I understand this is sensitive for you. The thread wasn't created or continued to fuck with you, and I won't do that now. Our opinions differ, and neither will change.

My only comment on your post is that they both probably hated each other because they were both narcissists.
Posted by: Uncle Joe

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/22/12 10:02 PM

Posted by: NitneLiun

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/22/12 11:45 PM

Originally Posted By: J.B.
***Your argument might be more credible if you weren't making it behind an avatar of Al Jolson in blackface.

Just sayin'

What the fuck does my avatar have to do with the substance of my post?

Just askin'.

By the away, are you aware of the little sexual abuse of children scandal at the University of Michigan Medical Center? Are you aware of the deliberate cover up? Do you recommend that UM Medical Center and Medical School receive the death penalty?

Just askin'.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/23/12 06:34 AM

5 years probabtion, 4 year bowl ban, scholarship losses, $60million fine, and vacate all wins from 1998-2011.

I never understood the vacating wins and championships. Does this mean Joe Paterno is not the all time leader in wins now?
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/23/12 06:57 AM

Yep, lil guinea is bumped from the top of the list, according to

"With the vacated wins, former head coach Joe Paterno is no longer the most winningest head coach in NCAA football history. Of his 409 victories, Paterno has been stripped of 111 wins, putting him 12th on the all-time list with 298."

Also, Penn State signed a consent form, stating that they will not appeal.

Question for you college sports guys, is Coach K at Duke the last college sports fiefdom? Maybe the basketball coaches at Syracuse and UCon too. Are there any left in college football?
Posted by: Bornyo

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/23/12 08:13 AM

There arent any more because Schnelly retired.
Posted by: have2cit

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/23/12 08:22 AM

Are they going to let the athletes, who want to, transfer without losing a year of their eligibility? That would be the right thing to do.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/23/12 08:28 AM

They certainly should.

If I were a player, I'd be worried that the first dipshit infraction and I'd be thrown under the bus as a demonstration of the new found strict compliance.
Posted by: cqd

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/23/12 08:34 AM

Paterno was shit scum:

“You did the right thing. Now it’s up to me to decide what we want to do,” is how Freeh described Paterno’s response to McQueary, who saw Sandusky raping a boy in the football showers. Also, it was a Friday, and Paterno, being such a great and thoughtful leader, didn’t want to ruin anyone’s weekend.

Posted by: Uncle Joe

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/23/12 09:25 AM

I am not into any sports or anything but Paterno looked like a nice and caring grandpa who turned a blind eye towards all this child molestationing thing. Covering it up under the rug is a much convenient solution than addressing the allegations and doing all the tedious legwork and research, especially when his buddy Sandusky was on the crosshair.
Posted by: Jigaloo

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/23/12 09:29 AM

Remind you of Grandpa Panzer?
Posted by: Uncle Joe

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/23/12 09:43 AM

Originally Posted By: Jigaloo
Remind you of Grandpa Panzer?

Not at all.
Posted by: Jim Rockford

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/23/12 12:29 PM

Originally Posted By: have2cit
Are they going to let the athletes, who want to, transfer without losing a year of their eligibility? That would be the right thing to do.
Yes they are actually, immediately even, and any student/player that does so will be eligible for the upcoming season.

Furthermore, any school that accepts a Penn State football transfer will be granted an additional scholarship that it can award on a 1:1 basis.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/23/12 12:34 PM

That is good.

They should do that when coaches split for better jobs too. Just make it that the guy can't follow the coach.
Posted by: Jim Rockford

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/23/12 12:36 PM

Originally Posted By: Doctor Boris
I am not into any sports or anything but Paterno looked like a nice and caring grandpa who turned a blind eye towards all this child molestationing thing. Covering it up under the rug is a much convenient solution than addressing the allegations and doing all the tedious legwork and research, especially when his buddy Sandusky was on the crosshair.
Yeah, though I'm a Penn State alum...I'm not actually a Penn State fan (I had to attend a satellite campus for my major...which may have something to do with I was a lifelong Pitt fan). BUT, I always at least had a great deal of respect for Joe and all that he did. I hated him for fucking up the Pitt-Penn State rivalry...but I did actually respect him because at least he understood that his players were ultimately there for an education, and his players by and large actually graduated.

Anyway, I don't think Joe and Jerry were actually all that least they weren't BFFs. I think Joe's actions, or inaction as the case may be, had more to do with protecting the image of the School in general, and more specifically the football program as a whole, than it did actually protecting Jerry. That's how I see it anyway.
Posted by: Barry the Pirate

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/23/12 01:21 PM

Who ends up with the $60 million?
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/23/12 01:25 PM

They gonna give it to charities for abused kids, I believe. They came up with the $60 million number, because it is supposed to be an estimate of the yearly gross of the football program.
Posted by: Jim Rockford

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/23/12 03:07 PM

You are correct...the money is going to charities for abused kids...same goes for the Bowl revenue share that amounts to $13 million that the Big Ten is taking from Penn State over the next 4 years.

As far as the $60 million dollars goes, I believe it actually has to come from revenues from revenue generating athletic programs, which at Penn State, as with most schools, would basically be from the football program. It can't come from unawarded scholarships either.
Posted by: NitneLiun

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/23/12 04:03 PM

Originally Posted By: cqd
Paterno was shit scum:

“You did the right thing. Now it’s up to me to decide what we want to do,” is how Freeh described Paterno’s response to McQueary, who saw Sandusky raping a boy in the football showers. Also, it was a Friday, and Paterno, being such a great and thoughtful leader, didn’t want to ruin anyone’s weekend.


You have to put that quote into the proper context. McQueary said that he did not explicitly tell Paterno what he saw in the shower. He just basically said that he saw Sandusky showering with a kid. At that point, Paterno did not know that anything of a sexual nature had happened.

McQueary, at best, has been inconsistent in his descriptions of what he saw and heard that night. Even the Sandusky trial jury did not give a lot of credence to McQueary account of the incident. Sandusky was acquitted on 3 of the 48 charges. One of those three charges was sexual assault of the boy that McQueary saw in the shower with Sandusky.
Posted by: cqd

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/23/12 04:49 PM

I am almost positive the athletes will be allowed to change schools with no penalty.
Posted by: cqd

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/23/12 04:52 PM

@Nitne: I grew up in state college, fuck that guy for making the town clogged with retards every weekend in the fall.

The Cult of Paterno my ass. I hope someone hangs his wife from a tree and burns down his house. Did you graduate from State College High School?

Posted by: cqd

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/23/12 05:01 PM

Remember, Joe kept quite so as not to ruin "anyone's weekend"

Wouldn't it be nice if that was a joke?

So please tell me all about the Football cult and how you grew up in State College.
Posted by: charin

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/23/12 05:06 PM

Originally Posted By: cqd
Remember, Joe kept quite so as not to ruin "anyone's weekend"

Wouldn't it be nice if that was a joke?

My pet peeve on RV forums. You mean "quiet".
Posted by: cqd

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/23/12 05:07 PM

Huh Chuck?

Ahh yes I meant quiet. My mistake, nice looking out.
Posted by: Jigaloo

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/23/12 07:07 PM

Sandusky and Paterno should have been strung up. Oh well, 50% can still happen.
Posted by: Jim Rockford

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/23/12 07:21 PM

I actually misspoke slightly earlier...

Evidently the $60 million fine is going towards establishing an endowment for victims of child sex abuse.
Posted by: Barry the Pirate

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/23/12 07:51 PM

Hooray! A new non profit. So, after setting up the foundation account so the non profit can live on the interest, and after the "administrative" costs, almost 1% of that 60mil will end up helping victims of child sex abuse. CEO's aircraft carrier sized desks with secret built in fridges don't come free. Go capitalism.
Posted by: the unknown pervert

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/23/12 09:37 PM

New Penn St. motto

We are (clap clap, clap clap clap) fucked.
Posted by: NitneLiun

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/23/12 11:14 PM

Originally Posted By: cqd
Remember, Joe kept quite so as not to ruin "anyone's weekend"

Wouldn't it be nice if that was a joke?

So please tell me all about the Football cult and how you grew up in State College.

I didn't grow up in State College. I went to grad school there. Was there only two years.
Posted by: NitneLiun

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/23/12 11:16 PM

Originally Posted By: cqd
@Nitne: I grew up in state college, fuck that guy for making the town clogged with retards every weekend in the fall.

The Cult of Paterno my ass. I hope someone hangs his wife from a tree and burns down his house. Did you graduate from State College High School?

Without those retards coming to town every weekend during the fall, you wouldn't have even had a town. State College would just be a shittier version of Bellefonte.
Posted by: charin

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/24/12 02:38 AM
Posted by: cqd

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/24/12 08:54 AM

Without those retards coming to town every weekend during the fall, you wouldn't have even had a town. State College would just be a shittier version of Bellefonte.

Speak for yourself. I didn't move to the shitty town because it was my choice, you did. If it weren't for the retards who move to State College (I'm looking at you) you are right, there would be no town. And was certainly smart enough to live there after age 18.

Bellefonte is a rather pleasant place to live. No stampeding hoards of retards worshiping a game.

And you missed but got my point at the same time. Much better to live in Bellefonte. They don't have traditional summer riots. Or riots over university employes being fired. Give me Bellefonte any day.

Bellefonte is a small town in PA. State College is a town filled with entitled little brats who have no respect for the place and get recycled with new idiots every year. Oh yeah and it now has cameras on every street corner. Great place to live.

You might remember back to the 1850s when PSU was an agriculture school not an athletics school. It should have stayed that way.

These are everywhere in State College. Bellefonte is much better.

Look how PSU displays it's impressive intellect:

Did this happen because of stupid PSU students or peaceful Bellfonte residents? I can't seem to tell...

Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/24/12 11:32 AM

I saw a quote in the NY Daily News that Paterno's family said the penalties against PSU disparage his legacy. NEWS FLASH: His legacy is shit because of his own inaction, not because of anything the NCAA did. Delusional they are. I figure his narcissist ways pretty much Stokholmed the family, or they are in desperation mode, fearing the laws suits will make momma homeless, and destroy any inheritance.
Posted by: NitneLiun

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/24/12 05:47 PM

Originally Posted By: Jerkules
I saw a quote in the NY Daily News that Paterno's family said the penalties against PSU disparage his legacy. NEWS FLASH: His legacy is shit because of his own inaction, not because of anything the NCAA did. Delusional they are. I figure his narcissist ways pretty much Stokholmed the family, or they are in desperation mode, fearing the laws suits will make momma homeless, and destroy any inheritance.

And yet, today Sandusky Victim #4 made a statement through his attorney that he is pissed off that the NCAA sanctioned Penn State. He knows where the real blame lies -- and it lies with the guy who is awaiting sentencing in the Centre Country jail.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/24/12 10:35 PM

Well the NCAA aint the only one cornholing PSU. First paragraph of the latest SI article:

State Farm is pulling its ads from Penn State football broadcasts, while General Motors is reconsidering its sponsorship deal and Wall Street is threatening to downgrade the school's credit rating, suggesting the price of the sexual abuse scandal could go well beyond the $60 million fine and other penalties imposed by the NCAA.

Rest of the article:

If victim 4 isn't involved in any lawsuit against PSU or its employees, just Sandusky, then I would find meaning in his words. Until then, it could be nothing but attempting to spin away threats from the loons.

Really I wish the NCAA waited until the civil suits to dole out justice, but that could be years from now. Or at least the state and federal investigations that are going on. I really thin things are going to get much worse, as far as the cover up goes, before it gets better.
Posted by: cqd

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/25/12 04:25 AM

The economic impact of this makes me so happy. Nobody buying PSU clothes anymore and the economy of the town is fucked.
Posted by: the unknown pervert

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/26/12 06:02 AM

Article on states that originally the NCAA ruled on a four year death penalty for Penn St. Penn State's president negotiated the penalty down to what it is now, which is essentially at least a four year walking death penalty.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/26/12 10:32 AM

I imagine that there were intense negotiations, since Penn State signed an agreement not to appeal. If they got the death penalty, then challenged it in court, there probably would have been a ton of NCAA dirty laundry aired.
Posted by: NitneLiun

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/26/12 10:55 PM

Penn State President Erickson signed the deal without proper authorization. Such a deal is required to be ratified by the Penn State Board of Trustees. According to Trustee Anthony Lubrano, he didn't learn of the deal until the NCAA's press conference during which the sanctions were announced.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/27/12 07:41 AM

The lil boy that was witnessed by the ginger, getting fucked in the shower, just filed suit.
Posted by: fartz

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/28/12 09:27 AM

Football fever. CATCH IT!!!!

Posted by: frankie fatale

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/28/12 11:24 AM

Originally Posted By: fartz
Football fever. CATCH IT!!!!

looks like it should be a mentos commercial.
Posted by: Barry the Pirate

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 07/28/12 11:44 AM

I think he'd like that.
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 08/11/12 09:25 AM

New allegations being investigated

Seems Sanducky may have abused a boy, from the Second Mile Foundation, with a "prominient" Penn State booster. Why the cover up? Follow the money.
Posted by: Uncle Joe

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 08/11/12 11:45 PM

I hope that Uncle Jerry at least oiled-up his victims.
Posted by: Jim Rockford

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 08/28/12 01:25 PM

In another "proactive" move...Penn State announced today that they will no longer be playing Neil Diamond's "Sweet Caroline" during their home football games.

I'm guessing the lyrics "reaching out, touching me, touching you" were just a "little" too creepy now days?
Posted by: Jigaloo

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 08/28/12 01:31 PM

Says the King of Creepy. And it was announced yesterday. Are you a Gene Ross alt?
Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 08/28/12 01:49 PM

You think Gene gonna send a whore cash and pills?
Posted by: cqd

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 08/28/12 03:01 PM

At least PSU finally appears to be becoming self aware of the damage done.

Dropping a single song from a play list seems like a relatively empty gesture though.
Posted by: Jim Rockford

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 08/29/12 04:24 AM

Originally Posted By: Jigaloo
And it was announced yesterday. Are you a Gene Ross alt?
Yeah, I later realized it was announced Monday....I just didn't see about it until Tuesday. My mistake.

ps. This might be a stupid question, but who the heck is Gene Ross?

Posted by: Jerkules

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 08/29/12 04:40 AM

Originally Posted By: Jim Rockford
Originally Posted By: Jigaloo
And it was announced yesterday. Are you a Gene Ross alt?
Yeah, I later realized it was announced Monday....I just didn't see about it until Tuesday. My mistake.

ps. This might be a stupid question, but who the heck is Gene Ross?

No, that would be the proper response.
Posted by: the unknown pervert

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 08/29/12 07:48 AM

Knowing their administration they will probably replace it with Gary Glitter's Rock and Roll Part Two.
Posted by: redish

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 08/29/12 12:17 PM

Or any of Pete Townsend.
Posted by: Jim Rockford

Re: JoePa and the Penn State Pedo - 08/30/12 06:21 AM

I'm guessing Connie Francis' "Where the Boys Are" is out too?