Do any of you consider your selves christians?

Posted by: CxGxPx

Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/01/09 02:50 PM

If you do, how do you reconcile your lusts with your religion?
Posted by: jeff jordan

Re: Do any of you consider your selfs christians? - 08/01/09 05:19 PM

No.. though I imagine they make it up as they go along, like the others.
Posted by: tattypatty

Re: Do any of you consider your selfs christians? - 08/01/09 06:22 PM

"your selfs".

Posted by: electrostatic

Re: Do any of you consider your selfs christians? - 08/01/09 06:33 PM

Mini derail alert. I think my Q fits here though.

You guys ever rub one out to Song Of Solomon, K1ng James Edition?
Posted by: loopnode

Re: Do any of you consider your selfs christians? - 08/01/09 07:01 PM


If you do, how do you reconcile your lusts with your religion?

You should call the heaven hotline. They usually answer these types of questions.

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Do any of you consider your selfs christians? - 08/01/09 07:08 PM


now thats a sportcoat I LIKE......
Posted by: CxGxPx

Re: Do any of you consider your selfs christians? - 08/01/09 07:59 PM


"your selfs".


lol rit?
Posted by: CxGxPx

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/01/09 08:05 PM

What would Jesusophile do?
Posted by: Fiend

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/02/09 05:06 AM

Posted by: CxGxPx

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/02/09 05:51 PM

No one? I was really in the mood to get into some nasty arguments with both sides accusing the other of knee jerk reactions, rhetoric and ad hominem attacks.
Posted by: have2cit

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/03/09 08:30 AM

I am a christian in the sense that I am the product of a couple of thousand years or so of christian moralities and laws, as are we all.

What I have trouble understanding is this making of a political issue, like say global warming, and turning it into a religion. Atheists treat their belief system like a religion as well.
Posted by: SexDJ

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/03/09 10:32 AM

I am a Christian. I am NOT a "political" Christian. However, whether you are Christian, Muslim, Hindu or Shinto, if you're doing it right, it's never about "arriving" it's about the journey.
Posted by: NitneLiun

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/03/09 07:49 PM


I am a Christian. I am NOT a "political" Christian. However, whether you are Christian, Muslim, Hindu or Shinto, if you're doing it right, it's never about "arriving" it's about the journey.

I think that's true of Buddhism, but not really true of Christianity or Islam. They focus on salvation, which in their view means getting to heaven. Buddhists focus on expanding and deepening their consciousness through a process that involves many lifetimes. Christians and Muslims just want to get to heaven and will kill anyone who stands in their way or tells them their way might not be the right one.
Posted by: CxGxPx

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/03/09 11:33 PM


I am a Christian. I am NOT a "political" Christian. However, whether you are Christian, Muslim, Hindu or Shinto, if you're doing it right, it's never about "arriving" it's about the journey.

Do you feel like you're living your life in dedication to christ? Do you feel like you are just a "carnal christian" that can pretty much commit any sin you want and still be forgiven and basically the only difference between you and a heathen is your belief that some dead jew on a stick will save your soul and some one that doesn't share the same belief will burn in a lake of fire?
Posted by: CxGxPx

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/03/09 11:35 PM


I am a christian in the sense that I am the product of a couple of thousand years or so of christian moralities and laws, as are we all.

What I have trouble understanding is this making of a political issue, like say global warming, and turning it into a religion. Atheists treat their belief system like a religion as well.

Well, if a christian was really following their beliefs, they would discount global warming as a distraction, probably even a tool of satan. Seeing as christians believe in the end of the world being in prophecy the idea that human kind could affect something as profound as the climate as blasphemy.
Posted by: Claude Goddard

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/03/09 11:50 PM

Great, theological 'discussions' on a porn forum. Just what we need.
Posted by: CxGxPx

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/03/09 11:56 PM


Great, theological 'discussions' on a porn forum. Just what we need.

There's thousands of other threads if you don't like this one. No likey, no clickey.
Posted by: have2cit

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 06:32 AM


Well, if a christian was really following their beliefs, they would discount global warming as a distraction, probably even a tool of satan.

Which sort of Christian? You say it like it means one thing. The truth is Christians come in so many denominations that believe such different things, that your statement just can’t apply to them all. Anyway from the multi-denominational mega churches to the ultra conservative rolling on the floor and speaking in tongues (or holy rollers) denominations you’ll find believers in the church of Al Gore. Although you’ll find the vast majority of his believers coming from the church of Atheism.

No, my statement was to wonder why these atheists would take a political issue, like global warming, and turn it in to a religion. How they can turn off their so called critical minds, require no proof, and rely on faith alone that it’s all true. Seems like quite a leap to me.


Seeing as christians believe in the end of the world being in prophecy the idea that human kind could affect something as profound as the climate as blasphemy.

How can believing in prophecy from the bible be any worse than believing in Nostradamus or Astrology or palm reading? Many Christians believe the end of times will be nothing more than a great change brought to the world and that it will go on from there, changed forever. That change or destruction can be and is interpreted as coming from any numbers of sources, from asteroid collision to drastic climate change to nuclear war.
Posted by: SexDJ

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 07:50 AM



I am a christian in the sense that I am the product of a couple of thousand years or so of christian moralities and laws, as are we all.

What I have trouble understanding is this making of a political issue, like say global warming, and turning it into a religion. Atheists treat their belief system like a religion as well.

Well, if a christian was really following their beliefs, they would discount global warming as a distraction, probably even a tool of satan. Seeing as christians believe in the end of the world being in prophecy the idea that human kind could affect something as profound as the climate as blasphemy.

"Political" christians who get all the attention would tell you that. But those who actually attempt to seek out Christ would not. The political Christians have in essense stolen Christianity from true teachings. The Protestant Bible-Bangers who show up all over TV are for the most part bending and distorting Christianity into a human view and direction. They are as corrupt as the Catholics, or the political ends they serve. Christ was not political.
Posted by: SexDJ

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 07:54 AM



I am a Christian. I am NOT a "political" Christian. However, whether you are Christian, Muslim, Hindu or Shinto, if you're doing it right, it's never about "arriving" it's about the journey.

I think that's true of Buddhism, but not really true of Christianity or Islam. They focus on salvation, which in their view means getting to heaven. Buddhists focus on expanding and deepening their consciousness through a process that involves many lifetimes. Christians and Muslims just want to get to heaven and will kill anyone who stands in their way or tells them their way might not be the right one.

OK..but salvation in itself is a journey. People like Lubben know all the answers. They are no different than someone who gives up smoking, drinking or over-eating. They will obnoxiously tell everyone how "they" are wrong. The extremists of Christianity or Islam want to convert everyone at the point of a sword. At no place or at no time did Christ himself ever act that way. It is them who have perverted the teachings.
Posted by: tattypatty

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 12:26 PM


No, my statement was to wonder why these atheists would take a political issue

plenty of christians believe in global warming , and there are plenty of atheists who do not. An odd statement coming from a guy who just posted about the variety of christians. Lots of evangelicals are getting behind fighting global warming. Enough with ths Michael Savage bullshit. Your posts are gettin g more Coke-like every day.

Here is an atheist and libertarian whose vids I enjoy:

And please knock it off with the atheist "set of beliefs". I don't have any belief in some god guy, any more than not believing in astrology or alchemy or homeopathy is 'a set of beliefs'. I like the sports teams analogy, as simplistic as it is. I don't follow the sport....


How can believing in prophecy from the bible be any worse than believing in Nostradamus or Astrology or palm reading?

I agree that they are all equally retarded and infantile. But Some dumb bitch hippie selling crystals and reading palms doesn't have the same political clout and money as a nut like John Hagee......
Posted by: Northrop

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 12:42 PM

Bug, you're taking a confrontational approach to understanding Christianity. Just like with any philosophy, you've got to read it sympathetically first before you understand. Then you can read it critically, then try to read it a 3rd time, objectively.

Have you read the Book of John yet? That's where most Christians tell you to start if you want to understand.
Posted by: tattypatty

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 01:30 PM

You make a good point Northrop, but I'd temper it by saying there is also a lot of dark and ugly (and completely nonsensical) stuff in the 'good' book as well. A quick whip through Deuteronomy and Leviticus will back this up. While you could shoot for the 'it was the product of its time' argument, let's not forget that alotta people are claiming that this is the unbending word of the almighty creator and not a Mark Twain story....
Posted by: have2cit

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 01:41 PM


plenty of christians believe in global warming

As I said eagle eyes, you find them in every Christian denomination.


and there are plenty of atheists who do not.

Most of the WWAGD crowd are atheist urban elitists, but not all.


An odd statement coming from a guy who just posted about the variety of christians.

How exactly does me saying that Christians are diverse not jive with me saying there are a lot of Christians that also follows Al’s church as well? Put down the pipe son.


Lots of evangelicals are getting behind fighting global warming.

As I said before, thanks for playing.


Enough with ths Michael Savage bullshit.

For a Canadian you sure know a lot about American talk radio. I myself have never listened to his show and can not, at this time make any statements one way or another concerning his veracity. Although I thought putting him on that list of UK undesirables was a big fucking joke.


Your posts are getting more Coke-like every day.

Coke who?


You know most of those who signed it were from universities don’t you? You can’t get grant money unless you tow the climate change line.


Here is an atheist and libertarian whose vids I enjoy:

Here is a Canadian I enjoy reading. Yeah I can’t believe I just said that either.

Right Here


And please knock it off with the atheist "set of beliefs". I don't have any belief in some god guy, any more than not believing in astrology or alchemy or homeopathy is 'a set of beliefs'. I like the sports teams analogy, as simplistic as it is. I don't follow the sport....

Au contraire. Your belief system is Atheism itself. Like religions Atheists don’t have all the answers either, yet they’re quick to heap scorn and ridicule on any belief that is not simpatico with their own as quickly and extremely as hard core Jihadists do.


Some dumb bitch hippie selling crystals and reading palms doesn't have the same political clout and money as a nut like John Hagee......

So what your saying is that people who don’t cotton to your belief system are nuts, whether they be Hippies, Buddhists, Hindus, or Christians? Oh yeah you Atheists sure are a tolerant open minded lot.
Posted by: SexDJ

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 01:42 PM


You make a good point Northrop, but I'd temper it by saying there is also a lot of dark and ugly (and completely nonsensical) stuff in the 'good' book as well. A quick whip through Deuteronomy and Leviticus will back this up. While you could shoot for the 'it was the product of its time' argument, let's not forget that alotta people are claiming that this is the unbending word of the almighty creator and not a Mark Twain story....

Consider for a moment that the Bible is the word of God. If God really is who the Bible says he is, why then would it be a "product of the times"? Why would an all-powerful God allow humans to mess with his book? C.S. Lewis said that Jesus was one of 3 things..
Which one?
Posted by: Claude Goddard

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 01:45 PM


Bug, you're taking a confrontational approach to understanding Christianity. Just like with any philosophy, you've got to read it sympathetically first before you understand. Then you can read it critically, then try to read it a 3rd time, objectively.

Have you read the Book of John yet? That's where most Christians tell you to start if you want to understand.

Holy shit, the first and last intelligent post. End of thread.
Posted by: SexDJ

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 01:52 PM

Some dumb bitch hippie selling crystals and reading palms doesn't have the same political clout and money as a nut like John Hagee......

Hagee falls under the saying "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" Many actual Christians abhor people like John Hagee. Hagee gets a lot of attention because he offers great soundbites, and people who find his type of teaching a way to answer their life questions. If you go back to the original question that started this thread..If you are actually attempting to follow Christ, then life will be a series of struggles and not a collection of pat answers and political philosophies. Hagee and his various TV cousins do not represent real Christianity.
Posted by: tattypatty

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 02:01 PM


So what your saying is that people who don’t cotton to your belief system are nuts, whether they be Hippies, Buddhists, Hindus, or Christians? Oh yeah you Atheists sure are a tolerant open minded lot.

This from a guy who mocks any hippie and liberal elitist view on here. All you ever do is tear into people for what they believe, you fuckin hypocrite. People can believe whatever the fuck they want, shithead. But don't try and tell me you'd want your elected official making decisions based on palm-reading and crystals.
I don't have any religious belief, really. It isn't a set of beliefs. Really. Did the bible school thing and church as a kid and it just kind of faded away as i got older. Jihadists? Like I said, I think religion is pretty much baloney. Nice try though, Hannity.
Feel free to tear me apart about my political views all you want; I would expect no less.
Of course I don't have all the answers. Plenty of religious folks of all stripes routinely make the claim that they do. Remember, they get their answers from the One and Only True God.
But when it comes to religion , I have no horse in that race.

PS> no need to capitalize atheist , or even call me one for that matter. I just don't believe....
Posted by: have2cit

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 02:49 PM


This from a guy who mocks any hippie and liberal elitist view on here.

Liberal elitist are, as a general rule, hippies or ex-hippies.


All you ever do is tear into people for what they believe, you fuckin hypocrite.

We’re talking religion not politics kid, and thanks again for showing that the liberal mentality is unable to distinguish between the two.


People can believe whatever the fuck they want, shithead.

Unless they’re Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, or Hippie, right, then there just stupid?


But don't try and tell me you'd want your elected official making decisions based on palm-reading and crystals.

I don’t base my decision about politicians on their super natural beliefs. I don’t think many conservatives do either, otherwise Nancy would have scudded that second Regan term.


I don't have any religious belief, really. It isn't a set of beliefs. Really.

I didn’t say you had religious beliefs, I said Atheist treat Atheism like a religion. They scorn their detractors and hold up their views as the only correct ones in life.


Did the bible school thing and church as a kid and it just kind of faded away as i got older.

Sounds more like Agnosticism than Atheism to me.



No they don’t blow people up it’s called a metaphor. In this instance I use it to describe the level of many of the Atheists anti-religious zeal.


Like I said, I think religion is pretty much baloney. Nice try though, Hannity.

Again, you seem to know much more about American Conservative radio than I do. I don’t listen to any of them. All my information comes from online. My iGoogle homepage has 20 different rss news feeds from around the world. I like to read the same story from different perspectives because it can help identify what is spin and what is not. Maybe you should try it, and then maybe you could move on from moveon.


Feel free to tear me apart about my political views all you want; I would expect no less.

Again you show no sign that you are able to distinguish between religion and politics.
Posted by: tattypatty

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 03:08 PM


Again, you seem to know much more about American Conservative radio than I do.

I check out a variety of sources for information. You accuse me and people like me of being ignorant, yet when I take time to check out an alternative opinion (such as that NC conservative blogger I posted) it's somehow a bad thing.

I don’t base my decision about politicians on their super natural beliefs.

Unless he has the middle name Hussein. Tell me, did you ever figure out if he was a dirty traitor muslim or a dirty traitor Rev.Wright follower?


I didn’t say you had religious beliefs, I said Atheist treat Atheism like a religion. They scorn their detractors and hold up their views as the only correct ones in life.

By that argument, youir scorn for global warming, its adherents, and liberals is pretty much a religion as well.


Sounds more like Agnosticism than Atheism to me

call it what you want. I really don't care.


Again you show no sign that you are able to distinguish between religion and politics.

Saying there is no link between religion and politics on in this world is like saying there is no link between homosexuality and AIDS....
Posted by: Dean Wormer

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 03:11 PM


So what your saying is that people who don’t cotton to your belief system are nuts, whether they be Hippies, Buddhists, Hindus, or Christians? Oh yeah you Atheists sure are a tolerant open minded lot.

Don't confuse mocking religious beliefs with being intolerant. You are quite welcome to continue believing in your fairy tales and you have my blessing just don't push your bullshit on me and make laws or edicts that affect me in any way.
Posted by: gokkunfan

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 03:14 PM


I am a christian in the sense that I am the product of a couple of thousand years or so of christian moralities and laws, as are we all.

Wow great you can speak for everyone, including non Christians. How insulting.

Christianity has absorbed pagan traditions. Give it another thousand years Christianity will be virtually dead like wiccans are now, and another stupid religion will be it's place.
Posted by: freestylah

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 03:30 PM

Great thread with (mostly) idiotic posts.

So far, I agree with Dean's first sentence: "
Don't confuse mocking religious beliefs with being intolerant."

In my experience, any monotheistic religion is (almost) by default intolerant. It's inherent to the concept of redemption and after-life.

I'm a card-carrying member of the Agnostic Front. If you don't have doubts, we'll make you have them!
Posted by: Sir CharlesZ

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 03:36 PM

This thread topic brings to mind my favorite born-again, Tiana Lynn. Whatever happened to that hot little spitfire?
Posted by: Claude Goddard

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 03:42 PM


All my information comes from online.

No shit, that much is obvious.
Posted by: RenfieldGyps

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 04:49 PM

Catholic school for 12 years and still dont consider my self religious or Christian, they just messed my faith up even more with their everything you do is sinful. They really can do a major number on students.
Posted by: have2cit

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 06:38 PM

You can always tell when I’ve struck at the truth of the matter. No I don’t believe in a magic Jesus, nor am I arrogant enough to believe I have all the answers, and therefore can exclude the existence of any higher intellect.

Just like any religion that gets protection by government law Atheism will supplant all existing religious beliefs. Just because it’s working against religion does not mean it’s not a religious force. The absolute value of -5 is still 5.
Posted by: tattypatty

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 07:14 PM


You can always tell when I’ve struck at the truth of the matter........... nor am I arrogant enough

the first part of that quote completely negates the second part. Why don't you just get it over with and start referring to yourself in the third person.....
Posted by: have2cit

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 07:19 PM

and how does that negate the fact that Atheism walks like a duck and quacks like a duck?
Posted by: tattypatty

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 07:21 PM

It was the "you can always tell when I..." part that comes off as arrogant, ding dong. Ducks and atheism. A winning combination....
Posted by: have2cit

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 07:26 PM


don't worry I'll get back to you when your buzz wears off.
Posted by: tattypatty

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 07:29 PM

Here's hopin!
Posted by: Dean Wormer

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 07:34 PM


Ned: Why me, Lord? I've always been good. I don't drink or dance or swear. I've even kept kosher just to be on the safe side. I've done everything the Bible says! Even the stuff that contradicts the other stuff! What more can I do?

Posted by: Fiend

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 07:39 PM

I'm confused about something....Does Tatty's avatar meet the requirements of Godwin's Law? I don't believe so but then I doubt my belief when I start to think about it.
Posted by: have2cit

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 08:13 PM

Posted by: tattypatty

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 08:20 PM


Posted by: XXXbit

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 10:06 PM

I do consider myself a Christian but not of the Bible thumping variety. I fall short of my own standards which often times (but not all) are aligned with my Catholic upbringing. (yes a Black Catholic but because the of church of my youth... not so sure)

I just try to live my life as an example of how to care for and treat others. I also try to do good and give back. Like most American Catholics I only attend services on Christmas Eve and Easter or when my heart is real heavy.

i just hope in the end if all I was taught is true that my past transgressions do not outweigh the good I have done with my later years. I also hope he doesn't hold premartial sex against me. I have had too much shitty sex to burn in hell for it.

Posted by: CxGxPx

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 11:33 PM



Bug, you're taking a confrontational approach to understanding Christianity. Just like with any philosophy, you've got to read it sympathetically first before you understand. Then you can read it critically, then try to read it a 3rd time, objectively.

Have you read the Book of John yet? That's where most Christians tell you to start if you want to understand.

Holy shit, the first and last intelligent post. End of thread.

It's not intelligent. I've read the entire New Testament and about half of the old Testament. Christianity isn't a sympathetic set of beliefs. It's inherently 'confrontational' so it should be treated as such. Christianity, along with a lot of religions, can stack up page after page about the mercies of their god but at the end of the day it comes down to the simple belief in their specific god or the punishment is eternal damnation, sounds pretty fucking capricious to me.
Posted by: CxGxPx

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 11:44 PM


I do consider myself a Christian but not of the Bible thumping variety. I fall short of my own standards which often times (but not all) are aligned with my Catholic upbringing. (yes a Black Catholic but because the of church of my youth... not so sure)

I just try to live my life as an example of how to care for and treat others. I also try to do good and give back. Like most American Catholics I only attend services on Christmas Eve and Easter or when my heart is real heavy.

i just hope in the end if all I was taught is true that my past transgressions do not outweigh the good I have done with my later years. I also hope he doesn't hold premartial sex against me. I have had too much shitty sex to burn in hell for it.

Okay, this goes back to my original question about if you consider your self "a carnal christian" which nobody even addressed. (nice fight between tatty and the other guy, I say tatty won but I'm an asshole heathen so I'm biased anyways) I'd go so far to say that you can talk your self blue in the face about the grace of your god but that you don't really understand your own religion,......christians are supposed to be actively avoiding sin, "how can we live in it any longer" Christians are supposed to set the example to non believers, sure you are a sinner saved by grace but it also says "grace without works are dead". It can be a nice little mind fuck trying to validate the grace versus works debate. It's not really a debate as you are only saved by christs sacrifice (in the christian belief), and it's all grace but the general idea is if you really believed that you would be trying to eradicating sin from your life.

If you really believe that you can sin all you want and are still saved by grace this is where I actually start finding your believe extremely fucking offensive, because you're basically saying you could cheat, murder, steal, rape, molest whoever/whatever you wanted and you'd be saved and someone else would go to hell simply by being a Hindu or Buddhist. I think the vast majority of people that consider themselves Christians believe that are saved no matter what they do.
Posted by: tattypatty

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 11:48 PM


I just try to live my life as an example of how to care for and treat others. I also try to do good and give back

Good for you. But I would argue that's not a trait exclusive to Christianity, or even being religious Plenty of religious folks of diffrent faiths believe the same as you. And some (not all) would condemn atheists who engage in the same behaviour but do not believe.
Lance Armstrong seems like a pretty solid dude, and Pat Tillman gave his life defending America. Neither one of them made a secret of it, and yet Tillman's memory gets slimed by some religious kook.

That's kinda what sticks in my craw: that atheists can't be good people....

LIEUTENANT COLONEL RALPH KAUZLARICH, U.S. ARMY (on Tllman): Well, if you're an atheist and you don't believe in anything, if you die, what -- what is there to go to? Nothing. You're worm dirt. So, for their son to die for nothing, it's pretty hard to get your head around that

Posted by: XXXbit

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 11:51 PM

i know it is not exclusive to Christianity but i was saying that despite what I was taught and what i now is the best i am do at this time as I fall short of my own religous beliefs....i havn't changed my beliefs simply because I struggle with following the word.
Posted by: CxGxPx

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 11:57 PM


i know it is not exclusive to Christianity but i was saying that despite what I was taught and what i now is the best i am do at this time as I fall short of my own religous beliefs....i havn't changed my beliefs simply because I struggle with following the word.

Just answer this one question. I'm not a christian, would you say I'm going hell?
Posted by: tattypatty

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/04/09 11:59 PM

I'm sorry if you feel guilt about such things (seriously), but I would argue you could still abandon most of the tenets of catholicism and even deism and still be a great foster parent and a great human being. I don't think walking away from all that stuff immediately chucks your moral compass out the window. The thought of the bullshit randomness of our existence and the reality of our own mortality freaks us out sometimes. But is embracing a bronze age book of myths that even its own followers can't agree on any better? I dunno, just a thought....
Posted by: Claude Goddard

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/05/09 02:47 AM


It's not intelligent. I've read the entire New Testament and about half of the old Testament.

In other words, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

"Hey I've read half of Madame Bovary, want to hear my opinion on French literature?"

Posted by: Claude Goddard

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/05/09 02:54 AM


I'd go so far to say that you can talk your self blue in the face about the grace of your god but that you don't really understand your own religion,......christians are supposed to be actively avoiding sin, "how can we live in it any longer" Christians are supposed to set the example to non believers, sure you are a sinner saved by grace but it also says "grace without works are dead". It can be a nice little mind fuck trying to validate the grace versus works debate. It's not really a debate as you are only saved by christs sacrifice (in the christian belief), and it's all grace but the general idea is if you really believed that you would be trying to eradicating sin from your life.

If you really believe that you can sin all you want and are still saved by grace this is where I actually start finding your believe extremely fucking offensive, because you're basically saying you could cheat, murder, steal, rape, molest whoever/whatever you wanted and you'd be saved and someone else would go to hell simply by being a Hindu or Buddhist. I think the vast majority of people that consider themselves Christians believe that are saved no matter what they do.

Your understanding of 'Christianity' seems limited to fundamentalist Baptist teaching. None of what you've said applies to Catholic or most Protestant theology.

Once again, you don't have enough background in the subject to discuss the matter knowledgeably. Hell, I don't either, but I know enough to know that you are full of shit. Please STFU with your typical 'internet intellectual' prattle (with the typical soft spot for Buddhism). This is the kind of auto didactic garbage that chokes up every forum.

Posted by: CxGxPx

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/05/09 03:46 AM



I'd go so far to say that you can talk your self blue in the face about the grace of your god but that you don't really understand your own religion,......christians are supposed to be actively avoiding sin, "how can we live in it any longer" Christians are supposed to set the example to non believers, sure you are a sinner saved by grace but it also says "grace without works are dead". It can be a nice little mind fuck trying to validate the grace versus works debate. It's not really a debate as you are only saved by christs sacrifice (in the christian belief), and it's all grace but the general idea is if you really believed that you would be trying to eradicating sin from your life.

If you really believe that you can sin all you want and are still saved by grace this is where I actually start finding your believe extremely fucking offensive, because you're basically saying you could cheat, murder, steal, rape, molest whoever/whatever you wanted and you'd be saved and someone else would go to hell simply by being a Hindu or Buddhist. I think the vast majority of people that consider themselves Christians believe that are saved no matter what they do.

Your understanding of 'Christianity' seems limited to fundamentalist Baptist teaching. None of what you've said applies to Catholic or most Protestant theology.

Once again, you don't have enough background in the subject to discuss the matter knowledgeably. Hell, I don't either, but I know enough to know that you are full of shit. Please STFU with your typical 'internet intellectual' prattle (with the typical soft spot for Buddhism). This is the kind of auto didactic garbage that chokes up every forum.

Please oh pleeeeeeeeease point out any exact flaws in anything I've to baptist teachings? It's limited to actual biblical teachings. How much of the bible have you read? And your very statement proves my point....most christians don't know jackshit about their own book, and have probably read maybe %2 of it.
I don't believe I ever once mentioned a single thing one way or the other about Buddhism except in using the example that the christian belief would automatically condemn one to hell. If you think I don't put enough research into the issue do you think the average americanized christian puts even 1/20th the amount of thought process into this?.............You're being extremely disingenuous if you think most people that call themselves "christians" put even that amount of effort into researching their own beliefs but you missed that point entirely.
Posted by: have2cit

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/05/09 06:04 AM

I read about an archeological dig in Italy where they excavated a trash heap behind an ancient Roman brothel. They found many skeletons of infants that had knife wounds in their skulls. Apparently the whores would just have the kids, kill them, and throw the bodies onto the trash heap so they could get back to work. Bad birth control methods, I guess. Atheist wisdom tells us they are just reducing the amount of unwanted children from an already over populated area in other words good for the whole of society and acceptable. Does anyone here believe these were appalling acts, if so, why?
Posted by: XXXbit

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/05/09 06:38 AM



i know it is not exclusive to Christianity but i was saying that despite what I was taught and what i now is the best i am do at this time as I fall short of my own religous beliefs....i havn't changed my beliefs simply because I struggle with following the word.

Just answer this one question. I'm not a christian, would you say I'm going hell?

you may but it isn't based on that alone
Posted by: charin

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/05/09 06:55 AM

OK, I'll take the bait. Some good things here, some misconceptions.

First, yes, I've studied the entire Bible. I tried twice to become a Methodist. Bug, your statement about "grace without works is dead" may be a misquote of the Book of James' famous "Faith without works, is dead". The Book of James was and still is a bit controversial, and barely made it in the Bible, IIRC.

I couldn't become a true Christian because I do not believe in some of the basic precepts of the religion - that Jesus was Christ born of a virgin, and that his death is the only path to salvation. That Paul's letters are the Word of God. I just do not have the faith that these things are true. But, I met many wonderful, spiritual, honest people in my times with the Methodists, and I have occasion to work closely with some fairly observant Catholics who are basically good people, too. In both cases, religion strengthens them, gives their life much more meaning, helps give a moral compass, and provides a place to do good works and socialize. More power to them.

I've also met some very spiritual atheists. If this one go 'round is all you get, better make the most of it. Live well, and your legacy is how people remember you. People who don't normally do wrong, because it is wrong, not because of some fear of eternal damnation. People like Patty. More power to them, too.

I am a Deist, basically. Not that I've studied the thoughts of other Deists, that's not what it's about. I believe in an initial Creator, and I know God has been with me at various times in my life. But I also believe He made things the way they are, and divine intervention is very rare, miracles don't happen every day. While I reject the dogma associated with organized religion, I respect and value the spiritual principles put forth in beautiful things like the Sermon on the Mount, or the Psalms.

The Methodists and Catholics I have mentioned, that I have respect for, are the good side of Christianity, and religion. The dark side that is giving the whole religion a bad name, is the Phelps clan in Kansas, Pat Robertson, George W. Bush, you're going to hell type of person who is not really following the teachings of Christ at all. At least, not the way I studied His teachings for many years. I never could understand these people. And I never did believe in a punishing God. And, Catholics who are single issue abortion nuts, people who knock on doors selling religion, political Christians who try to push their religion through legislation all give the religion a bad name.

So, does Christ save? Or, is it the inherent spiritual thirst of the individual that allows them to take the beauty and spirituality of the teachings, and downplay the little verses that have been perverted to use as excuses for hatred? I would say the latter. And, what are the teachings of Christianity? That pornography, and masturbation, and prostitution, are wrong? I don't see these things as great sins when I read scripture. No doubt, verses can be pointed out about loose sexual conduct, but you have to search and interpret. In my case, these indulgences are much better than lying and deceiving someone to obtain sex. And, there are much larger moral issues for me to look at, personally.

Xbit sees the bigger picture, she has that inherent beautiful spiritual thirst. The understanding that good begets good, the love of giving to others, the feeling of wholesomeness to honestly feel good about herself. Despite the guilt of her Catholic upbringing regarding petty sexual dalliances. And, Patty has that spirituality, too, although he may resent me calling it that.

So, people are people, spirituality is from within, and there are good and bad in Christianity, and in the local supermarket, and in my workplace. But, thinking any religion is a set of rules to follow, in order to receive Divine blessing in an afterlife, is exactly what Jesus fought against! He took on the conservative Jewish clergy who were making all these rules, and tried to get people to drill down to the basic spiritual principles - love God, and love your neighbor as you love yourself. Crucifixion was the ultimate expression of that love for others.

Many of the Methodists I studied with would agree with what I've written here, except for the part about virgin birth, one path to salvation, and the Bible being the word of God. Many also agree about the Bible, and make in depth scholastic studies from a historical viewpoint, seeing letters as letters intended for the target audience, and seeing the Old Testament as history and something superseded by the teachings of Jesus. I really enjoyed studying with them, and I enjoyed my retreats at the Abby of Gethsemane with the monks, too.

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Ignore the nuts, take what you believe in your heart to be true, and seek and nurture those beliefs. And, buy Gag Factor 30, it has truth and beauty, too.

-Chuck, Vegetarian fanboy
Posted by: tattypatty

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/05/09 09:27 AM

That's actually pretty on point, Charin. One of my best friends was raised Catholic and just got so tired of the baloney and hypocrisy her rejected the whole package.. Him having a kid (and the soon-to-be passing of his old man) have kind of pushed him towards (kinda) deism. I understand it, I may just not always agree,,,


I read about an archeological dig in Italy where they excavated a trash heap behind an ancient Roman brothel. They found many skeletons of infants that had knife wounds in their skulls. Apparently the whores would just have the kids, kill them, and throw the bodies onto the trash heap so they could get back to work. Bad birth control methods, I guess. Atheist wisdom tells us they are just reducing the amount of unwanted children from an already over populated area in other words good for the whole of society and acceptable. Does anyone here believe these were appalling acts, if so, why?

Posted by: have2cit

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/05/09 09:50 AM


Are you even capable of an original post?
Posted by: CxGxPx

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/05/09 10:53 PM




i know it is not exclusive to Christianity but i was saying that despite what I was taught and what i now is the best i am do at this time as I fall short of my own religous beliefs....i havn't changed my beliefs simply because I struggle with following the word.

Just answer this one question. I'm not a christian, would you say I'm going hell?

you may but it isn't based on that alone

So what if your number of sins far exceeded mine but because you accepted Jesus Christ, you still go to heaven and I still fry?
Posted by: CxGxPx

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/05/09 11:15 PM


OK, I'll take the bait. Some good things here, some misconceptions.

First, yes, I've studied the entire Bible. I tried twice to become a Methodist. Bug, your statement about "grace without works is dead" may be a misquote of the Book of James' famous "Faith without works, is dead". The Book of James was and still is a bit controversial, and barely made it in the Bible, IIRC.

I couldn't become a true Christian because I do not believe in some of the basic precepts of the religion - that Jesus was Christ born of a virgin, and that his death is the only path to salvation. That Paul's letters are the Word of God. I just do not have the faith that these things are true. But, I met many wonderful, spiritual, honest people in my times with the Methodists, and I have occasion to work closely with some fairly observant Catholics who are basically good people, too. In both cases, religion strengthens them, gives their life much more meaning, helps give a moral compass, and provides a place to do good works and socialize. More power to them.

I've also met some very spiritual atheists. If this one go 'round is all you get, better make the most of it. Live well, and your legacy is how people remember you. People who don't normally do wrong, because it is wrong, not because of some fear of eternal damnation. People like Patty. More power to them, too.

I am a Deist, basically. Not that I've studied the thoughts of other Deists, that's not what it's about. I believe in an initial Creator, and I know God has been with me at various times in my life. But I also believe He made things the way they are, and divine intervention is very rare, miracles don't happen every day. While I reject the dogma associated with organized religion, I respect and value the spiritual principles put forth in beautiful things like the Sermon on the Mount, or the Psalms.

The Methodists and Catholics I have mentioned, that I have respect for, are the good side of Christianity, and religion. The dark side that is giving the whole religion a bad name, is the Phelps clan in Kansas, Pat Robertson, George W. Bush, you're going to hell type of person who is not really following the teachings of Christ at all. At least, not the way I studied His teachings for many years. I never could understand these people. And I never did believe in a punishing God. And, Catholics who are single issue abortion nuts, people who knock on doors selling religion, political Christians who try to push their religion through legislation all give the religion a bad name.

So, does Christ save? Or, is it the inherent spiritual thirst of the individual that allows them to take the beauty and spirituality of the teachings, and downplay the little verses that have been perverted to use as excuses for hatred? I would say the latter. And, what are the teachings of Christianity? That pornography, and masturbation, and prostitution, are wrong? I don't see these things as great sins when I read scripture. No doubt, verses can be pointed out about loose sexual conduct, but you have to search and interpret. In my case, these indulgences are much better than lying and deceiving someone to obtain sex. And, there are much larger moral issues for me to look at, personally.

Xbit sees the bigger picture, she has that inherent beautiful spiritual thirst. The understanding that good begets good, the love of giving to others, the feeling of wholesomeness to honestly feel good about herself. Despite the guilt of her Catholic upbringing regarding petty sexual dalliances. And, Patty has that spirituality, too, although he may resent me calling it that.

So, people are people, spirituality is from within, and there are good and bad in Christianity, and in the local supermarket, and in my workplace. But, thinking any religion is a set of rules to follow, in order to receive Divine blessing in an afterlife, is exactly what Jesus fought against! He took on the conservative Jewish clergy who were making all these rules, and tried to get people to drill down to the basic spiritual principles - love God, and love your neighbor as you love yourself. Crucifixion was the ultimate expression of that love for others.

Many of the Methodists I studied with would agree with what I've written here, except for the part about virgin birth, one path to salvation, and the Bible being the word of God. Many also agree about the Bible, and make in depth scholastic studies from a historical viewpoint, seeing letters as letters intended for the target audience, and seeing the Old Testament as history and something superseded by the teachings of Jesus. I really enjoyed studying with them, and I enjoyed my retreats at the Abby of Gethsemane with the monks, too.

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Ignore the nuts, take what you believe in your heart to be true, and seek and nurture those beliefs. And, buy Gag Factor 30, it has truth and beauty, too.

-Chuck, Vegetarian fanboy

"faith without works is dead" is the line I misquoted. I understand the idea of christianity giving people a sense of moral compass, self worth spirituality ect ect. What it ultimately comes down to is it's simple teaching that christ is the only way to salvation. You talk about big sins and small sins but really, sin is sin according to the bible, (I believe there was only one "unpardonable sin" which if memory serves correctly I believed referred to one of 'gods elect' denying the words of christ from flowing through him/her during a certain event in revelations) talked about in the bible. But it basically would make it cut and dry that any sin committed in your entire life would be enough to condemn you if you don't except christ. From what I've studied the bible is also pretty clear that once you are "saved" you are pretty much supposed to dedicate your life to christianity. (%99 who call them selves christians don't do this.)

The guy earlier telling me I was full of shit because I hadn't read the entire bible so I can't comment on it one way or the other basically proved the point I was trying to make earlier. really, what "christians" have read the whole bible? Why don't you go so far to say I haven't translated the Hebrew manuscripts or learned to speak Aramaic. If I don't know enough to be allowed to comment on the subject, you might as well say christians don't have a right to call them selves christians unless they've read the entire bible and earned a theological degree.

I get what you're saying fiend but I feel like it soft pedals it's ultimate message. I'm not offended if people who consider them selves christians get something out of it, more power to them. So much as the message of the bible it's self is what's offensive (and any other 'all or nothing' religion, that declares it's self the only true religion or you will go to hell. For those who would say I'm only picking on christians and not muslims or jews).
Posted by: Claude Goddard

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/06/09 12:34 AM


"faith without works is dead" is the line I misquoted...What it ultimately comes down to is it's simple teaching that christ is the only way to salvation. You talk about big sins and small sins but really, sin is sin according to the bible, (I believe there was only one "unpardonable sin" which if memory serves correctly I believed referred to one of 'gods elect' denying the words of christ from flowing through him/her during a certain event in revelations) talked about in the bible. But it basically would make it cut and dry that any sin committed in your entire life would be enough to condemn you if you don't except christ. From what I've studied the bible is also pretty clear that once you are "saved" you are pretty much supposed to dedicate your life to christianity. (%99 who call them selves christians don't do this.)

The guy earlier telling me I was full of shit because I hadn't read the entire bible so I can't comment on it one way or the other basically proved the point I was trying to make earlier. really, what "christians" have read the whole bible?...If I don't know enough to be allowed to comment on the subject, you might as well say christians don't have a right to call them selves christians unless they've read the entire bible and earned a theological degree.

...So much as the message of the bible it's self is what's offensive (and any other 'all or nothing' religion, that declares it's self the only true religion or you will go to hell. For those who would say I'm only picking on christians and not muslims or jews).

Okay, if we're going to argue theology on a porn forum...

Again, you're interpretation comes from a fundamentalist viewpoint, which most people in the US seem to think represents the christian religion in toto.

Catholic and protestant theology is much more subtle than your argument makes out. Read Reinhold Niebhur, Simone Weil or Han Kung to get an idea of how complex and debated the reading of 'grace vs. works' actually is in christian theology.

Regarding being 'saved' the idea is a 19th century invention of the American revival that is specific to the fundamentalists, it is not in the bible. Neither does the bible declare itself 'inerrant.' Simplistic statements that christianity is the only path to salvation can be easily refuted by the story of the good Samaritan.

The bible is much more open to different readings than standard dogma would have you believe. The meaning of the gospels and other books of the bible was debated for centuries and the common reading that we know today was the result of political oppression of alternative and gnostic interpretations (look at Karen Armstrong's Biography of the Bible, Jonathan Kirsch's God Against the Gods, Elaine Pagels Adam, Eve and the Serpent). Also look at Nietzsche's reading of the gospels in The Antichrist to see a radical reading which actually revives some of the ideas of the gnostics.

And actually, I don't think ANYONE should really consider themselves a christian unless they have read the bible. That seems like reasonable minimum requirement, otherwise they're left open to the bullshit distortions of the preachers who take passages out of context to push whatever agenda they feel like. That is what most of the Reformation was about, individuals right to reading and interpreting the bible for themselves.

Again, outside of the fundamentalist NO ONE thinks the bible is the literal word of God. Not catholics, jews or mainline protestants. They may believe the bible is divinely inspired but not that every letter of a document from thousands of years ago that has been translated into various other languages decades at least after the events, many of which clearly never historically occurred, is objectively true.

Now you can say that most christians don't take their religion seriously enough, or think deeply enough about it, but that is true for about every creed out there.

I've read the bible, koran, dhammapada and upanishads. Not saying this to brag, I'm saying if you're going to talk about someone else's beliefs do your homework first. I'm not christian at all, I was raised in an agnostic household where religion was completely absent, but I've worked closely with people from different religious backgrounds and looked into their beliefs out of mutual respect. They had all read Albert Camus after all.

btw the koran says that christians, jews and muslims are 'people of the book' and should all be respected, it was the later rulings of the power hungry ulema that promoted intolerance of other creeds.

Man, now that I've typed all this I realize who wants to read a goddamn essay on theology and religious history on a fucking porn forum. This is why I hate discussing this shit on the internet.
Posted by: CxGxPx

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/06/09 12:42 AM



"faith without works is dead" is the line I misquoted...What it ultimately comes down to is it's simple teaching that christ is the only way to salvation. You talk about big sins and small sins but really, sin is sin according to the bible, (I believe there was only one "unpardonable sin" which if memory serves correctly I believed referred to one of 'gods elect' denying the words of christ from flowing through him/her during a certain event in revelations) talked about in the bible. But it basically would make it cut and dry that any sin committed in your entire life would be enough to condemn you if you don't except christ. From what I've studied the bible is also pretty clear that once you are "saved" you are pretty much supposed to dedicate your life to christianity. (%99 who call them selves christians don't do this.)

The guy earlier telling me I was full of shit because I hadn't read the entire bible so I can't comment on it one way or the other basically proved the point I was trying to make earlier. really, what "christians" have read the whole bible?...If I don't know enough to be allowed to comment on the subject, you might as well say christians don't have a right to call them selves christians unless they've read the entire bible and earned a theological degree.

...So much as the message of the bible it's self is what's offensive (and any other 'all or nothing' religion, that declares it's self the only true religion or you will go to hell. For those who would say I'm only picking on christians and not muslims or jews).

Okay, if we're going to argue theology on a porn forum...

Again, you're interpretation comes from a fundamentalist viewpoint, which most people in the US seem to think represents the christian religion in toto.

Catholic and protestant theology is much more subtle than your argument makes out. Read Reinhold Niebhur, Simone Weil or Han Kung to get an idea of how complex and debated the reading of 'grace vs. works' actually is in christian theology.

Regarding being 'saved' the idea is a 19th century invention of the American revival that is specific to the fundamentalists, it is not in the bible. Neither does the bible declare itself 'inerrant.' Simplistic statements that christianity is the only path to salvation can be easily refuted by the story of the good Samaritan.

The bible is much more open to different readings than standard dogma would have you believe. The meaning of the gospels and other books of the bible was debated for centuries and the common reading that we know today was the result of political oppression of alternative and gnostic interpretations (look at Karen Armstrong's Biography of the Bible, Jonathan Kirsch's God Against the Gods, Elaine Pagels Adam, Eve and the Serpent). Also look at Nietzsche's reading of the gospels in The Antichrist to see a radical reading which actually revives some of the ideas of the gnostics.

And actually, I don't think ANYONE should really consider themselves a christian unless they have read the bible. That seems like reasonable minimum requirement, otherwise they're left open to the bullshit distortions of the preachers who take passages out of context to push whatever agenda they feel like. That is what most of the Reformation was about, individuals right to reading and interpreting the bible for themselves.

Again, outside of the fundamentalist NO ONE thinks the bible is the literal word of God. Not catholics, jews or mainline protestants. They may believe the bible is divinely inspired but not that every letter of a document from thousands of years ago that has been translated into various other languages decades at least after the events, many of which clearly never historically occurred, is objectively true.

Now you can say that most christians don't take their religion seriously enough, or think deeply enough about it, but that is true for about every creed out there.

I've read the bible, koran, dhammapada and upanishads. Not saying this to brag, I'm saying if you're going to talk about someone else's beliefs do your homework first. I'm not christian at all, I was raised in an agnostic household where religion was completely absent, but I've worked closely with people from different religious backgrounds and looked into their beliefs out of mutual respect. They had all read Albert Camus after all.

btw the koran says that christians, jews and muslims are 'people of the book' and should all be respected, it was the later rulings of the power hungry ulema that promoted intolerance of other creeds.

Man, now that I've typed all this I realize who wants to read a goddamn essay on theology and religious history on a fucking porn forum. This is why I hate discussing this shit on the internet.

I enjoyed reading your post and got exactly what I wanted out of you.
Posted by: Claude Goddard

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/06/09 12:47 AM

I have to admit, you got me.
Posted by: John Doe

Re: Do any of you consider your selves christians? - 08/06/09 12:03 PM

I don't have any religious beliefs. Whether there is some sort of out-of-body continuance of consciousness after death, is anyone's guess.
None of us will ever truly know, until it happens.