Fuck Telus

Posted by: Handful

Fuck Telus - 01/05/08 04:06 PM

I've been a loyal Telus customer for eight years and four phones, since their Clearnet days. My current phone is near death so I went looking for another one today.

They reneged on a $50 rebate they emailed me on the purchase of a new phone. The salesman couldn't tell me the prices without going off on a rehearsed pitch. Every phone they offer now comes with a camera. I don't need a camera phone. I've got two digital cams and a video camera. Even the cheapest piece of shit was $200.

When I asked about keeping my current number the little spaghetti bender put me on hold with a Telus call center and proceeded to stare at my wife's ass.

Fuck Telus. Fuck them and fuck their phones. I'll just have to have an 'accident' with my work phone and upgrade that way.

Posted by: Soopergrizz

Re: Fuck Telus - 01/06/08 09:32 AM

you've got to go for the GSM if you travel at all - switch to Rogers and port your old number in. Rogers will front you the new equipment.
Posted by: Handful

Re: Fuck Telus - 01/06/08 04:01 PM

There's been talk of us getting the new Motorolla mike phones, so I think I'm going to hold out for that. It would be more practical for me than the little toy-looking phones I was looking at yesterday. I need something with a ringer intrusive enough to cut through the noise of a stone saw, vibe or no vibe.