Rudy Kicks Ass!

Posted by: Moxie

Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/16/07 02:41 PM

When Ron Paul blamed the USA for 9/11 and insited we ought to listen to the people that attacked us, someone should have put a bow on his head. Guilliani jumped out of turn and hit it out of the park and told him to STFU. When Guilliani demanded he retract his statement, he might as well have asked him to step outside.

Rudy Kicks Ass
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/16/07 04:50 PM

Wow. Rudy does something right for a change. Broken clocks, I guess.
Posted by: elaborator

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/16/07 07:12 PM

So live in New York and support Guiliani???


He was a complete failure as a mayor and widely hated...until Sept 11

...and even then he was only really loved on because he filled a huge void of leadership in the immediate aftermath while W learned his speech. America needed a leader at the time. He only became "America's mayor" because "America's president" was apparently pissing himself.

PLUS what a wise move to put the Terror Command center in the same location as a previous attack. HAHAHA

can't imagine the Christian Right is going to go for this

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

okay maybe the wack ass Scientology reading Mormon empty suit or the guy from "Law and Order"...

Posted by: k1ng

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/16/07 09:34 PM

elaborator, are you a part of the 35 percent of Democrats that believe President Bush knew about the 9/11 terrorist attacks in advance?
Posted by: Dean Wormer

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/17/07 01:59 AM

I dunno. Rudy shot from the hip and said a very politically popular retort. He saw an opening and knew that he had an opportunity to say something that would garner applause from the audience. He didn't say anything to refute what Paul said. Actually Paul sounded more like a democrat than a republican. I also think that what he said was not totally inaccurate. Just a little painful to hear.
Posted by: elaborator

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/17/07 04:04 AM

no King...are you part of the 28 percent of the country that believe Bush is a decent president?
Posted by: Moxie

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/17/07 06:49 AM

Sorry, Elab, your just plain wrong about Rudy's record as Mayor. When he took over from David Dinkins, the city was in the crapper. High crime, poor economy, no redevlopment, everything falling apart. What he did with the city is eerily similar to the way Reagan turned the country around after the Carter malaise.

If you want to make an honest point, you can suggest that the acheivments were due to Bill Bratton, Sunny Mindel and others, rather than his vision. To suggest that Guilliani did not do a good job as mayor is asinine and ill informed. That may fly on Daily Kos, but its just not reality.

Guilliani was hated when he left Al Sharpton and the NY Times. He has always had a take no prisoners approach which gets results, but eventually rubs people the wrong way. Patrick Fitzgerald is like that too. It was rudy's time to go, but when their was a leadership vacuum, he filled it.

The fact of the matter is that if Guilliani gets the nomination, he peels off several Northeast states, some starting with the letter "N" that democrats can't afford to lose. His big negative is his fidelity issues. I don't think Hillary want's to make marriage issues the core of the campaign
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/17/07 07:04 AM

Personally, I couldn't stand the little fascist while he was Mayor. But you're right about one thing: It was Bill Bratton and Jack Maple who solved the crime problem, largely through the introduction of COMPSTAT.

I have no love for any of the Democratic candidates, either, but I have to say this. If, God Forbid, it came down to a choice between Hillary the Hag and Benito Giuliani, I'd have to hold my nose and, very reluctantly, vote for the Lesbian. Not that I like Hillary. I can't stand her. But I hate Giuliani more.

But I don't think that will happen. The last time two New Yorkers ran against each other was Teddy Roosevelt vs. Judge Alton Parker in 1904. I really don't see it happening again.

EDIT TO ADD: Rudy in Drag is a dead ringer for my friend's mom. Even she said so. The first time he did it, on SNL, I was at his house. His mom came home with a copy of the NY Post and said "Look, I made the paper." Freaky.
Posted by: k1ng

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/17/07 09:55 AM


no King...are you part of the 28 percent of the country that believe Bush is a decent president?

Actually it's more around 35% which is the same approval rating as the Democrat-led Congress
Posted by: elaborator

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/17/07 03:56 PM


Actually it's more around 35% which is the same approval rating as the Democrat-led Congress

okay king i was using a poll from the beginning of the month...But it is certainly nothing to be proud of and remember Congress is made up of almost half Republicans who are due for another thumping in '08.


What he did with the city is eerily similar to the way Reagan turned the country around after the Carter malaise.

It kills me how the republicans always have to bring up the mighty ghost of Reagan to qualify their potential leaders.

ps- yr still a mod?
Posted by: Moxie

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/17/07 06:12 PM


[ps- yr still a mod?

Posted by: palmolive

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/17/07 07:43 PM

faget Wop Patsy Fascist for Guiliani?

Posted by: palmolive

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/17/07 07:47 PM

Now Salvatore, You must not tell your family
of our times at choir practice, or I am afraid
your grandmother will wilt in Hell for Eternity.
Posted by: Moxie

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/17/07 07:51 PM

Posted by: John Floofin

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/17/07 10:48 PM

I don't get it. Is that a dead Republican?
Posted by: k1ng

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/18/07 01:01 AM


okay king i was using a poll from the beginning of the month...But it is certainly nothing to be proud of and remember Congress is made up of almost half Republicans who are due for another thumping in '08.

Those poll numbers have less to do with "Congress being almost half Republicans" and more to do with Congress being a majority of do nothing Democrats that bailed on the "first hundred hours plan" before it even started.


What he did with the city is eerily similar to the way Reagan turned the country around after the Carter malaise.


It kills me how the republicans always have to bring up the mighty ghost of Reagan to qualify their potential leaders.

Republicans recalling the good ole days of Reagan is almost as bad as trying to elect the wife of an ex President that did his best to bury his head in the sand after multiple terrorist attacks because he was too preoccupied with being a serial philanderer.
Posted by: Gunker

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/18/07 09:34 PM

"Republicans recalling the good ole days of Reagan is almost as bad as trying to elect the wife of an ex President that did his best to bury his head in the sand after multiple terrorist attacks because he was too preoccupied with being a serial philanderer."

Yes, and during this important time of preparation against the impending terror, did the Republicans and wingnuts pitch in with their perfect understanding of geopolitics or did they nip at the Presidency like a bunch of Oxycontin-addicted corporate hyenas, favoring party politics over the well-being of America?
Posted by: John Floofin

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/18/07 09:44 PM

For the sake of rational political argumentation, could someone size up the convo on which this thread is based? I didn't watch the debate, but quite a lot has been written about their exchange in the days since. From what I gather, Mr. Paul dared to bring into question the Saracen's perspective on 9/11, which didn't go over well with the GOP crowd. I welcome anyone who'd like to elaborate and/or debate on this further, but not if it's going to digress into a blue/red pants-wetting fest.
Posted by: Gunker

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/18/07 09:54 PM


For the sake of rational political argumentation, could someone size up the convo on which this thread is based? I didn't watch the debate, but quite a lot has been written about their exchange in the days since. From what I gather, Mr. Paul dared to bring into question the Saracen's perspective on 9/11, which didn't go over well with the GOP crowd. I welcome anyone who'd like to elaborate and/or debate on this further, but not if it's going to digress into a blue/red pants-wetting fest.

Here's a link for the debate exchange:
Posted by: elaborator

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/20/07 05:37 PM

I believe that even the fine Neocon Mind Paul "pootang problem" Wolfowitz said that the Iraq War was great because it removed U.S. Troops from off the Saudi Peninsula which had led to much consternation in the Arab World and the inflammation of Binladen

But none of this matters to the Post 911 Simplefucks...

my shorts are startin to spot....
Posted by: Moxie

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/20/07 06:44 PM

So because Allah said only Arabs can live on some patch of sand, you believe they were justified to murder 3000 civilians? You have balls to call anyone simple. I seriously hope your drunk again.

Posted by: elaborator

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/20/07 07:13 PM


same ol confuse the issue and call the opponent a terrorist bullshit.

Posted by: Moxie

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/20/07 07:18 PM



same ol confuse the issue and call the opponent a terrorist bullshit.

Why don't you back up your ramblings with some substance. What is your rationale for justifying the flying of buildings into WTC. Cause there is none. I would tell you that you might as well go join Al Quaida, but we both know you already have.
Posted by: elaborator

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/21/07 04:42 AM

Moxie you are an reactionary idiot.
Posted by: Moxie

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/21/07 04:49 AM


Moxie you are an reactionary idiot.

Translation, you have nothing. You've now gone through the Daily Kos talking points, complete with calling anyone who dissagrees with you an idiot. How about some substance, some fact, anything to defend your unsupportable position. It must suck to not have an independant thought in your head. Now run back to kos and ask them what your supposed to say now.

BTW- when people kill 3000 americans they expect a reaction.
Posted by: the unknown pervert

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/21/07 08:44 AM

A battle of wits between elaborator and Moxie. This is kind of like watching Belgium and the Netherlands declare war on each other.
Posted by: John Floofin

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/21/07 12:36 PM


A battle of wits between elaborator and Moxie. This is kind of like watching Belgium and the Netherlands declare war on each other.

Yeah, my request for "rational political argumentation" never really took hold.
I only wanted to debate the notion that as the United States have meddled with impunity into the internal affairs of quite a few nations over the years, it's not entirely unexpected that some bad karma might come home to roost.
This doesn't justify the slaughter of 3,000 innocent Americans on 9/11 by any means.
The containments of the Cold War and the formation and continuation of the nation of Isreal have been the obvious mitigating factors in relations between the U.S. and the Arab block, and the U.S. has done plenty of dirty and spooky shit when it has suited our interests. One cannot deny the odium this has reserved for the United States in the eyes of the Arab world. It has become a tool for the corrupt and despotic leaders of that region, to blame the U.S. for damn near everything when their shitty governments can't maintain basic services and protections for their own people.
I think the U.S. could gain a lot of ground on the Arab street through some high profile benevolent foreign policy, stealing the wind from the sails of the various nihlistic insurgents and fire-eaters like Ahmadenijad. Call it a hunch, but I don't see the current administration taking such a leap of faith.
Iran is really the problem over there, right? How much would an earnest apology for our previous meddling really cost us? Fewer lives than an invasion, I'll wager. Would it not be more logical to trade a short term perceived humiliation of an apology for the long term prospects of a pacified region?
Perhaps such a notion is simply to be dismissed as anathema by any self-respecting neocon. Perhaps Amhadenijad and his nuclear issues have pushed Iran too far away already. I don't know, but since we are dealing with a culture that are sticklers for hisorical precendents and holding grudges, some persistent good will seems to me the logical tack and the cheapest way to engender good relations.
Posted by: Moxie

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/21/07 01:58 PM

Floof, sounds like you want to repeat Chamberlain's mistake of appeasment of the Nazi's. I think you're overlooking the fact that the islamo-nazi's think they are still fighting the crusades.

When your enemy tells you they are evil and would like to see your kind eradicated--unless you convert--then you ought to take them at their word. When Ahmanijad says he wants Israel wiped off the map, he's not joking.

The prosecution of this war is the most vivid illustration of Sun Tzu's proclamation that all battles are won before they are fought. The reason we lost Iraq--and we did lose--is because Bush was not ruthless enough. Al Quaida is not loved, they are feared. We are not feared, we are laughed at becuase Rumsfeld insisted in fighting this war with 200,000 troops less than he needed. If we didn't have the troops, we should have not invaded. All battles are won (or lost) before they are fought.

Its a shame too. The Iraq invasion (as ill advised as it was) could have reshaped the middle east toward a road to democracy. All that is going to happen is that all our allies are going to be slaughtered when we leave. No one in the arab world will ever partner with us again.

I don't blame the liberals. I don't blame the French. I don't blame the Russians. I don't blame Al Quaida. I blame Bush and Rumsfeld. When Al Quaida takes Pakistan, gets nuclear weapons and takes down an American city or 3, we'll all look back to the botched Iraq invasion and Bush's incompetance and rue the day he was born.
Posted by: John Floofin

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/21/07 03:15 PM

Chamberlain's appeasement is certainly not the model I am presenting.
I was referring to Iran, specifically. The current administration, and the greater Mullah network that has run the country for 30 years is not representative of the greater Iranian people. I know a few, they're good people. They say "I love my country, but those stupid fucking politicians have fucked it up", to which I reply that there "seems to be a lot of that going around, lately."
The Iranian people have been hijacked by ideologues, but there is nowhere near the entrenchment or general acceptance of the situation as there was in Nazi Germany.
Their economy is crap, heroin and prostitution are rampant, and their state owned oil company is hemorrhaging money through corruption and sloth.
They're up against it. Ahmadenijad and his gang are pretenders, looking to save the face of their ass-backward regime by presenting themselves as the stalwarts of Shiite Islam, and more specifically the "protector" of that Islam against the West and the duplicitous (their perspective) Sauds. The current Iraq incursion afforded them a great chance to get their cracks at the U.S., and they rationalize this hatred as payback for American meddling involving the Shah and his hated Savak security goons. This cannot be overlooked as an avenue for the U.S. to make amends to the greater population.
Their nuclear ambitions are a last resort. They get good press thumbing their noses at the West, pumping up nationalist pride with defiance and the always fashionable tossing of Israel under the bus.
The nuclear matter is overblown, for once a nation joins the club they fall under the nuclear gun sights of every other armed nation. Frankly, the U.S. may find solace in a nuclear arms race of the Middle East, because their hatred for the West is exceeded only by that of the Sunnis, Israelis, Kurds, Hindus, Buddhists, shellfish, swine, Elvis, their own brothers in law, the girlfriend who hated their mom's hummus, etc. That's beyond the point.
Iran is where it's at. Iran has it's hand and money in any and every dirty deed against anyone who is not a Shiite or loyal to their ideals. Iran is the axis of evil, but the government is faltering, weak, and ready to tumble by the hands of it's own people. This is where I see our opportunity to make hay without sending in the troops, we could kill them with kindness.
Posted by: the unknown pervert

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/21/07 04:48 PM


I don't blame the liberals. I don't blame the French. I don't blame the Russians.

Certainly the current administration should get plenty of blame since they are calling the shots and shooting airballs while doing it. However I think there is enough blame to spread around here. The faction of the left that believes everything bad in the world is the U.S.'s fault and if we just understood people more all our problems would go away shoots their mouths off anytime a microphone is present. This gets played in the Middle East and only encourages our enemies.

The French and the Russians, along with the Chinese, are why the U.N. security council is as feared and respected about as much as Nicole Richie at the Coney Island 4th of July hot dog eating contest and has as much teeth as a retirement home in West Virginia.
Posted by: pumphog74

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/22/07 02:18 PM

don't you people realize they hate our freedoms? fuck rudy. he's a fucking fascist.
Posted by: Moxie

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/22/07 02:39 PM


don't you people realize they hate our freedoms? fuck rudy. he's a fucking fascist.

Care to provide some substance to that rant? Now go back to Daily Kos and ask them what your supposed to say.
Posted by: jamesn

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/22/07 02:41 PM

Posted by: Conky

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/22/07 03:16 PM


Al Quaida is not loved, they are feared

Flaw number one in your argument, Moxie. al Qaeda is a construct created by the FBI. During the investigation conducted into the 1998 embassy bombings in East Africa, a Sudanese militant named Jamal al-Fadl ended up in the US after doing the rounds of various intelligence agences in the Middle East. al-Fadl had been with bin Laden in the early 90s and became a key prosecution witness in the 2001 Embassy bombings trial in Manhattan. He was paid a shitload of taxpayer cash as a result.

al-Fadl's account of his time with bin Laden is used by the FBI to build up a picture of "al Qaeda", but what the FBI most wanted was to create a situation whereby the perpetrators of the bombings could be prosecuted under existing organized crime laws (presumably the RICO Act).

al-Fadl and a number of other sources fed into that and provided evidence which could give the impression of an all-powerful terror network. But nothing could be further from the truth.

(Source: Al Qaeda, written by Jason Burke, just for starters).

Next you have to face up to the fact that before 9/11, the Islamist movement was dead in the water. In the same way that Hamas and Fatah are killing each other off now in Gaza, the various Islamist groups had gone to war with one another. Ayman Zawahiri had failed in his bid to mass Muslims after he took part in the assassination of Sadat in Egypt.

What Zawahiri did realize is that to unite Islamists, he needed to focus them not on their home governments (which had failed dismally), but instead against a great evil. He recruited bin Laden, who was merely the money man in all this (the 'terrorists' in bin Laden's first few videos were all paid extras who had to provide their own fucking guns!).

Zawahiri realized that by attacking a common enemy, he stood a better chance of uniting Islamists of differing beliefs.

But there remains no unified terror organization called al Qaeda. There are many, disparate, well trained and armed groups of Islamist terrorists who all hate the West, but they are not united, nor are they centrally controlled.

al Qaeda is the bogeyman. The monster created by the intelligence agencies and neo-Cons to ensure our compliance and to stop us from asking why so many inherent freedoms are quietly removed while we sit around wondering what color the alert will be tomorrow.

As for the war in Iraq, well, we've replaced a dictator who kept his entire population in check with civil war. Iraq should have been left untouched until the West fully understood the tribal conflicts behind the politics there, so that we could pick a 'winner' the majority of Iraqis could rally around.
Posted by: jamesn

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/22/07 03:19 PM

hey conky, why do you work in porn?
Posted by: Conky

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/22/07 03:23 PM

Where else am I going to see naked chicks all day and not have to work too hard?

Posted by: the unknown pervert

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/22/07 04:22 PM

I would have to disagree with your pre-9/11dead in the water statement Conky, unless you are referring to sailors on the U.S.S. Cole. There was also the first WTC attack, the bombings of embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and the Khobal Tower bombing in Saudi Arabia. The threat may have been somewhat splintered and disorganized but it was still there.
Posted by: Conky

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/22/07 04:40 PM

The attempt to unify Islamist groups was dead in the water, and the main Islamist groups had all gone to war with one another. I can't remember the names of the main players, but I'll dig them out for you.

One group killed every single one of their rivals because (I think this is right) their leader told them it was Allah's will. Their leader was a postman.

Posted by: k1ng

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/22/07 05:12 PM


The attempt to unify Islamist groups was dead in the water, and the main Islamist groups had all gone to war with one another. I can't remember the names of the main players, but I'll dig them out for you.

One group killed every single one of their rivals because (I think this is right) their leader told them it was Allah's will. Their leader was a postman.

That's what makes AQ dangerous. They aren't unified like an army where they can be identified and fought. Except, for example, when they were associated with the Taliban in Afghanistan. But they, AQ, are unified nonetheless, to what degree they are unified is something only AQ knows. But they sure are unified enough and capable enough to pass information around their cells and mount some serious attacks. You could argue that the FBI/CIA inflated the breadth and scope of AQ as a national threat, but to imply that AQ is an "construct" created by the FBI is disingenuous and smacks of tinfoil hat conspiracy theory. AQ wasn't created by the FBI.
Posted by: Conky

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/23/07 06:11 AM

King, I'm not disputing the fact that there are numerous terror groups who hate the West and have committed acts of atrocity against us. They'll keep going until we either bomb them out of existence [which doesn't seem to be working] or come up with some way of defeating them politically in their home countries.

The fact is--and it is documented fact--that al Qaeda was created by the West. Ayman Zawahiri created and ran Islamic Jihad, even when he was filmed with bin Laden, that's what he did. The phrase al Qaeda was never ever used by any Middle Eastern terrorist until after it had been used in the West following 9/11.

From 'The Power of Nightmares':

"The reality was that bin Laden and Ayman Zawahiri had become the focus of a loose association of disillusioned Islamist militants who were attracted by the new strategy. But there was no organisation. These were militants who mostly planned their own operations and looked to bin Laden for funding and assistance. He was not their commander. There is also no evidence that bin Laden used the term “Al Qaeda” to refer to the name of a group until after September the 11th, when he realized that this was the term the Americans have given it."

I've done a lot of reading. A lot. And nowhere can I find mention of al Qaeda prior to 9/11. My whole point is that we are now presented with this giant, mass tentacled terror group that can strike anywhere, has comms technology to rival the NSA and so forth. The reality is that we're still talking about disassociated groups with differing interests who are not centrally controlled.

In Afghanistan, there are no recorded arrests or killings of anyone from al Qaeda by either US or coalition forces.

If you're interested, do some research on a guy named Abu Zubaydah. He was an associate of bin Laden and told his interrogators what al Qaeda were planning. Unfortunately, his interrogators realized he was just using plots from movies he'd seen. Like Godzilla!

Are Islamist terrorists dangerous? Absolutely. Do they have the capability of attacking us? Yep. I can't argue with the facts. But I get really mad when the media tell us that al Qaeda can do this and do that, when the reality is that they can't. All I'm suggesting is that we ask more questions, not grab hold of conspiracy theories, no matter who created them.
Posted by: k1ng

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/23/07 12:59 PM

You're right, they are a loose organization of Islamic militants, that's part of the reason why they are as dangerous and can be as effective as they are, and the media and politicians alike tend to overstate their strength whether it be for newspaper sales or reelection campaigns. I agree with you about AQ being used as a tool for whatever reason and being a bogeyman to scare John Q. Public. You could argue that the term "al-Qaeda" is a misnomer or catch all phrase for Islamic militants that want to kill Americans/westerners. You could call them "pink fuzzy bunny slippers" for all I care, but the fact is, currently, UBL identifies himself as AQ, he gives instructions and motivation as AQ figurehead and terror groups carry out attacks under the name AQ. Who coined the term doesn't worry me. For the most part we agree here.


I've done a lot of reading. A lot. And nowhere can I find mention of al Qaeda prior to 9/11.

Here is a declassified memo about AQ before 9/11 from GWU/National Archives

And Dr. Saad Al-Fagih speaks about AQ in Afghanistan against the Russians pre 9/11
Posted by: Conky

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/23/07 01:58 PM

Yes, I think we do agree on most of that. Thanks for the links, I'll take a look later and compare them with the other sources I have.

Interesting stuff.

bin Laden--if he's even still alive and not hooked up to a dialysis machine 24/7--is more likely to be the figurehead, with Zawarhiri making strategy. That's what he's good at even, as Islamic Jihad proves.
Posted by: pumphog74

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/23/07 02:23 PM



don't you people realize they hate our freedoms? fuck rudy. he's a fucking fascist.

Care to provide some substance to that rant? Now go back to Daily Kos and ask them what your supposed to say.

daily what? seriously, what is that? me not liking rudy comes from my own assessment thank you very much. and no i feel no need to explain my reasons why. but his stand on prolonging an unjust war might have something to do with it.
Posted by: SMEDLEY

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 05/24/07 02:46 PM

Rudy is a Philandering Fascist Fuck who never did one good thing for New York. If he becomes President, He'll take credit for whatever plan his Generals come up with to fight those scumbag terrorists, just like he did to Bratton in New York. I'd vote for Kucinich before I voted for him. Fuck Him. He ruined Times Square.
Posted by: Soopergrizz

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 01/30/08 01:03 PM


When Ron Paul blamed the USA for 9/11 and insited we ought to listen to the people that attacked us, someone should have put a bow on his head. Guilliani jumped out of turn and hit it out of the park and told him to STFU. When Guilliani demanded he retract his statement, he might as well have asked him to step outside.

Rudy Kicks Ass


Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

I hope your headstone is big enough to fit this on:


Without really thinking, based on just emotion, spontaneous, I grabbed the arm of then-Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik, and I said to him, "Bernie, thank God George Bush is our president."

I say it again tonight. I say it again tonight:

Thank God that George Bush is our president, and thank God that Dick Cheney, a man with his experience and his knowledge and his strength and his background, is our vice president.

Posted by: Uomo Grassissimo!!

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 01/30/08 06:54 PM

He's not done. Sadly. VERY Sadly, he's just adjusting to a new position in which he will be quite dangerous.

If McCain wins, Jeff may come to know the Rudy treatment personally. Under General Rudy places like this board may likely become things of the past.

He's not done. No, not done.
Posted by: Bornyo

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 01/30/08 07:04 PM

I'm hearing Attorney General or Chief of Homeland Security.
Posted by: Uomo Grassissimo!!

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 01/30/08 07:07 PM


I'm hearing Attorney General or Chief of Homeland Security.

Homeland Security would be bad, but I'm terrified of him as AG. Welcome to Fascism.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 01/30/08 07:28 PM

Sadly, he's more "qualified" to be AG than DHS Secretary. He was the No. 3 in Reagan's DOJ before becoming US Atty SDNY.

By way of contrast, he decided to place his brand-spanking new, multimillion dollar Emergency Command Post inside the WTC. And this was after the first attack. Helluva lot of good it did there.

But Fatty's right: If Der Fuhrer becomes AG, I would strongly suggest that Jeff and all the other producers and directors in the business start looking for real estate across the border in Tijuana. Because what happened to Times Square will only be the "foretaste of a bitter cup" (to use Churchill's phrase) for those of us who enjoy our First Amendment right to smut.If you thought Ashcroft and Gonzalez were bad, you ain't seen nothing yet.
Posted by: Bornyo

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 01/30/08 07:30 PM

I also heard Edwards is withholding his endorsement for promise of a Cabinet position. That bothers me. He is as slimey as they come. This is a man who had his face on telephone book magnets not too many years ago.
Posted by: have2cit

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 01/30/08 07:50 PM

I’m curious about Edward's wife, her cancer seems to come along at politically convenient times. I was wondering if she had ever worked in porn.
Posted by: Bornyo

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 01/30/08 07:59 PM

I don't know where she stands with her cancer, but there is a bombshell story about Edwards and his mistress that the press has been sitting on for months.

We'll see if it comes out now or when he comes before the senate for confirmation assuming the Dems win.

And your point and your joke is well taken- sorry for crapping on it.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 01/30/08 08:00 PM


I was wondering if she had ever worked in porn.

God, I hope not. Have you seen her?
Posted by: vanessa

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 01/30/08 08:20 PM


So because Allah said only Arabs can live on some patch of sand, you believe they were justified to murder 3000 civilians? You have balls to call anyone simple. I seriously hope your drunk again.

What's our justification - other than blind rage and wanting to see somebody go down after we got hurt - for killing (did somebody use the word "murdering") 80,000 Arab civilians in a country that had nothing to do with 9/11? (Some estimates place the civilian casualties into the hundreds of thousands now).

And what did we get in return for spending $490,000,000,000 on a war that had nothing to do with Al-Qaeda, Bin Laden and 9/11? 4,000 U.S. soldiers killed and more than 60,000 wounded. Not to forget, a crappy economy and the largest deficit in US history. And occasionally a Bin Laden video clip, to add insult to injury.

Denial is a river in Egypt. It's a beautiful river...
Posted by: Bornyo

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 01/30/08 08:27 PM

Vanessa you may have switched to womens deodorant too soon. Your posts still stink.
Posted by: Uomo Grassissimo!!

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 01/30/08 08:30 PM



I was wondering if she had ever worked in porn.

God, I hope not. Have you seen her?

Yup. Like all unattractive, undesirable skanks, she's a new girl on
Posted by: Donna Hanover

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 01/30/08 08:55 PM


Rudy Kicks Ass!

Excuse me, but are you on drugs?
Posted by: k1ng

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 01/30/08 09:10 PM

is donna hanover the new xpt '08 version of marlin fitzwater?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 01/30/08 09:19 PM

This is puzzling:

Romney Tactics Seem Good News for McCain

WASHINGTON (AP) -- In a major boost for John McCain, Republican presidential rival Mitt Romney signaled Wednesday he's not ready to finance a costly campaign in the states holding primaries and caucuses next week...

Several officials said that on the heels of a defeat in Tuesday's Florida primary, Romney's campaign was not attempting to purchase television advertising time in any of the 21 states on the calendar for Feb. 5

Instead, the former Massachusetts governor's current plans call for campaigning in California and other primary states, said the officials, who had knowledge of the internal discussions. There would be organizational efforts primarily for caucus states...

Officials familiar with Romney's plans cautioned they could yet change. They said that paradoxically, the Florida defeat had been followed with a particularly strong day of online fundraising. But they added that in discussions so far, the former Massachusetts governor had selected the least costly of a variety of options prepared for his review.

They commented on campaign strategy only on condition of anonymity.

One of Romney's greatest campaign strengths has been his deep pockets. A wealthy former businessman who has largely financed his own campaign, he has advertised extensively in the other primary states where he competed. His campaign spent about $3 million on television ads in Florida, where he finished second.

McCain's own television advertising plans were unclear.

Full Article

I don't understand. If he has the money, why isn't he spending it on Super Tuesday when he absolutely needs to? And if he doesn't have the money, what does he propose to do? Run a "Front Porch Campaign?" That hasn't worked since Bill McKinley in 1896. Again with this 19th Century campaign style, Mitt?
Posted by: Bornyo

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 01/30/08 10:14 PM

It's pretty clear. It's a setup for McCain-Romney. There's not much doubt. Guiliani has kenneled up for the Cabinet spot and he will come out after they are through with the South.
Posted by: vanessa

Re: Rudy Kicks Ass! - 01/31/08 09:34 AM

John McCain & Miss Teen SC on Economics