
Posted by: charin

Advertise - 02/04/11 04:17 PM

It's the old formula for success:

Early to bed,
early to rise,
Work like Hell,
and Advertise.

Really, I see ads everywhere to help pay for the entertainment I enjoy - TV ads, radio, web sites, magazines, billboards, buses, clothing, race cars. Why not put ads and product placement in pornos? Think of the audience you could give to your sponsors.

If you wear x brand, you, too, can be gag factoring a hottie. Get her drunk on our brand, and she'll do anal, too. Sports revenue should tell you this will work. Ultimately, a huge bulk of pro sports money comes from beer and razor ads.

Porno has the numbers, use it! Advertise more than other porno, it is the ultimate in going mainstream.
Posted by: cqd

Re: Advertise - 02/04/11 04:30 PM

Would you really be okay with alcohol and porno teaming up?

To me it isn't a horrible idea but from what I understand that kind of thing ought to make you feel conflicted. And for those who are reading this I mean you directed at the OP not you in general.
Posted by: charin

Re: Advertise - 02/04/11 04:51 PM

Before I answer that question, just a word about Beggin' Strips. Emo thinks it's real bacon! He loves Beggin' Strips, and I love giving them to him! You can buy them at your local grocer.

I got no problem with beer ads, I love baseball, and it is the grand daddy of all beer advertisers.

And remember - nothing can stop the U. S. Air Force. Join today.
Posted by: jamesn

Re: Advertise - 02/09/11 09:00 AM

mig 29's and su-27's were developed over fifteen years ago. any kind of avionics on either and you have a fair fight.
Posted by: hollywoodskincompany

Re: Advertise - 02/11/11 10:41 AM

Good topic, I have often wondered about product placement in porn.