violation of

Posted by: big moose

violation of - 10/06/07 07:21 AM

some stupid backwoods whore at mcdonalds. at the end everyone sues her.
Posted by: loopnode

Re: violation of - 10/07/07 07:28 PM

Joseph Merlin, a Belgian mechanic and maker of musical instruments, is said to have invented roller skates in 1760. He wore them to a costume party, where he skated around playing a violin. Sad to say, he lost control of his speed and direction and skated into a costly mirror, smashing it to bits, ruining his violin, and cutting himself badly.

I like Joseph Merlin a whole lot. Sometimes though, I feel like I'm headed for the same roller disco demise, skating around and eventually smashing into a giant mirror which, hopefully, would cut me completely open and lead me to a slow and agonizing death.
Posted by: elaborator

Re: violation of - 10/18/07 11:56 PM

roller disco demise

good name for a band