RE: Current top XPT retard....

Posted by: Da Burglar

RE: Current top XPT retard.... - 05/28/05 06:00 AM

..and everyone's favorite target of opportunity, Dr pornz....

I sent CM the following PM about this turd:


Seriously, Dr pornz will get his in the end, the fucking limey retard....since he seems fixated on Kami, we need to convince her to come on here and post on a day when she is "PMS-ing" and out of drugs, so she can flame this turd with hateful rejection, thus filling him with self-doubt and sending him back to ADT-UK....then, if he persists we can ban him under some cyber-stalking pretense....

I personally oppose banning just about anything, instead preferring "street justice" whereby offenders are kept out of incarceration and remain in everyone's line of fire until they either die or flee screaming into the night...however, Dr pornz seems to be coated in Teflon and too stupid to realize his XPT-life might actually be in danger...
Posted by: ChickenMaster

Re: RE: Current top XPT retard.... - 05/28/05 10:08 AM

drpornz is like a zombie... that can write and is british.
Posted by: IVAN_MAYERS

Re: RE: Current top XPT retard.... - 06/02/05 03:23 PM

How do I get a nomination for "top XPT retard"?
I really think I have what it takes.
Posted by: JRV

Re: RE: Current top XPT retard.... - 06/02/05 07:24 PM

You've got a lot of competition for that. Half of all posts seem to be entries for that prize.