Why do people waste their time with KSEX?


Why do people waste their time with KSEX? - 03/27/05 10:12 PM

Its not a radio station. No body listens to internet "radio" except complete loser who are too cheap to pay for porn.

Real radio stations pay the DJs. Real radio stations broadcast over airwaves or sat. Playboy pays their radio personalities. ksex is such a joke.

I'm curious about why people are willing to waste their value time to go in that show and do free scenes. I mean as many people listen to ksex as watch Pamela Peaks cooking show. Thats about 4 people.

I would be interest to see why people feel being on ksex is worth their time. Everyone knows you want exposure you need to talk to AVN. Why is it people are willing to pay $3k and $5k per month to advertise in AVN? Because people who matter read it. Only idiots waste their time with ksex. Its worse then colin and sleazy friends and that was a super lame pathetic show.

If you want on KSEX tell us about how your phone was blowing off the hook with producers calling to hire you. If you are talent in this business, your money comes from being hired for videos or escorting.
Posted by: smutspov

Re: Why do people waste their time with KSEX? - 03/27/05 10:25 PM

I've been wondering the same thing off and on ever since I heard of KSEX. It's like a blind guy sitting in front of Jerry Springer. Who listens besides all the other djs and the porn babes lured into the offices there under the false pretense that it'll help their careers by being on the mic w/ loud mouth rubberface retards like Wankus thank god we don't see that face unless you sit and watch the live feed which is even more pathetic than listening to it. I think there's a live feed tho my visits to that site have been limited to a ninja scouting out an enemy outpost.

Re: Why do people waste their time with KSEX? - 03/27/05 11:03 PM

Exactly, Wankus wants to be Howard Stern so bad. He talked that broke loser Gene Ross into transcribing Sterns radio show for a few dollar each day. Also what kills me is the fact they have a "show" on every fucking hour 24 hours per day. Somebody needs to tell them that REAL radio stations only worry about talk during the morning drive and evening drive times.

Wankus somehow talked Adam and Eve into giving them a few dollars since NOBODY in Los Angeles wanted to "sponser" a show no one listens to. You can talk hillbilles from north carolina into anything, LA business men a little more difficult.

I see the WHORES who read this board arent sure why they wasted their time on KSEX.
Posted by: Longhrin

Re: Why do people waste their time with KSEX? - 03/28/05 01:50 AM

Is this in English?
Posted by: smutspov

Re: Why do people waste their time with KSEX? - 03/28/05 03:45 PM


Is this in English?

Posted by: Jeff Steward

Re: Why do people waste their time with KSEX? - 03/29/05 09:01 AM

These stupid girls are willing to believe anything some loser tells them.Wankus lies to them and tells them how great it will be for their careers to do his show and they fall for it hook,line and sinker.He exploits their stupidity by not paying them and at the same time makes some what of a name and a little cash for himself.Stupid whores.
Posted by: spikelee

Re: Why do people waste their time with KSEX? - 03/29/05 11:16 AM

Actually, I watch KSEX and have seen a few new babes that I have never heard of. It's different. It's nice to hear adult material not being regulated by the FCC.
Posted by: sammura

Re: Why do people waste their time with KSEX? - 03/29/05 11:54 AM

so do you tell them their stupid whores before they sign the model release?
Posted by: smiling arab

Re: Why do people waste their time with KSEX? - 03/29/05 07:17 PM


Actually, I watch KSEX and have seen a few new babes that I have never heard of. It's different. It's nice to hear adult material not being regulated by the FCC.

Can you give me your phone number so I can call you up and laugh at you?
Posted by: Cerberus

Re: Why do people waste their time with KSEX? - 03/29/05 08:26 PM



Actually, I watch KSEX and have seen a few new babes that I have never heard of. It's different. It's nice to hear adult material not being regulated by the FCC.

Can you give me your phone number so I can call you up and laugh at you?

Posted by: have2cit

Re: Why do people waste their time with KSEX? - 03/29/05 08:50 PM


so do you tell them their stupid whores before they sign the model release?

Before, during, and after. Whore.
Posted by: sammura

Re: Why do people waste their time with KSEX? - 03/29/05 09:01 PM

didn;t you already call my 818 number leaving messages calling me the n-word already. wow that so cute a grown ass man making prank phone calls. nothing but a bunch of no pussy getting nerds. oops i forget yall get pussy from some of the "pornstars" during conventions so you won't go back to the board and turn on them.
Posted by: have2cit

Re: Why do people waste their time with KSEX? - 03/29/05 09:08 PM

Bitch please. I wouldn't call you even if your pussy was giving out money.
Posted by: sammura

Re: Why do people waste their time with KSEX? - 03/29/05 09:14 PM

case and point

this was rob when i first got on porntalk:
if you are interested in shooting a creampie scene during the convention contact me at longshot@roblongshot.com

this was robert f:You should sign up to be on my site I take NO %.
I have a list of girls coming to Vegas and people are booking now.

jeff:stop by my booth i look forward to meeting you.

kami:Thanks! Don't let smelly get to you, he made a "Kami has a huge Forehead" people get what they deserve in the long run!

jeff again:its not fayner.the ip address for the monkey is australian.i think it could be luke ford but am still not sure.

smelly monkey loosing his cool:With all your crack comments you have started to push my buttons, im your number and i will call you right now and you can be a real woman and say this shit to me on the phone. I bet i hear nothing from you.

robert f just yesterday:They are probably talking ahit about modelgig not me.
The guy running modelgig.com stole it from me and is an asshole.

Posted by: pornloser78

Re: Why do people waste their time with KSEX? - 04/04/05 11:24 PM


so do you tell them their stupid whores before they sign the model release?

hell no i tell them i meen everyone but them, if they don't know they're a whore they should'nt do it for living, god you are a fucking retard.

much love,
Posted by: Jeff Steward

Re: Why do people waste their time with KSEX? - 04/05/05 08:32 AM


so do you tell them their stupid whores before they sign the model release?

I don't need to.They already know their stupid.
Posted by: Steven Millan

Re: Why do people waste their time with KSEX? - 04/10/05 10:45 AM


Exactly, Wankus wants to be Howard Stern so bad. He talked that broke loser Gene Ross into transcribing Sterns radio show for a few dollar each day. Also what kills me is the fact they have a "show" on every fucking hour 24 hours per day. Somebody needs to tell them that REAL radio stations only worry about talk during the morning drive and evening drive times.

Wankus somehow talked Adam and Eve into giving them a few dollars since NOBODY in Los Angeles wanted to "sponser" a show no one listens to. You can talk hillbilles from north carolina into anything, LA business men a little more difficult.

I see the WHORES who read this board arent sure why they wasted their time on KSEX.

Actually,Wankus tries to be more like a kinder and gentlier Tom Leykis,since he knows how much Hopward heavily despises any type of competiton and imitators in any single media format.
Posted by: drpornz

Re: Why do people waste their time with KSEX? - 04/10/05 11:41 AM

Wankus will never be Howerd Stern.

Howerd has something Wankus doesn't have and that's intelligence. Howerd is a businessman where as Wankus only looks after his own interests. He fucks the pornstars who come on his radio station and brags about it. Howerd is a lot more clever than Wankus is.

My secret is, I have actually had emails from Howerd and he's a bloody nice man. Wankus will fade soon. That isn't sourgrapes, it's the truth, the man is so shallow he will not survive.

Posted by: drpornz

Re: Why do people waste their time with KSEX? - 04/10/05 11:45 AM


These stupid girls are willing to believe anything some loser tells them.Wankus lies to them and tells them how great it will be for their careers to do his show and they fall for it hook,line and sinker.He exploits their stupidity by not paying them and at the same time makes some what of a name and a little cash for himself.Stupid whores.

Jeff is so right. On my time on the K-Sex board I saw loads of gorgeous pornstar chicks being brainwashed by Wankus. They almost came his vampires as in Dracula, you know the women by Dracula's side. I hold no real hate toward the man, but he isn't very likeable.
Posted by: detective90210

Re: Why do people waste their time with KSEX? - 04/28/05 08:28 AM

Wankus is a complete dumbass Corey Feldman wannabe- if you can believe that. How he ever bagged super hot Tyler Faith is amazing. He must have drugged her and took photos of her having sex with donkey and is blackmailing her. Everyone knows he is very much lacking in the manhood department and she is know to LOVE huge cock.
Posted by: not your friend

Re: Why do people waste their time with KSEX? - 04/29/05 12:10 PM

ksex is fucking stupid, pornstar karoke is stupid, aria XXX is a juiced up ugly whore... they all suck
Posted by: jamesn

Re: Why do people waste their time with KSEX? - 04/29/05 01:55 PM

have you ever heard tyler faith speak? it's a cross between a terrible boston accent and the chick from "the nanny".
i bet even wankus has to knock her halfway to a coma with rophynol sometimes whtn the voice gets too grating.
Posted by: kyoto

Re: Why do people waste their time with KSEX? - 04/30/05 12:46 PM


have you ever heard tyler faith speak? it's a cross between a terrible boston accent and the chick from "the nanny".
i bet even wankus has to knock her halfway to a coma with rophynol sometimes whtn the voice gets too grating.

actually she only started talking like that after fucking wankus. wankus is worse than toxic waste. soon she'll be mutated like that bald guy at the end of Robocop.