xxxporntalk dissed on RAME.

Posted by: zenman

xxxporntalk dissed on RAME. - 04/25/04 06:22 AM


This board is one Brandon Iron joke away from becoming
XXXPorntalk, and we all know how much fun it is over there.

Fuck him.
Posted by: smutspov

Re: xxxporntalk dissed on RAME. - 04/25/04 10:33 AM

If you can't find the fun here then you have no sense of humor and therefore low intelligence. Shockingly, Brandon Iron seems to holding his own in battles on here.
Posted by: smutspov

Re: xxxporntalk dissed on RAME. - 04/25/04 10:38 AM


If you can't find the fun here then you have no sense of humor and therefore low intelligence. Shockingly, Brandon Iron seems to holding his own in battles on here.

That's "to be holding" sorry itchy trigger finger, but anyway what can you expect from some numbnuts eminem-wanna-be on RAME?
Posted by: Cleetus VanDamme

Re: xxxporntalk dissed on RAME. - 04/25/04 05:54 PM

Screw him is right . I am new here but already I can tell I love this board.
Posted by: Steven Millan

Re: xxxporntalk dissed on RAME. - 04/30/04 09:19 PM

We Definitely rule over RAME,that's for motherfucking sure!!!!
Posted by: MrPoo

Re: xxxporntalk dissed on RAME. - 04/30/04 09:27 PM

rame is boring.
Posted by: Londo Mollari

Re: xxxporntalk dissed on RAME. - 05/04/04 08:21 PM

You are right Rame is boring, this board has so many more characters.
Posted by: Red Light Misfit

Re: xxxporntalk dissed on RAME. - 05/04/04 10:55 PM

I'm new. What's RAME?
Posted by: JRV

Re: xxxporntalk dissed on RAME. - 05/04/04 11:41 PM


I'm new. What's RAME?

usenet newsgroup rec.arts.moderated.erotica.
Posted by: Toelicker

Re: xxxporntalk dissed on RAME. - 05/06/04 06:52 AM

At least you can joke here, unlike some other boards. I've never been to Rame, just Venice. See? Dumb fucking joke.

Posted by: Saevus Maximus

Re: xxxporntalk dissed on RAME. - 05/06/04 06:58 AM

The other boards cater to egomaniac homos like Brandon Irons .
Posted by: Kami Andrews

Re: xxxporntalk dissed on RAME. - 05/06/04 07:11 AM

I love all my boards
Posted by: zenman

Re: xxxporntalk dissed on RAME. - 05/06/04 07:22 AM


I love all my boards

I like the other board, too. But you have to be a lot more circumspect before posting. If I had a quarter for all the times I hit the back button after typing a reply...
Posted by: Frankie5Angels

Re: xxxporntalk dissed on RAME. - 05/06/04 08:01 AM


I love all my boards

Kami, what other boards do you post at, I've seen you over at ADT I think, are there any others? If so are they as fun as this one?
Posted by: Kami Andrews

Re: xxxporntalk dissed on RAME. - 05/06/04 08:02 AM

I post on ADT a good bit , but i get pissed off at all the long winded "I am right, my porn is better cause its not degrading" (dac and the avn guy) people. I also post at adultfilmdatabase but its a slow ass board like 4 active people who post once a week.
Posted by: Frankie5Angels

Re: xxxporntalk dissed on RAME. - 05/06/04 08:10 AM

Well then I'm glad I found this one because it seems like it is the best board for fun and number of posts. Thanks Kami.
Posted by: Kami Andrews

Re: xxxporntalk dissed on RAME. - 05/06/04 08:45 AM

ya this one is the best. its the funniest anyways.
Posted by: Toelicker

Re: xxxporntalk dissed on RAME. - 05/06/04 09:16 AM



I love all my boards

I like the other board, too. But you have to be a lot more circumspect before posting. If I had a quarter for all the times I hit the back button after typing a reply...

Exactly. I like ADT, also. But I always have to preview my posts and be careful what I say. But, that is their point, right? Oh yeah, and I get a little annoyed at the people who rant against aggressive sex.

I post with another name(valjean4876) at ADT. When I signed up over there I wasn't thinking and just used my email prefix. I wish I could change my name to toelicker, but I don't want to make a new account.

I spend much of my time over there arguing with people who think OSHA should mandate condoms in porn. I do like having discussions over there. No matter how much I disagree with many of the posters.
Posted by: Londo Mollari

Re: xxxporntalk dissed on RAME. - 05/06/04 10:40 AM

RAME is a non factor, ADT is a good board but the material it is much more uptight over there. They do have a couple of nice touches such as the polling section and their pop culture section has more interaction but overall this board is by far the most entertaining and interesting.
Posted by: zenman

Re: xxxporntalk dissed on RAME. - 05/06/04 10:51 AM

I used to like RAME, but I couldn't stand waiting for my messages to get posted. Plus they didn't publish a lot of shit I would send and I don't use my read address so I never knew why.

Still I have a soft spot in my heart for RAME. I started reading and posting there about 1997, before there was an ADT or xxxporntalk. Now they have the bots doing the work over there and I suspect the group will be changed. For better of worse, only time will tell.
Posted by: JRV

Re: xxxporntalk dissed on RAME. - 05/06/04 09:57 PM


I used to like RAME, but I couldn't stand waiting for my messages to get posted.

Part of the problem is that RAME is a usenet newsgroup, and usenet was never intended to scale to what it is today.

usenet already existed when I started using the arpanet and UUCP in 1985-1986, many years before the web started, and at that time a newsgroup was considered active if there were 50 posts in a day worldwide. If the total posts in all groups exceeded 5,000 in one day you went looking too see what was wrong.

At the time it was just called There was no need for other sex* groups because there weren't enough post (there was no spam and almost no pictures).

Once Netscape appeared and the web exploded usenet no longer made much sense but has continued by sheer inertia and the fact that the are still a few geeks tinkering to keep it from collapsing.
Posted by: JRV

Re: xxxporntalk dissed on RAME. - 05/06/04 10:03 PM



I'm new. What's RAME?

usenet newsgroup rec.arts.moderated.erotica.

Arg! It's rec.arts.movies.erotica! It's a "moderated" newsgroup, but that's not part of the name.
Posted by: zenman

Re: xxxporntalk dissed on RAME. - 05/06/04 10:06 PM

Well, RAME was a moderated group. That's why it took so long for the messages to appear. Alas, the mods have grown tired of their thankless task and turned the dirty work over to a bot. Now *none* of my messages appear (6 or 7 since they started using the bot).
Posted by: zenman

Re: xxxporntalk dissed on RAME. - 05/06/04 10:11 PM

Ah shit. You already knew it was moderated. I misunderstood what you were talking about.
Posted by: JRV

What's with dac? - 05/06/04 10:19 PM


I post on ADT a good bit , but i get pissed off at all the long winded "I am right, my porn is better cause its not degrading" (dac and the avn guy) people.

What's with DAC? He went postal on me on a post for no apparent reason. I didn't reply because I figured he had just missed his medications or something.

The problem with ADT is that you can't call a spade a spade, even when it's obvious to everyone that it is a spade. On XXXPT you can say it, with the rule being that you better be ready to have someone dump on you over it.

The other problem with ADT is that they ban a lot of people (one to three every day), including senior members with 1,000+ posts and over a year of membership, and never say why. Even the regulars don't know why when a regular gets banned.
Posted by: Kami Andrews

Re: What's with dac? - 05/07/04 02:22 AM

I really think DAC has lost it completely, I can't seem to figure out why hes so angry. i heard he a freaky sweaty pervert, but that not uncommon. but hes just so mad, maybe maybe he does it for publicity, he went after mason and the thread was in all the gossip sites, now he is raging a war on jewel.

after i was in this thread yesterday that Bart guy (hmmm Bart fayner?) showed up and I was like yay, I can insult this person with out guilt! I can say what I am thinking! it was fun!

as a side note did you see where some one asked why adt doesn't carry JM movies and they locked the thread? I would be curious to hear some one from here say what happened!
Posted by: Rob Longshot

Re: What's with dac? - 05/07/04 03:27 AM

dac needs to win the mike south award for the most bitter porner.
Posted by: Toelicker

Re: What's with dac? - 05/07/04 03:37 AM


as a side note did you see where some one asked why adt doesn't carry JM movies and they locked the thread? I would be curious to hear some one from here say what happened!

I saw it. In fact, about two weeks earlier I was going to start a thread at ADT asking the same question. But I didn't because I was afraid it might be a sore subject, and I didn't want to be excoriated.

You have to be the king/queen of the nuanced statement over there. As jrv said, you can't call a spade a spade. I think you can sometimes, but if you do, you had better put all sorts of caveats like I could be wrong. or how would I know, I'm just one person, or everything I say could be wrong, I'm just saying what I think, and in no way intend to hurt anyone's feelings. I learned the art of the nuanced statement from some of the masters over there.

I just don't think everytime one wants to express an opinion they should have to turn it into an epistemological treatise. I say it's okay to have an opinion, even if no one agress with it because they are stupid.

Well, that's my take. That said, I enjoy ADT very much. I like talking to stars and directors, and reading their thoughts. Well, reading what they write. I'm not a psychic.

BTW, I haven't seen MLyons around lately. Have any of you?

Posted by: Jeff Steward

Re: If you Hate Porn ADT is the place for you - 05/07/04 05:57 AM


as a side note did you see where some one asked why adt doesn't carry JM movies and they locked the thread? I would be curious to hear some one from here say what happened!

Seeing how they aren't going to tell you the REAL story over there,I will.
That fucking Nazi cunt Steph banned me because she found my opinion very un PC.Then to add insult to injury she started a anti-JM movement against me when I started this board.I think I made less then 10 posts over there before she booted me.I going to go look for the post that got me kicked off so you all can see what a stupid power hungry cunt Steph is.
Posted by: Jeff Steward

Re: If you Hate Porn ADT is the place for you - 05/07/04 06:08 AM

Found it......

Post from ADT.
As I explained before,when I call someone a whore, I mean it as a complement. I like good whores, in fact im married to a great fucking whore. I would have it no other way. Sorry Steph if im to politically incorrect for you, but hey, im a public nuisance. IM A PORNAGPHER! So get off your high horse and go fuck yourself you self righteous tight ass because I make the porn you watch. If my opinions and comments are not welcome here,then kick me off your site. In fact, why not kick all of us evil smut peddlers off. As for Tricia, maybe one day JM Productions will be "COOL" enough to not "trash talk" to get attention. It would be great if everyone was as "hip" as Evil Angel. Whatever!!!

Jeff Steward
JM Productions

End ADT Post

If censorship is your idea of a good time ADT is for you,if not xxxporntalk is the place to be.
Posted by: BigPornFan

Re: If you Hate Porn ADT is the place for you - 05/07/04 08:40 AM


As for Tricia, maybe one day JM Productions will be "COOL" enough to not "trash talk" to get attention. It would be great if everyone was as "hip" as Evil Angel. Whatever!!!

If hip means letting trannies fuck you up the ass , i will pass thanks .
Posted by: JRV

Re: If you Hate Porn ADT is the place for you - 05/07/04 10:34 AM


That fucking Nazi cunt Steph banned me because she found my opinion very un PC.

She doesn't seem to mind Skeeter Kerkove.
Posted by: Smartt

Re: xxxporntalk dissed on RAME. - 05/07/04 12:55 PM

Posted by: JRV

Re: What's with dac? - 05/08/04 10:55 PM


I really think DAC has lost it completely, I can't seem to figure out why hes so angry.

I just noticed that he is raging at me in other threads too, and only because I supported the idea that Jewel could shoot if she was careful to avoid using potentially-exposed talent (I specifically used the example of Ashley Long, who has been in England since before this started).

Ticks me off, but I'll let it pass.
Posted by: Kami Andrews

Re: What's with dac? - 05/09/04 04:09 AM

the fact that hes only going after Jewel makes it obvious he has some kind of agenda. Jewel is one of the last people to start back shooting (assuming she is, I dont have her daily planner and I doubt DAC does either)He isjust looking for a reason to make her look bad, not sure why.
Posted by: Rob Longshot

Re: What's with dac? - 05/09/04 07:24 AM

yeah, but suddenly i like steph for closing his one thread and bitching him out.
Posted by: Kami Andrews

Re: What's with dac? - 05/09/04 10:21 AM

i missed that, I havnt been on ADT since Tricia told me I didnt know anything about racism in porn because I live in Pittsburgh.
Posted by: Cleetus VanDamme

Re: What's with dac? - 05/09/04 11:35 AM


i missed that, I havnt been on ADT since Tricia told me I didnt know anything about racism in porn because I live in Pittsburgh.

Kami, in what thread was that at ADT, I would like to know what context could possibly cause her to say something stupid like that.
Posted by: Rob Longshot

Re: What's with dac? - 05/09/04 11:35 AM

LOL, yeah, that was interesting.

but, i really can't stand david and it was nice to see his pompus ass get slammed down.
Posted by: JRV

Re: What's with dac? - 05/09/04 11:44 AM

I didn't see that at the time. I don't think that snow-white Tricia, posting from sugar-daddy's mansion, needs to be saying "my racism is worse than yours".

Ramsey pointed out Tricia misread your original note wrong but he hasn't had a reply.

I almost posted a note sharply calling out DAC for posting that rumor about Jewel with no cite and without bothering to confirm it. Luckily I backed off since I was also questioning if he's still in the industry or just wishing he was.
Posted by: JRV

Re: What's with dac? - 05/09/04 11:47 AM


Kami, in what thread was that at ADT, I would like to know what context could possibly cause her to say something stupid like that.

In the News area, towards the end of the Slain Wayne, Maxx Blac, and Naudia Rio Fiasco thread.
Posted by: Sir Greenly

Re: What's with dac? - 05/09/04 12:00 PM


I almost posted a note sharply calling out DAC for posting that rumor about Jewel with no cite and without bothering to confirm it. Luckily I backed off since I was also questioning if he's still in the industry or just wishing he was.

Go for it jrv!! Put that pretentious jerk-off in his place!!

I keep waiting for Jewel to come out swinging, but I guess she's taking the high road and ignoring this prick.

BTW, has anyone seen DAC's movies? I checked one out this week. Ugh. Artsy-fartsy "porn noir" boring drivel. Exactly the kind of smut I HATE!!

As far as him being in the industry, I wouldn't count on being in it much longer, given that he's trying to piss everyone off in it. Did you see that thing where he called Kevin Beech a piece of shit? Man, I'd pay money to see him say that to his face!
Posted by: Cleetus VanDamme

Re: What's with dac? - 05/09/04 03:17 PM

Thanks JRV, I'll check it out next time I'm over there.
Posted by: Toelicker

Re: What's with dac? - 05/09/04 06:11 PM

This guy DAC is amazing. He is not stupid. That's the problem. He is just extremely self righteous. I have not seen someone that deluded and self important since tha last time I visited my mother.

Have you seen how angry he just got at Chico? He is okay when his mental masturbation is a soliloquy. But disagree, and he, in his own words, takes the gloves off.

It's no wonder he is so unhappy with himself and what he has done with his life. He's smart enough to realize he ain't shit, but not smart enough to do anything about it.

Poor guy.
Posted by: JRV

Re: What's with dac? - 05/09/04 07:05 PM



I almost posted a note sharply calling out DAC for posting that rumor about Jewel with no cite and without bothering to confirm it.

Go for it jrv!! Put that pretentious jerk-off in his place!!

I finally did. What set me off were the assumptions that "Jewel must be guilty since she hasn't replied." When I checked I found that dac's accusation was the 369th post in a thread that started a month ago and that Jewel hadn't posted in that thread in the two weeks prior to dac's accusation. Jewel probably would never have seen it. And there is no supporting evidence anywhere.

It is interesting to note that within an hour of my posting my rant Saki closed the old HIV thread and started a new one. I'm no fan of censorship but for serious accusations I see no harm in ADT insisting accusers provide evidence or at least give the accused a chance to answer.
Posted by: Kami Andrews

Re: What's with dac? - 05/10/04 02:48 AM

ya hes DAC is off his nut, i went back and read that thread that steph locked go on steph! If I had a message board I would be a total cunt. hay I am a cunt now, why should I change.
Posted by: 2cums

Re: What's with dac? - 05/10/04 06:20 PM

Why wasn't he concerned about things before the HIV scare?

And that is shitty that he is badmouthing every director for doing the things that he has done in the past. Give me a break. I don't see him doing anything for the talent that has been infected like Jewel did.

I think it is just self promotion on his part. His product is so awful. In his little documentary, it looked like the 2 girls he interviewed didn't want to be a part of it. DAC must have paid them well. What a fucknut.
Posted by: Sir Greenly

Re: What's with dac? - 05/10/04 09:05 PM

I loved that video. DAC does all the talking.

DAC: "Isn't it terrible that the idiot fans demand these dangerous acts and the evil money-hungry company owners force you to comply just so they can line their filthy pockets blahblahblah..."


Posted by: Kami Andrews

Re: What's with dac? - 05/12/04 04:34 PM

I just found a pic of DAC! no wonder hes bitter
Posted by: Kami Andrews

Re: What's with dac? - 05/12/04 04:39 PM

Posted by: Sergio T.

Re: What's with dac? - 05/12/04 04:46 PM

Is that whore holding that guy's belly to give him a BJ?
Posted by: Kami Andrews

Re: What's with dac? - 05/12/04 04:56 PM

i dunno, i was just looking for pics of heart attack dac and this vid came up, i laughed my ass off.
Posted by: 2cums

Re: What's with dac? - 05/12/04 07:02 PM

Holy shit. I see a visit of Dick Gregory soon approaching.

Posted by: zenman

Re: What's with dac? - 05/12/04 09:19 PM

Jeezin, if that fat fuck can do porn, then I definitely can!
Posted by: JRV

Re: What's with dac? - 05/12/04 11:04 PM

I think I saw that picture on National Geographic a few days ago. Theya picture of a walrus on a beach.


Posted by: Cleetus VanDamme

Re: What's with dac? - 05/13/04 03:46 AM

How in the hell did she ever find his dick?
Posted by: jamesn

Re: What's with dac? - 05/13/04 09:17 PM

That guy is in the wrong business, he's so much smarter than all other people who have been in the same room as adult-oriented materials at any point. I'm not sure if it's just intellectual awe or my desire to see him go beserk with a firearm that prevents me from pointing this out to him.

ADT apparently doesn't kick you out as long as you maintain airs of condescension when you repeatedly post things that are recieved like a rush-hour commuter would a homeless man shouting at them as they enter the subway. The guy's a dick, as is anyone who can't seem to write anything without some subtle reminder that he's really, really smart and went to college, so bear with him and be enlightened. it's porn on a porn forum, it's supposed to be fun, i learn stuff all the time from anyone who doesn't tell me why i need to respect him and all he knows about alienating his peer group and research pool, being so dedicated to something with a potential for advancement yet being 35 and likely nowhere near a six-figure salary. if the guy could get into the worst of the three places i have/will have a diploma from, i'd still have issues listening to him. and there are plenty of people smarter than me you're talking down to, asian pussy isn't middlemarch so you're not an artist, and your rants about the injustices heaped upon the 18 year olds you pay to engage in sexual activities with strangers ain't exactly as noble as ending slavery. i'm almost convinced it's worth the hassle to change ips post-banning to remind this guy he's a shitty smut-merchant with an undeserved sense of entitlement. and he sucks unless he goes beserk with firearms
Posted by: Kami Andrews

Re: What's with dac? - 05/14/04 07:02 AM

did you get banned jamesn?
Posted by: smutspov

Re: What's with dac? - 05/14/04 09:15 AM

The guy's probably one self-loathing gnome inside that mound of blubber. he's miserable in that cage... but Zen was right, there's hope for everybody now that that fat pig is in a porno. Hey, he almost rivals High-pitch Eric in most pathetic porn stud of all time...
Posted by: pornloser78

Re: What's with dac? - 05/14/04 11:14 AM

as posted on adt
"P.S. having both graduated high school AND gone to college to enrich myself beyond learning a trade and getting drunk in frathouses and working out my crypto-homosexual desire to humiliate other men, I understand more delicate distinctions of language, but you're being led by the nose into wasting your time trying to give English lessons to those who think they know EVERYTHING already instead of challenging us with your more thoughtful posts. But hey, it's your time! I'm trying to learn better in that regard, myself .... "

All i can say is what a fucking douche
Posted by: zenman

Re: What's with dac? - 05/14/04 11:17 AM

Jesus, did he actually say that? Wait, he went to high school AND college. Step off everybody!
Posted by: Kami Andrews

Re: What's with dac? - 05/14/04 12:02 PM

hahaha wow I guess he told me off! how can i make fun of a fat pig if he went to college to learn to understand his feelings?
Posted by: Rob Longshot

Re: What's with dac? - 05/14/04 12:03 PM

methinks that was partially a stab at me...
Posted by: Kami Andrews

Re: What's with dac? - 05/14/04 12:06 PM

ya it was more at you than me cause you told him what abhor meant! hahahha even if it meant love he had 18 paragraphs of self hatred that didnt need definition!
right on by the way
I wanted to go oh yes your an enlightened artist and post that box cover of his fat ass, but I thought that might be pushing my luck.
Posted by: Rob Longshot

Re: What's with dac? - 05/14/04 12:08 PM

do it... i would, but i have to maintain the respectability of the company i work for.... i mean, they might want to hire him again someday.... ROTFLMMFAO
Posted by: Kami Andrews

Re: What's with dac? - 05/14/04 01:28 PM

nah he can have adt
Posted by: Toelicker

Re: What's with dac? - 05/14/04 07:00 PM

Well, I will say one thing, he is good at verbal self defense. He couches all of his insults as head-shaking comments to his ally of the moment.

This may not win me many friends, however: DAC is a loathsome person, but Tony C is a true moron. He has said things worthy of some future version of jaywalking(tonight show) where the contestants are the crack baby progeny of retarded bushbots.

I think his heart is in the right place, but he is one of those people for whom you get embarrassed. Sometimes I read his posts and cringe with pity.

The fact that DAC is praising Tony's intelligence really shows how deluded he(DAC) is. DAC's debating skills alone show him to be smart, so the only reasons he would defend such stupidity are insanity and/or demagoguery. I think it is a little of both.

Forgive me. I'm just writing all of the things I wish I could write on ADT.

BTW, Kami, I just watched Slayer Unleashed 3. It was the first scene of yours I had seen. Outstanding! You are one sexy chica! My goodness! Okay, that's enough of the slavering fanboy for now. I think I'll go back to ADT and read about how guilty I should feel for enjoying anal sex. God I'm disgusting.

Posted by: Kami Andrews

Re: What's with dac? - 05/14/04 07:11 PM

hahah H sent me a copy and im dying to watch it!
Posted by: Kami Andrews

Re: What's with dac? - 05/14/04 08:05 PM

that was my second dp I think!
Posted by: jamesn

Re: What's with dac? - 05/14/04 11:47 PM

not banned yet, but i haven't read it for as long as some. i'd probably go on the jihad i want to regarding the dozen or so people who are looking up the coolness ladder at crib death. what's stopped me is the policy of not only banning people, but then deleting their posts, taking a page from joey stalin's habit of removing people's faces from the photographic record after their execution. there's the obvious few things that are blasphemy there, pertaining to saying anything bad about a few people and one company, but other than that i can't say there's any kind of consistency exhibited by their secret police. some people with a history of marginal offenses write something that would only make mormons wince, and are gone.

maybe the secret is to make an offering to the ego steph or the like first, then in the same post dive into why dac/victim of choice is a total shithead. I can't believe that guy actually said the earlier thing about attending high school and college. what do you think the percentage of people owning a computer and having the knowledge of its use to find adt haven't at least taken a course above the hs level?? it doesn't mean anything other than "you went to college" in terms of accurately assessing how smart someone is, just that either they or their family knew the steps to apply and could afford it. plenty of people fall outside this category but i think everyone has probably met someone new to the country or from zero money they think is smarter than dac. the guy obviously absorbed some of the trappings associated with higher education, or at least his writing style certainly bears the affections of a "college" paper. that's just osmosis. the guy is the sharper image catalog of actual critical thought, it looks kinda shiny and intelligent, but it's total garbage. it's deceptive, the guy's got a habit of using a solid fact or objective/repeatable idea to get your confidence, then rambling for a while before concluding what he wants to without any real relation to the evidence presented. either he never learned how to prove something but picked up the rubrick of how it should look, or he's just assuming the reader is so stupid that he can pull a bait and switch deal with his verbal craft and sophistry.

either way, he sucks, and intelligence doesn't preclude one from thinking bunghole is a funny word or non-evil hazing.starting in high school i've both done funny, horrible shit to kids and feared it as well, and can think of maybe a half-dozen people involved who didn't at least get into a school USNews put in it's baseless top 100. maybe it's geographical bias on my part, but andover, deerfield, milton, middlesex, etc.have put out some decently literate people, probably 90% of them thought it was funny to dump buckets of road salt on someone showering or hiding gay porn like easter eggs in somoene's room the day before their parents moved them out. he would have been a good target to wipe gross things on and it's shameful he escaped having that attitude and conviction without having some kind of general will enforced upon him. it's shock therapy for douchebags,
Posted by: zenman

Re: What's with dac? - 05/15/04 04:53 AM


I can't believe that guy actually said the earlier thing about attending high school and college.

Yeah, all that polish he picked up at Jacksonville Community College really shines through.
Posted by: Rob Longshot

Re: What's with dac? - 05/15/04 05:54 AM

thing is, despite th fact that hes had more "formal education" than i have... i probably was studying the shit he leared in college in 6th grade. i self studied in psychology, history, and philosophy... (among other subjects) in the years after i was kicked out as well. truth is i probably have about 20-40 iq points on the bastard.

yet amazingly i don't bring it up in every conversation.... maybe its because i dont feel bitter about what i do with my life. in fact, lately... im happier than i have ever been.

maybe its because im secure in my intelligence and i dont need the validation of others by constantly trying to make myself sound smarter than them.

maybe, its cause im not a pompus douchebag.
Posted by: Toelicker

Re: What's with dac? - 05/15/04 05:26 PM


jamesn wrote:
the guy is the sharper image catalog of actual critical thought, it looks kinda shiny and intelligent, but it's total garbage. it's deceptive, the guy's got a habit of using a solid fact or objective/repeatable idea to get your confidence, then rambling for a while before concluding what he wants to without any real relation to the evidence presented. either he never learned how to prove something but picked up the rubrick of how it should look, or he's just assuming the reader is so stupid that he can pull a bait and switch deal with his verbal craft and sophistry.

Very well said.
Posted by: jamesn

Re: What's with dac? - 05/18/04 04:15 AM

I can't decide whether it's worth it to post a bunch of ads seeking asian 16-25 year olds for sketchy jobs reeking of modern slavery to it could be worth days of laughter when you post them, obviously with links to his website et all, on adt. craigslist doesn't give info without a fight to begin with, and a little extra effort means you're covered while he's diving on the floor for errant shreds of his dignity instead of annoying me.
Posted by: Willie D

Can We Call RAME Dead "Officially?" - 06/17/07 10:36 PM

I've checked it out a few times lately, mostly it's crappy spam ads for Italian knockoff watches, and the three or four losers who didn't migrate to ADT.

BTW, the few remaining douchebags still hate XPT.
Posted by: Houstondon

Rame as the precursor to ADT - 06/23/07 01:36 PM


The problem with ADT is that you can't call a spade a spade, even when it's obvious to everyone that it is a spade. On XXXPT you can say it, with the rule being that you better be ready to have someone dump on you over it.

The other problem with ADT is that they ban a lot of people (one to three every day), including senior members with 1,000+ posts and over a year of membership, and never say why. Even the regulars don't know why when a regular gets banned.

On the first comment, you have to learn to cater to the unwritten rules to get around any unseen landmines set up by the powers that be there. On the second, the "real" reasons versus the reasons that are bandied about via email show a decidedly different picture of the "consumer friendly consortium" the website tries to market itself as. Truth be told, I give a lot of credit to the owners of ADT for so perfectly emulating the "whore dynamic" as some here would call it; they can play various sides of an issue or decision against one another using substantial quantities of plausible deniability.

As far as RAME was concerned, the reasons why things weren't posted, if they were kind enough to send you a reason that is, typically revolved around obscure interpretations of their own unwritten rules. While the Orwellian "we're all equal but some are more equal than others" routine applied there too, it wasn't even close to the amount of it going on at ADT circa mid-to-late 2001 and beyond where ADT went completely into lockdown mode.