Monsieur the "poor lay"

Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/24/04 08:17 AM

Rumour has it this guy has not had a relationship with anyone except himself. I am all for hardcore porn addicts, even "porn fans in Texas", but please get some experience with women before having the audacity to be addressed as a man let alone, "Monsieur."
Until this "never-been-kissed" virgin proves that he has at least kissed a woman OUTSIDE of his immediate family (don't worry, Monsieur, I won't tell about the rendezvous with your "cousine"....besides, it's in French, no one will figure out what that means), I will address him as Mademoiselle and encourage others to do likewise.
Posted by: Monsieur

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/24/04 09:36 AM

Hey--now you start a fourth thread about you--nice going "Con". As usual it is the normal post of the attack-the-messenger Balding Brandon. Don't attack(very poorly I might add ) those who post. Address the issues. Cluck, cluck, cluck. Mlle
Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/24/04 01:08 PM

I am elated to see you now go by the monicker Mlle, which, if I am not mistaken, is short for Mademoiselle.
This thread was started about you, Miss, not me....and it has only just begun.
I am going to reveal all your deep, dark secrets quicker than a U.S. Congressman can order Freedom Fries!
Posted by: smutspov

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/24/04 01:59 PM

Damn, you two, enough with the fuckin' French already. guh! I only like it when it's four letter words. As in pardon my french. (expletive deleted)
Posted by: Monsieur

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/24/04 03:04 PM

Attack, attack, attack--what a pussy. Cluck, cluck, cluck. Address the issues. BTW it was not ma "cousine" it was "ta petite soeur"--Mlle
Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/24/04 05:10 PM

Smutmutant: You say, "Pardon my french."
I say: Let's never pardon those gutless wonders who wouldn't support the U.S. in Iraq despite having their country handed back to them in WWII.

Man Sewer: I don't have a sister. Your joke failed faster than a Frenchman begger on the Champs Elysees diving for a euro dropped on the sidewalk.

Turnaround is fair play, Monsieur. Now address your palm-reddening virginity and get on with it. Don't wind up worshipping me like Malice by posting my picture as your avatar. One latent homo is enough, thank you very much.

Brandon Iron

Feel free to check out these fine sites to look at pictures of naked women. It may inspire you to take some action in your old age and actually experience the joys of having an orgasm with a female in the room.
Posted by: smutspov

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/24/04 06:12 PM

Brandon you big dummy, the expletive deleted was the French. but I applaud your patriotism the French should be shit upon. cept for the hot bitches unless they like it.
Posted by: Kami Andrews

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/24/04 07:59 PM


Let's never pardon those gutless wonders who wouldn't support the U.S. in Iraq despite having their country handed back to them in WWII.

Brandon Iron

hmmm this seems a shade hypocritical
Posted by: DoronD

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/24/04 08:18 PM

Kami,your avatar rox
Posted by: Kami Andrews

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/24/04 09:19 PM

thaks babe, i needed one and i didnt wanna risk one with my forehead hahhhaa
Posted by: Rob Longshot

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/24/04 09:22 PM

Posted by: zenman

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/24/04 10:36 PM


thaks babe, i needed one and i didnt wanna risk one with my forehead hahhhaa

Kami, if I couldn't come on you ass, I would glady come on your forehead.
Posted by: Kami Andrews

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/24/04 11:54 PM

thank you
Posted by: Monsieur

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/25/04 04:26 AM

Attack, attack, attack--what an unhappy man. Now deal with the issues--Putain--Mlle--cluck, cluck, cluck
Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/25/04 07:12 AM

I am extremely happy now that I work for a successful company....mine! No one works as hard as they do for themselves. Even you know this.
Now, before I reveal that the M. in M. Norton stands for "Monsieur", please post the release date for BELL BOTTOMS #2 so we can address the issues.
Only a miserable malcontent such as yourself would prolong this urgent and necessary debate.
Thank you in advance for your compliance. I know you Frenchmen are well-schooled in capitulation at the slightest provocation, so your tenacity is truly surprising.
I look forward to your next post, Mademoiselle.
Posted by: Monsieur

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/25/04 09:22 AM

Attack, attack, attack,--Address the issues Putain--cluck, cluck, cluck--I, unlike a second-rate Canadian whore, am a native born citizen of the USA. Mlle
Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/25/04 11:14 AM

I don't care who you bought your phony SSN from, you will speak proper English on this board, Mademoiselle, or you will be sent back to gay Paris. And, no, I am not being funny! I did some research into your past, Sir, and it turns out you spent a great deal of time in the gay Quartier of Paris back in 2000 and 2001.
Tell us what you were doing in the bathhouses or whatever you fruity frenchman call them there, and let's get on with the debate.
I will be watching the Montreal Canadians play against Tampa Bay, so I will have to ask you to wait for 3 hours.
In the meantime, you have ample opportunity to post the release date for BELL BOTTOMS #2. I will give you a's sometime this coming week!
Now, depechez-vous!
Posted by: Monsieur

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/25/04 11:17 AM

Strange that Frankogynist Putain was born on Bastille Day, 1958--the irony--Attack, attack, attack,do the issues Putain--You don't make the rules here-Mlle
Posted by: smutspov

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/25/04 11:17 AM

I gotta admit I'm gettin' sick of all this French, too.
Posted by: Monsieur

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/25/04 11:18 AM

Ah well--don't read it--Mlle
Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/25/04 01:07 PM

I cannot and will not allow you to attack Smutmutant. That's MY job!
Now, you have aged me by a decade, you imbecile. I was born in 1968. By the way, when were you born? Were you related to your mother in any other way (ie: was she your sister, too?).
Just curious....
Please, Monsieur, are you going to post the date or not?
Your stalling tactics are becoming less and less interesting to me, Smutmutant, and your sister/mother.
I will ignore all further posts from you until you comply.
Posted by: Monsieur

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/25/04 01:17 PM

I did not age you a decade--you lied --who would believe you are going to be 36--hell you are 46 if a day--attack--attack--attack--do the issues--cluck, cluck, cluck--Mlle --from now on rather than respond to your pre-pubescent little girl posts i will just post 3A (attack, attack, attack) and DTI(do the issues)--so look for only 3A-DTI--Mlle I might comment on Bell-bottom--can't wait to say something about EE and Chris Charming--he is almost as repulsive as Holmes--women need a real Oscar if they can seem to enjoy him--3A-DTI
Posted by: smutspov

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/25/04 02:38 PM

Brandon, I must admit that you're putting up quite a fight, but how about ignoring this guy? It seems like this is giving him a reason to exist.
Posted by: Monsieur

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/25/04 02:43 PM

He already said he would ignore me--read his post--Thanks smut
Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/25/04 03:10 PM

Smutmutant: I was going to ignore him, but then he broke my heart by writing some sort of crap about wanting to see Chris Charming and Erik Everhard in BELL BOTTOMS #2. As a tear rolled down my 35-year-old cheek, since I was born in 1968, I thought to myself, "Mon Dieu! I have cracked this guy! He spouted part of my cast list on his own....either voluntarily or involuntarily! All my hard work is paying off!"
Perhaps Mademoiselle is not so much an idiot as he is an idiot savant like Dustin Hoffman in Rainman.
Please, Smutmutant, help me convince Le Homme Du Rain to post the date of BELL BOTTOMS #2. I cannot stay mad at the guy.
Posted by: smutspov

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/25/04 03:21 PM

I appreciate Monsieur's tenacity, but I was hoping to convince Brandon of the tactic in question. I might've missed it in skimming but I'm surprised nobody's said "touche" yet.
Posted by: Monsieur

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/26/04 05:39 AM

Hey guys if you want to see the same of crap from PXP get that new title. EE does the same scene over and over for the last five years. You could just get an old one and drop it in the new video(Balding probably did that). As to Charming when does he get the self-esteem Vince talks about?(almost as ugly as old man holmes) --3A-DTI--as a whore you cannot be trusted. You said you would ignore me--do it..Mlle
Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/26/04 06:26 AM

Smutmutant: Please inform Le Homme Du Rain that he came VERY close to complying with my requirements. All he had to do was specify the date when the "same old piece of crap from PXP" comes out.
I did some voluteer work with mentally-challended individuals in the past, so I will have patience with this cretin. Please guide him to do the right thing.
Many thanks,
Posted by: Monsieur

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/26/04 07:34 AM

Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/26/04 01:00 PM

There should be some sort of rule that your last 10 posts cannot be the same! I am not an expert on the internet, but I think this is called "spam.'
Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Change your message, Man Sewer!

Posted by: Monsieur

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/26/04 01:01 PM

3A-DTI (attack,attack, attack--Do the issues)--Monsieur
Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/26/04 01:08 PM

Very good! One minute since I posted! You are definately well-trained, my fine French poodle! This reminds me of Mila who used to call the guys who couldn't get hard while working with her, "Poodle Dick."
So, to address the issues, I would like to know which title you would like to go by from now on: Man Sewer, Mademoiselle, or Poodle Dick.
I expect your reply within 60 seconds.

Don't worry, my friend, you are not playing with me like you think! I can do this a lot longer than you.
Posted by: Monsieur

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/26/04 01:18 PM

3A-DTI (attack,attack, attack--Do the issues)--
Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/26/04 01:35 PM

10 minutes to respond this time! What the hell were you doing? Watching some Platinum X Pictures Video on Demand at
Which movie were you watching? Was it one of mine? Probably, because I currently have 4 of the top 5 "Most Watched." I am glad I could entertain you for a short time and sincerely hope you can return the favour by entertaining me with your next post.
See you,
Posted by: Monsieur

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/26/04 01:39 PM

Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/26/04 02:20 PM

Just returning you to your rigthful place on top of the Shit List, where you belong.
Enjoy the view!
Brandon Iron
Posted by: Monsieur

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/26/04 02:27 PM

3A-DTI Monsieur
Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/26/04 07:27 PM

Imitation being the highest form of flattery, I offer you this:

Just returning you to your rigthful place on top of the Shit List, where you belong.
Enjoy the view!
Brandon Iron

Posted by: Monsieur

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/27/04 04:30 AM

3A-DTI (attack,attack, attack--Do the issues
Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/27/04 07:41 AM

Look how talented I am! Instead of typing in the same shit over and over again like you, I just copy and paste! We are really getting somewhere with these "issues" you so desperately need to know about....

Imitation being the highest form of flattery, I offer you this:

Just returning you to your rightful place on top of the Shit List, where you belong.
Enjoy the view!
Brandon Iron

Posted by: Monsieur

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/27/04 02:02 PM

Posted by: JRV

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 04/28/04 01:00 AM



Hey, some creativity - DIT instead of DTI!
Posted by: BlahBlah

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/16/04 06:16 AM

Brandon_Iron: Let's never pardon those gutless wonders who wouldn't support the U.S. in Iraq despite having their country handed back to them in WWII.

Still pitching the same BS?

1. Iraq HAD NOTHING to do with the attacks. No connection was ever made.

2. No WMD were ever found. Nothing. Zero. No evidence that even existed.

3. USA represenatives lied in front of the UN (confirmed)

4. Nobody every supported the USA in this agression out of their free will but were pressured or had something to gain:

Coalition of the "willing" includes:

- Afghanistan
Well doooooooh. Considering who runs Afghanistan (USA) it is really amazing?
Marshall Islands (all of them?)
Rwanda (yes, Rwanda)

etc etc

Posted by: JRV

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/16/04 09:41 AM


2. No WMD were ever found. Nothing. Zero. No evidence that even existed.

Actually, not true - quite a bit of radioactive material from Iraq's reactor project in the 1980's was found and removed. No doubt that can be used as a very effective WMD. The problem was, it wasn't weaponized, and the bigger problem was, it wasn't what was promised.

Iraq had a chemical weapons program. There has never been any argument that it was used in the Iraq-Iran war. It was deployed and authorized in the first Gulf War to "defend" Baghdad (whatever that means). Most people would reasonably assume a dictator like Saddam wouldn't easily give up such toys; unfortunately, we also expect that decisions to go to war be made on somewhat stronger footing than what "most people would reasonably assume".
Posted by: BlahBlah

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/16/04 11:58 AM

Well, not really true. Former reactor hardly constitutes a WMD. Empty shells were also found (with traces of a "WMD agent") but I doubt anybody wanted to launch former reactors or empty shells at his enemies

What Iraq had in the Iraq-Iran war isn't really relevant to the current problem. Anything he had at that time would be useless today (yes, those things to have an expiry date).
Btw, things he had at that time were supplied by you know who.

Can't believe nobody in the USA cares he lied to the entire world.

Posted by: c62

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/16/04 01:11 PM


1. Iraq HAD NOTHING to do with the attacks. No connection was ever made.

Yes there were connections between Iraq and Al-Quada. Iraq didn't plan or participate in Sept 11 attacks. They also supported other terrorist groups (Palestians terror groups)

2. No WMD were ever found. Nothing. Zero. No evidence that even existed.

They found the equipment used to make WMD but not WMD itself. No one doubts Saddam would have hestitated for a second to turn this over to a terror group.

3. USA represenatives lied in front of the UN (confirmed)

The UN is full of shit. Everything that was pointed out was true. Don't use Micheal Moore as a reference.

4. Nobody every supported the USA in this agression out of their free will but were pressured or had something to gain:

The same can be said for those that opposed the US. France put a lot more pressure on countries to oppose the war than Bush did to support it. France had lucrative oil contracts to lose.
- Afghanistan
Well doooooooh. Considering who runs Afghanistan (USA) it is really amazing?
Marshall Islands (all of them?)
Rwanda (yes, Rwanda)

Please don't leave out the U.K., Australia, Poland, Spain(before they retreated), etc etc ec.

Was the intel perfect before going in? Of course not. Intel is never perfect, a lot of times it will be official WAGs. Dots need to be connected before something bad happens. If this means a brutal dictator gets his ass kicked in the process, I'm sure I'll get over it. Who's next Iran or N. Korea?
Posted by: smutspov

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/16/04 01:29 PM

Saddam = a WMD
btw, FTW
Posted by: JRV

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/16/04 03:19 PM


Well, not really true. Former reactor hardly constitutes a WMD.

You had better believe it does. ANY fission reactor that has ever gone critical is a WMD. It needs only to be delivered at that point, and some of the Iraqi parts were neatly packaged in easily transported drums.

What I can't remember now is if the Iraqi reactor ever achieved criticality before being destroyed. Normally I think of reactors that have never gone critical as being not so bad, but I have no idea what happens when a fuel rod is stored for long periods - it won't be as much material, but the storage components may be just as dirty.


Empty shells were also found (with traces of a "WMD agent") but I doubt anybody wanted to launch former reactors or empty shells at his enemies

Why not? 100 gallons of used primary coolant shipped DHL to downtown Paris would be plenty bad, even if detected before release (economic impact).

Indeed, those drums now appear to have been the best weapon system he had to slow any ground attack.


Can't believe nobody in the USA cares he lied to the entire world.

The issue to most Americans is that he either lied to us or was so careless with his facts as to be negligent to the point of culpability. The issue of whether he lied to anyone else is irrelevant, but the fact he lied to us or did so badly by us is what has him in so much trouble in the US.

He may win reelection since the Democrats put forth such a wretched candidate in Kerry, but even if so he will be on a far tighter leash from Congress.

PS. The fact that he might win reelection doesn't mean people aren't deeply unhappy with him. Foreigners may assume that nobody cares since he has a chance at reelection. That's not true - had the Democrats put up a decent candidate it would be over, but instead they put up Kerry who looks a little shady. It's a devil-you-know vs. devil-you-don't question.
Posted by: Cleetus VanDamme

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/16/04 03:24 PM

You summed it up well Jrv.
Posted by: c62

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/16/04 06:54 PM


That's not true - had the Democrats put up a decent candidate it would be over, but instead they put up Kerry who looks a little shady.

I still think Kerry was set up to lose so Hillary Rodham can run against a non-inucmbant in '08.
Posted by: BlahBlah

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 12:59 AM

>>>Yes there were connections between Iraq and Al-Quada.

Care to explain?

"They also supported other terrorist groups (Palestians terror groups)"

What do Palestinian "terror" groups have with the attacks on NY or USA? Why exactly are Palestians terrorists?

"They found the equipment used to make WMD but not WMD itself"

When? Where? Still under the impression of Powells UN BS?

"No one doubts Saddam would have hestitated for a second to turn this over to a terror group"

This makes a lot of sense doesn't it.
Sadam was "connected" with terrorists, Sadam had the equipment for making WMD yet the terrorists used ordinary US standard planes. Go figure.

"The UN is full of shit. Everything that was pointed out was true. Don't use Micheal Moore as a reference."

The same UN Bush is begging now? Didn't somebody loose becouse of that UN stunt?

" If this means a brutal dictator gets his ass kicked in the process, I'm sure I'll get over it"

And if that means pissing off millions and inspires somebody to do something really nasty.....well shucks huh?

Posted by: BlahBlah

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 01:10 AM

"You had better believe it does. ANY fission reactor that has ever gone critical is a WMD."

That a bit silly isn't. Almost every country in thw world has a reactor (even Iran) but that doesn't mean it has "WMD" (as most people understand WMD. Blowing up nuclear reactors isn't really a offensive weapon

"Why not? 100 gallons of used primary coolant shipped DHL"

Ok, Iraq was bombed, thousands killed, billions! spent to prevent a minor "accident". Makes sense I guess.
They might have had knives 2!

Sanctions could have stopped DHL but hey... why not killed thousands. Btw, do you think it could be delivered now?

Posted by: JRV

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 02:34 AM


"You had better believe it does. ANY fission reactor that has ever gone critical is a WMD."

That a bit silly isn't. Almost every country in thw world has a reactor (even Iran) but that doesn't mean it has "WMD" (as most people understand WMD.
Blowing up nuclear reactors isn't really a offensive weapon

How about Chernobyl?

I'm not talking about transporting a reactor core and blowing it up - just release radiation from used fuel rods, etc (various liquids in the primary heat transport loop depending on the configuration). Replicating Chernobyl would require an operational core on-site but you don't need anything that bad for a first-class disaster.

Your definition of a WMD seems to require that it go bang. That's not necessarily the case.

Someone in Moscow is going to really regret the Iranian reactor if any Chechnyans ever gets ahold of a used fuel rod.


"Why not? 100 gallons of used primary coolant shipped DHL"

Ok, Iraq was bombed, thousands killed, billions! spent to prevent a minor "accident". Makes sense I guess.

No, no - I was merely stating a WMD has been found. I also said it was the wrong one (not what was claimed) and that Iraq hadn't actually deployed it.

You'd need a really good reason to believe that such a weapon was about to be deployed to attack, and none existed (and a deterrent strategy is better and cheaper anyway). That applies to the whole thing - whatever WMD you were worried about, it's hard to believe a deterrent strategy wouldn't have been cheaper and more effective.


Sanctions could have stopped DHL but hey... why not killed thousands. Btw, do you think it could be delivered now?

Probably not all the way to Paris by DHL now - there are probably good gamma ray detectors or whatever at the large shippers for shipments from Muslim countries. I'd probably drive it to Turkey by private truck, head west into the EU, and deliver to Paris via a commercial truck. How you declare it depends on what you ship and the release mechanism depends on whether you have a conspirator at the receiving end. You probably can ignore radiation shielding for transit but might want to test this.
Posted by: smutspov

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 08:29 AM

-Why exactly are Palestians terrorists?

"With the definitions described one can now put a terrorist organization into a specific group. The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is an analytical terrorist group, even though they can be part of each. The PLO was created in 1964 during a meeting known as the Palestinian Congress. This was an effort to give a voice to the many Palestinians that were located in refugee camps in Lebanon. The leader of the group is one of the most recognized terrorists in the world, Yasser Arafat. It did not take long for sub-divisions to break off of the PLO. Most of these groups felt they could better achieve Palestinian liberation. The most notable of these groups were the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General Command, and al-Fatah. The PLO changed its main theory to the destruction of the state of Israel in 1967. This caused massive terrorist acts against Israel, which resulted in hundreds of casualties on both sides. In 1974 the PLO changed into not just a terrorist group to a group which included political elements. Some members of the PLO did not like this idea and founded another sub-division called the Rejectionist Front. At this time Arafat took over all control of the PLO. Arafat provided support for highjacking a major cruise ship. With help from the PLF they took the passengers hostage. In cowardly act members shot to death a wheelchair-bound Jewish man named Leon Klinghoffer. This formed a new meaning to the world terrorist. After many years of terrorism, Arafat ceased all terrorist acts by the PLO on September 9, 1993."

Arafat ceased his terrorist career in a transparent attempt to appear like a viable statesman to legitimize his presence on the world stage.

-This makes a lot of sense doesn't it.
Sadam was "connected" with terrorists, Sadam had the equipment for making WMD yet the terrorists used ordinary US standard planes. Go figure.

This makes no sense. Terrorists don't ONLY use planes. The ones on 9/11 did, maybe if you lost somebody on 9/11 you'd feel differently. Come talk to some of my neighbors about it.

-The same UN Bush is begging now? Didn't somebody loose becouse of that UN stunt?

Lose what? what stunt? The UN hardly has ANY crediability in this or any international circumstance. It's politics & Bush has gotta play the same shill game every country does there. The UN wasn't helping shit in Iraq cept scamming oil and money while Saddam & sons were terrorizing a nation. There's an example of why they should be classified as terrorists. The rapes, murders, torture & mass graves filled with people Saddam killed. By your shoddy logic nobody should've done anything about Hitler.

-And if that means pissing off millions and inspires somebody to do something really nasty.....well shucks huh?

Peaceniks will never realize that the terrorist shit has been going on for years and would still be a threat no matter if we went into Iraq or not. Holding hands, marching with banners and playing protestor won't stop a terrorist from killing you. What don't you get about that? The jihad isn't going to be turned off like an air conditioner if things cool down. Whether you have a flower or a gun they'll still view you as the Infidel to be killed. Wake up, don't let your hatred of Bush blind you to the truth.

Posted by: ChickenMaster

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 08:37 AM

Terrorist are out to kill... lets hope they go for all the piece loving hippies first.

Really though anti-American sentiment has been breeding there since World War 1 and anti-British since before then. This kind of hate can only be spawned by hundreds of years of hate passed down through generations. Why do you think they fight even with overwhelming odds. I think if we were more like Klingons we would be better off because we would learn to enjoy the hunt and the fight... god that was nerdy of me.
Posted by: BlahBlah

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 08:53 AM

>>>How about Chernobyl?

That was a poorly built civilian nuclear powerplant. Nobody planned to use it as a WMD becouse:
- CCCR had plenty of real WMD
- use of stationary powerplants is rather limited.

Using radiactive waste (or something similar) can be done by using any powerplant and isn't limited to Iraq.
Terrorists "couldn't" buy some from ex-CCCR states?

"Someone in Moscow is going to really regret the Iranian reactor if any Chechnyans ever gets ahold of a used fuel rod."

So the solution is to bomb and destroy every possible supplier? :smirk Better start with Russia and former CCCR states
Let the bombing begin

>>head west into the EU, and deliver to Paris via a commercial truck. How you declare it depends on what you ship and the release mechanism depends on whether you have a conspirator at the receiving end.

So bombing Iraq was a bit stupid wasn't it?

Posted by: BlahBlah

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 09:25 AM

>>>Arafat ceased all terrorist acts by the PLO on September 9, 1993."

I was interested your opinion not some propaganda BS. Let see if I understand this.

a) Palestinian kills 10 Jews while trying to liberete his country is a "terrorist".
b) American kills 10 Iraqis while trying to invade a foreign country is a "liberator".

Huh. Interesting.

>>> Terrorists don't ONLY use planes. The ones on 9/11 did, maybe if you lost somebody on 9/11 you'd feel differently. Come talk to some of my neighbors about it.

Don't tell me you actually believe these stories? Terrorists (as you describe them) are radical muslims (by your standards). Sadam wasn't even religious. Terrorists goals is a state Shari`ah. Sadam didn't want Shari`ah even in Iraq.
Osama never made deals with Sadam, Rumsfeld did. Interesting.

Btw, loosing relatives in XYZ doesn't make you an expert in foreign politics.

>>>Lose what? what stunt? The UN hardly has ANY crediability in this or any international circumstance.

This was the stunt:

Everything in that presentation turned out to be a LIE. Person you see on his left (he wasn't there by accident) kind off lost his job.

>>>It's politics & Bush has gotta play the same shill game every country does there.

And he wasn't able to play the same game before killing thousands of people? Ok, he is a bit slow.
But why sell his ideals now? Credibility = 0

>>>The rapes, murders, torture & mass graves filled with people Saddam killed.

Mass graves were filled with people America helped to kill. America's allies (Saudi's) kill and torture people every day (even foreigners) and everything is ok.
Good ol' Pakistan sponsored The Taliban regime and are now allies. Sick!

>>> threat no matter if we went into Iraq or not.

That's not what the terrorists say but you know best I guess. Count the attacks before and after Iraq.

>>>The jihad isn't going to be turned off like an air conditioner if things cool down. Whether you have a flower or a gun they'll still view you as the Infidel to be killed. wake up, don't let your hatred of Bush blind you to the truth.

1. you don't know what jihad means (visit your local library)
2. you have no idea what an infidel is (reffer to Qur'an)
3. u have no clue what the problem is

Posted by: smutspov

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 09:44 AM

I think I'm clear on the meaning jihad & infidel. In case you're interested check out some of the links below, but you don't need to you know everything. Your pomposity betrays your ingorance to real problem. Methinks you're never going to listen to reason, just rabidly exhort your mindless conspiracy theory rehetoric blah, blah, blah... perfect name for you. There's no sense beating a dead horse. game over:

Definitions of Jihad on the Web:

literally, "striving" or "struggle," although it is often used in the theopolitical context of a "holy war." It must be either defensive or to right a wrongdoing. Its truer meaning is subjective and psychological, not objective and political; thus it is said that the "lesser jihad" is the external war with an agressor, while the "greater jihad" is the internal war with oneself, i.e., to be a better Muslim.

This term has never been translated by Muslims to mean holy war. Instead, it means to struggle or exert oneself to his or her utmost potential. In Islam, there are two levels of jihad. The greater jihad most often refers to the inner struggle against evil within oneself with the goal of self-improvement for the betterment of one's community and the world as a whole. The lesser jihad refers to the struggle on the battlefield in self-defense if Muslims have been attacked and their right to practice their faith has been aggressively taken away. " Fight in the cause of God against those who fight you, but do not transgress limits. God does not love the transgressors" (Qur'an 2:190). This is an unequivocal statement that only self-defense makes war permissible for Muslims and the goals of war cannot be worldly gain.

Arabic for "Holy war", that is, a war based on the clash of ideologies.

Defined as a "just war" in the holy Koran

Arabic for the struggle in the path of Allah. Its primary meaning is the inward discipline in pursuit of well-being and prosperity; only secondarily does it have the meaning of a struggle for or defense of Islam. Some Moslems consider the call to jihad to be a sixth pillar, but it does not officially have that status.

Striving in the cause of Allah.

M struggle, "holy war", spreading of the message of Islam

Centuries-old Arabic term translated literally as "holy war" or "struggle." In recent years, Muslim fighters, especially in the Arab-Israeli conflict, have used the term almost solely to mean "holy war," often waged through terrorist attacks on civilians.

Literally "holy war," the duty of a Muslim to defend and promote the faith. This term applies to more than simple martial matters.

Arabic term meaning holy war. It is regarded by Muslims as a meritorious work that ensures entry into Paradise. The word is derived from jahada which means to strive for something.

the obligation which is incumbent on Muslims to engage in "struggle" or "exertion" in behalf of Islam, to bring the entire world into the "Household of Islam."

To strive, struggle and exert effort, in Arabic. In the Quran, jihad is connected with the imperative to command good and forbid evil, especially with reference to the struggle of believers against persecution and idolatry.

Literally, striving (for the sake of Allah); fighting (so-called Holy War) for the sake of establishing truth and justice in an unbalanced situation. From the verb jahada: to endeavor, strive, do one's utmost, expend energy. Mujahid is a warrior, fighter.

Struggle or fight or effort

'Struggle'; the ideal of spreading Islamic belief and practice. 'Struggle'; the ideal of spreading Islamic belief and practice.

Muslim holy war.

The struggle to establish the law of God on earth, often interpreted to mean holy war.

Muslim religious war

holy war (can only be justified if Islam is under threat)

Holy war, participation and resultant death in which assures a faithful Muslim the reward of Paradise.

To strive. This can be any kind of striving in the way of Allah.

a holy war waged by Muslims against infidels

a holy struggle or striving by a Muslim for a moral or spiritual or political goal

Posted by: ChickenMaster

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 10:02 AM

Nice set of links smutmutant.
Posted by: ChickenMaster

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 10:12 AM


>>>Arafat ceased all terrorist acts by the PLO on September 9, 1993."

I was interested your opinion not some propaganda BS. Let see if I understand this.

a) Palestinian kills 10 Jews while trying to liberete his country is a "terrorist".
b) American kills 10 Iraqis while trying to invade a foreign country is a "liberator".

Huh. Interesting.

>>> Terrorists don't ONLY use planes. The ones on 9/11 did, maybe if you lost somebody on 9/11 you'd feel differently. Come talk to some of my neighbors about it.

Don't tell me you actually believe these stories? Terrorists (as you describe them) are radical muslims (by your standards). Sadam wasn't even religious. Terrorists goals is a state Shari`ah. Sadam didn't want Shari`ah even in Iraq.
Osama never made deals with Sadam, Rumsfeld did. Interesting.

Btw, loosing relatives in XYZ doesn't make you an expert in foreign politics.

>>>Lose what? what stunt? The UN hardly has ANY crediability in this or any international circumstance.

This was the stunt:

Everything in that presentation turned out to be a LIE. Person you see on his left (he wasn't there by accident) kind off lost his job.

>>>It's politics & Bush has gotta play the same shill game every country does there.

And he wasn't able to play the same game before killing thousands of people? Ok, he is a bit slow.
But why sell his ideals now? Credibility = 0

>>>The rapes, murders, torture & mass graves filled with people Saddam killed.

Mass graves were filled with people America helped to kill. America's allies (Saudi's) kill and torture people every day (even foreigners) and everything is ok.
Good ol' Pakistan sponsored The Taliban regime and are now allies. Sick!

>>> threat no matter if we went into Iraq or not.

That's not what the terrorists say but you know best I guess. Count the attacks before and after Iraq.

>>>The jihad isn't going to be turned off like an air conditioner if things cool down. Whether you have a flower or a gun they'll still view you as the Infidel to be killed. wake up, don't let your hatred of Bush blind you to the truth.

1. you don't know what jihad means (visit your local library)
2. you have no idea what an infidel is (reffer to Qur'an)
3. u have no clue what the problem is

Semantics mean nothing, the U.S. is a fledgling empire that must conquer in order to survive. This game has been played by the Romans, British Empire and Polynesians to name a few. Don't worry there are to many humans on this earth and this is just a natural predatory balance. Its necessary, plus everyone is going to die, so who cares if you die at 80 in your sleep or at 20 fighting. I would choose the latter. If the U.S. becomes a strong empire with longevity they will write the history and all this will become the annals of a rewritten patriotic victory for the cause of good. I have to laugh at all the people that scream morality into the wind only to have there voice crushed by the torrent of the tactical empire.
Posted by: smutspov

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 10:22 AM


Semantics mean nothing, the U.S. is a fledgling empire that must conquer in order to survive. This game has been played by the Romans, British Empire and Polynesians to name a few. Don't worry there are to many humans on this earth and this is just a natural predatory balance. Its necessary, plus everyone is going to die, so who cares if you die at 80 in your sleep or at 20 fighting. I would choose the latter. If the U.S. becomes a strong empire with longevity they will write the history and all this will become the annals of a rewritten patriotic victory for the cause of good. I have to laugh at all the people that scream morality into the wind only to have there voice crushed by the torrent of the tactical empire.

Posted by: have2cit

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 10:58 AM

What does any of this have to do with Monsieur being a "poor lay"?
Posted by: ChickenMaster

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 11:05 AM


What does any of this have to do with Monsieur being a "poor lay"?

Everything, it has been the focal point of all wars since the beginning of time.
Posted by: BlahBlah

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 11:20 AM

>>>I think I'm clear on the meaning jihad & infidel.

Yet you have to copy frome the Webb to explain them but nevermind. If you bother to actually read the explanation you could find out they actually mean.

Going to school IS JIHAD, getting a promotion is JIHAD. Everything that improves you is JIHAD.

There is no plan or will to kill the "infidels" in the Qur'an. Please reffer to Qur'an (Al-Bekare for example) prior to making things up.

Posted by: ChickenMaster

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 11:25 AM

Other Commonly Used Spellings: JIHAAD

It is an Arabic word the root of which is Jahada, which means to strive for a better way of life. The nouns are Juhd, Mujahid, Jihad, and Ijtihad. The other meanings are: endeavor, strain, exertion, effort, diligence, fighting to defend one's life, land, and religion.

Jihad should not be confused with Holy War; the latter does not exist in Islam nor will Islam allow its followers to be involved in a Holy War. The latter refers to the Holy War of the Crusaders.

Jihad is not a war to force the faith on others, as many people think of it. It should never be interpreted as a way of compulsion of the belief on others, since there is an explicit verse in the Qur'an that says:"There is no compulsion in religion" Al-Qur'an: Al-Baqarah (2:256).

Jihad is not a defensive war only, but a war against any unjust regime. If such a regime exists, a war is to be waged against the leaders, but not against the people of that country. People should be freed from the unjust regimes and influences so that they can freely choose to believe in Allah.

Not only in peace but also in war Islam prohibits terrorism, kidnapping, and hijacking, when carried against civilians. Whoever commits such violations is considered a murderer in Islam, and is to be punished by the Islamic state. during wars, Islam prohibits Muslim soldiers from harming civilians, women, children, elderly, and the religious men like priests and rabies. It also prohibits cutting down trees and destroying civilian constructions.
Posted by: BlahBlah

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 11:25 AM



>>>Arafat ceased all terrorist acts by the PLO on September 9, 1993."

I was interested your opinion not some propaganda BS. Let see if I understand this.

a) Palestinian kills 10 Jews while trying to liberete his country is a "terrorist".
b) American kills 10 Iraqis while trying to invade a foreign country is a "liberator".

Huh. Interesting.

>>> Terrorists don't ONLY use planes. The ones on 9/11 did, maybe if you lost somebody on 9/11 you'd feel differently. Come talk to some of my neighbors about it.

Don't tell me you actually believe these stories? Terrorists (as you describe them) are radical muslims (by your standards). Sadam wasn't even religious. Terrorists goals is a state Shari`ah. Sadam didn't want Shari`ah even in Iraq.
Osama never made deals with Sadam, Rumsfeld did. Interesting.

Btw, loosing relatives in XYZ doesn't make you an expert in foreign politics.

>>>Lose what? what stunt? The UN hardly has ANY crediability in this or any international circumstance.

This was the stunt:

Everything in that presentation turned out to be a LIE. Person you see on his left (he wasn't there by accident) kind off lost his job.

>>>It's politics & Bush has gotta play the same shill game every country does there.

And he wasn't able to play the same game before killing thousands of people? Ok, he is a bit slow.
But why sell his ideals now? Credibility = 0

>>>The rapes, murders, torture & mass graves filled with people Saddam killed.

Mass graves were filled with people America helped to kill. America's allies (Saudi's) kill and torture people every day (even foreigners) and everything is ok.
Good ol' Pakistan sponsored The Taliban regime and are now allies. Sick!

>>> threat no matter if we went into Iraq or not.

That's not what the terrorists say but you know best I guess. Count the attacks before and after Iraq.

>>>The jihad isn't going to be turned off like an air conditioner if things cool down. Whether you have a flower or a gun they'll still view you as the Infidel to be killed. wake up, don't let your hatred of Bush blind you to the truth.

1. you don't know what jihad means (visit your local library)
2. you have no idea what an infidel is (reffer to Qur'an)
3. u have no clue what the problem is

Semantics mean nothing, the U.S. is a fledgling empire that must conquer in order to survive. This game has been played by the Romans, British Empire and Polynesians to name a few. Don't worry there are to many humans on this earth and this is just a natural predatory balance. Its necessary, plus everyone is going to die, so who cares if you die at 80 in your sleep or at 20 fighting. I would choose the latter. If the U.S. becomes a strong empire with longevity they will write the history and all this will become the annals of a rewritten patriotic victory for the cause of good. I have to laugh at all the people that scream morality into the wind only to have there voice crushed by the torrent of the tactical empire.

You can take a girl out, dine her and possible get some. Or you can just rape her

Either way you get some, everything else is semantics really

We're all going to die some day so let's all get our AK47's out. Why waste time with semantics

You see my point?
Posted by: ChickenMaster

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 11:32 AM


You can take a girl out, dine her and possible get some. Or you can just rape her

Either way you get some, everything else is semantics really

We're all going to die some day so let's all get our AK47's out. Why waste time with

You see my point?

Yes I see your point, but your point is from an individual standpoint. Morality is nice but the world is not run on kittens and lollypops. Tough problems call for tough solutions and empires are not taking a nice girl out for dinner; they are making a mark on the world. It's a special mentality that you will not understand, only the motivated are true to it's cause.
Posted by: ChickenMaster

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 11:36 AM

Ohh and don't stand up for the "other side" just to prove your point. Americans and the Fighters are equally as responsible for all the deaths caused. If one side just put down there guns there would not be a end to oppression or death. Even if they did make peace other groups would rise and fight because opinions and revolutions are like shit, it smells and it's everywhere.
Posted by: BlahBlah

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 11:54 AM



You can take a girl out, dine her and possible get some. Or you can just rape her

Either way you get some, everything else is semantics really

We're all going to die some day so let's all get our AK47's out. Why waste time with

You see my point?

Yes I see your point, but your point is from an individual standpoint. Morality is nice but the world is not run on kittens and lollypops. Tough problems call for tough solutions and empires are not taking a nice girl out for dinner; they are making a mark on the world. It's a special mentality that you will not understand, only the motivated are true to it's cause.

That is not a "individual standpoint", that's taking responsibility.

If I vote for a moron (and Dubya is a bit slow) and his actions (invading innocent countries and killing innocent civilians) provoke somebody into activating a nuclear device I should at least take some blame for it.

Otherwise there is no point in elections in democracy. Get a dictator and bomb countries 24/7. You'd save money&time on elections.

Hitler had that down. No semantics. Just gas chambers.

Posted by: Cleetus VanDamme

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 11:58 AM

Semantics mean nothing, the U.S. is a fledgling empire that must conquer in order to survive. This game has been played by the Romans, British Empire and Polynesians to name a few. Don't worry there are to many humans on this earth and this is just a natural predatory balance. Its necessary, plus everyone is going to die, so who cares if you die at 80 in your sleep or at 20 fighting. I would choose the latter. If the U.S. becomes a strong empire with longevity they will write the history and all this will become the annals of a rewritten patriotic victory for the cause of good. I have to laugh at all the people that scream morality into the wind only to have there voice crushed by the torrent of the tactical empire.

I only wish this were true Chicken, we fight in most wars and then have absolutely nothing to show for it, we are actually one of the few countries in this last century not to start a war to land grab or steal resources. I wish we would take a small portion of Iraq and "lease" it from them for a handful of beads ( 100 year lease) and take the profits from their oil to pay for this war. But it will never happen, the Us citizens tax money as well as that from our allies to a lesser degree will finance this war.
Posted by: BlahBlah

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 12:03 PM


Ohh and don't stand up for the "other side" just to prove your point. Americans and the Fighters are equally as responsible for all the deaths caused. If one side just put down there guns there would not be a end to oppression or death. Even if they did make peace other groups would rise and fight because opinions and revolutions are like shit, it smells and it's everywhere.

So why are we calling one group terrorists? Becouse they kill in smaller numbers? Becouse they use smaller bombs?

>>>If one side just put down there guns there would not be a end to oppression or death.

It actually does. You just have to do the right thing.
Pimping one side (Israel) and pretending to neutral&objective is not doing the right thing.

Posted by: BlahBlah

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 12:05 PM


Semantics mean nothing, the U.S. is a fledgling empire that must conquer in order to survive. This game has been played by the Romans, British Empire and Polynesians to name a few. Don't worry there are to many humans on this earth and this is just a natural predatory balance. Its necessary, plus everyone is going to die, so who cares if you die at 80 in your sleep or at 20 fighting. I would choose the latter. If the U.S. becomes a strong empire with longevity they will write the history and all this will become the annals of a rewritten patriotic victory for the cause of good. I have to laugh at all the people that scream morality into the wind only to have there voice crushed by the torrent of the tactical empire.

I only wish this were true Chicken, we fight in most wars and then have absolutely nothing to show for it, we are actually one of the few countries in this last century not to start a war to land grab or steal resources. I wish we would take a small portion of Iraq and "lease" it from them for a handful of beads ( 100 year lease) and take the profits from their oil to pay for this war. But it will never happen, the Us citizens tax money as well as that from our allies to a lesser degree will finance this war.

Are you joking???

Posted by: Cleetus VanDamme

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 12:09 PM

Posted by: ChickenMaster

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 12:15 PM



Americas "land grabs" are not so obvious, new era new twist on conquering. They just install new government under the same country name; much like the Romans did, more refined though.
Posted by: BlahBlah

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 12:19 PM


keywords: Uganda, Bolivia, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Liberia, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Iran-Iraq affair, Chile, Cambodia, Dominican Republic, ...

Posted by: smutspov

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 12:50 PM


>>>I think I'm clear on the meaning jihad & infidel.

Yet you have to copy frome the Webb to explain them but nevermind. If you bother to actually read the explanation you could find out they actually mean.

Going to school IS JIHAD, getting a promotion is JIHAD. Everything that improves you is JIHAD.

There is no plan or will to kill the "infidels" in the Qur'an. Please reffer to Qur'an (Al-Bekare for example) prior to making things up.

Didn't make anything up, I read the explanations, did you? I never said that it had a PLAN for jihad, people have the plans. I may not be as versed as an expert in Islamic theology like you who foolishly thinks they grasp its truth entirely, but merely use it to suit their own purposes. That's YOUR interpertation of Jihad. Geez, you are dense. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's a religion of peace like most, but the Taliban & al qaeda also interperate it they they want just like you. In the Bible it says the Devil can quote scripture for his own purposes. That may not be true for the Koran, but when it comes to people no matter their religion or political stance they twist truth the way they want to use it.
Posted by: BlahBlah

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 01:07 PM

We're getting somewhere. Now you can see why had a problem with your:

"The jihad isn't going to be turned off like an air conditioner if things cool down. Whether you have a flower or a gun they'll still view you as the Infidel to be killed. Wake up, don't let your hatred of Bush blind you to the truth."

Jihad (now that we know what it means ) isn't a problem. It never was. Infidels are not the problem. They never were.

People being killed by the fighters in Iraq are from many countries (races and religions). Anyone working for the occupying force is a target (regardless of race or religion).
Posted by: smutspov

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 01:27 PM

This is going nowhere because you're hopelesly deluded, so fuck your inane propaganda, I'm off to soak in some porn: my fave gift of the Great Satan...
You, however, should go work for Al Jazeera, you wanna-be Baghdad Bob...
Posted by: Cleetus VanDamme

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 01:38 PM

This country needs more elbow room, give us your land
Posted by: BlahBlah

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 02:00 PM

Be Careful What You Wish For ...

we just might get it..... and something extra
Posted by: smutspov

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 02:56 PM


Be Careful What You Wish For ...

we just might get it..... and something extra

Posted by: Toelicker

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 06:25 PM

Talk about elbow room.

Did you know that some Native American tribes are actually suing the US government for their land back. Here in CO when I bought my house I had to sign a piece of paper saying that I knew that some tribe was claiming all of CO Springs and the surrounding areas(including my property) to be theirs, and it's tied up in court.

It's also happening in New England.

That, my friend, would be hialrious.
Posted by: smutspov

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 06:32 PM

If they got all their land back they could make America into one big giant casino.
Posted by: Cleetus VanDamme

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 06:49 PM

I always thought that the Indians would have a good case in that regard if you go by what has happened in the rest of the world. Take s. Africa for example. Of course if it ever got that far I bet we could work something out with a truck full of beads and some fire water.
Posted by: smutspov

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/17/04 07:08 PM

Cleet, that's insidious whilst being hilarious....
Posted by: Toelicker

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/18/04 03:24 AM

LOL, they might have a case, but can you imagine . . . .

It would definitely be cowboys and indians, all over again.
Posted by: jamesn

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/18/04 06:08 AM

Iraq had a WMD program, we've intentionally destabilized the global south forever, Israel's retired head of security tells the atlantic there's an almost formalized policy of torture there, Nixon was the most forward-thinking and progressive president, and on...and on...

It's all trivial bullshit,and I'm probably dead wrong on half of my political views, but we're eating clocktime on the big scoreboard---the last half-century changed how things work. there was some linear and predictable nature to stuff, now it's exponential for everything. we've killed off most top-level predators and woods hole tells us possibly over 1/2 of "large" fish in the ocean. there are too many people, and the growth is all in undeveloped countries anyhow. there's the matter that is the planet, and we're manipulating it measurably, usually resulting in a net loss in energy that takes a long time to get to naturally. and we still can't stop viruses, groups lacking the understanding to develop the things themselves have nukes.
i pay enough attention to politics, but do we even have 100 years to sort this stuff out? sorry for the wildly disjointed rant all, election years end up depressing the fuck out of me though.
Posted by: zenman

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/18/04 06:55 AM

I'm with ya jamesn. I've reached the point where I'm throwing my hands up in the air and letting everybody else handle this fuckin mess callled mankind; I'm just be grateful that I'll be dead when the proverbial shit hits the proverbial fan.
Posted by: smutspov

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/18/04 08:29 AM

Earth in 2050: Expect 9 billion humans

a hundred years? doubt it. people will eating each other by then.
Posted by: Cleetus VanDamme

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/18/04 09:40 AM


I'm with ya jamesn. I've reached the point where I'm throwing my hands up in the air and letting everybody else handle this fuckin mess callled mankind; I'm just be grateful that I'll be dead when the proverbial shit hits the proverbial fan.

Hah, you got that right Zen, I've said it before and I think you have too- That is why I am glad I don't have children and won't have.... at least not intentionally.
Posted by: ChickenMaster

Re: Monsieur the "poor lay" - 08/18/04 09:44 AM


Earth in 2050: Expect 9 billion humans

a hundred years? doubt it. people will eating each other by then.

You can thank China and India for these problems.