There was a gangbang with Jasmine Saint Claire.

Posted by: cumalloverher

There was a gangbang with Jasmine Saint Claire. - 04/16/06 06:29 AM

It was organized by a horrible man named John the Bone. It was efficent. At timed intervals, five men out of a pool of many dozens would walk up to a table where Jasmin was laying and use her body to masturbate with. When their time was up, a production manager would yell "Next five! Next five!", and a different grouping took their place. I'm not a homosexual, but the sound of that man's voice in this context was erotic to me. Anyway, at one point a paunchy, respectable-looking 40something man out of the pool managed to pump Saint Claire doggiestyle a handful of times and cummed on her plump butt. He lingered like a zombie afterward rubbing his nipples and cooing "Oh, Jasmine! Oh, Jasmine!" Saint Claire reacted by rolling her eyes and laughing at the man towards someone in the production end off camera. This was a powerful moment to me. I am of course fixated on the regret hypothetically experienced post-pornography by the women appearing in it, but this was a case where I wondered about the regret perhaps this poor fellow now has.

Posted by: damaged

Re: There was a gangbang with Jasmine Saint Claire - 04/16/06 12:22 PM

I have a friend doing a bj shoot with her and another girl for her website...maybe I should send him your post? Fuck with his head a bit.
Posted by: loopnode

Re: There was a gangbang with Jasmine Saint Claire - 04/16/06 01:07 PM

Posted by: cumalloverher

Re: There was a gangbang with Jasmine Saint Claire - 04/16/06 01:29 PM

I've noticed your fascination with 'Curb That Enthusiasms's Cheryly Hines among you as an individual poster. I share it. Shiksas are sinister for a variety of reasons. Betrayal lurks constantly, aspects are left unreavealed and unavailable toi us. Mr. David has explore this several times. I was wondering if a cvertain episode put you on this track or am I completely off track an d you are a fan of her pre-David improv comedy?

Posted by: loopnode

Re: There was a gangbang with Jasmine Saint Claire - 04/16/06 01:34 PM

your assumption is correct. I think she's just lovely. I used to steal her headshots from different producers when I saw them, and now I watch Curb Your Enthusiasm simply to gaze at her. No particular episode has done it for me, but I found the one where Larry wore those loud sneakers pretty hilarious.
Posted by: cumalloverher

Re: There was a gangbang with Jasmine Saint Claire - 04/16/06 01:46 PM

In the epusodfes I've seen so far, the dimension and sensuality Hines showed in the episode with Wanda's filth-rapper fiance are the is the most striking. "I don't wanna dance with my wife..."

Posted by: loopnode

Re: There was a gangbang with Jasmine Saint Claire - 04/16/06 01:57 PM

My attention spans are terrible these days. I find myself drifting off or zoning out more regularly than I used to. I think her character, rather than any actual storyline is what I enjoy.
In a perfect world, Cheryl Hines would be stuck in an airport bathroom with no toilet paper, her panties to her knees trying to walk to the sink to wash her asshole and I would walk in and offer "Do you need any help Ma'am?"

Posted by: cumalloverher

Re: There was a gangbang with Jasmine Saint Claire - 04/16/06 02:03 PM

Oh. Then you like the one where she was forced to use a unisex bathroom without a lock on the door at an TV exec's house and was walked in upon by him.
I understand what you are saying, though. Her robust, healthy reactions to the oppurtunistic world transgressions that Larry allows into their lives through his adolescent insouciance are one of the elements that makes the show compelling.

Posted by: loopnode

Re: There was a gangbang with Jasmine Saint Claire - 04/16/06 02:10 PM

Yes, loved that one episode. I wish someone would make an entire montage featuring Cheryl Hines in a bathroom intercut with closeups of her mouth, tongue and possibly saliva.

Posted by: smutspov

Re: There was a gangbang with Jasmine Saint Claire - 04/16/06 05:58 PM


Yes, loved that one episode. I wish someone would make an entire montage featuring Cheryl Hines in a bathroom intercut with closeups of her mouth, tongue and possibly saliva.

Posted by: loopnode

Re: There was a gangbang with Jasmine Saint Claire - 04/16/06 06:08 PM

Hi smutmutant. I have a question for you.
Have you ever masturbated, and just before you climax you start laughing. You hold your breath and start to ejaculate and then you start laughing again, whilst cumming. The awkwardness of the situtation causes you to tense up and a pain shoots up your dong causing you to not only plaster 1/4 of your normal load, but leaves you feeling unsatisfied, angry and confused, not to mention a disturbingly strange discomfort in your scrotum. Has this type of thing happened to you? I'm just curious dude.

Posted by: smutspov

Re: There was a gangbang with Jasmine Saint Claire - 04/16/06 06:28 PM

I plead the 5th on that. However, I do find Cheryl Hines strangely alluring. I saw her on an episode of the Wayans Brothers the other day believe it or not.
Posted by: TeriJoSnortsCoke

Re: There was a gangbang with Jasmine Saint Claire - 04/16/06 07:59 PM


Hi smutmutant. I have a question for you.
Have you ever masturbated, and just before you climax you start laughing. You hold your breath and start to ejaculate and then you start laughing again, whilst cumming. The awkwardness of the situtation causes you to tense up and a pain shoots up your dong causing you to not only plaster 1/4 of your normal load, but leaves you feeling unsatisfied, angry and confused, not to mention a disturbingly strange discomfort in your scrotum. Has this type of thing happened to you? I'm just curious dude.

that was one of the funniest things Ive ever read...only because it's true...and yes Cheryl Hines is...
Posted by: TonyMalice

Re: There was a gangbang with Jasmine Saint Claire - 04/16/06 08:09 PM

I want to feel Cheryl Hines' insides while Kristin Davis licks my nutsack.
Posted by: It Was Fun

Re: There was a gangbang with Jasmine Saint Claire - 04/16/06 08:45 PM

You forgot the banana cream.


I want to feel Cheryl Hines' insides while Kristin Davis licks my nutsack.

Posted by: Cleetus VanDamme

Re: There was a gangbang with Jasmine Saint Claire - 04/18/06 12:44 PM


I've noticed your fascination with 'Curb That Enthusiasms's Cheryly Hines among you as an individual poster. I share it. Shiksas are sinister for a variety of reasons. Betrayal lurks constantly, aspects are left unreavealed and unavailable toi us. Mr. David has explore this several times. I was wondering if a cvertain episode put you on this track or am I completely off track an d you are a fan of her pre-David improv comedy?

Steinberg is that you?
Posted by: k1ng

Re: There was a gangbang with Jasmine Saint Claire - 05/19/06 04:18 PM

Cheryl Hines