Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748)

Posted by: †††

Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 06/26/10 07:28 PM

Brandon, how was Prague last week?

Edited by Brandon_Iron (06/26/10 11:03 PM)
Posted by: ivorenginedriver

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 06/27/10 05:25 AM

AM hoping that she allows herself to be mentored by Princess Donna, straps one on, and starts cornholing crypto-twinks.
Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 06/27/10 05:12 PM

Prague was a ton-o-fun! Met up with some old friends and made some new ones.
Posted by: gia jordan

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 06/28/10 01:18 AM


I'm also looking forward to what she says at that point.

That moment will only send her into a hysterical tail spin of further debauched self-destruction. I just jacked off to that sentence.
Posted by: ivorenginedriver

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 06/28/10 04:47 AM

Debauched self-destruction? Could result is some great shoots.
Posted by: backdoorman

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 06/28/10 08:23 AM



I'm also looking forward to what she says at that point.

That moment will only send her into a hysterical tail spin of further debauched self-destruction. I just jacked off to that sentence.

Is this old fashioned of me ? Seriously. I didn't know girls jacked off. I thought they masturbated.
Posted by: Fiend

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 06/28/10 11:00 AM

I thought chicks jilled off.
Posted by: ivorenginedriver

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 06/28/10 11:03 AM

Don't they rub one out?
Posted by: ivorenginedriver

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 06/29/10 09:55 AM

Isn't the donkey show or horse show the traditional "bottom" for PWs?
Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 06/29/10 07:47 PM

"Hey, did you hear the one about the short, balding dude who has to pay to get laid and puts the scenes on the internet thus avoiding any real responsibility for over a decade?"

-- Yes. Yes, I have. In seemingly every post from some nitwits for,, years......YEARS!

Some would say the joke is starting to be on you. Not me, of course. Others. The ones who belly-laugh at your bon mots.
Posted by: ivorenginedriver

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 06/29/10 08:06 PM

Cannot imagine Turkey Mayonnaise as a mother.
Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 06/29/10 10:39 PM

Tanner and I are adopting. See the story at
Posted by: superloads

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 06/29/10 11:20 PM


"Hey, did you hear the one about the short, balding dude who has to pay to get laid and puts the scenes on the internet thus avoiding any real responsibility for over a decade?"

-- Yes. Yes, I have. In seemingly every post from some nitwits for,, years......YEARS!

Some would say the joke is starting to be on you. Not me, of course. Others. The ones who belly-laugh at your bon mots.

Porn has plenty of sloppy mopes dude. No need to self congratulate.
Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 06/29/10 11:34 PM

Ever see a crackhead doing a crack dance? Youtube has many examples. My point is not to denegrate the addict. It's to praise the momentary happiness and exuberance felt while high.

I'm living the dream and the pussy pipe will not be put down. I, on the other hand, will most definitely have to be put down. Probably a la Steve Driver's leap of faith or some gut-wrenching samurai sword thrust.

Please, Sir....I beg you. Look at the photo in the first post of this thread. Tanner's rear end is even better looking than her front end and she's a gorgeous piece of ass. I had my unworthy face scrummed by her buttocks. My tongue was like a rugby ball, darting around and having cheeks pillowing my face an inch away from the best smelling salt you can sniff.

Tanned Tanner totally tastes tantalizing.
Posted by: superloads

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 06/29/10 11:59 PM

Good to see you still have a passion for your job. I dunno how it translates into your "performances", being that now since I have logged into this forum, I have avoided seeing anything you're in or involved with. As tantalizing as Tanner can be, she is only as good as her mope, who should remain anonymous, like addicts.

BTW, being that you're a guy who shoots, remember to have the bitch take off her heels. We all know Tanner is petite. Next time, borrow her shoes when someone frames a shot like this one.
Posted by: gia jordan

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 06/30/10 01:55 AM


Dear Brandon:

Hopefully Tanner will have a child that you and porno dan will end up raising together with her. Please keep her away from the booze and the pills during the pregency, we wouldn't want Brandon Jr, to arrive in this world as sauced as Porno Dan in Berlin.

I'm only trying to help.

Posted by: superloads

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 06/30/10 02:15 AM


Brandon, how was Prague last week?

Edited by Brandon_Iron (06/26/10 11:03 PM)

Brandon's goat is a bad idea. He really needs a full on Haji beard to hide his Rosacea.
Posted by: ivorenginedriver

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 06/30/10 03:35 AM

Doesn't the health of the human gene pool cry out for Tanner's sterilization?
Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 06/30/10 08:07 AM



Brandon, how was Prague last week?

Edited by Brandon_Iron (06/26/10 11:03 PM)

Brandon's goat is a bad idea. He really needs a full on Haji beard to hide his Rosacea.

Tanner is not a goat. She is not a dog or a pig either.

Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 06/30/10 08:24 AM


Good to see you still have a passion for your job. I dunno how it translates into your "performances", being that now since I have logged into this forum, I have avoided seeing anything you're in or involved with.

I'm sorry you have not been convinced to join My goal has always been to share my experiences with as many people as possible. You're not into what I do. No worries. Don't faze me, bro.
Posted by: ivorenginedriver

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 06/30/10 01:10 PM

Way to use the ole kop wuth that plug.
Posted by: superloads

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 07/02/10 01:44 AM



Good to see you still have a passion for your job. I dunno how it translates into your "performances", being that now since I have logged into this forum, I have avoided seeing anything you're in or involved with.

I'm sorry you have not been convinced to join My goal has always been to share my experiences with as many people as possible. You're not into what I do. No worries. Don't faze me, bro.

You should be happy that I'm not pirating your scenes. I doubt I could snag big Rapidshare $$ posting them on the many websites that has real porn.

I do have standards, ya know.
Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 07/02/10 01:49 AM

There are plenty others whose low standards allow them to file share at will.
Posted by: superloads

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 07/02/10 02:05 AM

True, but porn is ultimately disposable. Like the girls you hire for shoots.

External Hard drives are cheaper than your models, but not that much cheaper. Plus, you have the factor of "I really need this Load My Mouth file in HD" never coming into play. Unless dental students at UCLA need them for study.

Insert Brandon replying "But my dick warts can be used as tongue scrapers" self effacement joke here.
Posted by: superloads

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 07/02/10 03:26 AM

BTW, I think anybody involved in porn should be happy for flash sites. Especially the mopes. Outside of Siffredi, nobody gives a fuck about you (except for Christian's gay Jewish alliance, who probably is as disappointed at his gay shoots as anybody who suffers through his lack of interest in a real pussy shoot, because Tranny's are his thing), even though you have a dick in Tanner's mouth.

What most mopes don't get is that they are less compelling than the whores they shoot with, and you can see the boredom the whores have with said mopes who really don't know how to fuck on camera, but think they do. When the whore is less compelling than the dumbass mope with a camera and a few hundred bucks to hire her, well, who the fuck is gonna pay for that shit when you can view it for free?

Nobody saves the shit for later. If your website can't stand alone without it being tethered to other sites in a package, than your content is bullshit.

Sorry for the rant Bubba, but you're at a stat of 30-70 percent of quality whores, most of who we can see either before or after you shot them. Nobody cares if you get a blowjob a day. Not from some cheap ass whores that would be hired for "Crackwhore Confessionals".

That dude has it more wired than you do.
Posted by: ivorenginedriver

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 07/02/10 05:11 AM

This is all too deep for for, I just want to see Tanner get fucked and generally sexually degraded eight ways from Sunday while beating the shit out of my bishop.
Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 07/02/10 09:19 AM

1. I'm a big fan of Rocco.
2. It doesn't take anything away from what I want to do in the game. We all know there is only one Rocco. That bar is way too high but trust me, I feel pretty good when I get blown by any girl willing to swallow. I'll post Angelica Black's pics soon. Hope you "approve" of her. After all, she worked for Rocco. I'm sure his scene will be 100x better than mine.....and that's ok. I met her, enjoyed her company, and brought her back for a blowbang.
3. I'm not delusional to the point that I think anyone should pay for what I do. If they are into it and get on board, great. If not, no worries.
4. By your logic, musicians who can't play as good as the Rolling Stones should pack it in. I like the freedom to do what I choose to do. In my case, failure is not an option. It's a certainty. For the few weeks I have left in the business, let me celebrate my ability to go places, meet people, shoot, and create something for others to say, "What a colossal waste of time."
Posted by: superloads

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 07/03/10 12:20 AM

You're a stand up dude Brandon. Sorry if I went off a bit here. I was watching a scene that I paid for that had a 20 year old mope talk all over the fucking thing before my rant. Why the fuck should anyone pay for porn nowadays is beyond me. It ultimately has zero value now. It's not like these dumbfucks with prosumer cameras edited on pirated Avid software are the next Alex DeRenzy. They are far from it. It bad enough the camera work sucks ass, but a POV scene means it's about the girl, and you don't need to say a fucking thing if you knew what you were doing in the first place.

Porn is really fucking bad now. If Porno Dan is in the business, then that should tell you guys something.

But good luck to you. I don't mean to be an asshole. Well, yeah I do when it come to the guys who create this shit.
Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 07/03/10 01:22 AM

I like feedback....honest feedback. I learn a lot from hearing it and also from watching other stuff, too. I try to find something good in most productions. Sometimes, you have to look hard. Most of my scenes are mediocre, it's true. I just do what I am capable of doing and hope for the best. It's all about the variety.

I watched an episode of Fuck Team Five and it just made me feel....old. I wasn't into it at all and I would not be interested in seeing more volumes of it. Not my thing. But it's Bangbros and they know what their customers want.

I still think there is room for everyone if your audience finds you. Somewhere out there is a short, balding dude who thinks he would trade places with me in a heartbeat. That never escapes me, man.

Check out the pics of Frida at the blog at I'll start a separate thread, too. She's what it's all about.
Posted by: superloads

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 07/03/10 02:50 AM

I don't doubt you work hard in this business. The problem lies within trying to keep up with lesser talent who make quick $$$ due to not even have to try. BangBros is shitty product, period. But they make a lot of $$ with a shit product. What BangBro's spawned was the idea that Cristian can shoot. Well, the most boring male performer in porn now is behind a camera.

The bottom line for you guys to survive is to try to find ways to make porn interesting. You know this fact: it's about the girls. Yet, I subscribe to TeenCoreClub, and can still login to MyFreePaysite. I'd pirate the hell out of BangBros because they have a shit product if I wanted to. Guess what? BangBros is not even worth disk space.

I think all of you are out of touch when it comes to dictating the future of your business. Once again, porn is ultimately disposable. That means you. If you are not innovating and creating, then there is no real point. Yet, as a poster here in this thread has responded, all they want to see is Tanner getting fucked. Well, Tanner has gotten fucked by lesser mopes, so maybe the standard it set for the next fiscal half. Maybe Tanner should wear an ankle bracelet for the next bad parody of "I am NOT Lindsay", even though she doesn't have her tits. Yet, without the lack of Lohan's tits, should we still want to see Porno Dan as the Judge who ordered the bracelet?

If you think my post is pretty stupid shit, just wait until a known brand like Hustler reads it.
Posted by: ivorenginedriver

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 07/03/10 04:14 AM

Brandon, please tell Tanner that she can make a fucken milliion dollars just by standing at the corner of Wilkens and Payton in Baltimore, MD.
Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 07/03/10 09:50 AM

I hear what you say. I still say that it's impossible to be all things to all fans. I'm convinced that there are guys out there who don't need to see anything "new" per se. Just be real with a real girl and see what chemistry you have with her. My thing is having women swallow. Period. I enjoy watching it. I'm blown away by how many girls do it. It is most likely rooted in my own vanilla experiences growing up. Doesn't matter. What matters is that there are guys out there who may identify more with an Ed Powers than with Rocco Siffredi.

If the party can keep going for a while longer, great. I'll go anywhere, meet anyone, and do the best I can. Of course I'm going to be a dinosaur sooner than later but I'll always be a fan regardless.
Posted by: ivorenginedriver

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 07/03/10 09:55 AM

And you got to live the dream.
Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 07/03/10 11:19 AM

Once again, look at the pic of Tanner Mayes and the weirdo. Where else but in porn would those two be paired? It's my perverted No-ah-ah-AH's ark.
Posted by: frankie fatale

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 07/03/10 11:20 AM


Where else but in porn would those two be paired?

a truck stop.
Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 07/03/10 11:23 AM

You are so off ba.......wait, you have a point there.
Posted by: superloads

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 07/10/10 12:11 AM


I hear what you say. I still say that it's impossible to be all things to all fans. I'm convinced that there are guys out there who don't need to see anything "new" per se. Just be real with a real girl and see what chemistry you have with her. My thing is having women swallow. Period. I enjoy watching it. I'm blown away by how many girls do it. It is most likely rooted in my own vanilla experiences growing up. Doesn't matter. What matters is that there are guys out there who may identify more with an Ed Powers than with Rocco Siffredi.

If the party can keep going for a while longer, great. I'll go anywhere, meet anyone, and do the best I can. Of course I'm going to be a dinosaur sooner than later but I'll always be a fan regardless.

Great stuff Brandon. Good luck to you, and I hope the ride lasts a long time.
Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 07/10/10 03:04 AM

You must be this tall to go on this ride.

Posted by: ivorenginedriver

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 07/10/10 03:19 AM

Would love to ride Turkey Mayonnaise, but am not sure that I would let her know where I live.
Posted by: Brandon_Iron

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 07/10/10 06:26 PM

Tanner is a fun playmate.
Posted by: ivorenginedriver

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 07/11/10 05:14 AM

Tell her that streetwalking in Baltimore is loads of fun and an all-around experience that she ought not miss.
Posted by: †††

I said no after no after no after no. - 07/16/10 06:12 PM

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Brandon Irons & Tanner Mayes (3664 x 2748) - 07/16/10 08:34 PM




I'm also looking forward to what she says at that point.

That moment will only send her into a hysterical tail spin of further debauched self-destruction. I just jacked off to that sentence.

Is this old fashioned of me ? Seriously. I didn't know girls jacked off. I thought they masturbated.

and i need webcam footage of this entire incident....yummy!!!