email from model

Posted by: Anonymous

email from model - 01/23/09 03:52 PM

Hello I am Steve and I am a recruiter for the SCORE GROUP

I saw your photos on sexyjobs.

Have you ever posed for SCORE..if not I hope you will want to submit pics for consideration.
If I have written to you before please disregard this email and accept my apologies.

If not and you are interested then read on. is their website also check out

on the site you can see Arowyn, Rose Marie, Brianna, Luna and Ginger Taylor. All these ladies got their shoot with my help. Rosemarie, Luna and Ginger are in the January 2009 40something magazine. Right now they are actively searching for ladies 50 and up.

SCORE consists of SCORE, Voluptous, XXL Girls, Naughty Neigbors and 40s Something and18eighteen magazines

You are VERY attractive and I would love for you to submit photos to their editors to be considered for their magazines.

If chosen you will be flown to Miami FL and have your travel and accomodations paid.

Your shoot may be a one or two day shoot. Shoots can be solo, girl girl, boy girl and boy girl anal depending on what you are comfortbable with and agree to do.

Pay for a two day shoot averages 2000 and up

Let me know if you are interested in submitting pics to the magazine.

If you are then I need totally nude pics from head to toe front back and side to submit or as close as you can. Photos you send will only be viewed by SCORE editors for evalution and WILL NOT be used or published.

I will need your age...height..weight...stats
are you aims tested?

And would you do a solo shoot..girl girl..boy girl..boy girl anal shoot. The more you do the more you get paid.

I can also send you my contacts phone and email at SCORE if you doubt the validity of this email.

I am NOT a manager agent or agency. More of a advisor. I have and do help several ladies here on sexyjobs and can give you references. I help women not get scammed by agents promising them the moon. Anyone who writes to you asking for money is a scammer. You will be most likely conctacted by a guy from PA wanting you to do a simulated rape scene and give you a 1000 plus travel..he is a fraud as is anyone from AZ who writes to you.

I like your look and can give you sites and info to help you manager yourself. I hope to work with you
I do hope to work with you
Posted by: pretty

Re: email from model - 01/23/09 04:03 PM

i think jaqueline rios does the recruiting for score group?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: email from model - 01/23/09 04:24 PM


i think jaqueline rios does the recruiting for score group?

yes she house.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: email from model (II) - 01/23/09 04:25 PM

We're seeking a mature model to do a hardcore rape scene, as the victim.

We're located in Erie, PA and this shoot pays $1,000.00 plus transportation & lodging.

If interested in this opportunity, reply with photos & direct contact info.

Max McManus
The Invictus Studios Ltd. Network
Posted by: Charlie Malloy

Re: email from model - 01/23/09 04:36 PM

I don't know who that guy is, but I am guessing that, at best, he is an amateur freelance photographer who has previously sold photos of models to Score Group for "Beaver Hunt"- or "Girl Next Door"-style contests. These touts often stretch their tenuous connections to the publication (as well as their command of the written language.) I can't tell you how many times I received complaints over the years from models who were promised this, that and an all-expenses-paid vacation to Vegas for sample "totally nude pics from head to toe front back and side." Some of these guys are honest dopes, others are low-level scammers and some are nuts. The "fake rape" scenario is a new one for me. I'm sure Score won't be happy when they see this.

EDIT: To clarify, I know the rape scenario poster is not connected to "Steve."
Posted by: Darrah

Re: email from model - 01/23/09 05:18 PM

Fake rape?

Posted by: Charlie Malloy

Re: email from model - 01/23/09 05:25 PM

That genre is nothing new. Mentioning it as a warning by a touter is new to me.
Posted by: Charlie Malloy

Re: email from model - 01/23/09 05:29 PM

The Japanese have a leg up on all the sicko shit. From link below:

"Goukan pure - ("rape play") the most famous exmple of this is stalker - the name of a popular magazine which is exactly what the title says. photos of a woman going to work, coming home, photos through her window, and THEN photos of goukan pure. unlike the hidden-camera porno, this is NOT real (hence the 'pure'): it's some paid AV actress playing the part of an average office worker. in fact, goukan is considered 'normal' enough that famous AV actresses will do rape scenes. Along with bukkake, cosplay, and yuri, it's part of the standard repitoire of many popular mainstream idols. And let's not forget the 'KARATE GIRLS VS. RAPE TEAM' videos"
Posted by: Darrah

Re: email from model - 01/23/09 05:35 PM

*Googling 'KARATE GIRLS VS. RAPE TEAM' videos"*

And people wonder why I hate men.

Posted by: Charlie Malloy

Re: email from model - 01/23/09 05:38 PM

From same link:

KARATE GIRLS VS. RAPE TEAM: a really really wrong series of videos from the Soft On Demand company. Like practically everything else here, i've never seen it. but here's a description from the website NANPA'S PLACE:

"A warning - this tape isn't for everyone. Two very lovely ladies who also are black belts take on a challenge. They are to face 5 men in matches. The men are dressed only in boxers and a helmet. The ladies are dressed in Karate gear and are wearing light boxing gloves. The challenge: if the ladies outlast the men for 5 minutes, they win $100 for the first, $500 for the second, $1000 for the third and $2000 for the fourth. If they can outlast all 5, they will win $5000. If the men are able to strip them naked in that time, then its back to cave man days and the ladies are fair game for the whole community - a 20 person bukake/gang bang. The ladies are really tough fighers, but the men can smell sex. This is very close to rape, but it isn't entirely non-consensual. The ladies knew what they were getting into and while they were hoping not to be in the middle of a gang bang, it is clear at the end of the day that nobody is really hurt. A very distinctive tape."
Posted by: Dick Dastardly

Re: email from model - 01/23/09 08:55 PM


And people wonder why I hate men.

We don't wonder...we know it's because Daddy had some alone time with you.

Consider yourself lucky, at least you had a father figure, unlike many whores.

Charlie, some of that shit reminds of the fucked up stuff they show on MXC - that dubbed Jap sports sitcom on SpikeTV.
Posted by: Charlie Malloy

Re: email from model - 01/23/09 09:15 PM


Charlie, some of that shit reminds of the fucked up stuff they show on MXC - that dubbed Jap sports sitcom on SpikeTV.

Definitely. That stuff always makes me want to see the really crazy Japanese TV we can't get here. But I am sure I would tire quickly.
Posted by: RenfieldGyps

Re: email from model - 01/24/09 11:10 AM


*Googling 'KARATE GIRLS VS. RAPE TEAM' videos"*

And people wonder why I hate men.

Why should you hate men, when most of the sex is consensual, these women knew what the loss prize was.
Posted by: RenfieldGyps

Re: email from model - 01/24/09 11:14 AM


She just pretends to hate men. For the simple fact that he/she is a man.

Probably is a man, for someone who is adamant about posting a picture. Hell I even did and got some negative replies. All with a grain of salt, some positives, but hey, cant please everyone all the time. Either you like me or you dont.
But I did it anyway to show I wasn't a man pretending to be a woman.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: email from model - 01/24/09 11:18 AM

I always have that is my last dich hope......

playing cards....first two stupid shit.....third hand its cash.......forth...its ass.....

the moral of the story is be a ringer to what your playing or something fucked up is gonna happen to ya.
Posted by: Darrah

Re: email from model - 01/24/09 08:29 PM


Why should you hate men, when most of the sex is consensual, these women knew what the loss prize was.

It's own definition says it's rape:

This is very close to rape, but it isn't entirely non-consensual.

The women needed the money and probably assumed they would win because they're experts in karate. Are they professional porn girls where they do gangbangs all the time? Have you seen the video and see if they were saying no? But to many of you, no means yes considering so many porn girls are raped on set with nothing ever being done about it after except her being run out of the industry.

Posted by: Smokey

Re: email from model - 01/24/09 09:43 PM


so many porn girls are raped on set

Eat shit and prove it you busted twat
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: email from model - 01/24/09 10:55 PM


Have you seen the video and see if they were saying no?

I think what they were trying to say, but for $$$ more it will be YES, YES, YES!!!
Posted by: pretty

Re: email from model - 01/25/09 12:17 PM

but lots of rapefantasy stuff is hot dara
its just not what youre into
dont judge


*Googling 'KARATE GIRLS VS. RAPE TEAM' videos"*

And people wonder why I hate men.

Posted by: pretty

Re: email from model - 01/25/09 12:20 PM

yeah, malloy is right, cause when i was bigger, like a year ago, i submitted to score group cause i had way bigger boobs
you dont get recruited
you go their website and watch a cool little video with gianna in it , and submit your photos online after ward
then jaqueline rios sends you an email with i thnk seven questios on it
and she tells you want youre qualified for or why youre not qualified for any
and thats that


I don't know who that guy is, but I am guessing that, at best, he is an amateur freelance photographer who has previously sold photos of models to Score Group for "Beaver Hunt"- or "Girl Next Door"-style contests. These touts often stretch their tenuous connections to the publication (as well as their command of the written language.) I can't tell you how many times I received complaints over the years from models who were promised this, that and an all-expenses-paid vacation to Vegas for sample "totally nude pics from head to toe front back and side." Some of these guys are honest dopes, others are low-level scammers and some are nuts. The "fake rape" scenario is a new one for me. I'm sure Score won't be happy when they see this.

EDIT: To clarify, I know the rape scenario poster is not connected to "Steve."

Posted by: Y~T

Re: email from model - 01/26/09 10:56 PM


*Googling 'KARATE GIRLS VS. RAPE TEAM' videos"*

And people wonder why I hate men.

I don't know who or what you are but I want to rape you just to make you cry.