Male Talent needs an agent/work

Posted by: Sydney Jordan

Male Talent needs an agent/work - 05/17/07 11:21 AM

Can anyone direct me to a good agency that actually pays talent on time, etc...? I have a male friend who wants to break into this biz. Thanks in advance for any leads!
Posted by: gia jordan

Re: Male Talent needs an agent/work - 05/17/07 11:42 AM

Agents don't pay talent.

Talent gets paid by the company- either in check that day or a payroll check mailed to them within 2 weeks. Then it is the talent's responsibility to pay the agent the percentage agreed upon.

Send him to Not sure if they need males with previous experience, but they're great to work with.
Posted by: Moxie

Re: Male Talent needs an agent/work - 05/17/07 02:15 PM


it is the talent's responsibility to pay the agent the percentage

That's a little risky isn't it? On the rare occasion that I handle a contingent fee, when the check comes in I have it made out to my firm, take out my fees and expenses and then send whats left to the client. Must be a major part of the agents job to chase down these porn whores for their cut .
Posted by: gia jordan

Re: Male Talent needs an agent/work - 05/17/07 02:50 PM

I'm sure ladirect and other big agencies have a great success rate with getting their percentage. When I ran my agency, I only had 6 girls, and all of them paid me on time every time. No problems and no need to chase anyone down.