
Posted by: Jenna Jameson

Flamers - 01/31/05 05:07 PM

I just discovered this site, and was pretty excited about reading a few of the threads. I searched my name, and low and behold... absolutely every post that mentioned my name was absolutely RUDE.
Let me explain something, i have been in this industry for 12 years and I have loved every second of it. I have done everything in my power to make it a positive experience for not only me, but for everyone around me.
I now run my own company and thoroughly enjoy producing and directing movies. I am so surprised that so many of you literally hate me. I mean, do you even know me? NO!
It seems as if you are all just taking personal digs for no apparent reason. I mean if you are going to call someone a worthless scumsucking whore, have a fucking reason.
Until you know me, maybe you shouldn't make judgements... especially those of you who work for other companies, and those of you who are talent.
I would like to see ANY of you come up to me in person and say these things.... wishful thinking, i guess.
Take all your cracks at my looks you want... My movies are still burying EVERY other movie produced by any other company, hundreds of times over. The proof is in the pudding.

Posted by: Sir Greenly

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 05:14 PM

oooooohh,Mommy spank me...

FWIW, I'd do ya.
Posted by: zenman

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 05:15 PM

Who's idea was it to have those "bodyguards" wear windbreakers with those goofy slogans like "Club Jenna: Touch her and die." I want to meet the guy who thought that was cool.Then I want to stand on his neck while I'm watching the Patty Duke Show marathon on Nick At Night. I hope they got paid a lot of money becuse they looked like fucking tools.
Posted by: Jenna Jameson

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 05:16 PM

At least they have a job you fucking nimrod...
It's called a joke, try a sense of humor on for size, fuckface...

Posted by: Bornyo

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 05:21 PM


At least they have a job you fucking nimrod...
It's called a joke, try a sense of humor on for size, fuckface...


Sweety you'll find no more humor than here. Viewed thru what the general porno public sees of you and especially the general public sees thru HBO specials, there is not one damned thing funny about those jackets. Now if you sell them thru your website and I can get Garfields mailing address, that would be funny.
Posted by: zenman

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 05:21 PM


At least they have a job you fucking nimrod...
It's called a joke, try a sense of humor on for size, fuckface...


I'm getting an erection.
Posted by: zenman

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 05:24 PM

Jenna Jameson = Wankus.
Posted by: Kami Andrews

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 05:27 PM


I would like to see ANY of you come up to me in person and say these things.... wishful thinking, i guess.

ive never been able to get close, what with lines and security, i dont think i smack talked you, but you arnt that accesable
Posted by: Pericles

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 05:28 PM

Posted by: Da Burglar

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 05:30 PM

HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!! I wish I wasn't drunk on Sake from Genji's in San Jose, but I just read this dung before passing out and had to respond......finally the evil queen's vanity comes alive and rears its (esoterically and symbolically) UGLY head


I now run my own company and thoroughly enjoy producing and directing movies. I am so surprised that so many of you literally hate me. I mean, do you even know me? NO!

1) Yes I own my own company, we grossed [ a lot ] what the fuck does that have to do with you?????
2) I do know you and, yes, in fact I DO hate you.


Until you know me, maybe you shouldn't make judgements... especially those of you who work for other companies, and those of you who are talent.

<repeat above>


I would like to see ANY of you come up to me in person and say these things.... wishful thinking, i guess.
The proof is in the pudding.

1) I did come up to you and you were busy with a Cell Phone call and a Jody Maroni's Sausage Shit-Sandwich;

2) you looked at me like you should say or do something and before you could some 319 pound NCAA probation-posterchild started a conversation on my facial expressions....bitch.
Posted by: smutspov

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 05:58 PM

this can't be Jenna. if it is, why bother defending yourself here? big mistake to lower yourself to argue w/ riff raff.
Posted by: Kami Andrews

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 06:00 PM

no no shes brunette now
Posted by: kyoto

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 06:05 PM

fake Jenna is monkey.
Posted by: JRV

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 06:09 PM


fake Jenna is monkey.

No, that's not Monkey. I don't recognize the style as being anyone in particular.
Posted by: Cleetus VanDamme

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 06:11 PM

Jenna I love you so I would like to give you....a bracelet
Posted by: loopnode

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 06:14 PM

Can someone please tell me what is that "thing" standing next to Jenna is?
Posted by: Bornyo

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 06:15 PM



fake Jenna is monkey.

No, that's not Monkey. I don't recognize the style as being anyone in particular.

So far it's all good. I'm with jrv in the suspension of disbelief.

Jenna please post a close up picture of your asshole. (Not your husband silly, your anus).
Posted by: Jenna Jameson

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 06:16 PM

You can go on thinking I am someone else, I guess it really doesn't matter. I just felt like responding to those of you who felt like talking shit. I don't think I'm lowering myself by speaking on it, most people that had the kind of shit slung at them that I have, would.
Listen, you know it's funny that so many of you call me a has been and go on and on ranting about how I am washed up... but in reality, you are just furthering my career. As long as people are talking, popularity continues, whether it is good or bad.
So flame on flamers....


Posted by: Mandy Taylor

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 06:18 PM

EDIT: Eh dont really care to leave my post. Delete. And that thing is hideous
Posted by: Jenna Jameson

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 06:22 PM

Mandy- I wasn't referring to you...
If you do a search and read some of the things said... you will understand why I am even saying anything.
I know who said what, and they can kiss my ass...

Posted by: Smelly Monkey

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 06:23 PM

its not fucking jenna jameson. As far as im concerned until the fake jenna posts a web cam picture of herself or holding something like a sign saying flamers on it, its bill the 300 pound guy who pumps my gas in my mind. Seriously doing this shit is lame and it makes places like ADT look good. Its for those who have no wit or humor but still want to post, its lame, played out and has lurid 2.0 written all over it. Kill yourself now.

I mean its not even a good job, if it was jenna every second line would have clubjenna.com in it. Give me a fucking break, there needs to be a serious punishment for people who do this shit, like an ip trace, hunt them down and release wild dogs on them in their sleep.
Posted by: smutspov

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 06:25 PM


but in reality, you are just furthering my career. As long as people are talking, popularity continues, whether it is good or bad.
So flame on flamers....



the dumbest logic ever.
Posted by: Jenna Jameson

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 06:27 PM

Tell me how you know this isn't Jenna, einstein?
you are gonna feel like an idiot, when you find out it is me! LOL
Do you really expect me to take a picture of myself holding a sign, to prove to people that talk shit about me, I am who I am?
That's silly...

Posted by: Smelly Monkey

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 06:29 PM


Tell me how you know this isn't Jenna, einstein?
you are gonna feel like an idiot, when you find out it is me! LOL
Do you really expect me to take a picture of myself holding a sign, to prove to people that talk shit about me, I am who I am?
That's silly...


Well to be totally honest i don't give a shit either way now, if it is jenna post the pic and i will find you 10 new yearly club jenna members, more money to pay your husband's wage with, since im 99.8% sure it isn't jenna i can promise it,
Posted by: Jenna Jameson

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 06:30 PM

Give me your number and I will call you personally...

How bout that, stud?

Posted by: Cleetus VanDamme

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 06:31 PM

Fake Jenna -Get Fake Aurora to post here
Posted by: Smelly Monkey

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 06:32 PM


Give me your number and I will call you personally...

How bout that, stud?


Want my credit card number, address and hours im away from home the most as well?. Give me a fucking break.
Posted by: Jenna Jameson

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 06:33 PM

Ok... fine.
Don't believe me...
What the hell...

Posted by: Cleetus VanDamme

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 06:37 PM

5 stars for Jenna
Posted by: pcoastfool

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 06:47 PM

My first post here, so take it as such, but I'll vouch that this is Jenna.

Who am I to talk? Just some dumb ClubJenna member. And if you were to ask me, I'd say that she's pretty damn approachable. Hell, if I can just walk up and say hi, anyone can.

Keep up the good work Jenna, just another step towards world domination!

PS...Give up the number, you just might be surprised!!
Posted by: star69

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 07:23 PM

its jenna and if you dont believe me i would be happy to take all your money.haha!!
Posted by: pcoastfool

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 07:26 PM

cheers you drunk fukker!!!

Posted by: Cleetus VanDamme

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 07:28 PM

Oh no, it is like the xxxpt invasion of BGOL in reverse- to arms we are being attacked
Posted by: JRV

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 07:31 PM

The fake Ron Jeremy could easily pull this off, but what's the point? I don't have enough paranoia in me to obsess over every detail lest as I be fooled, as if being fooled on a porn forum matters.

I doubt many users here watch Jenna's videos or know anything about her. I think the last Jenna scene I watched was her virgin Randy West scene.

The objection most have is to the entire "Vivid Girl" concept of the plastic, aloof princess. Like it or not, a lot of people think "Jenna" when they think "Vivid Girl".

The "Touch Her and Die" is just a copy of Jenny McCarthy: Singled Out's rules sheet for guys on the show started with "Rule #1 - Do Not Touch Jenny".

PS. I see nothing here to suggest it isn't the real Jenna.
Posted by: star69

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 07:33 PM

Posted by: Da Burglar

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 07:42 PM


Give me your number and I will call you personally...

How bout that, stud?


D-----uh!!!! hello mr m0nkey.........
Posted by: c62

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 07:45 PM

Jenna, (I'll give this the benefit of the doubt it is you) you should believe everything written on the internet. Did you hear Marc Wallice died, it's in a thread around here someplace. It's all true. It couldn't be a bunch of guys writing stupid bullshit all day. Get over this board, and yourself. Better yet join in some of the flame wars and have fun. August of last year was epic.
Posted by: Jenna Jameson

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 07:49 PM

what the hell are you talking about?
Oh, nevermind...I'll just be over here, getting over myself..

Posted by: Cleetus VanDamme

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 07:52 PM

Just show us your tits and all will be forgiven
Posted by: Rico

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 08:02 PM


what the hell are you talking about?
Oh, nevermind...I'll just be over here, getting over myself..

You do that sweets.

BTW I, for one, wouldn't describe you as a "worthless scumsucking whore". It's more like a worthless, vacuous, egotistical, scumsucking whore with a high school popularity complex.

Yeah, I know you make millions munching carpet and I'm a loser.

Fake jenna rocks.
Posted by: Jenna Jameson

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 08:08 PM

How rude...
Oh poor little man, were you punked by the popular girls?
aaaaaaaaw poor thing!


Posted by: GARFIELD

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 08:12 PM

Now if you sell them thru your website and I can get Garfields mailing address, that would be funny.

Hey boringyo, stop mentioning My name just to get people to read what u write...u little bitch
Posted by: Steven Millan

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 08:20 PM

Hi,Jenna,it's really great seeing you on-board here,although you'll have to ignore these folks that are here,for what can you expect from a site that has guys with names like Smelly MOnkey?
And,yes,having seen your recent AVN Awards win,as well as the numerous fans who crowded your Club Jenna booth at AVN Expo this past month,you still are literally burying the competition,and with the way you've been treated here,I can see why you brought back the bodyguards.
Otherwise,welcome to the board,Jenna,for at least I really appreciate having porn's Numero Uno celebrity being a member of this board,and seeing her write down her real comments,and being as real as she can be.
Posted by: Bornyo

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 08:31 PM


Now if you sell them thru your website and I can get Garfields mailing address, that would be funny.

Hey boringyo, stop mentioning My name just to get people to read what u write...u little bitch

Fuck off JG. Now I know you're a fake. I don't know who's doing you, but if I did I'd buy them a drink.

The world won't be the same without you.
Posted by: GARFIELD

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 09:08 PM

I'd like to meet u 2 boringyo & mayB choke U a little
Posted by: hbtank

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 09:26 PM


Fake Jenna -Get Fake Aurora to post here

To get fake adt watch guy would be great too
Posted by: Greg Jacobson

Re: Flamers - 01/31/05 10:19 PM


I know it is you.

I met you at at Internext/AVN and told you I would send you some video footage of your booth. I have no idea what email to send it to.

Shoot me a mail to greggjacobson@gmail.com and I will send you some links to download.
Posted by: noahped

Re: Flamers - 02/01/05 04:15 AM

Wow...I did a search and read some of the posts about Jenna here, and I'm not surprised she posted about it...she's cool like that. And yeah, it's the real deal Jenna here, I'd bet my new pink Jenna Jameson Vegas poker chip on it!!
And if you want to give me a phone call Jenna that would be cool, that'd be cooler than IM chats!!

Anyways, no matter what any jerkish people here say, Jenna is the most respected woman in the Industry. Most folks in the biz say so, and if they don't say so they are just keeping it to themselves. But how could they not respect her, her success speaks for itself. But she cares about her fans too, that's what makes her another level of special. Well, she loves what she does, no doubt, but I think her fans are important to her too, but not to the point where she'll run to the corner and cry in the fetal position if a moron says they hate her on a message board. But she will speak her mind and "defend" herself as she sees fit. That's just the way she is...in your face. If you call her out for no reason, she'll be pissed and you'll hear about it...as would most people. Don't forget that, Jenna is a person too you know.
Posted by: simp

Re: Flamers - 02/01/05 04:33 AM

Dear Jenna,
Let me say that I believe it's you and really appreciate your taking the time to interact with us. I have a question as a fan: Did you ever feel humiliated or degraded during any porn scenes you were involved in? Please provide a list of any such scenes with a description and the titles they are a part of, where I can buy them, and rate the level of your humiliation for each on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being mild annoyance and 10 being weeping with regret and thoughts of suicide).

P.S. Would you ever do a 'Gag factor' and if so will you turn your head UPSIDEDOWN?

Posted by: maged

Re: Flamers - 02/01/05 04:34 AM

hi Jenna can you write about my post
What's your position if your mother is a porns?

it is in the General Porno Talk


Posted by: firewall

Re: Flamers - 02/01/05 04:51 AM

I thought I'd posted in this thread! Well said noahped.
Posted by: LizTheBunny

Re: Flamers - 02/01/05 12:19 PM


its not fucking jenna jameson. its bill the 300 pound guy who pumps my gas in my mind.

The only fat asses who pump gas are the ones on this forum who probably live in their mom's basement and spend WAAAAAYYYY too much time shittalking a woman who they don't even know. You all need lives. Maybe if you knew one thing about women, you wouldn't have to remain anonymous on a fucking PORNO forum.
Posted by: Brandy Nash fan

Re: Flamers - 02/01/05 12:26 PM

Jenna, I believe that it's you. Can you e-mail me a pic or two? I'm impcow@hotmail.com

thanks. love your stuff.
Posted by: LizTheBunny

Re: Flamers - 02/01/05 12:27 PM


The only fat asses who pump gas are the ones on this forum who probably live in their mom's basement and spend WAAAAAYYYY too much time shittalking a woman who they don't even know.

Oh yeah, as for pumping gas, I'm all for it.

My car needs premium and you shit-talking losers hafta pump SOMETHING!

Goddamn Jenna, the funny thing is, I bet the haters would never say that stuff to you offline.

Posted by: Kami Andrews

Re: Flamers - 02/01/05 12:41 PM


Maybe if you knew one thing about women, you wouldn't have to remain anonymous on a fucking PORNO forum.

I didnt know anything about her before and I never shit talked her before but I know one thing about her now
Posted by: Jenna Jameson

Re: Flamers - 02/01/05 12:44 PM

Just say what you mean , Kami... Jesus!
Posted by: LizTheBunny

Re: Flamers - 02/01/05 12:46 PM



Maybe if you knew one thing about women, you wouldn't have to remain anonymous on a fucking PORNO forum.

I didnt know anything about her before and I never shit talked her before but I know one thing about her now

My reply was intended for the people who flamed her for no reason at all.
Posted by: sparky

Re: Flamers - 02/01/05 12:52 PM

Have any of you regulars on here wondered why your boards have suddenly been flooded with new members defending Jenna?

Could it possibly be that Jenna has mentioned this board on ClubJenna and we've all come here to take a look?

Because its true!

Those of you who don't believe are gonna be pretty sick to find out that YES, it IS the real Jenna...

You should all be bowing down in the presence of an Industry great instead of flaming her, her husband, her company and everything she has ever produced in the past... Its not big... and its not clever!

Like it or not people, Jenna is THE most recognisable face in Adult Entertainment... And who else in adult has acheived the crossover to mainstream so successfully, so much so that for the last 3 years Jenna has also appeared in FHMs top 100 Sexiest Women In The World...

You might not like her, or the product she produces, but if thats the case then don't buy her products... I'm sure she'll really miss the one or two sales that your boycott might produce!!

I've known Jenna for around 6 years, and have travelled from my home in the UK to meet her in the US a number of times...
In the time I've spent with her she's always been the friendliest and most approachable people I know... I consider her a close friend, as does she me... (And I'm even mentioned in her BEST SELLING book... (Another super successful mainstream item...))

People... From reading the previous posts on this and the other Jenna hating threads, I've come to conclusion that the combined IQ of the majority of posters on here would have trouble illuminating a 1 watt bulb... But, if you can possibly work out how to turn on your PC without your mums help, and post on here without directions from your younger brother, then do yourself a favour... give Jenna a little respect... She has done more to further the Adult Industry than ANYONE else... EVER... And without the Adult Industry where would you all be...

Don't hate the playa...

Posted by: LizTheBunny

Re: Flamers - 02/01/05 01:37 PM


BTW I, for one, wouldn't describe you as a "worthless scumsucking whore". It's more like a worthless, vacuous, egotistical, scumsucking whore with a high school popularity complex.

Yeah, I know you make millions munching carpet and I'm a loser.

Alright. Now we know why you got knocked the fuck out by Club Jenna security:

Boy tries to meet Jenna
Boy acts like an idiot
Boy gets beaten up by CJ security
Boy feels rejected
Boy spends the rest of his life with bitter resentment toward someone more successful than him

You definitely got what was coming! And all you had to lose was a kidney!
Posted by: Rico

Re: Flamers - 02/01/05 01:54 PM

You know, I really enjoy lurking on this forum. But I there is something unsettling about this mob fan boys that Ms. Jameson brought with her. Porn whore with such slavering sycophants, just ain't my type of whore.

If you'll excuse me, I have get high and beat my significant other.
Posted by: rookie

Re: Flamers - 02/01/05 02:05 PM

Yep, it's the real Jenna posting here.

Like Sparky I have known Jenna for several years and consider Jenna to be a friend as Jenna considers me as a friend also. Also like Sparky I got a mention in Jenna's best selling book. Jenna has been able to take the porn industry to heights it never would have achieved without her and some of the other top stars.

If you don't care for Jenna's work or her looks that is certainly your right and your choice. But there is no need for any of the name calling and bashing that has gone on in this forum. Try to get to know the person before you degrade them, even then give them the respect that any human deserves.
Posted by: JET

Re: Flamers - 02/01/05 02:36 PM

You guys need to get a grip! oh yeah i just turned up out of nowhere..wait i am from Australia....so i guess you could say i have known JJ...in fact have spoken to her in person. She gets buzzed out by Aussie accents...yeah its her...you guys need to stop flamming...and hug somebody...try your mothers!!
Posted by: Sean

Re: Flamers - 02/01/05 03:12 PM

I am posting on here just to make certain everybody does know this. Even though it has been said about 4 or five times already. Yes that was and is the real one and only Jenna Jameson. Now while I have been a fan of hers for many years now, I have only been on her site for about the past year. And only posting on her forum for the past few months. From what I have seen, Jenna is with out a doubt the Most Kind and Giving of about all the adult star's out there. She has security yes to protect her from loonies (gee I wonder why she would have to worry about them). She elect's not to do certain things in the business mainly out of personal preference, not bias or even bigotry. And she has gained more fame in doing what she does than just about any other female adult performer before her ever has, and probably ever will.

Why than do you people hate her so much? I don't know, but I have a theory. My theory is this. Life hand's out to everybody, on a constant basis, a pile of shit. Now some people just tend to wallow in it (and from what I have seen most of the flamers on this board probably do.). Some people try to clean up some, but not all of it. And a very rare few, take the shit that life hand's them, and turn it into Lemonade. This Jenna has done. And because she has done that and most of you haven’t, you are jealous of her. And you let your jealousy turn to anger, and that anger turns into rage. And you lash out at her for no reason what so ever. Well guess what folks, Jenna is one lady (and yes I do mean lady in every sense of the word) who fight's back. My advise to you all, get out of the way, cause the Jenna steamroller's common through to take you all on. And it aint gonna be a pretty site when she is done with you.

Peace out.

Sean K Reed
Posted by: zenman

Re: Flamers - 02/01/05 03:17 PM

Jesus Christ man how many watches have you given her? She came to the board, she saw what she liked, and she conquered it...in a sense. Thank God she has a better sense of humor than her fanboys.
Posted by: Bornyo

Re: Flamers - 02/01/05 03:28 PM


Jesus Christ man how many watches have you given her? She came to the board, she saw what she liked, and she conquered it...in a sense. Thank God she has a better sense of humor than her fanboys.

I'm wondering why they feel the need to come here and post stuff like that at this point. Sign up and join in by all means, but shit. It's obvious that she can handle herself. She played this thing like a virtuoso. Coulda dropped the journal entry with the 2nd post last night, coulda posted a pic at any time. Instead she built it to crescendo. I heard something snap.

Fanboys- quit harping about how great Jenna is. Start browsing and posting and prove yourselves. She did.

On a lighter note, earlier there were four anonymous users reading the Marc Wallice thread, so the legend continues.

*forgot to add that the fanboys are discovering the nuances of simp and maged*
Posted by: BigDick

Re: Flamers - 02/01/05 04:32 PM


I am posting on here just to make certain everybody does know this. Even though it has been said about 4 or five times already. Yes that was and is the real one and only Jenna Jameson. Now while I have been a fan of hers for many years now, I have only been on her site for about the past year. And only posting on her forum for the past few months. From what I have seen, Jenna is with out a doubt the Most Kind and Giving of about all the adult star's out there. She has security yes to protect her from loonies (gee I wonder why she would have to worry about them). She elect's not to do certain things in the business mainly out of personal preference, not bias or even bigotry. And she has gained more fame in doing what she does than just about any other female adult performer before her ever has, and probably ever will.

Why than do you people hate her so much? I don't know, but I have a theory. My theory is this. Life hand's out to everybody, on a constant basis, a pile of shit. Now some people just tend to wallow in it (and from what I have seen most of the flamers on this board probably do.). Some people try to clean up some, but not all of it. And a very rare few, take the shit that life hand's them, and turn it into Lemonade. This Jenna has done. And because she has done that and most of you haven’t, you are jealous of her. And you let your jealousy turn to anger, and that anger turns into rage. And you lash out at her for no reason what so ever. Well guess what folks, Jenna is one lady (and yes I do mean lady in every sense of the word) who fight's back. My advise to you all, get out of the way, cause the Jenna steamroller's common through to take you all on. And it aint gonna be a pretty site when she is done with you.

Peace out.

Sean K Reed

what exactly is she gonna do post us to death?
Posted by: Vukmir Vukmir

Re: Flamers - 02/01/05 06:12 PM

Ha! This is great! Too funny!
Posted by: firewall

Re: Flamers - 02/01/05 06:18 PM

Rico, not a problem, youre not my type either. If I am a sycophant of Jenna's at least I enjoy it.
Posted by: tobymills

Re: Flamers - 02/01/05 07:01 PM

Yeah guys, I feel like I missed the most fun part with Jenna first came in here!

Looks like she's doing just fine on her own...

One note though, kyoto has the tact and personality of a wet bag of cement.

looks like everybody else is pretty much just having fun - which is the whole point, isn't it?

Now, back to reading all the flame wars! It's like a trainwreck, you can't watch, but you can't look away!

Posted by: jennasangel1

Re: Flamers - 02/01/05 09:54 PM

great post sparky....
Posted by: redbeard

Re: Flamers - 02/02/05 11:23 AM

Jenna, first just wanted to say that I am glad you have made an appearance here and also that I am sorry that so many people have been mean to you.

I will admit I am not a huge fan of yours, but that is mostly cause I am partial to brunettes. I will say that mt oponion of you changed greatly after watching your "True Hollywood Story" of the E channel.
Posted by: jennasangel1

Re: Flamers - 02/02/05 02:50 PM

redbeard said

I will admit I am not a huge fan of yours, but that is mostly cause I am partial to brunettes.

jenna is a brunette now.. you should see a pic she looks great.
Posted by: Love 80's Porn

Re: Flamers - 02/02/05 07:19 PM

You should all be bowing down in the presence of an Industry great instead of flaming her, her husband, her company and everything she has ever produced in the past... Its not big... and its not clever!

Jesus christ, you really are a tool. You're nick shouldn't be sparky, it should be dumbo. Sucking every producer from top to bottom so she can appear for a 2 minute cameo on HBO hardly makes her the most recognised name in porn. Puh-fuckin-leez.

Anyone who claims that her wimpy hubby with his 5 inch cock is bigger than Peter North(now that's a legend for ya, wanky) and can shoot more than him deserves to be unmercifully made fun of.

Her pornos are worse than Vivid one's and make Vivid look like hardcore gonzo. Doesn't Ms. Botox go around to every porn message board on self promotion tours and when she doesn't like things, lil princess whines on her website and her faithful asslickers come around to defend her sillicone filled ass?

Now that's the sign of a perfect loser. And what was the security around her for? No one was falling over himself to approach her as it is. Ms. Botox really does know how to flatter herself, doesn't she?Then again, with asslickers like you around, sparky, she can't help doing that now, can she?
Posted by: Steven Millan

Re: Flamers - 02/02/05 09:26 PM



Jesus Christ man how many watches have you given her? She came to the board, she saw what she liked, and she conquered it...in a sense. Thank God she has a better sense of humor than her fanboys.

"Fanboys"?!?! Since when does porn now start using that ever-so-boring term?!?

I guess that it must be really,really dead in the genre of horror,sci-fi,and comic books for this overexposed term to start showing up in this industry.

I'm wondering why they feel the need to come here and post stuff like that at this point. Sign up and join in by all means, but shit. It's obvious that she can handle herself. She played this thing like a virtuoso. Coulda dropped the journal entry with the 2nd post last night, coulda posted a pic at any time. Instead she built it to crescendo. I heard something snap.

Fanboys- quit harping about how great Jenna is. Start browsing and posting and prove yourselves. She did.

On a lighter note, earlier there were four anonymous users reading the Marc Wallice thread, so the legend continues.

*forgot to add that the fanboys are discovering the nuances of simp and maged*

Posted by: sexycity

Re: Flamers - 02/02/05 09:50 PM


At least they have a job you fucking nimrod...
It's called a joke, try a sense of humor on for size, fuckface...


Don't let these assholes bug you Jenna. You have way too many positive attributes they could never touch.
Posted by: sexycity

Re: Flamers - 02/02/05 09:52 PM


EDIT: Eh dont really care to leave my post. Delete. And that thing is hideous

That thing is Houston from the Houston 500. She was a regular on Stern a few years ago.
Posted by: sparky

Re: Flamers - 02/03/05 02:56 PM


You should all be bowing down in the presence of an Industry great instead of flaming her, her husband, her company and everything she has ever produced in the past... Its not big... and its not clever!

Jesus christ, you really are a tool. You're nick shouldn't be sparky, it should be dumbo. Sucking every producer from top to bottom so she can appear for a 2 minute cameo on HBO hardly makes her the most recognised name in porn. Puh-fuckin-leez.

Anyone who claims that her wimpy hubby with his 5 inch cock is bigger than Peter North(now that's a legend for ya, wanky) and can shoot more than him deserves to be unmercifully made fun of.

Her pornos are worse than Vivid one's and make Vivid look like hardcore gonzo. Doesn't Ms. Botox go around to every porn message board on self promotion tours and when she doesn't like things, lil princess whines on her website and her faithful asslickers come around to defend her sillicone filled ass?

Now that's the sign of a perfect loser. And what was the security around her for? No one was falling over himself to approach her as it is. Ms. Botox really does know how to flatter herself, doesn't she?Then again, with asslickers like you around, sparky, she can't help doing that now, can she?

Its a little bit more than a 2 minute cameo on HBO isn't it now... Do you really want me to go all fanboy on you and list EVERYTHING mainstream Jenna has done? From modelling an Abercrombie & Fitch catalogue to having her own E! True Hollywood Story... with appearances on O'Reilly, Stern, The Man Show and even The Family Guy thrown in as well...

Like her or not YOU tool, Jenna IS the most recognised face in Adult Entertainment... Her product sells... her queues at AVN last month were THE longest bar none...

I could go on, but it probably won't register to amoeba brains like you... You carry on whacking off to her whilst dissing her oh so bravely on an internet forum, and those of us that like her will continue to do so...

Oh, and where did I mention that Jay was a better performer than Peter North may I ask...

And my name IS Sparky... Check it out in Jennas' book... I'm in there at the back... thats if you can read!
Posted by: bobrockindaddy

Re: Flamers - 02/03/05 03:33 PM

hey i like you jenna!! I just read your book and it is great.. forget about these fuckfaces.. yes and i'm sure you'll welcome me to the forum just for this post.. not you jenna all these other pinheads...
Posted by: Bornyo

Re: Flamers - 02/03/05 03:37 PM


hey i like you jenna!! I just read your book and it is great.. forget about these fuckfaces.. yes and i'm sure you'll welcome me to the forum just for this post.. not you jenna all these other pinheads...

JG returns, with a new avatar and a new smiley and a new location albeit one recurring theme. I look forward to seeing this one flesh out.
Posted by: bobrockindaddy

Re: Flamers - 02/03/05 03:53 PM



hey i like you jenna!! I just read your book and it is great.. forget about these fuckfaces.. yes and i'm sure you'll welcome me to the forum just for this post.. not you jenna all these other pinheads...

JG returns, with a new avatar and a new smiley and a new location albeit one recurring theme. I look forward to seeing this one flesh out.

Yeah sure whatever you say! Who is JG? I do really in TX. I am new to this forum.
Posted by: Cleetus VanDamme

Re: Flamers - 02/03/05 04:26 PM

HHH rules them all
Posted by: Sergio T.

Re: Flamers - 02/03/05 04:47 PM

Minion wants me to bring back my old 'Taker avatar. Id get one of YJD, if I can find a decent pic.
Posted by: Cleetus VanDamme

Re: Flamers - 02/03/05 05:19 PM

I don't know - I like your current one, it hypnomotizes me
Posted by: Toelicker

Re: Flamers - 02/04/05 02:48 AM

I think it's funny that JJ responds much more frequently to insults than fanboy praise. It's almost like she ignores it, or hopes it will go away. Yet these fanboys keep trying to come up with new and better ways to lick her feet(which I would do, I might add) in hopes that she will at least say something, even if it's just thank you. Poor guys.

It probably creeps her out as much as it does us.

She should at least come in here and respond to THIS post so her fans don't feel shafted, and insignificant. Oh, I really hope she does. Please. I'm holding my breath.

Jenna! Pay attention to me!

I just watched her Up And Cummers 11 scene to get a taste. Hot little minx, for sure. Cute little titties.
Posted by: bobrockindaddy

Re: Flamers - 02/04/05 03:57 AM


HHH rules them all

HHH sucks!!!

My man Batista will take him down...
Posted by: bobrockindaddy

Re: Flamers - 02/04/05 04:00 AM

toelicker you can give me some attention.. you can become a asslicker..
Posted by: sparky

Re: Flamers - 02/04/05 09:59 AM


I think it's funny that JJ responds much more frequently to insults than fanboy praise. It's almost like she ignores it, or hopes it will go away. Yet these fanboys keep trying to come up with new and better ways to lick her feet(which I would do, I might add) in hopes that she will at least say something, even if it's just thank you. Poor guys.

It would be a pretty dull world if everyone agreed with each other... The point of these boards is to have a little healthy discussion and the things that fuel the most discussions are arguements...

So we follow Jenna around... Thats probably because Jenna posts in her own forum about the fun she's having with you on here and we all come here to have a laugh as well...

Its been real funny to see the change in this forum from Jenna-Fake haters to the realisation that it IS the real Jenna and suddenly most of you are all behaving like fanboys yourself...

And then theres the REAL haters who have so little in their lives (including their dicks) that they do nothing but abuse and try and get a rise out of Jenna... and fail miserably... Jenna didn't get where she is today without encountering spindledicks like you already... and brushed them aside like an annoying flea...

Whether you like Jenna or not, you have to admit she's a phenomenon...
Posted by: jamesn

Re: Flamers - 02/04/05 10:55 AM

i don't think this is a case of being so awestruck of the fact she's jenna causing people to cower at the weight of her celebrity. people are being respectful because she's been cool and would fit in fine whether she was jenna or not.
there's a handful of people who just hate her, you're never going to change that or their behavior.
Posted by: Sergio T.

Re: Flamers - 02/04/05 11:05 AM

Then it stays. Maybe I should bring back the old Andre the Giant one instead?
Posted by: DoronD

Re: Flamers - 02/04/05 12:44 PM

Hell Yeah. Remember back in the day when he would come out and the cameras would show some kids in the crowd who were scared? Fuck, I remember when he stopped Jake The Snake from hitting The Macho Man with a chair.
Posted by: Kami Andrews

Re: Flamers - 02/04/05 02:32 PM

I was watching this old wrestling tape and i saw this sign saying "BUY DORONS TAPES" is that you?
Posted by: Cleetus VanDamme

Re: Flamers - 02/04/05 03:36 PM

Kami- you like wrestling?
Man you chicks just keep getting better AND BETTER.

Posted by: DoronD

Re: Flamers - 02/04/05 03:40 PM

Yeah, that was at an XPW show. I had my own tape trading site for a few weeks. I offered people ECW stuff since that's what I mainly had. I have over 300 tapes and 100 DVDs of the following:
IWA Japan
FMW (when Onita was running things)
Big Japan Pro Wrestling
I also have the Mass Tranist incident on tape as well as the Beulah McGillicuty masturbation scene
Posted by: Sergio T.

Re: Flamers - 02/04/05 03:41 PM

WWE is going to have an ECW PPV June 12 at the Hammerstein Ballroom in NYC (Damn you Cleetus!). The name so far is:ECW-One Night Stand. From what I know, they're trying to get some ECW wrestlers that didnt sign with WWE for that PPV.
Posted by: Sergio T.

Re: Flamers - 02/04/05 03:44 PM


Yeah, that was at an XPW show. I had my own tape trading site for a few weeks. I offered people ECW stuff since that's what I mainly had. I have over 300 tapes and 100 DVDs of the following:
IWA Japan
FMW (when Onita was running things)
Big Japan Pro Wrestling
I also have the Mass Tranist incident on tape as well as the Beulah McGillicuty masturbation scene

Doran, do you have any old NWA (original 4 horseman era) and UWF stuff laying around? I'll even settle for World Class Championship Wrestling.
Posted by: Cleetus VanDamme

Re: Flamers - 02/04/05 03:55 PM

Hey Chico- if they get Sabu and New Jack ai may actually go to that show. In it's prime I went to afew ecw shows at the Elk's lodge in queens and one at asbury park,NJ. Good Times
Damn It Doron I want that Beulah McGillicuty masturbation scene. How long is it and what does she do in it? She was always my fav. chick in wrestling other than Stephanie Mac of course.
Posted by: Sergio T.

Re: Flamers - 02/04/05 04:06 PM

I only saw one ECW show. It was their only PPV in LA. Saw it for yrs. on cable thou. It was Heatwave. Rob Black's guys from XPW interupted the show and the ECW guys really fucked them up in the parking lot.

Theyre getting Super Crazy. Dont know any more names as of yet.
Posted by: Shawn Reynolds

The thing pic - 02/04/05 04:24 PM

You couldn't have said that any better. It sure does remind you how beautiful jenna really is.
Posted by: Shawn Reynolds

Re: Flamers - 02/04/05 04:54 PM

"The Masseuse" was hot, Jenna. You have always been the entire package ... that's why you're so successful. Any one here who has worked with models and actresses knows how rare that is. Regarding the bodyguard jackets, I just don't think people, in this day and age, feel comfortable even reading a threat like that. But I suspect it helped better insure a safe visit for you. Someone with your fame must get a fair share of threats from creeps out there.
Posted by: Rob Longshot

Re: Flamers - 02/04/05 08:19 PM

chico, if your lookin for old NWA and UWF stuff hit me up... i also got lots of the old southern terratories, and NJPW.
Posted by: Sergio T.

Re: Flamers - 02/04/05 08:28 PM

Fuck yeah Rob. I new this guy who had eveything and I mean everything. I would borrow classics like Dynamite Kid v.Tiger Mask. He had AWA,NWA,UWF,Memphis,AAA, AJPW, etc.

Anyway, anybody remember the WWF Wrestling Classic? It was the precursor to the King of The Ring Tournament. Im looking for that. Doron, Rob?
Posted by: Rob Longshot

Re: Flamers - 02/04/05 10:04 PM

ill look in my storage before i come back. if i dont have it ill ask my friend who probably does.
Posted by: DirtySanchez420

Re: Flamers - 02/04/05 11:12 PM

I never thought I'd be happy to see someone change the subject from Jenna Jameson to Wrestling.. but I'm quite content with this turn of events. Sorry Jenna.. you were one of my favs to jack off to in high school.. but this thread is just too weird. Your fanboys are scary people.

I got that Beulah video somewhere.. I think I may of actually bought it off of Doron or maybe Devan. Check out the SledgeHammer forum for older matches from different territories.

P.S. Jenna was SO fine back in the day. (Yeah.. still hot.. but classic Jenna was amazing)
Posted by: Osyrus

Re: Flamers - 02/05/05 03:19 AM

I wish Jenna Jameson would kill herself. That football team that she said gang-raped her, should have slit her fucking throat after they were done with her. Fucking pig. Fuck her and fuck Howard Stern(Mancow kicks his ass anyway)for having that trash on his unfunny show so much.
Posted by: rookie

Re: Flamers - 02/05/05 03:24 AM


I wish Jenna Jameson kill herself. That football team that she said gang-raped her, should have slit her fucking throat after they were done her. Fucking pig. Fuck her and fuck Howard Stern(Mancow kicks his ass anyway)for having that trash on his unfunny show so much.

Osyrus, you are a pathetic little ass. Don't care if you like Jenna (or anyone), no need for that crap anywhere
Posted by: firewall

Re: Flamers - 02/05/05 03:32 AM

Osyrus, which psychiatric unit have you escaped from? There is just absolutely no need for that kind of reaction to anyone. Do people do that to you? Unbelievable and totally unneccessary...and that's me controlling my temper because I'm angry. You should get kicked off this forum for comments like that. They are insane.
Posted by: MidWestBadGirls

Re: Flamers - 02/05/05 03:59 AM

I met Jenna about 5-6 years ago when she came to a club I was running in St. Louis to feature for us for a week.
In my dealings with her personally, which was very minimal, and mainly in the area we had sectioned off for her to sell movies, glossies, and Polaroid after each set, she was aloof but quietly polite.
Her manager or whoever he was at the time, was what you'd expect, over bearing, demanding, obnoxious; making sure everything was perfect for his celebrity.
The company paid her, upfront, I think it was $30,000, which was pretty unheard of at the time for a feature, at least in the midwest.
And she skipped out and didn't show up on Monday night, the first and biggest of all the nights!
It was somewhat sickening to watch the infatuated fanboys show up at the door and hear that she wouldn't be there for her Monday night shows.
Some of them began to cry! Seriously!
Then we told them they could still come in a eat the buffet for free that was put together for the event and they all walked in and took advantage of that.
Jenna was there for Tuesday thru Saturday night's performances and it was the highest grossing feature we ever had in the history of the company.
She didn't do anything special in her shows, in fact it was kinda tame compared to some, but her name recognition and popularity made it a huge success.
All I could think was...this generation's SEKA...
Oh, and the semi-retarded gofer boy we assigned to pick her up and run errands for her...she ran him like a dog, and didn't even tip him.
I don't hate Jenna. But when it comes to porn, I say:
You can have the ROCK stars...I like the COCK stars!
Posted by: Toelicker

Re: Flamers - 02/05/05 08:37 AM


toelicker you can give me some attention.. you can become a asslicker..

Do you speak English? If so, I would consider writing it, too.

This is me , imagining that the brevity and unintelligent nature of cocklickindaddy's response is because his underage boyfriend is taking too long to milk the cows again, and he's worried it may be happening again.

Here's to wishing his mom had never taught him that.

BTW, how do you have time to post here with the official, and unofficial functions at Hippy Hollow taking up all of your time.
Posted by: Toelicker

Re: Flamers - 02/05/05 08:39 AM



I think it's funny that JJ responds much more frequently to insults than fanboy praise. It's almost like she ignores it, or hopes it will go away. Yet these fanboys keep trying to come up with new and better ways to lick her feet(which I would do, I might add) in hopes that she will at least say something, even if it's just thank you. Poor guys.

It would be a pretty dull world if everyone agreed with each other... The point of these boards is to have a little healthy discussion and the things that fuel the most discussions are arguements...

So we follow Jenna around... Thats probably because Jenna posts in her own forum about the fun she's having with you on here and we all come here to have a laugh as well...

Its been real funny to see the change in this forum from Jenna-Fake haters to the realisation that it IS the real Jenna and suddenly most of you are all behaving like fanboys yourself...

And then theres the REAL haters who have so little in their lives (including their dicks) that they do nothing but abuse and try and get a rise out of Jenna... and fail miserably... Jenna didn't get where she is today without encountering spindledicks like you already... and brushed them aside like an annoying flea...

Whether you like Jenna or not, you have to admit she's a phenomenon...

It's interesting, I guess(), that you quoted my words and then proceeded to respond to something completely different. As if I had just said that I hate Jenna, or something similar. That's a neophyte variation on a straw man argument if I've ever seen one.

My post said nothing bad about Jenna. I did not insult her. I merely pointed out that she seems to ignore the fanboys much more than she does her detractors. You're all just falling over yourselves to get her attention, and it isn't working. It's creepy, and by her reaction it's evident that she thinks the same. Do you walk around with spare watches in your pocket, just in case?


It would be a pretty dull world if everyone agreed with each other... The point of these boards is to have a little healthy discussion . . . .

You've definitely got the wrong board.

How old are you?

And if you're above 15, please list your state or country of residence.
Posted by: DoronD

Re: Flamers - 02/05/05 04:26 PM

I got the best of the Dynamite Kid in Japan tape.Good stuff
Posted by: DoronD

Re: Flamers - 02/05/05 04:33 PM

I was at the ECW show where the XPW guys got a beatdown. New Jack , who was in crutches, was stomping on Homeless Jimmy's head. Email me if any of you want my tape list.
Posted by: jamesn

Re: Flamers - 02/05/05 07:52 PM

i move to ban everyone who registered between 1/31-2/02 and posted in support of jenna. they're the fleas and censorship is the permethrin. this is getting lame, my enjoyment is justification for almost anything.
Posted by: Monstar

Re: Flamers - 02/05/05 09:01 PM

my life is constructed of oddities. I'm not really a wrestling fan but i have about 80 WWE dvds. I know a lot about the 2000-2004 era.

i guess i'm the type that when i get into something, i wanna learn everything about it.

I just finished reading "Sex, Lies and headlocks" for the second time to hold me over until i get "death of WCW" book from amazon.

Bonus points for anybody that gets this quote from Vinnie Mac (double for Kami): "he's gonna, He's Gunna,...He's GUNNA PUKE!, He's GUNNA PUKE!"

Posted by: Toelicker

Re: Flamers - 02/06/05 04:52 AM


i move to ban everyone who registered between 1/31-2/02 and posted in support of jenna. they're the fleas and censorship is the permethrin. this is getting lame, my enjoyment is justification for almost anything.

They should take some time to realize the tone and flavor of this place before jumping in. I know I did. It's fun to make fun of stupid people, but there is such a thing as too much stupid.

I think they should probably be allowed to stay. Banning starts to make us like the other board. It has it's place depending on what you're trying to achieve, but that's not us.

However, on the grounds that they are spamming the board with useless fanboy drivel . . . . I could go for banning for that. Sambura was taken out for a similar reason.

Posted by: Kami Andrews

Re: Flamers - 02/06/05 07:18 AM

at this risk of losing any ill gained status, Im not really a wrestling fan.
it scares me i dont like the blood. My friend told me about this guy who cut this kids head open with a box cutter and the kid almost blead to death and it just soured me.
I want people to suffer for my enjoyment but not die
Posted by: bobrockindaddy

Re: Flamers - 02/06/05 09:28 AM

i have all kinds of good old wrestling tapes too. i remember the wrestling challenge. i love the old stuff.. i've going through all the wrestlemania's just to get ready for this year. wreastlemania 3 steamboat vs. savage awesome...
Posted by: Monstar

Re: Flamers - 02/06/05 10:06 AM


at this risk of losing any ill gained status, Im not really a wrestling fan.

no biggie but it's from a very kool doc., called "Beyond the Mat" it's on DVD you should check it out.
Posted by: DoronD

Re: Flamers - 02/06/05 02:01 PM


at this risk of losing any ill gained status, Im not really a wrestling fan.
it scares me i dont like the blood. My friend told me about this guy who cut this kids head open with a box cutter and the kid almost blead to death and it just soured me.
I want people to suffer for my enjoyment but not die

That was the Mass Transit incident of 1996. What happened was Axl Rotten couldn't make it to the arena in time for a tag team match. Eric Kulas (Mass Transit) was 17 at the time but he said he was 18 by falsifying his documentation and volunteered to take Axl's place in the match. Paul Heyman gave the ok but New Jack still fucked him up. I have that show on tape and it's gruesome.
Posted by: Kami Andrews

Re: Flamers - 02/06/05 06:24 PM

yep thats exactly what im talking about a 17 year old kid almost died. gimme a copy?
Posted by: Rob Longshot

Re: Flamers - 02/06/05 06:47 PM

I have the FMW show where H broke his neck. i also have a tape of bizzare deathmatches somwhere.... Scorpions, snakes, piranahs, pygmy crocks.... anal bomb...
Posted by: Kami Andrews

Re: Flamers - 02/06/05 06:48 PM

i got a copy:)
Posted by: Harry Wild

Re: Flamers - 02/06/05 08:03 PM

Ditto simp's question!

I watch you on Howard Sterns E! show and find you very boring. Every time I see you; you have something cosmetically enhanced. I find that a "big" turn off(fake stuff). I don't really find you that "hot" either. Never seeing one of you Vivid videos either! Guess I missing out huh?
Posted by: Monstar

Re: Flamers - 02/06/05 08:11 PM

what the hell did that post have to do with anything? so you don't like her...big deal. i don't like lucky fuckin charms but you don;t see me on the general mills forum taking pot shots at green clovers and yellow stars.

get the fuck over it. there is plenty of shit i don;t like. so fucking what.

....at least make it funny.

Posted by: Toelicker

Re: Flamers - 02/07/05 02:25 AM


what the hell did that post have to do with anything? so you don't like her...big deal. i don't like lucky fuckin charms but you don;t see me on the general mills forum taking pot shots at green clovers and yellow stars.

get the fuck over it. there is plenty of shit i don;t like. so fucking what.

....at least make it funny.

I agree with the funny part, but this is a thread about JJ, and not lucky charms, Monstar.
Posted by: Cleetus VanDamme

Re: Flamers - 02/07/05 08:33 AM

I like honeycomb best
Posted by: Sergio T.

Re: Flamers - 02/07/05 10:36 AM


ill look in my storage before i come back. if i dont have it ill ask my friend who probably does.

Thanks Rob. Anybody have any Saturday Nights Main Event laying around? Those were cool .
Posted by: Rob Longshot

Re: Flamers - 02/07/05 11:03 AM

im lookin... i DO have a SNME.
Posted by: DirtySanchez420

Re: Flamers - 02/10/05 04:47 AM

Sometime in early April.. SCCW is gonna be running a show with 3 Death Matches on the card.

*Supreme vs. Ian Rotten - No Rope, Barb Wire, Fans Bring The Weapons.
*Lonestar vs. JC Bailey
*Homeless Jimmy vs. 'Mr. Insanity' Toby Klein

Plus 7 or so other matches.

www.SoCalCW.com for info.
Posted by: High

Re: Flamers - 02/10/05 10:54 AM


Posted by: DoronD

Re: Flamers - 02/10/05 01:13 PM

Email me at Anabolicminion@yahoo.com
Posted by: helpme

Re: Flamers - 02/10/05 05:14 PM

More than any other performer, past or present, Jenna understands the psychology of her fan base, and the psychoogy of the industry itself. She has used her understanding of the fans and the industry to build a one woman empire in this buissness that has never been achieved before, and will probably be a very long time before anyone new comes along and comes anywhere close to the success Jenna has achieved.Many in the adult industry are very "jealous" of Jenna's success and many porn fans 'despise' jenna because she does not fit the "whore next door' image. Many male porn fans who 'hate' Jenna have their own inferiority complexes that do not allow them to accept the fact that a woman chan be successful, sexy, and adored by millions. I would aso suspect, and of course i cant prove it, that many of the Jenna haters here probably couldn't get laid without a handful of cash to pay for it, and the fact that someone like Jenna would never even give them a second glance is more than likely the reason behind their hostility.

Believe it or not, not all porn fans are into the double anal, puking, gangbang garbage that many here seem to favor. And if thats what you like then good for you and I hope you enjoy it. But just because a performer chooses not to participate in that type of material is no reason to trash talk her. There are about 1000 performers in the San Fernando valley working in any given month, and alot of them do not do the triple xxxx hardcore material. As a matter of fact, the most successful girls in the buissness do NOT do those types of films.

Keep doin what you're doin Jen. Your fans will always be here.
Posted by: Kami Andrews

Re: Flamers - 02/10/05 05:37 PM

well hopefully they won't always be here
Posted by: Random

Re: Flamers - 02/10/05 07:49 PM


More than any other performer, past or present, Jenna understands the psychology of her fan base, and the psychoogy of the industry itself. She has used her understanding of the fans and the industry to build a one woman empire in this buissness that has never been achieved before, and will probably be a very long time before anyone new comes along and comes anywhere close to the success Jenna has achieved.Many in the adult industry are very "jealous" of Jenna's success and many porn fans 'despise' jenna because she does not fit the "whore next door' image. Many male porn fans who 'hate' Jenna have their own inferiority complexes that do not allow them to accept the fact that a woman chan be successful, sexy, and adored by millions. I would aso suspect, and of course i cant prove it, that many of the Jenna haters here probably couldn't get laid without a handful of cash to pay for it, and the fact that someone like Jenna would never even give them a second glance is more than likely the reason behind their hostility.

Believe it or not, not all porn fans are into the double anal, puking, gangbang garbage that many here seem to favor. And if thats what you like then good for you and I hope you enjoy it. But just because a performer chooses not to participate in that type of material is no reason to trash talk her. There are about 1000 performers in the San Fernando valley working in any given month, and alot of them do not do the triple xxxx hardcore material. As a matter of fact, the most successful girls in the buissness do NOT do those types of films.

Keep doin what you're doin Jen. Your fans will always be here.

helpme = AC Cream

Look, Jenna has accomplished a lot, no question. But "Jenna understands the psychology of the industry itself" kind of statement is a bit over the top.

Yes, Jenna was wise in looking ahead and wise in taking things slow. To me things of this nature are common sense in any aspect of life. Investing in your future and not falling into a debilitating narcotics praxis in an industry that is rife with temptation is commendable. Why more girls don't do it is beyond me; but I can tell you that is more of a reflection on them and not that Jenna is some genius business woman.

I don't mean this to be an insult on Jenna, I'm just trying to put things in prospective.

"Many male porn fans who 'hate' Jenna have their own inferiority complexes that do not allow them to accept the fact that a woman chan be successful, sexy, and adored by millions."

As far as this statement, all I have to say is "get a grip". Not everyone puts that much thought into their pornography.
Posted by: Cleetus VanDamme

Re: Flamers - 02/10/05 08:17 PM

To me Jenna is the Madonna of porn- she knows what she has to do to get what she wants. Like Madonna she knows how to craft a public persona that gets her the most attention for the effort. Perhaps she should study Kabbalah too
Posted by: Jeff Steward

Re: Flamers - 02/11/05 09:47 AM

Jenna's just another whore who sucks cock and eats cum on film so perverts like us can jerk off.Nothing more and nothing less.
Posted by: Cleetus VanDamme

Re: Flamers - 02/11/05 02:01 PM

I have to disagree with da Boss- Jenna is the top of the whore food chain- and she got there by using her noggin and great PR moves. There are a gazillion whores (some better looking or hotter than Jenna) but none have reached the hip hop rapper rich elite that Jenna has. Don't get me wrong a whore is a whore but even the queen of the whores deserves credit for making it.

Posted by: MidWestBadGirls

Re: Flamers - 02/12/05 06:51 AM

There's two words that sum up Jenna's incredible popularity...
Two words that, without them, Jenna would be popular, but not rock-star, household name, icon popular...
Two words that turned her money machine into a monster industry...

Posted by: canadianjersey

Re: Flamers - 02/13/05 11:00 PM

Thank God for Howard Stern then eh ?
Posted by: Cleetus VanDamme

Re: Flamers - 02/14/05 11:54 AM

Damn I can't wait for Stern to leave the public airwaves
( long live O and A) - sorry Zen

By the way- I am glad you joined up Canadian Jersey and hope you will post here often too
Posted by: canadianjersey

Re: Flamers - 02/14/05 12:24 PM

Thx CVD!

and Call me CJ ...everyone else does(on other boards that is)
Posted by: Evil Klown

Re: Flamers - 02/14/05 01:17 PM


Thank God for Howard Stern then eh ?

One of these days...

HS---><---debased bimbo
Posted by: Bornyo

Re: Flamers - 01/27/06 03:51 PM

It's been almost a year. We can't let this go un-noted.

Jenna, we hardly knew ye....

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Flamers - 01/27/06 05:02 PM


Can someone please tell me what is that "thing" standing next to Jenna is?

I would still fuck houston.....i love platic girls......afraid that if i fuck 'em too hard their warranty will expire or will be invalid.

Posted by: Bornyo

Re: Flamers - 01/27/06 05:06 PM

Dude, just buy a realdoll. Long term it will cost you less.
Posted by: You've been banned


Jenna Jameson - Behind the mask

Do you collect anything weird?
I have a massive sex toy collection. I’ve got a whole closet filled with them.

You can’t possibly use all those.

Right. It’s more like a dildo museum.

Do you believe in aliens?
Yes. I think anyone with any kind of IQ knows we’re not alone. It seems so selfish to think we’re the only ones.

Any chance they’re living among us?
I think I might be one of them.

I look like an alien, don’t you think?

Have you ever had a relationship with a fan or a stalker?
I met a fan and he ended up being my boyfriend for two years. He came to one of my performances when I used to go on the road and dance. I saw him in the audience – he was so cute. I grabbed him afterwards and brought him into my dressing room, and was a bit forward. I scared the shit out of him – he was literally shaking. It was great.

Um... what does ‘a bit forward’ mean?
I put on a little show for him. I knew it would scare the shit out of him, so I just sat there and played with myself and made him sit there and watch me. He didn’t know what to do.

Did he have a big collection of Jenna dolls, cardboard cutouts and pussy moulds?
He didn’t have all that, but he’d definitely seen all my movies – he was a big fan.

Did you look under the bed?
No, I should have. It would’ve saved me a lot of wasted time.

Were there any creepy moments where he said things like, “Can we do it like you did in Jenna’s Playhouse?”
No. At the beginning of our relationship we’d be making love and I’d go down on him and he’d look up and go, “Whoa, it’s so weird to see you right in front of me like that!” I was like, “You’re creeping me out, dude. Stop it!”

Have you ever seen a ghost?
Yes. My house is haunted. I bought my house because it used to be owned by (Hollywood silent film star) Rudolph Valentino. It had such a beautiful past, but now it’s kind of crazy. I’ll get locked in the bathroom. Lights surge. I’ll hear people walking up and down the stairs at night. I’ll hear voices and whistling.

What’s the most violent thing you’ve done?
When I was younger I was scrappy. I’d fight a lot. I had to. I was little and pretty and girls always wanted to beat me up. During the worst fight I had, I hocked a big spit right on a girl’s face because she said something rude to me. It hung off her nose. I was proud of myself! Then she swung at me and missed.And – it was just a reaction – I broke her face open. I felt bad, but she was spewing all this hate. I ripped out half her head hair.

How old were you?
About 22. My life changed when I hit 30. I’m very emotional now and usually let it flow. I realised after years of being scrappy that it’s not pretty. So I stopped.

Was there blood?
Lots. That poor girl. I want to apologise publicly to her.

Do you have any phobias?
Singing in public. When I was young, I tried out for a theatre company. I forgot
the song I was going to do and I ended up singing ‘Happy Birthday’. I got in, but haven’t sung in public since – except this year: I forced myself to sing at my boyfriend’s birthday party. I sang ‘Happy Birthday’.

What’s the closest you’ve come to death?
Well, I almost died in an airplane crash when I was about 20. We were in a little propeller airplane that had no seats. I saw the mountain 10ft away, I could see the pilot struggling, and the plane started to go down. I was screaming bloody murder. The pilot lifted the nose eventually, but it was the scariest thing.

Just imagine the world if you’d died…
There would be so many sad, lonely men.

What’s the biggest animal you’ve killed?
I’ve never killed an animal. I’m one of those people who gets over-emotional about animals. I care more about them than human beings.

Even the ugly ones?
I love ugly animals, too. My little dogs are ugly. I could never go hunting.

Do you ever hear voices in your head?
Only my own voice. I’m pretty sane. I do have the devil and angel thing though. The devil says, “Be a bad girl, who cares what they think?” and the angel says, “No, be a good girl. You have a lot of people depending on you.”

Which one do you listen to?
The devil always takes over. Case in point: I’m a porn star.

What’s the weirdest animal you’ve ridden?
A camel. It was shaky.

If you could have a superpower, what would you choose?
I’d be invisible. I’d love to sneak into people’s houses and watch them have sex. Is that creepy? I’m very voyeuristic.

A lot of people would let you do it even if you weren’t invisible!
Can you imagine me coming to your house and watching you have sex?

I’ll give it a go. Have you ever been aroused by an inanimate object?
I’m partial to electric toothbrushes. Thinking about how my boyfriend uses it to clean his teeth afterwards is exciting.

Do you have any recurring dreams?
Yes, I dream about tsunamis a lot. I’m standing on the beach. It’s silent
and beautiful and then, all of a sudden, I see all the water recede and this huge great mountain of water above me. Then it crashes down on me and I wake up.

What does it mean?
A friend who does dream studies says it means I’m a bit overwhelmed.

If you had to have sex with an animal, what would you choose?
I’d probably choose a lion. I like them big, strong, hardcore, massive.

If you had to choose between necrophilia, coprophilia or bestiality...
Poop, animals or a dead person? How about all three?! Make it a smorgasbord.
